OS X :: Slow Internet When Hooked To An External Display?
Oct 22, 2009
That said my problem is the internet is really slow when I connect my macbook to a my samsung 24" monitor. Super slow and when I disconnect, the internet is perfectly fine. I use [URL] to measure the speed and with the monitor I get usually around .05 Mbps to 3Mbps, without 12-19Mbps.
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Jan 20, 2010
I read the thread about how to pivot your screen over in another section but it didn't address what to do when it goes wrong. And it did...very wrong. I'm running a Powerbook G4 Titanium 15" laptop with Tiger OsX 10.4.11 and I hooked an external monitor to it. I was playing around with the settings and saw the rotation feature, which wasn't available until I attached the external monitor. As soon as I clicked on 90 degrees, both the main screen and the external fritzed out. I could vaguely see things through the haze on the main screen but the whole thing had stopped responding to all mouse and keypad commands. Eventually the only thing I could do to regain control was a hard shut off with the power button and unplug the external. After that the main screen booted up just fine but the moment I hook up the external again they go blue screen of death on me and I can't see what I'm doing to undo what I did!! I tried hitting the manual reset on the screen itself, which I didn't really think would work but hey, desperate times...
After some research on the internet I found out that, contrary to what the other thread says, not all Tiger enabled computers can run the rotation function, apparently because the scan rate, or something like that is too low. Which is why the option was disabled when only the main screen was running. Nice to know and would have been good to know sooner but what I need help with now is HOW DO I FIX THIS MESS?!!!! Some sites mentioned archiving (I'm moderately computer savvy but I'm not totally sure I know how to do that) and some have mentioned the boot disk, which I have but I want to make sure I know what will happen if I do that. I've backed up my files just in case. Will it erase the programs I've installed or just my settings? Or is it much simpler and is there something in the utilities I can mess with that will reset stuff?
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Aug 21, 2010
Which MacBook Pro screen size would you choose for the following?
- Viewing 6 or more hours daily, not hooked up to external display.
- Will be my main computer.
- Used for work and entertainment, heavy emailing, use of iWorks software, light photo and video editing, surfing, no gaming.
- Will go with me nearly everywhere, home, office, cottage, travel. Used on desk, heavily on couch, deck, kitchen, bed, cafe.
- Price not a factor.
13, 15, or 17" screen, please vote in the Poll.
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Mar 17, 2010
why does bootcamp boot up slow without optical drive hooked up?
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Dec 16, 2009
Picked up a used mac mini from eBay to use as a HTPC. This is my first mac.
When hooked up to a TV the display has a blue tint to it. I have tried the 2 TVs in my house, both have the same result. It's so blue its not usable. When hooked up to a 20" 1440x900 reg monitor it looks fine.
Using DVI:HDMI cable & 1/8" audio
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Nov 4, 2010
Post your Air size and config for comparisons Here is mine: Mac Air 13' Fully spec'd 4gigz/2.13 c2d Hooked up to the new 27 cinema display - air display off/closed. I'm using istat nano to report: Currently surfing with chrome, couple tabs open, itunes streaming mp3
HD 40c
CPU 60-61
Heatsink 39
Enclosure 33
Northbridge 54
Mem 38
Power supply 35
The only thing that really changes drastically for me is the CPU temp. I mostly hover around 48 at idle.
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Jun 22, 2012
My iMac is currently being booted from external disk via Firewire 800. I have to do this until I receive new install disks from apple to resore my machine.
The computer is usable, however internet is very slow... I have other devides, windows machine, ipad, iphone and they all run okay.
It seems that because I have booted via the external disk..... internet is slow. Could this be as the OS is needed to refer to the external disk?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 1, 2009
I've read a lot about how the unibody alu Macbook have far better graphics than the old Intel graphics chips. My question is, however, what kind of frame rates do you get if you play games at 1900x1200 resolution on an external display? How do games like Unreal Tournament 2004, Civilization 4, WOW and others perform? Is it playable or should I get a Macbook Pro?
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May 10, 2009
I recently received a late 2007 mac mini as a hand me down from my parents and I'm trying to hook it up to a Sony HDTV via HDMI to DVI cable. I bought the cables I needed and attempted to set it up, however when I turn on the system nothing appears on the display. I've been searching posts and various forums, but haven't really made any progress because most troubleshooting guides are focused upon display problems like pixels and refreshes.
Unfortunately I don't have a VGA monitor to use (which is what the mini was previously used on) to try and see if that works.
