I left my mba open, with the screen saver on, not running any programs for about 2 hours. Came back and the fan is at 6200rpm and the CPU temp is 180 degrees. It hasnt been doing anything at all. I dont understand why it is working so hard. What should I do?
My wife has a MBP 2.4ghz core i5. She has Sims 3 and all the expansion packs. She uses the architectural features to build towns and houses,etc. Well it makes a steady fan noise after a while(she plays for a few hours straight). I checked the istat widget and its at 5998 rpm and 164 F with a noticeable fan noise. Not as loud as windows laptops that I can remember but loud enough to notice. Is this normal? The machine is only 2 months old. It works great and only does this when she plays Sims3(the only gaming we do on it).
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
How can i reduce the depth (20.7cm) of the 27"iMac? I have a small desk with only 70cm depth and im afraid that i will be sitting too close to the huge 27"iMac display that im about to purchase.
Apple sliced off a bunch of the vertical resolution compared to the 30" Apple Cinema Display.
ACD 30" = 2560x1600 iMac 27" = 2560x1440
Not really a huge deal. I think they did it to make it true 16:9.
I'm just posting this because this somehow slipped past my notice. I'm one of the people demoted from Mac Pro to iMac and now I am sort of wishing I could still use my 30". (I don't have space to use both.)
Not really a big deal. Just an FYI.
Yeah, I know it's my fault for not paying attention. I probably still would have went with the iMac 27" anyway.
I'm planning to buy a new iMac in the next week but I'm looking for the one that will produce the less heat so that will make less fan noise. I'm only using it to watch YouTube and play World of Warcraft. Anyone know which one will produce less heat, i3 or the i5 or even the i7. Budget is not a problem. I prefer to pay a little more if I know I will have less fan noise so less heating. Anyone maybe have different model at home or at the office and noticed a difference between all the models ? Maybe it's more a size question between the 21.5 and the 27 inch iMac and less a cpu question ?
Maybe someone can help me understand this a bit better. I have a MBP with a 2.16GHz CPU. I think it's about 2.5 years old. It has the ATI x1600 GPU. My dad previously had an iMac G5 2GHz but now has one of the new iMacs at 3.06GHz.When running iStat, I can notice an obvious difference in the CPU temperature. I don't think my MBP runs less than 120 degrees idle, while the iMacs were easily under 100. I haven't seen the new iMac while doing CPU-intensive tasks, but the old iMac never got above 140 if I'm not mistaken.As I'm encoding video on the MBP for a DVD using iDVD, it's getting up to 187 degrees. The CPU is using about 125 percent of my processing power -- 200 percent max if you didn't know. The temperature is the same even when HandBrake gets up to about 190 percent of processing.
I have been researching this and I have came up with no answer. There are note book heat spreaders available [URL]/Product/Produc...82E16835207003 and I was wondering if it will fit in an iMac. Yes I have looked to see how cramped up it is in the memory slot, but I found on the sunbeamtech website that the thickness of the total heat spreader is only .2" at the opposite side where the memory plugs in at. Also I found out the the thickness of the copper on the heat spreader is only .4mm thick which is very very minimal. I have just purchased one of these to test out with the 8GB ram I just purchased for $120 from newegg with a $20 mail in rebate
im guessing this is a heat issue. My screen was flickering and cutting out. This is the first time it has happened. I was only surfing the internet and using itunes. I will post videos of what happened soon.
The 27� models I have seen on display seem to generate an awful amount of heat radiating from the screen. Is this common?
Is the screen overly big for home office use in terms of heat, screen resolution/print readability or overall usability if one sits fairly close to the monitor?
I am almost 100% that an iMac 27 is my target, (not quite discounted the MP but lack of remote without extra is actually a big factor).I would prefer the internal HDD bays and such forth, but I've had a MP before and as I have some ext FW its not a deal buster. The imac looks stunning, has simplicity and a nice big screen.My only real questions are (with it being on top of the desk); what's the noise and heat like for the i5 and i7 models? I'd like to get thoughts on both.For my uses an i5 has enough oomph, but the i7 would be nice (just speed up those transcodes etc).Is there a huge difference in the power draw on these machines (I have a 1200VA UPS).
Those waiting for the quad core to roll out next month, any concern about the temperature buildup? I recently had some good fortune roll my way and will be getting the quad core iMac. After seeing some pictures of the inside, I am a little concerned about the heat buildup from the CPU, GPU, and the display. I know Apple does its homework, but is there too much in such a confined space without greheat circulation? Is this even worth worrying about?
