MacBook Pro :: Will Setting Up A Dual Network Speed Up Transfer Rates
May 6, 2012
I have 3 macbookpros connected to a mini mac server via ethernet. I have the cables and hub to set up a firewire network. I'm wondering if having two networks will increase my connection speed?
My Airport Extreme and Airport Express are set up on a WDS network. Similar to what I read here [URL]. My PowerBook G4 gets a data rate of only 11-36. Is that normal? What range should I be shooting for? Why does it fluctuate? I looked in System Profiler but didn't see anything to indicate the capabilities of the Airport Card in terms of data rate...
I have a "My book Pro" 250 GB external hard drive spinning at 7200 rpm. This thing is dog slow. It takes about 5 to 10 seconds to copy about 2 megabytes. I have another drive that copies about 160 megabytes in about 5 seconds. I called Western Digital (the maker of the "My Book Pro") and they said that USB 2.0 transfer rates are about 2 MB a second! That is not true but he insisted. My question to you all is how can i win this argument with them? Do you know a formula that would give me real world numbers. In other words how to translate 480 megabits (the USB 2.0 transfer spec) into megabytes? Ive searched the net and cant find anything. Its messed up cause both drives have basically the same specs. Ive even tried reformatting to every possibility, ive switched cables from the fast drive to the slow drive. Nothings working. Im gonna call WD back tomorrow but i wanted a way to talk about what could honestly be expected from USB 2.0. I just cant believe that USB 2.0 tops out at 2MB a second. And to top it all off, todays call ended up with me getting disconnected so i called back and guess what, they were closed...that guys a DOUCHE. I really cant put my faith into Western Digital after this. Are there drives that are geared more towards professionals seeking performance and reliability?
Can I use a router and an external HDD that connects via USB as a Time Capsule for wireless Time Machine backups? Or does it HAVE to be a Time Capsule to work? I am planning on buying a router (see link below) and I already have a huge 1.5 terabyte WD hard drive, and I'd really like to just connect it to the router and use it for wireless back up...and possibly even move my massive iTunes library over to as well one day.
Here's the router I'm looking at: [URL]
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am setting up my macbook pro for a second user but office didn't transfer over.Is there a way to have additional users on the same comp have office available without having to re-install it for each user?
This ended up being pretty long but I tried to include as many details as possible. If any more information is needed please just let me know in this thread. I have been trying to figure this out all day and it has been driving me nuts. First of all I have a Macbook with a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 4 GB of RAM and am running Mac OS X Version 10.5.6. Also this is the last generation of the "white" macbook that came out in February I believe of last year.
My external HD is a 1TB Rock Mobile Disk. For some reason when I try to transfer files to or from the external HD to my Mac I am getting nowhere near the expected 480MB/s. I do use a Swiss Gear 4-port USB splitter. When I use the splitter I am getting a transfer rate of about 120MB/s and without it I am only getting about 300MB/s. This is of course if I am only trying to transfer one 800MB movie. If I attempt to transfer multiple seasons of television shows it will drop to as low as 40-50MB/s. Also, if I were to be transferring a single season of a TV show. The transfer speed is much faster to click and drag every episode from my HD to my Mac than it is to transfer the entire folder at once. The whole folder might take 25 minutes but one at a time it will only take about 5.
My wife and I share an IMAC but have separate accounts. My problem is we store all of our photos in aperture 2. When my wife downloads photos, I don't know how to access them. When I download photo's, she cant access mine. I think we both have our settings for sharing files as we are both set up as administrators as well. Is there an easy way to set up both of our accounts to go to a shared file as a default so we can just lick our aperture and see photos from both accounts. We are both very computer illiterate so simplicity would be great as far as setting up to default to the shared file on uploads.
I have an old iMac G3 in my room running Mac OS 10.3 Panther. Just recently, I hooked up a VGA CRT monitor in an attempt to run dual displays. However, it seems that all the machine or OS is capable of is running in mirrored mode.
During the summer, I don't have A/C in my house. My temps were getting pretty high, around 55C/130F for processors and up to 78c/172f for ram. That is pretty high, and I suspect it is because the ambient temp in my room is somewhere in the 90s. I am just very acclimated to the heat, and it doesn't bother me.