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Jan 26, 2009
I'm trying to get my macbook hooked up to two external displays.I remember seeing a post about it previously, with a solution, however, I stupidly did not bookmark it. Does anyone have a solution? As you know, the Macbook only has 1 mini-dvi port.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have a new mbp and a WD 500gb external, the smaller size ones. When I hook it up directly to the usb port on my comp it mounts, but if I try to use the logitech 4 port usb hub the comp doesn't find the external.
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May 25, 2012
I have a 2011 iMac which i've loved using. I bought a Seagate goflex external harddrive so I could start using time machine. I've noticed that whenver I power my iMac down it will sit on the grey screen just before shutting off for a long time. In fact, it will not actually shut down until i unplug my external hard drive. As soon as I unplug my harddrive the mac starts thinking again and shuts down within seconds. Why it would do this. I now hard plug my harddrive in because of this, which is kinda of dumb since I bought it to work as a time machine.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 28, 2012
I have a macbook pro and have recently noticed that when initially loading any of, google chrome, firefox or safari it takes a very long time for the internet to load the webpages.
It says that there is a full wireless connection but will not load the webpage.
Once the webpage has finally loaded after about a minute, subsequent browsing is as fast as can be expected upon my broadband connection, loading pages in <1s.
However the problem reappears whenever I open a new window, or anything else that might use the internet such as the app store, itunes or apple software update.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 30, 2010
Is there a way to tell which one is slow, if anything is going slow? I have an extremely old PC which is normally ok for most things, but gets bogged down if I am doing too many things.I was so annoyed with our national real estate site after they changed the format that I wrote a letter once a long time ago.. and I was ready to let them have it again, listing all the reasons why it is so bad and so much worse than the original.
Today for the first time, I accessed the site (mls.ca) using my new iMac. It was like lightening speed, comparatively speaking.Wow, suddenly I knew why the mls people hadn't changed their new format.But then I started going to other sites.. like airmiles.ca for example, and it was slow as heck... and stalling.. etc.
How would I be able to tell whether it is an internet slowness or the computer being slow?
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Sep 4, 2014
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 14, 2009
I tried various software on both OS X and Windows, on the same computer using the same connection, and the result is always the same. In Windows, I barely notice that they're running, and in OS X, I'm always needing to refresh the pages several times for them to load, even when it's downloading at a speed of 2 KB/sec.
So what's the big idea? Is there something about ports/sockets that I need to know about OS X?
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Jun 18, 2009
well I got my Mac about 4 months ago and can't deal with the way the WiFi acts on my Mac anymore. The internet is fine when it's loading webpages, but it's really slow at loading images, streaming and downloading. For example, this forum loads extremely fast, but if someone had a GIF for a sig, it would finish loading in about 10 minutes.
I searched for help but a lot of the information I found doesn't seem similar to my problem. I'm starting to think that there's just something wrong with my Mac.
Also, the thread about adding DNS to make the internet faster was confusing. (Since I don't even know what it does. ) I attempted to try it but it just creates an extremely slower network for me called wireless.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have an aluminium macbook that I got just over a year ago. Internet was fine until about a month ago. Now it's completely sporadic. Sometimes it takes a second to load a page, sometimes it takes 5 minutes. Without rhyme or reason. I can open a page I've been loading for ages in a new tab and it will load straight away. We have three other computers (pc's) on the network and they're all completely fine.
I've done speed tests. They've ranged from 13kb/s to 2mb/s. It is ridiculously annoying and I have no idea what to do. I don't know why it's changed, I haven't changed any settings. Everything else, word, itunes etc. runs fine. I asked this a couple of weeks ago with no result,
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Apr 11, 2010
just trying to figure out why my internet is so slow, i have window and my pc is fast as im on 10MB, even my iphone is quite quick but my mac is terribly slow browsing pages and downloading do i need to change setting somewhere? just got mac so dont know anything about it.
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Dec 1, 2014
I have a new 27" iMac retina display. Is there any way to use it as an external display (since it does not support Target Display Mode)?
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
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May 22, 2007
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
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Jan 23, 2008
Just wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.
I have my 40" flat screen plugged into my imac via VGA cable to mirror the image.
I'm just trying to have the imac display sleep while I play a movie full screen through the external TV.
I've tried two different ways but both have failed.
1-I set up a hot corner in the imac to sleep display but this results in both the display and the TV sleeping.
2-I just set the power settings to sleep after 1 minute. This works but then If a movie is playing the computer won't go to sleep.