I'm not able to reduce the file size of my organizations monthly newsletter. I found a good suggestion but I cannot find Color Sync Filter. Anyway, here's the instructions:
1. From within Pages or any other application you're creating a PDF from, click on "Print" in the File pull-down menu. 2. In the Print dialog box, click on the third pull-down menu box ("Copies and Pages"). Select "ColorSync" from the pull-down menu. 3. Click on the "Quartz Filter" button and select "Reduce File Size." 4. Click "Save as PDF."
I cannot find "Copies and Pages" I do have a choice to change which standard ColorSync but nowhere can I find "Quartz Filter". I'm using Pages 09 and have a brand new iMac - one month old.
Got my new MBP 15" with the i7 last weekend. It was beautiful and dandy for the first couple days then my battery was getting drained like no other. Checked to see if 330m was running but it wasn't and is on integrated. Some numbers, it was showing up 3:00 100% battery (100% health) with wifi on, brightness 50% casual web-browsing. That seemed too low for a battery claiming 8-9 hrs (but I expected at least 5 in real life).
I didn't calibrate when I first bought it but then I did calibrate a couple nights ago. Battery was fine and showing 6 hrs battery life on the menubar. Dandy! It wasn't draining at a fast rate anymore. A couple days later (today) the battery is acting up again, only lasting 3 hrs with 100% and casual use. It seems ridiculous if I have to calibrate it every two days. Is this something I should take to Genius Bar?
I'm trying to figure out whether it is Mail that is automatically reducing image quality, or my internet service provider. I'm not exceeding my ISP image size restrictions. All jpgs are getting to the recipients greatly reduced in resolution. This has never been a problem for me in the past, and my ISP blames Mail. I am doubtful. Is there a setting on mail that could restrict image size that I've accidentally changed?
I've checked out this link and I'm downloading GParted Live in the hope that it will allow me to reduce the size of my current 32GB Boot Camp partition that has Windows 7 installed on it.
I'm shrinking the partition because I never use Windows, I just have it installed in case I need it at some point. And I got a free copy from my University, so why not?
I just have a few questions before I dive in to this;
Will GParted be able to shrink my partition to a size of about 8GB or 16GB?
Will it corrupt any of the Windows 7 OS in the process?
Will it corrupt any of the OS X, or my data stored on my OS X drive?
Will I be able to run GParted from a USB drive?
What is the (or your personal) recommended minimum size of a partition drive?
I am using Windows Vista less and less on my MacBook and the partition takes up about 1/2 of the hard disk space. I tried using Disk Utility but I guess I don't know what I am doing. I choose the Partition button. In the Volume Scheme, I choose the partition that has Windows on it. In the Volume Information text box, I tried to enter a smaller size but the Apply button is grayed out. So, how do I reduce the size of the partition that Windows is installed on? I guess I am not quite brave enough to completely delete Windows from the machine. I "might" need it occasionally. Windows is being used by BootCamp.
The lowest brightness setting in XP (Boot Camp) is much higher than the lowest setting in Leopard. Is there anyway to further reduce the screen's brightness in XP?
I'm sharing my Mac's internet connection over wifi to my iPad when I'm at work. Is there a way to reduce the output power of my wifi? I don't really need a signal beyond my cubicle. How would I reduce the wifi power settings to as low as possible on my Mac when it's in ad hoc mode?
I know about the "actual size" button, dragging from the desktop instead of using iPhoto, checking outgoing size with control-click Quick Look, Send Windows-friendly attachments, etc., but none fix the problem. All JPG attachments get reduced to thumbnail size. I have to zip them and the recipient then needs to decompress them to get the full size images.
Is there a way to reset all preferences without uninstalling/reinstalling? I don't want to have to archive/export mailboxes and then reimport.
My MacBook Pro is running hot. The Apple store ran tests overnight and said it is above average. Their suggestion was to send it to the Service Depot and for $310 plus tax anything out of spec will be replaced. Basically sounds like a good deal but I can't give up the machine for the 3-5 days it takes. I typically have many things open, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Calendar, Mail, Safari and have multiple things open in each. Would reducing that number have any impact on the heat being generated?
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
i think my macbook is running rather hot lately as I have the fan set at 6200(max) and it seems to idle at 50C and I had skype running with a few people and it was reaching 80C! It never used to get that high before! It is a Dec31st 06 (lol 1 day from 07) model and I do have the ability to open these models and apply the thermal paste again as I have done plenty times before and also fit Mac Pro serviceable options such as BT and AP
I know how to open it and clean it but theres no dust in it to make it that hot I might have to try max load and see if it overheats