Laptops :: Occasional Video Editing - Can Handle Running At Least 5 Of Adobe Programs At Same Time?

Feb 3, 2010

I have done alot of research. I have never owned a mac. I haven't used on since I graduated from school 5-6 years ago for graphics. I have no desire if I do get one to boot xp on it I find the mac os to look more clean(yeah if that makes since) My current laptop is a sony vaio. I mean I know its not strong enough to handle the adobe programs, I can barely run flash cs4 and photoshop cs4 at the same time. My specs on my current sony vaio which I got like 2 and a half years ago is 0.99 gigs of ram/1.60 ghz/ginuwine intel (r) cpu. I know its nothing compared to today and with more work from clients I need something that can handle running at least 5 of the adobe programs at the same time with the internet browser opened and maybe a mp3 player like jet audio playing some tunes to get some serious work done occasional video editing but nothing too crazy..

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MacBook Pro :: Video Editing - Able To Handle HD Footage?

May 21, 2010

After purchasing my MBP 13 inch 2.4 ghz, I'm going to buy a dSLR. A Canon 550d (aka T2i). Will my laptop be able to handle the HD footage?

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OS X :: Running Maya Photoshop And Cinema 4D - Handle Animation Programs?

Apr 2, 2009

my goal is to be a 3D computer animator, and was wondering if the Macbook Pro would be able to handle all of these animation programs successfully?

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Laptops :: What Video Editing HDD RPM For A Macbook Pro I5

Nov 8, 2010

i am going to buy the new macbook pro with the i5 card and I was wondering what would be the best option for me because i will use the laptop more often for graphic design then for video editing.

1. to get the macbook with 5400rpm hd, this way my laptop wont over-heat and will be sufficient for graphic softwares such as photoshop. when i will want to use the laptop for video editing i will hook it to a portable hd through firewire cable for maximum data transference speed.

2. other option is to get the 7200rpm hd, but i'm afraid for the well being of my laptop because it will already get quite hot with the fast i5 processor. and the great graphic card.

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IMac :: Running Slow / Using For Video Editing

Feb 12, 2010

My iMac will be 3 years old Oct 19 2010 and it's running pretty slow. I do a lot of video editing and have 1GB of memory ( I think that's the RAM). I'm pretty sure that's not the right amount of RAM I should have for the things I'm doing but I could be wrong. I have about 5 apps open at once for recreational use and about 2 for video editing, those 2 being Final Cut Pro and iTunes. So would it be my low amount of RAM causing my computer to slow down or another reason?

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Software :: Programs Are Quitting On Me Whenever It Seems Too Much For The Ram To Handle?

Feb 27, 2010

so basically programs are quitting on me whenever it seems too much for the ram to handle, not sure if thats the case but certain webpages and programs work but when i go to craigslist or other sites, it lags while its thinking and then quits. also dashboard client quits every time i open it. when i watch videos at a completely unprompted time the video will just pause and the spinning coloured wheel will pop up and it will basically be frozen for about 30 seconds, this happens every 30min or so.

a week ago i had a problem where this lag occurred then eventually i could not load/start the mac at all but after very helpful tips from your techs i reinstalled osx while archiving all my files but there is still a definate issue.this is the link to that question if at all helpful[URL]have also freed up some HD space, i have over 30 gb's free, and before the dashboard crashes, my istat widget tells me i have around 2.5-3 gb's free of RAM so im not too sure what the problem is, maybe i should just wipe everything and start fresh? i dont really want to do this so if anyone has an idea, i would love to hear from you.

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Mac Pro :: Can't Handle Detail Intensive Graphic Without Slowing Down / Crashing Programs

Feb 28, 2012

I have a Mac Pro 4,1 with an NVIDIA GeForce GT 120. It can't handle detail intensive graphic without slowing down and/or crashing programs. I need to upgrade. What should I get?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Production - Handle Heavy Music Editing With Logic Pro - Lack Of External Port?

Mar 23, 2008

I do not own any Mac at home, but looking into one for college. I have read up on all the pros/ cons of the MBA (non-removable battery and RAM, lack of ports and optical drive, etc). I am not a computer gamer, so I stick to the consoles. I was wondering if a MBA is ideal for any kind of music production. Can it handle heavy music editing with GB or Logic Pro? Is it ideal with the somewhat "lack" of external ports? share your opinions and/ or experiences with music production for fun or work on a MBA. (By the way, I am asking this to decide whether I should be looking into a MBA or MBP for college September of 2009, so I have LOTS of time to wait for newer models).

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PowerPC :: Video Card For A G5 - For Video Editing Watching Hulu And Youtube And Netflix

May 25, 2010

Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.

My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.

And I got this off ebay today:

Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller

Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.

So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.

I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Image Editing Programs - Heavy Memory Usage?

Jun 15, 2012

I am wondering whether the memory use I see is common to the Mac OS X - touted as the graphics pros choice - it's seems anything but to me.  I have a mid 2010 iMac 27" 3.2 GHz Intel Core i312 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 (just upgraded in the hope that it would improve the problem - it didn't)ATI Radeon HD 5670 512 MBMac OS X Lion 10.7.4  That spec should be more than ample.  No.  Pixelmator uses up to 5GB yes - GB) just opening the app.  If I dare to open an actual image - let's say a 120mb jpg for editing - the memory usage is even higher - usually resulting in the image not opening at all.  GIMP is similar, but not as extreme - opening the file uses around 2GB.  Nevertheless, both of the above seem to me to be examples of excessive memory usage.  Certainly, my machine slows to a crawl when doing anything related to images?

Mac OS X (10.7.3), New iMac - bought Dec 2010

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Open Adobe Programs

Feb 10, 2012

I recently replaced my hard drive and still have the old one with all my Adobe applications. Both hard drives have the same OS and the applications worked on the old one until I replaced it.

I tried to reinstall the Adobe applications and before I can I get the message:

"Adobe Illustrator 13.0.0 [k] (Universal) cannot be opened because of a problem."

without getting the option of installing an update. I also tried to copy the programs from the Old to the New HD with no luck 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: Adobe Flash Crashing Programs

Apr 1, 2012

Yesterday I updated Adobe Flash Player, and now I am having all kinds of unnatural behavior on my MacAir.

MS Word crashes, or freezes and Pages is not working properly. there is a constant loud whirr like the guts of the MacAir are about to fly out.My computer is now freezing. Am I correct in assuming it is the Flash Player, or what should I check?Can I get along ok without the Flash? I would like to just dump it!

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Moving Adobe Programs With Serial Number?

Dec 23, 2010

I am going to purchase a MacBook Pro and would like to transfer all of my Adobe Programs (InDesign, Bridge and Photoshop CS3) to it from my current MacBook. I have the serial number but do not have the CD.

What is the best way to move these programs? Time Machine, Migration Assistant, drag and drop?

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Laptops :: MBP Slow Bootup & Running?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a 2007 Santa Rose MBP and it has started to run very slow during the bootup and actual use of it. Here is how the bootup goes:

I turn it on and get the bong sound and a full white screen. In about 10 seconds I get the Apple log and in about another 10 seconds the circle that rotates as it boots up.

Then at about 2 minutes it changes color to a light blue color with the pointer on the screen. Then in about another 10 seconds changes to a darker shade of blue. At a total of 3 mins and 40 secs I then get the desktop with the space type background and in a couple more seconds the Mac OS X login screen. It takes around a minute until I am able to type anything. For awhile before that time I can type I get the beachball.

Here are the details of what I recently did:
I had a 250GB hard drive in my MBP running the newest version of Leopard. I was down to around 50GB free so I purchased a 640GB hard drive. I also was due to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I had an external USB enclosure that I could temporarily use. What I did is put the 640GB hard drive in that external enclosure and formatted it with the GUID partition table. I then used SuperDuper to mirror my internal hard drive to the external hard drive. I have a lot of programs installed and a lot data on my hard drive so didn't want to lose any of this.

Once the mirroring of my internal hard drive was completed to my external 640GB hard drive I then booted from that drive (using it externally and selecting option at bootup). Things seemed to run fine with no issues.
I then after booting up from this external hard drive did a Snow Leopard upgrade to this external hard drive. Once again this external hard drive appeared to run perfectly normal.

After things seemed to be okay I then opened up the MBP and swapped hard drives so the 640GB drive was my new internal HD. I then booted and once again I used it some and things appeared to work normally.

After this later in the evening I installed two programs, Final Cut Studio 3 and Logic Studio 9. As far as I can remember my computer was acting a little odd and after a reboot that is when all the above issues started.

As far as I can tell this never started until those two installs. Is it a chance I didn't try it out enough but I remember even with the HD being external USB my system appeared to run faster than ever. I even think the program didn't start with Final Cut Studio but started with Logic Studio 9

Any idea of what caused this? Even after my computer running it's VERY slow to the point of being almost unusable. For example if I open Word it takes 3 minutes or so to open. Almost any action causes the beachball to appear.

After looking at the Apple site I did both a PRAM erase (using Command Option P and N) and also a SMC reset by removing the battery and power cord and pressing the power button for over 5 seconds and neither fixed it.

I opened up Disk Utility and did a Verify Permission and got the following information:

Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x.
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/ been modified and will not be repaired.

Since it said it didn't repair it I did a Repair Disk Permissions but that didn't seem to fix it.

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Laptops :: MacBook Running Leopard/snow Won't Boot?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a MacBook 13" 2.0 GHz with 1 GB Ram and a 80GB harddrive 2006 model. This machine recognizes all ram, DVD, Hard Drive and ng usb etc. seems to work perfectly. BUT, it will only startup if I HOLD the PowerButton down all the way down until I see the the Apple Logo. If I just hit the powerbutton and go, it will t reboot over and over and over. I have bought new ram, nope. I tried a different HD, nope. I disconnected the DVD, nope. It simply won't boot properly. Once I HOLD down the power button to get it running it works fine, sees the camera, BT, WIFI, clock is at right time, all keys on KB work, and usb peripherials. I cannot reset the pram or vram at all, even while holding the power button down to boot. If I just hit the button and quickly press Command option p r it just reboots like always. Does anyone have any ideas??? I'm at a loss as it works fine once booted. While holding the power button to boot it I see my front led flashing and then hear the several beeps and it starts up just fine.

I have pulled the battery, removed the PSU, held the power button for a whole minute battery or power and let it sit overnight like this but nada, still does this.

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Mac Pro :: Final Cut And Video Editing

Mar 8, 2008

Does anyone use a MBP for video editing or do you find it much more easier on a desktop?

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Mac Pro :: Minimum Ram For Video Editing?

Apr 13, 2008

Ive got a friend that has a mac pro 2.66 quad core and it came stock with only 2gb of ram. He wants to order some today but is not sure how much to get. If getting it from OWC what would be the best bang for the buck? is there a point where more ram wont make that much difference?

oh and his has 4x512mb sticks, what are your opinions on not matching the sticks? (such as 1gb with 512mb)

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OS X :: Video Editing For Imac G3

May 24, 2010

I would love some suggestions for some video editing programs that might work on my G3 imac. 500Mhz, 640MB ram, 16MB graphics. I would prefer freeware, and no imovie. Im not looking for anything too extreme, just some basic or above average editing.

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IMac :: Video Editing CS5 I7

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed CS5 and was able to play with Premiere Pro and After Effects. Before I was debating on getting an iMac 27 i7 or a Mac Pro. Well for the money, the iMac i7 does everything I ask it to. Computers can still get faster as this thing is fast, but it's not instant meaning, it still takes time to render. But to give you an idea...on my 13.3 Macbook, a 1 hour render takes about 10 minutes on the i7. The interesting thing is playing Starcraft 2...I don't hear the iMac fans at all...however, rendering HD video puts the CPU to work. I only have 8GB of RAM now and it seems responsive, but I can guarantee for these kinds of video editing programs, the more RAM the merrier. I order 8GB more RAM today and I will have a total of 12GB (I stole 4GB out of my Macbook temporarily). I can certainly say for anyone thinking about iMac for video editing it definitely can get the job done. If money however is not an issue go with the Mac Pro...the extra hard drives make a difference. For those on a budget. like me. this is the top of the line product for a prosumer. It's hard to beat the price for the big monitor and i7 chip. BTW...even 27 isn't enough. I got an external 24 next to it and in fact... running both After Effects and Premiere Pro it would not be out of the question to have a 3rd monitor for web browsing or have a document to look at or something. Let's all hope Adobe supports our video cards in the future.

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Motion 5 :: Video Editing App?

Dec 11, 2014

I have a VHS tape of an educational program that I did and plan to transfer it to a DVD and then do some editing on it with a video editing app... Like breaking it up into shorter clips and adding some text to it, etc) I'm looking for a video editing program that I can do this with. Can I use Motion 5 to accomplish this or is there another app in the App Store that would be better... and not cost a fortune  

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Final Cut Pro X :: Would Be Able To Do Video Editing?

Jun 23, 2014

I currently have a Mac Mini, ssd drive, 2.6ghz quad core i7 with 16gb of ram. Graphics is intel hd4000. Despite it's not having dedicated graphics, would I be able to do some fairly heavy video editing, in Final Cut Pro, with it? I'm still learning, but the computer was an investment and I hope it grows with me. Right now I'm learning with iMovie, but I plan on purchasing FcP in the near future. I am hoping I don't have to worry about purchasing another Mac for at least a couple of years, just because I don't have discrete graphics or iris in this one.  

Basically I'm not looking to edit a feature-length presentation, but I'd like to do some music videos, with some cool effects, maybe get into short films or documentaries of 10 to 15 min in length. Nothing too intense, but I'd like to play around with some effects. 

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Laptops :: Is It Possible To Speed Up IBook Video

Apr 15, 2010

I've got an iBook G4, 1.2 GHz, OS 10.4.11, 125 gb HD, 1.2 GB RAM, usual 32 MB vram.Thing is, the video speed isn't quite what it used to be. YouTube vids used to run just fine, about 2-3 years ago. Now, of course, it's choppy at best. Ditto Hulu and pretty much any other online video.

I seem to recall something from years and years ago, back in the Classic days, of how you could let the graphics use regular RAM to supplement the vram, something like that - the end result being that it would play smoother than before, kind of a speed bump for the video.

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PowerPC :: Burning - Running Several Programs

Nov 5, 2006

What I used to love about my Powerbook G4 is that it's pretty much silent, unless I happen to be burning something, or running several programs at once. However, this appears to be a thing of the past, as I've begun to notice that the fan is now permanently whizzing, and while it's not loud, it's anything but silent. This happens constantly, while I'm running minimal programs, and while my computer is sitting on my desk, not on any soft surfaces.

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OS X :: 50-60% System Usage / No Programs Running?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a MacBook, using iMac atm but my MacBook is running 50-60% system, 0.5-1.5 user, and i do not know why its using so much of my CPU... No programs are running except Activity Monitor... So I'm not sure whats going on, i have all the latest Airport, firmware and all that...

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MacBook Pro :: How To Remove Programs Running OS X 10.6.8

Mar 11, 2012

How to I remove a Program from My Mac? It is nothing like a Windows.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: MacBook Running Out Of Space On Startup When Editing Photos Stored On External

Jul 21, 2009

I had a bunch of photos stored on my digital camera that I wanted to upload onto my computer. Only I had a little under 2 GB of free space on my startup disk, which was not going to be enough, so I uploaded them to an iPhoto library I created on my external hard drive. The free space that Finder recognized on my startup disk dropped to around 1 GB during the time it took to upload the 1300 or so photos onto the external drive, which was slightly surprising in that it's never taken so short a time, but I restarted my computer and it went back to recognizing the right amount of free space, like it always has after restarting. Everything was working just as I expected.

However, when I edited about 1000 of those photos in iPhoto, somehow this ate up almost all of the hard drive space on my LAPTOP, not my external drive, and restarting my computer did absolutely no good. I am literally running on 13 MB of free space as I type this.

The photos are definitely in my external iPhoto library, not on my startup disk. I searched my startup for "IMG" (my camera names photos "img_###" to see if for some reason iPhoto was copying the pictures I edited to my laptop, but none of these new pictures came up. I even went into the files I'd accessed yesterday (it's past midnight here) to see if I could figure it out, but all the photos I clicked on were on the external disk. That iPhoto is copying the pictures I edit somewhere is the only possible solution I can think of. But whatever it is that is taking up all my free space, I can't find it.

Meanwhile, and similarly inexplicably, the copy of Cocktail I have downloaded is telling me that I am currently using only 71% of my available disk space, which uh, has basically never been true ... Cocktail has always told me that I'm using something depressing (yet accurate) like 93% of my available disk space.

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Hardware :: MPB Photo & Video Editing

Aug 12, 2008

I was just wondering how good the video/picture editing is on the MBP??What would it be rated out of ten?? (If 1 was a normal computer editing program and 10 was photoshop)

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IMac :: Beginner Video Editing

Nov 5, 2010

I currently have an old PPC G4 iMac that has finally shown its age for me now that I want to start doing some basic HD video editing in iMovie to start. I wouldn't totally rule out using Final Cut, but most likely I will be using iMovie for a while. I use consoles for gaming mostly, but would be open to using the iMac for it. So I am basically wondering if I can get away with using the following refurb for at least the next 3 years or so:

Refurbished iMac 27-inch 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
27-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics with 256MB memory
Built-in iSight camera

Or seeing as how I do not replace stuff very fast, am I just better off taking the bigger plunge now on this iMac:

Refurbished iMac 27-inch 2.93GHz Intel Quad-Core i7 processor
27-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
4GB memory
1TB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
ATI Radeon HD 5750 graphics with 1GB memory
Built-in iSight camera

I am not looking to start a which one is better conversation, that is obvious. I just do not know enough about the performance of these to determine if I am purchasing a machine that is built for something that I will never use.

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MacBook Air :: Video Editing With IMovie?

Nov 5, 2010

Has anyone tried this with the 4gb version on the 13". What will slow these things down, or what can you not do? Streaming HD video? Does anyone seeing the memory being an issue in the future?

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IMac :: HD Video Editing I5 / I7 Difference?

Dec 17, 2010

I have G5 which takes 15 hours to write a DVD home movie.

I am planning to buy a new imac.

My choice is 27" 2.93 i7 8 ram or 21" 3.60 i5 8 ram Does anyone know if there would be a SIGNIFICANT difference in processing a DVD between these two. It has been suggested i7 could do it in 3 hours.

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