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a Macbook Air, and i just picked up the new LED ACD from my local apple store. Since im new to mac, is there a way to either close my Air and not have it go to sleep? I want to use the external display as the primary display with my laptop closed, any ideas?
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Apr 25, 2009
I am about to buy a new 24" iMac. I currently have a Dell 2408WFP 1920*1200 display which I would like to use as a second display for the iMac.
Which Mini Dislpayport to DVI adapter do I need? Single-Link or Dual-Link?
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Sep 26, 2010
I have configured my VPN (PPTP)... everything worksI did not checked "send all traffic over VPN connection".Still, when VPN is active, the speed drop is huge. I get timeouts and when lucky the page loads very slow.
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Sep 22, 2007
For some time now, I have noticed that my Mac's internet is running super slow. I am saying slower than what I see on my PeeCee (Used for gaming such as CSS and Half-Life)! So, I set out on a Google journey to find that a lot of people have been having the same problem with they Airport. It seems that in some Apple updates, the Airports are having issues. So, I tried to fix it and I came up with this wonderful guide. My internet now loads Facebook in 3 sec instead of the 30 sec it was before and I can watch my good old YouTube videos in a flash.
First, Open your "System Preferences";
Next, go to your "Network" settings;
From there, make sure Airport is highlighted and click "Configure";
Click the "TCP/IP" tab;
Type into the blank DNS Servers box, hit return and type then click the "Apply Now" button like so;
Your internet may restart, but it will come back on right after you hit Apply! And your internet should now return to speeds like it used to have. I am running 10.4.10 and I am proud to say my Internet is fast as hell.
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Apr 6, 2009
The internet has bee moving slowly on my 24" imac. I'm using a wireless connection that is only a few feet from my computer. (my own network) The web moves slow on both safari and firefox. Google taking long to load up, a google search loading slowly, facebook taking a couple of minutes. My girlfriend used the same wireless network on her Dell Vostro laptop using internet explorer and it moves lighting fast. (The internet connection is cable high speed 7.5 mbps).
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm absolutely struggling with getting a decent connection speed on my mac. This started happening a few weeks ago and haven't been able to get it sorted after many hours of searching, restarting, recreating connections, etc. There are three computers in the house. 1 PC, 2 Macs.
The PC and the older Mac 1.3 have no problem with connection speed, getting 5Mb/s downloads ans 0.75Mb/s uploads. The other mac is 10.5 with all the updates. It is currently getting 0.28Mb/s Download and 0.66Mb/s Upload. I've the OpenDNS or 4.2.2.x entries in the DNS, and that hasn't fixed the problem.
The older mac does not use these entries and it still connects fine. Strangely, Skype works with full video and no issues with connectivity, which makes me think that some ports are able to get more than the 0.28Mb/s download, as I doubt I would get Skype video at such slow speeds. I've tried FF and Safari, both crazy slow. I don't have access to the WiFi base-station, but clearly it is working fine because both of my other computers are connecting to the internet without a problem. I'm running out of options, and there is no Mac store within 200 miles of where I live.
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May 3, 2008
I have a G5 iMac, v10.4.11, that is connected via ethernet cable to the internet and my workplace's server. Trying to browse webpages is very slow, taking 10+ seconds in Firefox for the page to even do anything, ex. searching on Google. The same internet connection works very quickly on my PC.
I've tried switching ethernet cables with the PC and Mac - no change; PC internet is quick, Mac is slow.
Tried repairing disk permissions - no change.
I've unchecked "Automatic Proxy Configuration" in the Network settings - no change.
I've released and renewed the IP address - no change.
I've traced the route on Mac and PC - the route is the same.
I've turned off the Airport in case it might be interfering with the cable connection - no change.
I've run out of ideas! What could be the problem, and how can I fix it? An IT person suggested reformatting it - I'd really rather not format the whole computer.
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Mar 28, 2012
Computer specs: Brand new Macbook Pro, 2.4 Ghz, Intel Core i5, 4GB, 1333 MHz DDR3. I'm connected wirelessly. My girlfriend's Macbook Pro and my old Macbook did not have this issue at all. I don't even know where to begin in regards to fixing this and I'm hoping someone can help shed some light. This is really frustrating.I'll call Apple if need be but I wanted to ask you guys first because I know Apple will say it's my ISP and my ISP will say it's Apple.
Speedtest results: .98 MBps Down, 1.43 Mbps Up.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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