I downloaded SMC Fan control and bumped the min fan speeds up to: 1250rpm for Exhaust 1150rpm for CPU 800rpm for Power Supply 1350rpm for HD
This has made a tremendous difference. CPU is down over 20C and ram is down about 30-35C. Are these fan speeds safe? What are the Mac Pro fans rated at, and will the increased speed shorten their lifespan? I'd like to keep these current fan speeds if it is safe.
Just downloaded and installed this app, been using it for a few hours, I am a fan. Just a quick question, it won't seem to let me set the minimum fan speed below 2000rpm (the standard level for the app), is this normal, I thought I remembered the apple default being lower? 15inch UNI MBP, 2.4 ghz, 2g ram, 250hd by the way
I've purchased a Mac mini with the Apple mouse (Mighty mouse) and Apple keyboard and I can tell a difference between how tracking speeds on Mac's compared to PC's, in that with a Mac the tracking speed is less linear and slower if the mouse is moved slower and accelerated if the mouse is moved faster. I'm starting to adjust to this change but can you guys tell me what mouse speeds you have set for your mighty mouse and what screen size you have. Just want to see what speeds other people are using on their Mac's.
My network speed on my MBP is being caped at 20Mbit. This happens on both WiFi and and wired. My ISP provides 80Mb and other machines on the network can run speedtest in excess of 70+. I have tried everything i can fin including disabling IPv6, open DNS, manual setting the MTU etc. but nothing seems to change it. I am using a WNDR3700 router. I have tried disabling n band and only running g, switching of 5Ghz, switching of 2.4ghz no change. However the fact that the choke is there also on the wired network leads me to believe its not this. I have also tried taking the router out of the equation and connecting directly to the cable box. Same thing 20Mb cap.
I purchased a FW800 enclosure for my Seagate 500GB 5400rpm HD. I just got a 2010 13" MBP. I was previously using a 2006 MBP with an ExpressCard slot, and had this hard drive connected over eSATA. According to TomsHardware the max sustained write speed of this drive is around 65MB/s, which is what I was getting over eSATA. So I got the FW800 enclosure now that I can't use eSATA with the thought that I'd be getting the same 65MB/s that this drive is capable of. FW800 should be able to handle up to 100MB/s. But I'm only getting around 40MB/s, closer to what I should be getting if I was using FW400.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro from a couple of years ago (2.0 GHz) and I am about to upgrade my harddrive from 75 GB to 500 GB (and from 5400 to 7200 rpm). I think I am going to simply clone my harddrive, so I bought an enclosure for my new drive to use when transferring all my data. The enclosure I purchased works with usb 2.0 or eSATA.
My question is, should I take advantage of the eSATA speeds? Do you think it's worth it? For another 50 bucks I could by an expresscard and a cable that will allow me to do the transfer via eSATA. Should I bother or should I just stick with USB 2.0? I hear USB 3.0 is coming out early next year, so I was thinking I shouldn't bother with eSATA (though 50 bucks isn't much of an investment). But I'm not about to wait for USB 3.0 to come out. Do you think it would be worth spending the money to get the extra speed for this transfer? My 75 GB drive is almost full.
I have a macbook air, I'm trying to use my airport extreme with a 1 tb hard drive plugged in over my network to store my iTunes etc i change the preferences but it always seems to forget it when the laptop is turned of..
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), using 3rd gen airport extreme
I've just got a MBP 13. I was able to set the speed at which the applications open, so rather than the little icon in the dock bouncing 3 or 4 times it bounces twice then opens. I cannot find where I did this. Also is it ok to set it to the fastest if you like?
I have a white macbook that has airport extreme (0x14e4, 0x88). In some wireless networks that operate at speed 108 I got 'Time Out' Error when I want to connect. Is there any patch I should install or something should be done?
At the moment I'm only running iTunes, HelTweetica and Safari, but my memory/CPU graphs are really high and jumpy. Is it supposed to do this or am I just being too paranoid?
