Hardware :: USB Transfer Rates - Formula For Real World Numbers
Oct 30, 2009
I have a "My book Pro" 250 GB external hard drive spinning at 7200 rpm. This thing is dog slow. It takes about 5 to 10 seconds to copy about 2 megabytes. I have another drive that copies about 160 megabytes in about 5 seconds. I called Western Digital (the maker of the "My Book Pro") and they said that USB 2.0 transfer rates are about 2 MB a second! That is not true but he insisted. My question to you all is how can i win this argument with them? Do you know a formula that would give me real world numbers. In other words how to translate 480 megabits (the USB 2.0 transfer spec) into megabytes? Ive searched the net and cant find anything. Its messed up cause both drives have basically the same specs. Ive even tried reformatting to every possibility, ive switched cables from the fast drive to the slow drive. Nothings working. Im gonna call WD back tomorrow but i wanted a way to talk about what could honestly be expected from USB 2.0. I just cant believe that USB 2.0 tops out at 2MB a second. And to top it all off, todays call ended up with me getting disconnected so i called back and guess what, they were closed...that guys a DOUCHE. I really cant put my faith into Western Digital after this. Are there drives that are geared more towards professionals seeking performance and reliability?
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm trying to create a template for legal billing. The only thing I'm really having a problem with is the formula that multiplies time by hourly rate. The time spent cells are formatted to show it as 4h 5m ... and that totals perfectly with the SUM formula. When I multiply it with a rate cell formatted to currency the math is fine, but the format stays as 00h 00m ... even when I format that cell to currency.
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May 27, 2009
I want to set up a cell that has a number in it. That number is to decrease by one every seven days is there a formula that I can use to do this automatically
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Feb 22, 2010
I am a newly converted Mac user and have some entrenched Excel habits, and try as I might, I couldn't locate this Excel formula in Numbers.
In Excel, I use "=C55 (or cell reference)" to copy that particular value from one worksheet to another.
I do this by clicking on the cell where I want the value to be copied to, type = and then switch to the other worksheet and click on the cell I want to copy. And voila, I am now back onto my 1st worksheet with the value showing. I do this because the value I want to copy to this cell changes regularly.
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May 3, 2010
I am creating a new budget sheet, and am trying to automate it as much as possible. I get paid bi-weekly, and I like to budget on a per pay period case rather than month to month. What this means is that on certain budgets I have one set of bills due, on another I'll have a different set of bills due.
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Oct 14, 2010
I am studying, there is a weekly timetable made of 20 individual classes, each on 4 times a week. I would like to know how to make a spreadsheet so I can manually input all these classes and have it return a non conflicting pattern. By that I mean that I want a personal timetable that will let me visit each class at least once a week.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have recently run a 13 page excel spread sheet for a budget on Windows and on transferring it to Numbers on my new mac, one of the formulas is not compatable. this is what I do. There is a balance figure on each of pages 2 to 13 which are then required to be transferred as a total figure in one of the columns on page 1.
This was the formula on windows: =SUM(xmas:Savings!F2)
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Mar 23, 2010
I'm an independent contractor and keep track of my hours worked & amount paid for the year in numbers, and thus far its working Great! However, I'm attempting to figure out how much my "pay per hour, per day" is, and need am wondering if there is an easier way to do this.
My spreadsheet is setup like the following:
Rows = Days worked
Column F = Time worked
Column G = Amount paid.
So to figure out how much I made "per hour per day", I simply take Column G divided by Column F for each day. However, I'm currently manually entering this script into each row, and given that I worked over 200 days last year(i.e. I manually enter in row 1 =SUM(G1)/(F1); row 2 =SUM(G2)/(F2), etc.
Is there an easier way to do this? Is there a way to sequentially apply scripts, so instead of manually entering G2/F2, it will automatically apply the =Sum G / F's of that row? I'm on numbers 08
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Aug 14, 2010
I have a list of expenses and there are columns such as "Description, Cost" the usual, but I also made one named "Type" that is populated with either "Business, Personal," or "Fixed Expenditures".
I would like, then, to make another table that links to the first with three rows. Each one adds the total cost of Business, Personal, and Fixed Expenditures. How can I accomplish this?
I want to divide the expenses into expenses types and create a sum for each type.
