I want to be able to right click on a file and have the the option to send it to a mail recipient. Very Windows like I know but I think its a useful feature.
However with a twist I want to send it via GMail not the Mail app.
I reinstalled Tiger a few days ago, im running the latest version 10.4.11.Since the reinstall when I try to click the 'send file' option in the bluetooth menu, it just doesn't do anything.My bluetooth is working fine with my mouse, but doesn't even recognise that Ive clicked the option when I try to send file.Anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?
Is there away to imitate the windows action: send file as attachement? You know, in windows you can right-click any file and choose to "send to mail recipient". This is very useful! How can I do it in osx leopard?
If it is not possible is there a keyboard shortcut that gets you directly to a new email message?
If anyone on here uses aim, have you had issues since using Leopard sending files on AIM(AOL instant messenger)? I am unable to send anyone any type of file on there. I can receive, but I am unable to send anyone anything....any suggestions? I can send files through yahoo...so I'm not too sure why AIM hates me so much.
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?Â
I just ran into a problem. On my mac account I can send email but not receive email. I have tried all he normal stuff like permisions repair rebooting software updates but so far nothing has worked.Â
Sometimes I can send mail and sometimes I cant. When I can't I sometimes get the 'problem with outgoing server address' message, but the address is correct. Sometimes test messages sent by me to me go into the Important mailbox but not into the Inbox.Messages that have failed send end up copied several times in a folder called Bin.
I cannot send mail. This has been an occasional problem. I'd send and a pop-up would offer me choice: Cancel, ~Trash, or Save as Draft. I'd save and successfully send as a draft. The last few days I've had to the saved draft and send in Eudora. Today I spent some time on this. At first it looked all right in Mail/Preferences/Accounts, smtp.west.cox.net.user name--then it persistently included (Offline), but Mail menu bar/ Window showed Take All Accounts Online dimmed and Take All Accounts Offline as the active option. At this time I could receive but not send mail. I have edited the smtp server list a number of times. No show of offline there. When I'm done (Offline) again pops up on theOutgoing Mail Server (SMTP). I deleted the account and recreated it and could not send. The (Offline) did not appear after the smtp.cox.net.user name. Early 2006 iMac, OS 10.6.8  The settings are OK, the same as in Eudora.
I just got my first mac a few days ago. I think I'm doing pretty well with the changes, but I can't make anything send out of my email.
Sent messages sit in my outbox while the "send" file just shows a turning black circle as though it is trying to send. I can click "Window" and "Activity" and click on the stop sign to make it stop trying to send, but then it still won't send the message when I re-try. I've tried deleting the messges out of the outbox and starting all over. I've tried quitting mail and pulling it back up.
I have a new MacBook Pro. Everywhere I go, I can send and receive emails with no problems using the Mail program. However, when I am at school, I connect to their wireless network. I receive all the emails from my Mobile-Me and Gmail accounts, but cannot send any emails out. When I connect to a different network off campus, it send out the emails that were in the queue right away.
My outgoing servers at smtp.me.com, and smtp.gmail.com. I am running Snow Leopard and the help desk at the university doesn't really deal with Macs.
I can send email at work, but am having trouble sending messages from home. This is a new problem- I have been sending emails from my home account for years. This is the message that comes up in the window of the message I am trying to send: "The server �mail.vaxxine.com� refused to allow a connection on the default ports."
What a disaster this service is. I'm going to drop it. I've wasted countless hours with iCloud problem. And the annoying music you have to listen to when on hold! I guess that's to make you hang up
im needing to send reminders to people to there phones (cause no one my age except me actually checks their email evidently). i know if they have verizon, u can do like 5552228888 [at] vtext[dot]com to send them a text message, etc, but that only works if i know what carrier they are on. what if i dont know, what their carrier is? i really dont want to have to ask eveyone what their carrier is and wont have to worry about it. im looking for somthing probably along the lines of teleflip (but they them selfs flipped). i want to be able u use with with mail.app . i hate going to web sites and having to fill out their dumb forms.
I've set up various email accounts in Mail. I've had no problems downloading email but I'm cannot send emails. I can log on to my ISP's [Orange] Web Site so the password is correct. Everytime I try to send an email I keep getting a request for the password. I type in the correct password and Mail asks for it again and so on and so on.
My email address is <my>@<adddress>.wanadoo.co.uk. Incoming mail server: pop.wanadoo.co.uk User name: <address>.wanadoo.co.uk@fs Password: <password> Outgoing Mail Server: Account Information Description: left this blank Server Name: smtp.wanadoo.co.uk Advanced: Use default ports clicked Authentication: Password User name: <address>.wanadoo.co.uk@fs Password: <password> Under Advanced I have set the: Port: 110 Authentication: Password
I cannot see what I am doing wrong. In Outlook Express there was an option to enter yout smtp settings and then there was also a section for your ISP requires authentication. In that you would either click use the same settings or you would enter in different settings, if sending your mail through a different ISP. I also have accounts with other ISPs so would need to do same in Mail but I'm not sure how. Having said that, if I solve the current problem it would more than likely resolve the other one. I've tried pinging smtp.wanadoo.co.uk but nothing happens. However I can ping mail.btinternet.com so I know one of my ISPs works at least. Orange status line says the broadband service is working without any problems so unless that's false info, I'm doing something wrong.
I have set up a POP email account to forward mail from my domain. I get emails fine, but can't send them. I have the correct Smtp address which my isp (virgin media) gave me. I don't really understand the ports. Is there something obvious that I am missing here?
just got my new 24 inch imac. and i cant get my email set up. i use road runner for my email. i can recieve email fine, but when i go to send it, the message goes to the outbox and never gets sent. i have double check all the setting in the smtp outgoing area and nothing seems to make it work.
I just changed my internet service to Clear and also just bought this IMac. Using Entourage, I receive all my emails, but cannot send all my emails out. I have been able to send a few emails to some people, but others time out. I have tried everything; changed the port, etc. I don't know what to do.
I can receive email but can't send on my imac.My 2nd mac (G4) is ok.We run through ethernet cables to a 4port modem which is new.The have different passwords but provider says they have no effect.My iMac password is correct. I have worked with my provider who says mac mail is locked.I have run fisk and disc is ok.
I was using Sarari 5.1.4 to send Email links, but after installing Google Chrome, Chrome asked me if I would like to send Email links using Chrome, I selected YES since I thought it would allow me to send Email links when using Chrome. Now, I cannot send Email links using Safari. I uninstalled Chrome, but I still cannot send Email links through Safari.
I get the following message when trying to send Email through Safari:
An Email message cannot be created to send the link becasue Safari can't find an Email application. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send email. To do so, you might need to install Mail using the Mac OS X Install discs. I tried the following without any luck:
In a Finder window select your home folder in the Sidebar on the left. Open the Library folder, then the Caches folder, then the com.apple.Safari folder.
Move the cache.db file from the com.apple.Safari folder to the Trash.
Relaunch Safari and try again.
I have reset Safari as well without any luck. Is there any other way to set Safari to send Email links "File> Email Link To This Page" so that it will send Emails
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 24" 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB