MacBook Pro :: Apple Hardware Check Does Check Hardrives?
Jun 8, 2010
As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
is there a way to check a part by number? from apple. I got my repaired laptop back and the 3rd thing they replaced was a "cover" - "mechanical / cosmetic damage" cover of what? i have the part number, is there a way to see what this is exactly?
i am due to send my macbook pro to apple retail tomorrow to check my battery. anyone know how long does it take? i can't leave my laptop there because i need it over the weekend.
i've been getting this service battery icon on my battery bar for a week.
I think that someone else can read my emails from my mac computer.There are some informations outside which can only come from my emails. Is there a apple tool to check for trojan, virus or other software. I think someone installed the eblaster software on my mac as i was away.
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just installed last night the 1TB WD Scorpio Blue without a problem in a 2010 MBP 13", but seem to be having some issues now. Im showing the drive is shown w/red text and failing the SMART status in the disk utility. It showed verified when I installed it last night and reinstalled OS X, but now this. I have also been getting some beachballs, but does seem to be running fine now. Is this a sign of just a bad drive, or is it normal for a non-apple drive to fail the smart status check?
I use MacBook 13" Intel Core 2 Duo , OS 10.4.11, Safari 4.03 . I used to be able to check my e.mail for spellings in the past, but for some time now I have lost this facility. Every time I click on the spellings check it gives a message more,it seems, related to a desk top computer.
Is it possible? I remember that the first time i ran GarageBand i had an update available for some free loops downloaded via software update, but i don't remember the pack name.
Not sure where to post this as it really applies to the Apple Online Store itself. On my iMac running 10.6.3 I can't check out on the Apple online store. I can add items to my cart (doesn't matter what it is: i've tried various items). But once I go to check out it asks me to login and when I do I get taken to a page that says "An error has occurred during your session. Please return to the Store Menu to continue shopping." No matter how many times I try to checkout, I'll get the same error.However, if I login to the Apple store from my Macbook Air running 10.5.8 (which recognizes me as the same account as the same items will show up in the cart) I can checkout fine with no problems.
new to apple, used to Thunderbird (window version) that detect your language and check the spelling automatically. I write emails everyday in 3 languages and so far what i do is: in a new email, right clic to open a menu, then clic spelling and grammar / clic show spelling and grammar / choose your language / close the menu. Mac is great, there MUST be a plug in or a faster way.
I need to check if an other applescript put a file on the desktop.however the name varies depending on the weekday it was make. (in the original script I have:
I think the script to check if the file is there should be something like this:tell application "Finder" try open "File:Path:To:Desktop:NameXX" on error Run an other script end tryend tell however I am not sure how to deal with the variable name.Â
Info: MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
This guy did an amazing job comparing the 2 processors. This helped me decide the 2.4Ghz is very very closely matched to the 2.66Ghz. Check out the benchmarks for the GPU 256 vs 512mb of vram its very close. I think that was already pointed out in another thread. [URL]
I am going to buy a second hand MacBook pro and I need to know how to check it and what I should actually check. This is my first time with a Mac and I have no idea how to check it and what are the system information software which allows me to check the specs and probable problems in the system.
I am wondering whether there are any program to check the SSD health or the number of the write cycles on the macbook air? I am a little bit worried about the ssd on my macbook air since it only has 2 Gb ram and the ssd drive will be used as the virtual memory.
can anyone recommend a free alarm clock to use that will play a song or something? i am a deep sleeper and enjoy having my old laptop blasting music when i need to wake up.
My 15" i5 HR AG MacBook Pro should be arriving tomorrow through FedEx and I just wanted to check in and see if there are any tests to conduct to make sure the computer is good to go. Obviously a dead pixel test in store, but anything other than that?
I have a white macbook and I have recently got these random messages when I load a web page. It will show me like a "warning" page, its has I think a black and white background with a message in the middle thats like "This site contains malware that could effect your computer" would you like to continue, etc. I got one for malware and one for "phishing." Ive never had these before, how can I know if my computer has been effected?
I got an OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD and it runs fine and it's fast when using the computer. But the boot up time is so ridicules slow, slower then my old 500GB 7200RPM drive. My boot up time is around 37 sec with the SSD. The Apple logo came's up and the spinning wheel spinning forever!.
I think I know what the problem is, it's searching for like 25 sec for the first boot drive, and it can't find my SSD. Other people I know here on Macrumors just checked the SSD in the "Start up" in System Preferences and reboot, then they getting fast boot time. When I check my SSD and press reboot, it's still slow and when I later check the Start Up disk, none disk is selected (neither the SSD or "Network startup"...
Here is how it always look like when going in to System Preferences -> Startup Disk after a reboot, none is selected... (sorry for the Swedish language, I hope you will understand)
What should I do to fix this problem? (I've tried to reset NVRAM, PRAM and SMC, but with no luck).
Quick question- not sure how these are categorized but here we go: How do I find the name of my Core 2 Duo chip? i.e. Penryn etc. Checked System Profiler and it didn't say.
New to Macs but loving it so far. I see postings about checking fan speeds and cpu temp but cant find anywhere on the mac to check these issues. Is there software on the macbook air to check these or is this separate software?