MacBook :: Does Unibody Heat Up With Lid Closed?
Feb 11, 2009
I wanted to use a MB in desktop mode, with a wireless mouse, keyboard, and external monitor. With the lid closed, and the external monitor as the only screen (main screen), will the MB heat up? I know it might have been an issue in early Leopard stages, but there were glitches where doing this desktop mode will cause the notebook screen to go dark and you have to reboot if you want to use the notebook's screen instead or with the desktop screen. Does this happen with the MBs now?
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Apr 19, 2009
How does the unibody Macbook release heat? I would like to have it sit on my desk 75% of the time and hooked up to a monitor. Would heating be a issue?
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Jan 8, 2009
A questions for all of those who have any sort of invisible shield (zagg, bse, bodyguardz etc etc) on their Unibody MBP (or MB for that matter).
Anyone having any issues with the cpu reaching dangerously high temperatures? I heard that the invisible shield is particularly bad because it insulates the aluminum on the mbp, thereby not allowing it to properly dissipate heat. This is one of the things that's preventing me from pulling the trigger on getting one.
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Jun 26, 2010
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
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Nov 10, 2008
I use my MBP a lot in clamshell mode (hooked up to external ACD along with external keyboard and mouse) but I noticed the wi-fi reception is absolutely terrible when the lid is closed ...
Anyone have any idea why this is the case? (I assume the antenna not being as exposed as it would be when the lid is open)Or can this be solved with a software fix?
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Aug 6, 2009
So I got my situation with the faulty hinge worked out. This is how I did it.
Video demo of the problem: [URL]
I dropped my Unibody Macbook off at the authorized repair shop (no Apple stores around Canada). They felt that the issue should be fixed but they needed apples go ahead, so they phoned Apple about it and they denied the claim. Next, the head technician at the shop didn't agree with their verdict so he sent an email to Apple with a video of the problem attached. They replied with saying that it was normal and they would offer me a sleeve for free. I wanted it fixed so I took it a step further. I called 1-800-my-apple and spoke with their tech support. She felt it should be fixed to so she let me speak with her supervisor. He also felt that it wasn't within normal spec, so he spoke with his manager (Highest level of tech support). The manager said no, all they could do for me is offer a free sleeve for it. The supervisor eventually transferred me to customer relations, where I spoke to gentlemen. I explained the problem to him and then he asked for the number of the repair shop. He spoke with the Manager of the shop and the repair was authorized.
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Apr 7, 2010
I just replaced the bezel on my girl's MBP, pre-unibody, A1260 LED backlit display, and it no longer senses that the lid is closed and goes to sleep. Does anyone know where this sensor is?
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Jun 12, 2012
I did some google searches, but could not find anything that was exactly my issue. I have a 2008 MBP unibody. If the MBP is on battery only and I close the lid, the notebook shuts down completely. This is even when the battery is fully charged. However if while plugged in and I do the same, the computer "sleeps" as advertised. I have reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. The main thing that bothers me is it seems like when this happens on battery, its almost as if the computer is getting a hard shut down. The machine acts as if the battery was pulled while the lid was closed and this is obviously not good for the hardware or sofware.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 4, 2012
I have an 13" MBP that I ordered new in April, 2012. It is running Lion. I have an external monitor that is capable of 1440x900 resolution. I have an external keyboard and trackpad hooked up, and I like to close my MBP up and stick it in a BookArc. I want to be able to have the internal display disabled and to have the MBP only allow me to put windows on the external display, so long as the lid is closed. I also want to be sure that I am taking advantage of the resolutions available on my external monitor, which are higher than those supported by the internal display (specifically 1440x900).
This doesn't seem to work because I either have to allow the MBP to continue to draw my desktop across both screens (internal and external), OR use the "mirror displays" mode, which restricts my resolution of my external monitor. This means I either forgoe the additional resolution benefits of my external monitor, or I end up with windows that fall off-the-cliff, so to speak, because they are drawn in the portion of the desktop that would be shown on my internal display (which is closed).
I've read the community support pages on using the MBP with an external monitor, most relevantly, this page. It simply recommends using the "mirror displays" option. However, this option, as I mentioned above, doesn't allow me to make use of the additional resolution, and my external display looks bad. how to keep the 13" MBP in closed clamshell position, with the internal display disabled, and use my external monitor at resolutions higher than those allowed by the 13" MBP but which are available to my external monitor when not in "mirror displays" mode?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), External display (1440x900)
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Feb 27, 2012
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
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Jun 24, 2012
I am wondering that is it essential to connect power adaptor all the time while operating in closed calmshell mode? When I unpluged the cable it didn't work. Is there some way?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 26, 2010
i think my macbook is running rather hot lately as I have the fan set at 6200(max) and it seems to idle at 50C and I had skype running with a few people and it was reaching 80C! It never used to get that high before! It is a Dec31st 06 (lol 1 day from 07) model and I do have the ability to open these models and apply the thermal paste again as I have done plenty times before and also fit Mac Pro serviceable options such as BT and AP
I know how to open it and clean it but theres no dust in it to make it that hot I might have to try max load and see if it overheats
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May 16, 2009
Bought a macbook air recently and enjoy using it to listen to music and work while laying in the sunshine, only i have noticed it gets increadibly hot and when watching a movie cant quite play it smoothly as it seems to be affected by the heat. The aluminium obviously heats up easilyShould I avoid using it in the sunlight? Are there any addons i can get to keep it cool? Anyone know anything?Temperatures here in southern Spain now in the summer tend to be around 30?c (air temperature) but more in direct sunlight.
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Oct 24, 2010
How is the heat/fan performance on your new MBA?
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Jan 13, 2011
I am designing a stand that will allow me to slide my Mac underneath my Dell U2410 basically. It will be made of wood, and the mac portion will be raised ~1" from the desk. The front and back will be open, and I'm also going to make slots for the optical drive as well as a hole in the left side for I/O. However I also want to make sure it doesn't get too hot. So basically I'm wondering if there is a central place where the heat essentially "exits?" I was thinking of putting a few holes into the board so that the heat could leave the stand that way...but any other ideas?
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Apr 11, 2008
I left my mba open, with the screen saver on, not running any programs for about 2 hours. Came back and the fan is at 6200rpm and the CPU temp is 180 degrees. It hasnt been doing anything at all. I dont understand why it is working so hard. What should I do?
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Oct 14, 2008
Once anyone gets to test the new MBA out (next month?), if you can please post the results on heat issues. Eg the initial MBA in many cases was only usable at 50% CPU/GPU (for more than a few minutes) due to heat issues. Does the new one fix it? If so, it is effectively more than double the speed.. more like 3-4x faster if that makes sense. If GPU is much faster AND heat issues are fixed, this could be a huge performance boost..
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Jan 20, 2009
I am 99% going for the MBA. Now the question is HDD or SSD?!I have read all comments about speed difference but I would like to know the difference in heat between the two. Really dislikes heat in a laptop and hence if there is a difference between the two
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Apr 22, 2009
i left my macbook running while i was installing windows had an error and had to leave in a hurry didn't know it was not in sleep and it was left on in a incase for around 20 minutes, will the safe shutoff kick even if its not booted up. it should be fine right? it felt very hot to the touch but was only around 77c on boot up.
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May 14, 2010
I went in to the Apple Store yesterday to buy a MacBook pro 15". I currently have a 2009 13" MacBook Pro. I decided to go top of the line with the i7 even though the Apple Sale Person said I didn't need the speed. I wanted to not look back later and say I should have gotten the best. What I noticed last night was I had it on my lap on battery power doing my normal surfing. On flash sites it got a bit uncomfortable on my lap. About 70 degrees C. I have never noticed it before on my 13". Should I take it back for an i5 and would that make any difference or is all of this just normal for this type of computer?
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Jun 6, 2010
I use my MBP (Unibody, 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, running 10.6) in clamshell mode connected to an Apple Cinema Display ... Been doing that for a year and a half now and never had any problems.Now, since a week or so, my MBP keeps shutting down randomly, probably due to heat issues.So I installed SMCFanControl and run it at max RPM. Still no help.My system reaches over 90?C before it shuts down.Now I disconnected my MBP from everything (ACD, speakers, external HD, iPhone dock, Ethernet cable) and when running on its own off battery power, the temperature has already dropped down to 60?C and it stopped shutting down.
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Jun 8, 2010
I am looking at a new MB or MBP and since I prefer the screen on the MB my other concern would be heat generation.How is the new MB vs the MBP 13 and 15 versions?I want to be able to use it on my lap...!
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Jun 23, 2010
Received my i7 MBP yesterday, and try to run parallels, TVU player, safari, aperture side by side, and it's not over heat at all, just felt slightly warm above the CPU, it's amazing! especially compare to my 1st gen MBP. I don't have to use my coolermaster cooling pad at all.
