OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apple Mail Stops Sync With MS Exchange After A While
May 24, 2012
I have to quit Mail and restart it to start getting emails again. Plus all the messages I had deleted come back again and those moved elsewhere are back in the inbox. My company IT says the problem is that they are using an older version of MS Exchange server software and that Apple is not fully compatible. Is there a way to improve Apple Mail performance on my end?
Info:Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 9, 2009
So I'm rolling out 10.6 on some Mac Pros in our office. So far it's gone fairly smoothly (aside from the fact that Xerox has decided to not bother make drivers for 10.6). We're switching over to Apple's Mail/iCal/Contacts instead of the buggy Entourage. Of the 4 users, 3 of them are working fine. Sometimes their AD session goes buggy and they can't access shared folders on our server via smb, but a restart fixes it. I have one user who comes in every morning though, and her Apple Mail app can not sync with the Exchange 2007 server. It prompts her for her password and won't accept it. She can access shared folders though via smb and they open up right away, meaning it's recognizing her domain and user/pass with out her entering it manually.
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Apr 12, 2010
I am running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and periodically Mail.App will stop updating my new emails. I am connected to an Exchange 2007 system. When it is not able to update, clicking the "Get Mail" button will not do anything but I am still able to send mail.
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May 13, 2012
We have a new Exchange 2010 server set up in our office. We upgraded from 2003 specifically to support using Apple Mail.Â
We are now connecting our various iPhones, iPads, and Macs (all running Lion) to the Exchange server and we see the iPhones and iPads sync very quickly with the server, but Apple Mail on the Macs seems to be throttling itself to about 70KB/s. The iPhone and iPads synced in minutes, but the Macs have been spinning for 3 hours now, never going above 70KB/s of download speed.Â
It's clearly not the server or the network slowing things down as the iPhones and iPads are connected over the same network.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 28, 2012
I am using Apple Mail on Lion to acces a Microsoft Exchange Server.The mailbox is quite large, and I'd like to just limit access to the past few days worth of messages. On my iOS devices this is easily accomplished in Settings. But, I do not see a similar option in Lion/Mail.If it is not possible, is there any other way to limit the size of data accessed?
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a bunch of contacts in my Apple Contact book but am using Outlook for Mac 2011 for email, contact management, and calendar. I have read that you have to sync your Apple contact book to your exchange account rather than directly to the Outlook for Mac 2011 programs so you don't create duplicates (contacts coming from the Apple address book AND the Exchange server). However, I can't find anything that tells me how to sync the Apple Contacts with my Exchange account. I figure at that point once synced, my exchange account will push the new contacts from the Apple Contact book back into Outlook for Mac 2011 making everything whole.
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Nov 23, 2010
I've got my work's email on both my iPhone and iPad using Exchange, but I can't get it to work on my Mac Mini using Apple's Mail program.
Our IT guy said it won't work. Any tips? Seems like it should work. What makes the Apple Mail program different than the iPhone/iPad's?
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Apr 30, 2012
I configured Lion 10.7.3 to sync mail, contacts, and calendar with my corporate Exchange 2010 server. Mail and iCal sync fine. But Address Book shows a blank Exchange Contacts list. The Mail app Show Addresses dialog also shows a blank Exchange Contacts list. I have no problems syncing 450+ Exchange Contacts to other devices including iPhone. I tried deselecting and re-selecting Exchange Contacts in System Preferences > Mail, Contacts, and Calendars > Exchange. Same results, blank Exchange Contacts list. Console Diagnostic and Usage Messages shows several incidents of this message. This might be normal. I see similar entries for iCal, which sync'd fine.Â
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm trying to connect Apple mail 4 to our exchange 2003 server. When I setup the account Apple Mail gave me two options:
Exchange 2007
Exchange IMAP
So will I have to enable Exchange IMAP in order to connect? Will it support 2003 if I select Exchange 2007?
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Dec 16, 2010
I use my iPad to access my work emails as it's easier on a bigger screen than the blackberry.
My IT guy at work said normally it doesn't work outside our approved accounts, except on the iPhone and iPad you can bypasss it by turning SSL off.