Basically, it categorizes the expenses and puts them in three different totals: one for each "Type" of expense.
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Dec 7, 2008
I bit the bullet and upgraded from a Rev A 1.6GHz 80GB HDD MBA - to a Rev B 1.86GHz 128GB SSD MBA. I wanted to post my observations on what it's like to upgrade - I know many Rev A owners have - or are thinking about - upgrading to Rev B. In this post/comparison, I refer to "Rev A" and "Rev B". The Rev A is my older 1.6GHz 80GB HDD MBA. The Rev B is my new 1.86GHz 128GB SSD MBA
Caveat - Unlike some (but not all!) Rev A MBA owners, I love my Rev A MBA. I've had zero problems with it. It runs cool and I have not experienced any core shut downs. It would heat up when most laptops normally heat up and the fans would kick. It would cool down quickly when I moved on to something else. With video it never stuttered... Perhaps my Rev A has run so nicely because I don't ask a lot of it. It is a second Mac to my Mac Pro - I use it primarily for email, word processing, iTunes movies and web surfing - on the couch and on the road. It has REALLY been a great laptop and I have nothing bad to say about it...................
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm new to iworks and have trying to figure this one out for a while. I used a template to set up financial info and calculate how much was spent on items. This was the preset formula: =SUMIF(Transactions :: $Category,A2,Transactions :: Amount)
However, I only want the sum from a particular range of dates (e.g. 9/1/09 to 9/30/09, as in cells B2:B10) so I can budget accordingly. In excel, you just grab the highlighted corner and drag it to where you want- here I can't do that and it won't let me add any more "conditions". Any idea how to remedy this? It's driving me nuts. On a side note, I am NOT a programmer so programming language will unfortunately not help unless you get VERY specific about how to do it (which you probably don't want to do).
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Nov 1, 2009
Is it worth the extra cash to go up to the 2.13? I know it's a small amount, but that could be a new mouse, or a super drive. I've seen tests that indicate the rev b 1.86 is actually faster than the new 2.13. This will be my only personal mac. I'm a graphic designer (adobe cs4) but I don't do much design work on my personal computer (I have a nice iMac at work). The usual facebook, email, web browsing, YouTube
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Nov 18, 2009
Just wondering if it's worth getting a machine with 8Gb of RAM over the standard 4Gb for things like video editing, aperture etc. Can most of today's apps even use 8 gigs of memory? I assume the biggest advantage would be for running a virtual windows machine within OSX and things like that.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am looking to buy a new AEBS to replace my Linksys WRT610N. The Linksys has dual simultaneous 5 & 2.4GHz capability as well, but suffers from constant disconnects and issues with both radios on at the same time. My question is to those of you that have the new AEBS with this capability and are actually using the dual network option. Have you had any problems with the new Apple unit? Any disconnects or other signs of flakiness?
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Jun 7, 2010
Anybody got anything good or bad to say about this?
What are the transfer rates like on Firewire 800?
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May 6, 2012
I have 3 macbookpros connected to a mini mac server via ethernet. I have the cables and hub to set up a firewire network. I'm wondering if having two networks will increase my connection speed?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server
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Apr 22, 2009
I have 1TB Seagate Freeagent external (15mb buffer / 7200rpm) connected to MBP. Transfering .avi files using firewire 800 takes about 20 seconds per gb so around 50mb a second - Is that not incredibly slow considering firewire 800 is rated upto 800 mb/s?
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Nov 12, 2009
I've got a mid 2009 MBP 2.66 and maye around 2 weeks ago I started ripping my DVDs with handbrake and I was getting like 100 fps... Now however I'm only getting 30 or less sometimes and it's only using 38% of the CPU whereas before it was using like 90-95%. I haven't changed anything.
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Mar 19, 2010
My Airport Extreme and Airport Express are set up on a WDS network. Similar to what I read here [URL]. My PowerBook G4 gets a data rate of only 11-36. Is that normal? What range should I be shooting for? Why does it fluctuate? I looked in System Profiler but didn't see anything to indicate the capabilities of the Airport Card in terms of data rate...
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Aug 21, 2010
At the moment I'm only running iTunes, HelTweetica and Safari, but my memory/CPU graphs are really high and jumpy. Is it supposed to do this or am I just being too paranoid?
