MacBook Pro :: Internet Won't Display Certain Websites?
Jun 20, 2012
I bought my MBP yesterday and just got my new wireless internet to work. Everytime I try and get on certain websites (i.e. facebook) it wont open and says it is "invalid" nd the certificate is false. All websites work for the other computers in my house but not mine.
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Nov 1, 2010
My Internet connection is working fine, I can connect to adium, download a torrent, use an FTP client etc without problems. When I use Safari or any other browser I can't connect to any sites. I us usually get an error stating that it can't establish a connection or find the server. I'm using a Time Capsule as my router, I've tried resetting my modem, the Time Capsule, restarting the computer. The internet is fine, I'm connecting to adium etc, but the browser won't connect, when it does I can use the browser for a hour or 5 minutes, it's random. I've ride resetting the DHCP numerous times, the majority of the time it does nothing.
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Jul 15, 2009
I had just installed a new router, a Belkin F6D4230-4, and whenever my sister and I, both MacBook users, attempt to go on certain websites, the page style becomes extremely complicated and ugly to work with, with most pictures not loading. I had tried this with both Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5, but I can't figure out what the problem is and what I have to do to fix it. Here is a photo of what my websites generally look like:
I'm pretty sure it's not my browser's settings, because both of my browsers are on their defaults, but I could definitely be wrong.
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Nov 14, 2010
My Macbook Pro is connecting perfectly to my apartment's internet, but for some reason no websites seem to load. I've tried using Safari, Firefox and Chrome and none of them have worked for me. When I clicked "assist me" it said that my internet seems to be working properly, but when I tried pinging the response was "4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss". Ethernet is working perfectly however and WiFi is working on my iPhone and on my roommate's computer. WiFi is working perfectly at the library as well, so I'm not sure if it's a problem with my computer or with the network.
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Mar 27, 2012
Simple question: Why suddenly can't Safari display photos and images on websites? Chrome works fine, as does Firefox.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari 5.1.5
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May 12, 2012
I am unable to now download and save a PDF file from a website.I get either a blank window when I click on the PDF file link, or a message during the attempt to save that reads "The document “filename.pdf” could not be exported as filename.pdf."I am also unable to print the file from a website or save as a PDF.This problem is a recent development, occurring in both OS X 10.7.3 and 10.7.4 on my MacBook.It occurs in both Safari 5.1.6 and Firefox 4.0.1. Since it occurs on more than one browser, I'm pointing towards the OS. I use Adobe Reader 10.1.3.The problem does not occur on my MacBook Pro using OS X 10.6.8, using an older version of Safari.
I just updated from X 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 but with no results.I uninstalled Reader and reinstalled. Same results.Reader opens other PDF files on my hard drive with no difficulty.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 25, 2010
I recently completely a wire pull from the network hub (Dell Power Connect?) in the office of a church, to a computer in a different room of the church. I plugged in the cat5e cable to the computer, it connects to the network, computers on the network can access it's public folders and remote access it, but the computer cannot browse the internet using the built-in ethernet plug. The wireless-internet on the computer allows me to navigate the internet just fine.
With the Airport turned off, and the ethernet plugged in, I can ping [URL] with 0% packet loss, but when I try to connect to google on Safari or Firefox it says that Safari/Firefox cannot connect to the server.
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May 1, 2009
Certain websites I try to access are unable to display. They give me the "standard" cannot connect to the server error. [URL]. Other computers in the house operating on the same wireless connection can access these sites fine... so I think something is mis-configured on my machine somehow. I contacted my IP and they said everything is fine. My computer is a 24in. iMac 2.8GHz Intel Core Duo running Mac OS X 10.5.6
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Mar 14, 2012
Websites such as My Excite are not displaying correctly since the Sfari 5.1.4 update. They are fine in Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera are working fine and displaying sites correctly.
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Aug 14, 2010
After months of an incredibly slow internet connection @ home I finally discovered the problem. I have a MacBook Air 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. It can connect to any wireless network at home, school, office, etc. However, when at home I connect my Macbook Air to a 23" Apple Cinema Display (ACD) the internet goes from 1500 Kbps to 60 Kbps. Not believing the reason I have tried it several times and there is no other factor. At home I use a 2701HG-T 2Wire router.
1) I do not have a network adapter so I can't know if the same would happen with Ethernet.
2) The problem exists whether with my MBA is opened or closed.
3) I do not change the location of my MBA when I connect it to the ACD.
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Oct 22, 2009
That said my problem is the internet is really slow when I connect my macbook to a my samsung 24" monitor. Super slow and when I disconnect, the internet is perfectly fine. I use [URL] to measure the speed and with the monitor I get usually around .05 Mbps to 3Mbps, without 12-19Mbps.
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Jul 2, 2012
I just got a new internet provider, the internet is functional
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2008
When I am on the internet sometimes my screen will not display certain characters or text boxes. When I was on a website the other day I was attempting to input some information and the screen would not display what I was typing or what would appear in the drop down boxes. And I have had this problem on several websites, but when I use a different computer it works just fine! I can't think of anything to do! I don't know what you may need to know about my computer but here is some information:
Model Name:MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.2 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MBP31.0070.B05
SMC Version:1.16f10
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May 10, 2009
I have a macbook a little over a year old. It's my first mac and I love it. Yesterday though it started acting really weird. I first noticed that it was really, really hot and the fan was running. I turned it off and back on and here's what I found out:
Applications are being deleted from macbook. ITunes, IPhoto, iChat have clear question marks over icon. There are 8-10 blank spaces in the Applications folder where applications have been deleted. However, data is still there (ex. pictures still there, but no iPhoto).