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Sep 12, 2014
I have an urgent issue with my work email. I have used Apple Mail to read and store my work email right off my work Exchange server - without any problem. All was fine, and for what seems a very long time, I happily used both my win 7 laptop at work and my 2 Apple computers at home and during travel as well as my iPhone - anywhere. Â
However, now, there is a new policy at work where all email older than 3 months (sigh!!) has been removed to an "online archive" of the "emc SourceOne" - which is a non-crossplattform service - and not accessible from other than a windows PC with supported browser (not including SafarI). (Windows revenge) I have lost all access to these on my iPhone, which is a shame - not Apples fault, though. This is not about blaming Apple. However, I still have all my "older than 3 months" email in theory safely kept on both of my Apple computers - presumably safely stored in Apple Mail.Â
Here is my question: I have not dared to connect either of these imacs / mbas to Internet - at all - in fear of losing my precoius work emails. I have feared that the exchange server will kill all these "older than 3 months" email kept there - as soon as it gets a chance to do so.Â
1. Can I safely connect Apple Mail to internet without losing my already downloaded exchange emails?
2. If not - how should I proeceed to get these files safely transferred to my iCloud email?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 16, 2012
How do I sync Google Apps mail account with Apple Mail 5.2?
Info:mail 5.2, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 26, 2012
I am trying to set up my mail on my new macbook air running Lion. However, I'm using Exchange 2003? I've tried everything I can think of. I have the outgoing and incoming mail server info. I also know the domain name. I would much prefer to get my mail through this program than going on line which is what I'm doing all the time right now!!
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Apr 18, 2012
I have my MacMail set to see my work's Outlook exchange (for PC), but all I can see in MacMail is my Exchange Inbox, Sent, and Trash, but I cannot see any of the (admittely numerous) folders I have on my exchange e-mail account at work. Is there anyway to do this WITHOUT using Mac OfficeÂ
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Jun 4, 2012
I've been working with Mac Mail for about a month on MS Exchange 2010 and found that it would not sync up nor would it close. I later discovered that if I removed ALL rules from Mail, that everything would work properly. I don't know if this is a bug or some quirk with Mail trying to sync its rules with Exchange and Exchange going nuts trying to understand them or what... Never the less, I'm back operational again because I deleted ALL of my rules, I just wish I had some way to automatically filter some of the repetitive emails I get.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mid-2010 Model
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Jun 22, 2012
I recently added a hosted Exchange account to the Mail client. Everything is working great, but I can't seem to find the "Sent" folder anywhere...I tried the dropdown folder list and it's not in there.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15" MBP 512 SSD Retina 8GB RAM
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Jul 4, 2012
I have massive problems with Mail. I use mail at work and have 3 accounts running:
1. Mac. mail account
2. Gmail mail account
3. Exchange Server
I have quite a few folders in my accounts where I have to archive my emails to. Often very often or lets say annoyingly too often mail stops working.
- Stops receiving emails
- Emails I have put away in folders disappear in my inbox again
- If I try to quite Mail it won't I have to force it and then when I open it again all my emails I was working on open again even so I have sent them already. Also all the emails I have folded away are back in my inbox.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5.0.1
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Nov 11, 2009
I know how to set up hotmail in Apple mail so that I am receiving email and can send email. But when I send a e-mail from my hotmail account from another computer, the email I've sent, wont appear in the 'sent' box of apple mail. Is there a possibility to sync my hotmail account entirely? No hotmail bashing or advice to switch to gmail or another webmail kind of thing.
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Feb 19, 2010
for those of you using gmail with imap know, read and unread status's do not update for some reason w/out turning mail off then back on. i recently purchased a new (to me) intel macbook with snow leopard 10.6 and used mobileme to sync my mail accounts. what i noticed to my pleasant surprise is that my iphone, macbook, and gmail are all in perfect sync, BUT the g4 powermac with leopard and apple mail 3.6 still has a problem. is there any updates coming out, i find it hard to believe with the leopard updates still coming out they still haven't addressed this issue. are those of you with snow leopard experiencing the same perfect syncs with gmail read/unread status?
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Mar 19, 2009
i have a copy of chronosync. struggling trying to sync the com.apple.mail.pflist dragging it to chronosync wont work and neither will going to choose. doesnt seem to let you select the com files, they are greyed out. This is the guide i was trying to use. failed at the com file step. [URL:...]