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Jul 17, 2010
I've been ripping my hair out trying to find the answer to this.
In Numbers for Mac, I need to fill a column automatically with a series of integers (1 - 50) and then the next column with a function that interacts with the first column.
For example:
Column A - 1 - 5
Column B - (value in Column A * 5)
I can't figure out how to do it in Numbers When I try to fill column a with 1 - 50 all it does is fill all 1's and I cant find an option how to make that change so it automatically numbers when I highlight them.
The best I can describe is how in Excel you can type 1 in the first cell, then highlight a bunch of cells and the little box appears that lets you click "Fill Series"
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Dec 30, 2009
Has anyone tried running L4D2 in BootCamp? I was thinking about taking a punt on the original then I noticed that 2 was out. My Macbook runs Bioshock at medium settings, not the highest of frame rates but it's perfectly playable, but I'm not sure if it'll be able to handle L4D2. (Core2Duo 2ghz, 4gb DDR3, Nvidia9400M, XP 32-bit sp3).
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Mar 24, 2009
See above title. i get that there's the "degree(cell)" function, but there has to be an easier way to change the settings so you can just input in degrees rather than radians.
like how calculators have a degrees and radians mode, i find it so hard to believe that there isn't one in numbers. if there really isn't, this is an incredibly flawed program.
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May 22, 2012
how to change india numbers to arabic numbers?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a very limited knowledge of Excel, but generally find that I can figure things out eventually. However, this time, I just can't seem to tweek it so the result is what I want.
I have a spreadsheet for tracking parts ordered, and simply need to display how many days a part has been on order. I have a column for date ordered, and one for date received. Is there a way to program the formula to tell me the days that a part has been on order without displaying today's date in the spreadsheet (leaving it blank), and still be able to enter the date that it does arrive for our records?
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Mar 25, 2012
How do I write a formula to add selected cells?
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Apr 5, 2012
How to write math formula with Pages ?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 19, 2008
The left edge of my excel formula bar is not showing-almost as if it was pushed off the left side of the desktop (see picture). Unfortunately, the only part of the formula bar that allows it to move is now hidden, so I can no longer move the formula bar. I have tried switching the formula bar on and of in "View" and also tried re-loading excel, but it is stuck. Does anybody know how to reset the formula bar position?
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Apr 3, 2009
I am currently using excel 08 and have made a workbook with multiple worksheets in it. Each worksheet contains information on multiple products, such as description, UPC, cost, retail, sale cost, sale retail, how many items sold during sale, etc. Sales are two weeks, so every two weeks, I add a new worksheet with new information for sales I will be running a few weeks down the road. I would like to see if there is a way that I can have excel look through the past worksheets so when I enter a UPC into the new worksheet, there would be a column at the end that would take the average items sold during past sales.
For example, if I want to put UPC 1234500000 on sale in the new worksheet, that excel would look at past times I had 1234500000 on sale and take the average of how many sold during past sales and enter that number in a cell on the new worksheet. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but Column D is where I enter UPC info, Column P is where I put how many sold, and Column Q is where I want this average sold to appear (no matter what worksheet).
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Jan 21, 2011
I am experienced in Excel VBA on the PC but not on the Mac. I am building an application on my PC that will run on my sister's Mac (latest OS, Excel V14.0.2). The problem involves the use of FormulaARRAY in my code. I have extracted the problem statement into a small example routine shown below:
Public Sub example()
Dim lastcol As Long
With ActiveSheet
lastcol = 12
.Cells(4, 6).FormulaArray = "=SUM((MOD(COLUMN(RC9:RC" & lastcol & ")
-COLUMN(RC9),3)=0)*(RC9:RC" & lastcol & "))" End With End Sub
Here is one of the correct and working formulas that resulted on the PC (note the brackets for the array formulas are missing but they are there. I got what I am showing by using the 'display formulas' option which apparently does not show the brackets):
Here is the incorrect and non working formula that resulted on my sister's Mac: (again the brackets are there)
Both systems were set to display R1C1 Reference Style. This is irrelevant on the PC and I would assume the same for the Mac. I bought an old G4 for $60 to use to debug my PC code in the Mac environment. Curiously the code runs fine on it under Excel 2004.
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