Internet= Says I have internet but wont connect.
Cannot open " System Preferences" or "Internet Preferences".
If connected to home computer will connect to internet and allowed to open internet preferences but still no system preferences.
If shut down....takes a while to come back on and starts up 2-3 times.
Also "Preview" is gone. Now " ColorSync Utility" opens.
Is this my hard drive dying? I'm tech challenged, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Jan 1, 2010
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
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May 4, 2012
My Macbook Pro was working fine when suddenly Safari froze, so I forced quit. After opening Safari again, the page just stayed white and wouldn't load. None of my other programs requiring internet are working either (ie. AIM, Skype), even though my internet connection is listed as connected and other devices using Wifi are working perfectly. Could this be some sort of virus?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 28, 2012
I have a macbook pro and have recently noticed that when initially loading any of, google chrome, firefox or safari it takes a very long time for the internet to load the webpages.
It says that there is a full wireless connection but will not load the webpage.
Once the webpage has finally loaded after about a minute, subsequent browsing is as fast as can be expected upon my broadband connection, loading pages in <1s.
However the problem reappears whenever I open a new window, or anything else that might use the internet such as the app store, itunes or apple software update.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 11, 2012
I cannot connect to the internet, checked with my internet provider and that is OK, I think that something is wrong with my setting with my airport
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Jun 25, 2009
I have parental control on my macbook, my mother has agreed to edit settings but we dont know what edit. I want to take the parental control offAndi've downloaded msn messenger for mac 7 but i cannot sign in.It says that the username or password is wrong, im sure people have also had this problem, but i cannot figure it out!I have a few other problems such as i cannot log in to myspace, yahoo etc. there are a few sites on google which i cannot access
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Feb 25, 2010
This has just recently started happening...when I type in a web address such as [URL] it will pop up and then disappear to a blank screen or some other websites just come up blank....does anyone know how I can fix this. My friend just started a new company and I can't even look at her site because it comes up a white blank screen and apparently I am the only who is having this problem. I have reset Safari and even clean up my hard drive with Onyx. Please help!!! Also, I have seen other post regarding this problem and I have clicked on the links for software for parasites but they all seem to be for Windows. I am running Safari on a Macbook 10.4.11
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Apr 16, 2010
I don't think I've got anything blocked as far as a firewall goes. I've tried connecting to [URL] and [URL] and it won't connect. Other sites work fine. I tried my neighbor's W-LAN and I couldn't connect either but he connected to squarespace on his macbook pro, so I think it's something with my computer and not my apartment's W-LAN connection.
Mac OSX 10.5.8
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 Ghz.
13" aluminum body, bought about a year ago
Tried both Safari and Firefox browsers
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May 30, 2010
Two days ago I started noticing this annoying problem whenever I wanted to load a page. The page never loads at first, forcing me to press refresh in order to see its content.
I didn't install anything nor changed any configurations.
I called a friend with a Win Vista PC and everything was fine in his computer.
I tried the Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers. The problem subsists in every one of them.
My router is a Pirelli DRG A223G and I've never had any problems with it.
I alredy tried switching it off, reseting it, turning off and on my airport, restoring my disk, cleaning the browser's cache and info, etc..
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Mar 13, 2012
I am unable to print from certain websites now that I've got Lion.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 3, 2012
I am helping a developer add content to sites, that run on Visual Expressions CMS and Magento CMS. I cannot login using the Super Admin login, even though my partner with a MBP can...Seems to be my hardware/software. Ive tried using Chrome, Firefox, Safari & even Opera (clearing cache as well). Does this sound like a familiar or know issue/fix, that would help me tremendously.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8,1 - 2.2ghz i5 processor, 8g RAM
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Apr 8, 2012
certain portions of website don't fully display.
Info:MacBook Air
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Apr 9, 2012
I need to be able to use my CAC reader but it is not compatible with MAC. I found a website that I can download a program that will make it compatible. Does anyone know if this is safe?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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May 16, 2012
Machine appears to be downloading but documents do not open - screen goes dark.Running older Intel core duo 10.6.8 OSX and Virus Barrier - 2 weeks ago we began using the new iCloud email...
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Virus Barrier installed
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Jun 5, 2012
After downloading the latest OS version (OS X 10.7.4), immediately after, I was not able to read pdf links from company websites.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 14, 2012
I await my next gen MBP, I'm starting to be concerned that 95% of the web and non-optimized apps are go into look.How will the new display handle non-optimized content? Given that is very expensive notebook is going to be a relatively small market, I can't imagine web and app designers ate going to spend anlot of effort optimizing things for such a relatively small number of users.So, will existing web sites look as good as they do now on conventional displays...and the optimized sites and apps (like I'm sure Apple will roll out) look amazing?
I've read a bit about this, but most reviews say things like "until web designers update their graphics, things will remain fuzzy".
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 28, 2014
I can't get my macbook air to connect to some website. Most are running fine but the few that dont work say that they cant connnect. I've cleared my cache and when I try to look them up on disk utility it comes up as "Request time out". The only solutions I've seen is to turn off IVP6 but I don't have that option, I can only switch it to local only and that still doesnt work. I've cleared my cache and restarted I dont know what else to do.
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