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Mar 30, 2009
I am new to Mac so please bear with my incompetence. I have managed to find the plugin HTTPMail to add to Apple Mail in enable the use of my hotmail account in this software. Strangely, though, I cannot see any emails (i.e. it has not synchronised any of my folders/mails), I cannot receive any, BUT I have tried sending one and it actually worked. Would there be a step that I missed? I am on Leopard version 10.5.6., Mail version 3.5.
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Feb 11, 2010
I have the newest version of Apple Mail and I am syncing it with an IMAP account. Everything works fine so far. I had to delete all my mails on the provider server because I reached the storage limit. So I saved all my mails on my mac from the apple mail first and then I deleted all my mails on the server. After deleting all mails on the server, I putted back my old mails into APPLE MAIL, but it immediately deleted all my mails in APPLE MAIL after syncing with the server. So my question. How can I place my old mails back into APPLE MAIL without it deleting my local mails when it is syncing with the server?
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Jun 25, 2014
I would like to know if apple mail is supposed to sync both signatures and rules across devices.
I recently had to create 3 signatures on 3 separate devices and am now realizing that rules don't carry over from my iMac to my MBA or MBP.Â
if they're not supposed to sync (which makes absolutely no sense) hopefully apple will fix this in yosemite.Â
finally, i will say that, while being a huge apple fan (and would never switch to a pc), i've seen apple mail become one of those neglected softwares and have steadily gone on the decline in terms of features and consistency among devices that are supposed to communicate to one another.
All my devices are using osX 10.9.3
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May 7, 2012
I've got an iPhone 4 and a MacBook Pro which I use for work. The help desk at work was able to set up my iPhone to receive both email and calendar appointments. On my MacBook I'm also able to get email, but for some reason I can't get the calendar function to work, using iCal. I work as a freelancer, so have a number of different calendars and not being able to sync this one makes things difficult. The help desk had a quick look at it, but said that as I'm freelance they're not required to spend any time on it (and they've got lots on their plate anyway),For me the oddity is that my iPhone has no problems, but the MacBook does (and gives me hope that there might be some small setting that I've overlooked that would fix this). So, here's what i've got. The bits in bold are the fields and the details that follow are the settings I've entered> For obvious reasons, I've removed any information that might be sensitive (e.g. usernames, password, company name).
I'm running the latest version of Lion and iCal. Is there anything obvious that I'm doing wrong.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 30, 2012
If the mobileme sync services not longer work after moving to iCloud, how do you sync your mail/calendar/contacts across multiple Apple devices?
G5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Sep 7, 2009
I use Mail/Address Book to sync my contacts with Exchange 2007 and iPhone. The first sync i saw everything, contacts etc, from my iPhone in Address Book, but suddenly i cant see any contacts in Address Book.
How to get my iPhone contacts into Address Book again?
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Mar 23, 2010
I have mail set up on my iPhone. Everything works perfectly...mail, calander, the lot! When I input the exact same settings into my macbook pro I keep getting error messages saying it cant be synced etc. Is there a way to sync the settings directly from the phone?
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May 20, 2012
All my IOS devices are syncing correctly with the Exchange agenda from my work. But my Macbook also working with Lion now, and my iCloud agenda doesn't sync with that account? They even doesn't sync with my iPad and iPod touch? How is that possible?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 3, 2007
Has anyone got Address Book/iSync working with Exchange 2003? I've followed all of Apple's steps to enable Address Book's synchronization with Exchange, and I manually force iSync to sync with Exchange.
I used to get an "iSync couldn't connect to Exchange" error, but after resetting iSync's history, now I get no error message. In my exchange server's log, I do see the entry:
2007-05-04 03:11:15 W3SVC1 HEAD /exchange/me/Contacts - 80 DOMAINme CFNetwork/129.20 302 0 64
so it's obviously connecting to exchange, but does not populate the address book. It's pissing me off and some blog entry with a workaround at [URL] makes absolutely no sense (and only works on Panther according to the comments.. I'm running OS X Tiger).
Edit: I should also note I've tried the following:
1. Disabled SSL and tried syncing - no dice
2. Tried syncing with my OWA server at work - still no dice
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May 18, 2009
i 'm using MS exchange server and supporting mail, contact, cal, and task. but is it support mac's phone book and ical ?
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