I'm having friends stay with me for a few weeks and want to set up the AE to limit the speed of internet available so they don't stream video all day (I have a data cap)
Crucial lists PC4000 (500mhz) as well as PC3200 (400mhz) for my Power Mac. It has 1gb of PC3200 in it right now. I always thought that you wanted your RAM to be AT LEAST as fast as your FSB. FSB is 1ghz per processor. SO, would it be a good idea to run PC4000 RAM as opposed to PC3200? From what I gather if I mix them, it will just run the RAM at 400mhz. So would it be substantially faster with say, 1gb of PC4000 as ooposed to 1gb of PC3200 ?
I have tested the WAN to LAN speed and WAN to WiFi speed on Apple's latest Airport Extreme out of curiosity.
The test is done with two Unibody MacBook Pro; one connected to the WAN port, the other to LAN. The test was done over FTP with one of them set as server. A 85MB file was transferred
I have been having a long term problem with my dual band airport extreme...
The good news - the 5 Ghz band works great - I get very consistent download speeds of around 12.5 Mbps on my MacBook Pro.
The bad news, its not the same story with the other band. The speed is somewhat inconsistent and generally very slow - usually around 1-2 Mbps on my Macbook pro (although I did do one speedtest that got 8Mbps - def the exception though). On my iPhone 3g and my new iPhone 4, I am yet to get a speed greater than 1Mbps (and its been as low as 220 Kbps) its always slower than the 1.5 Mbps I get over 3g!
Can anyone tell me what the problem might be and how I might go about troubleshooting/fixing it?
I'm a bit new to the whole Mac scene. I'm trying to figure out how to set up a network for my office, and I have a few questions.
1. Can I have my modem plug into a Time Capsule and use that as a router, or do I need an airport? This relates to question 2.
2. I want to have a server to store all of my data. 1TB will be plenty. Do I need to buy an XServe, or can I just buy a 1TB Time Capsule?
Basically, I want to know if I can use a Time Capsule as both a router and a server. I will have 6 computers in my office using this wireless internet. Would I be better off buying an Airport Extreme and an Xserve? What does an Xserve offer that a Time Capsule does not?
So I got a new Macbook about 3 months, and I've been sitting on a couch in the same room with the wireless router. However I'm getting a bit sick of having to use a couch as my desk and I want to get internet in my room.
Our house, is reasonbly new, and I know that all the phone wires are cat5 (I'm 100% sure), so I was thinking of setting up a wired network.
Since our house is made up of concrete and steel beams, the wireless signal isn't that great in our house. We have a D-Link G604T which is a piece of junk so I will get a new router in the near future.
So currently, we have some sort of filter in the room where the router is, so we can plug in the router without having to worry about putting filters on all of our telephone lines.
However, if I were to put internet in through the same line, I'm guessing I would have to get some filters.
Hopefully what I want to do is get a phone jack to Ethernet converter and put internet directly into the wall and hopefully I will get internet in all of the phone jacks. I could probably take the cable out and put a Ethernet end straight on the cable.
I was also thinking If I get a airport extreme of some other gigabit router, I would technically get less latency and would retain my internet speeds even though I would getting internet through a long line of cables.
recently purchased two Intel X-25M 80GB G2 drives. One will be used as a boot drive for Snow Leopard and the other for Windows 7. I also will have a RAID array of one WD 640GB Caviar Black (on order) and one Hitachi 640GB (stock HDD from Apple) on which I will place my files. In the past I have used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone one HDD onto another. However, this time I have to approach things a bit differently.
I have installed and have running a new Time Capsule. I would like to access files through the wireless network between two Apples and two PC's. At present the Apples are working wonderfully, however the PC running Windows 7 sees the network is unable to access it.
I just purchased a Samsung CLP 315 laser printer to run over my network and cannot get it to work for the life of me. I have it plugged into my AirPort Express and it recognizes it through Bonjour but when I go to print it gets about 4% complete and then says 'unable to locate'...
So explain to me as you would to a complete moron how to create a wireless network with WEP encryption. I have an iMac running Leopard and my router is a D-Link DI-524.