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Mar 6, 2012
Why does the macbook pro heat up during skype use? And is making a noise like it is working too hard...
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Apr 4, 2012
Today at school, I was using my laptop as normal. During lunch time I just closed the laptop display screen (so it goes on standby) and placed it in my bag. 1 hour and a half later, I go into my bag to reach for my book. My whole bag and books were VERY warm. I touched my laptop case to find that it was even warmer. I pulled out my laptop and I had to set it down immediately because it was far too hot to touch; eggs could have been fried on it (no exagerration). I was scared to open it, so I placed it outside in the cool air and now it has cooled down and I've started up again. This has never happened before, I've never dropped it and my laptop is just a year old this month (convenient now, that the guarantee just expired ).Problems first started occuring when I updated to Lion. First thing I noticed, is that it starts up and shuts down SO slowly (slower than a PC, believe it or not) and I only have 53,15 GB out of the 319,21 GB available used. So there is 266 GB FREE space. So I figured this cannot be the memory. After 2 months or so, I also noticed that when I turn on my computer, the Apple sign on the startup comes out very stretched, sometimes it comes up on the left hand corner and the rest of the screen isn't white but coloured lines. 3 days ago, I noticed the fan was making a funny sound. This stopped 2 days later, then today randomly on standby it beyond heated up. Why is this happening? MUST I go to the shop? (I'm a student and cannot afford 500EUR repairs at the moment, other than the fact I cannot live without my laptop for 6-8 weeks as I have all my coursework to do, etc.)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2012
Several days ago I accidentally spoiled some drink into my macbook pro 's keyboard.But it had been working normally till yesterday. Yesterday I shut it down and charged it.Then I put it in my bag,after 1 hour it became over heat.Very strange,because it is shut down.It couldn't start untill got cool.Today it becomes very slow,and the circle of colors appears very often.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 19, 2010
I have been laboring for weeks to determine which macbook pro to purchase. We are new to apple having only enjoyed the iphone and ipad. We only have used windows desktops and laptops but love the look of the macbook pro's and imacs. We want a desktop replacement laptop. We just want to move it around the home and now and then take it out somewhere so we dont care about the 15 or 17 being too big. Dont want an imac as we do want some limited mobility.
Regarding the resolution issue I am drawn to the 17 because the 1900 x 1200 looks awesome. I am not sure if I like to 1440 x 900. It seems a bit blurry and not as sharp.Dont care for the antiglare as I love the corner to corner glass look and Ill have it indoors mainly. Any thoughts or experiences with the 1900x1200 vs the 15inch options as I have only used both for a bit in the local apple store?
I have heard the i7 2.66 in the 15 and 17 pros run extremely hot, too hot to even use on your lap. Is this true because I wanted to get the i7? I have had too many windows pc laptop fry over the course of two to three years from over heating and fear putting 2k into a good looking machine that will internally melt in a couple years. If it is just a design for the heat to dissipate out from the inside to be absorbed into the unibody that is fine if that is the case. Any body know, or does anyone who has the i7 in the 15 or 17 know?
So if the heat isnt too bad in the i7 I will get it in the i7. If the i5s run much cooler I will get the i5. If it is worth the money to get the 1900x1200 resolution I will get the 17inch, if not Ill stick witht he 1440x900 or the 1650x1050 or whatever that is. Is the higher resolution nicer and is the i7 cool enough?
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Nov 23, 2010
My wife has a MBP 2.4ghz core i5. She has Sims 3 and all the expansion packs. She uses the architectural features to build towns and houses,etc. Well it makes a steady fan noise after a while(she plays for a few hours straight). I checked the istat widget and its at 5998 rpm and 164 F with a noticeable fan noise. Not as loud as windows laptops that I can remember but loud enough to notice. Is this normal? The machine is only 2 months old. It works great and only does this when she plays Sims3(the only gaming we do on it).
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Apr 23, 2008
What is your heat sink temp when the cpu is running hot, like 90+ degree C?
I recently performed the excess thermal compound removal procedure. Now I am worried that my cpu and heat sink are not in 100% contact, due to the very small amount of paste applied.
My heat sink sits at around 50C under normal load (cpu temp ~ 60). But at high load, cpu up at 90+ C, my heat sink is still at around 50-60C. Is this normal?
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Sep 25, 2009
I was wondering if there are any ways to lower system temperature on MBP? My machine would get hot (particular the left side) even though I am just doing simple tasks like surfing and word processing.
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