MacBook Pro :: Tips On Dealing With Glare
Feb 3, 2010
I was used to sit in a dark room at night so this was never an issue but lately I like having at least one light on. The problem is that when I do that and try to read something on the screen like a CNN article for example, I keep seeing my reflection and find myself moving left and right. I've tried to sit away from the light so its not directly behind me but sometimes that isn't always possible. I've also turned the brightness up to deal with it better but that's just a battery drain. My next macbook pro will surely be a matte screen as much as I love the black glass bezel. I used it for the first time at the Apple Store on a 17" and it was beautiful! So how do you deal with glare?
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Apr 14, 2010
Anti-Glare vs Glossy with an anti-glare film. Opinions? Advice? I want to retain the pretty black bezel and the film would serve a double purpose: anti-glare and scratch protection.
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Jan 14, 2011
Figured I would share my recent apple genius bar apt. I went in due to a annoying line on my late 2009 15" macbook pro. Noticed it anytime that the screen was dark or dimmed. So I took in the MacBook pro and the genius look at the issue examined claimed he could not see a thing and made me feel rather stupid. Also pointed out that my mbp was making a crack sound ever since I installed my incase hard case. He sad that is too bad its the case nothing else. Funny thing is when it made the sound another genius look at the computer and said hey that's not normal. So he felt rather dumb, but continued on with his genius opinion that it was fine. He hand it back and says everything looks and works perfect sorry you wasted a trip. So I get the mbp back open it up in the apple store and go over and tell him the mark is right on the screen and he comes ever and says nope, so he calls over two more genius and they look at the screen and say yep write him up a repair order.
I smiled exactly when the guy said that from 30 seconds of observation. The other genius just walked away and ignored me after that happened. Today I went and picked up the MBP and they replaced the screen and found out they also replaced my super drive. I was not aware there was any issues with the drive at all, but they fixed it. Also my computer is under applecare if anyone was wondering. Trying this up has made me notice I need to work in sentence structure and I cant help to think how many people don't nag the genius after they get a deny from them. Its almost like a god complex they say no its a no. Repair bill came to just under 700 dollars and I was wondering if there is anymore issues with this MBP can I request a replacement system? My apple car expires in Nov.
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Dec 14, 2008
I wanted to know how some of the rest of you who also have MacBook Air computers have been dealing with the fact that these machines only have one available USB Port. The single most inconvenient aspect of this is that, due to the mere 80GB hard drive I have installed in my MacBook Air, I use an external USB hard drive to store my iPhoto Library on and then when the time comes that I want to copy photos to my iPhoto Library, there's no way to do so because the SD card in my camera has to be plugged into my MacBook Air via USB.
I've found three solutions for dealing with this problem.
1) Copy the photos from the SD card to my MacBook Air's internal drive first, the disconnect the SD card and connect the external hard drive that has the iPhoto library on it, then copy the photos to the iPhoto library from the MacBook Air's internal drive.
2) Use a USB Hub to provide a means of connecting both the external USB Hard Drive as well as the SD card via a USB card reader. The one major problem with this approach is, to the best of my knowledge is, that it would have to be a powered USB Hub (in order to provide the power required to run two external hard drives - SD card & USB HD). This means that my ultra thin, uber-portable MacBook Air is now tethered to a power outlet.
3) The third and final method I've come across that I've most recently been playing with is through using the Eye-Fi Wi-Fi SD Card. This awesome little device, which Time Magazine has just listed as one of it's top 10 gadgets of the year, is truly incredible, you can read more about it here. This device would totally and completely solve my problem if it were not for one major detail, it's not compatible with RAW images (which for obvious reasons, I would much rather be using than JPEG). This one simple fact is most likely going to wind up being the deal breaker.
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm trying to use the linux present in my intel mac book but the features are different from usual Linux.Where I can find a suitable book?
MacBook Pro
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Aug 26, 2009
What is the best way to upgrade to SL from Leopard in terms of my Time Machine backups? Will Time machine try to restore from my backup and will this cause a problem? I am guessing that I should just manually copy files back across from my backup and then perform a new complete backup??
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Jan 20, 2011
I am experienced in Excel VBA for the PC. I am finding my way around the Mac using Excel version 14.0.2. I am trying to rename files using Name oldpathname AS newpathname the files have .jpg and .pdf extensions. The files show up in Finder with and without the extension in the file name. I assume I will have to specify the entire file name including the extension. I am unsure what it means when I see files with and without the extensions in their names. On another but related subject, I have discovered the 31 character limit (truncated file names) in names as returned by the dir function. Does Name oldpathname as newpathname have the same problem?
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Jun 14, 2008
I have been waiting to get a MBP for about 2 months now and I finally got one. One of the first apps I made sure to get was Multiclutch. This is easily the sickest app on the MBP.
In case anyone doesnt know, multiclutch extends the multitouch feature on the trackpads on new MBPs and MBA.
Extends is really too small a word though, because before, the gestures dont do a damn thing. Any way, a little tinkering around with multiclutch and I think I pretty much have the lay of the land.
First thing is first- global applications: these are your bread and butter in multiclutch. set up some good ones that will help u with anything. some that are good are:
swipe down -cmd-H -hides current window
zoom out -cmd-Q -quits current application
and I like Rotate left -cmd-W - closes current window- ill get more into that one in a minute.
these should get u started and used to multiclutch and most importantly global gestures will affect programs that wouldnt usually be affected by multiclutch such as carbon apps (itunes and finder especially).
IMPORTANT: if you try to put gestures in itunes or any other carbon app remember to reset the shortcut for the global apps and the app will be able to use some gestures again
next most important application for gestures: firefox- or your browser of choice. These ones work great and really streamline the browsing experience. im still toying with these a little but the ones i have now are:
rotate right -cmd-T- new tab
rotate left -cmd-W -this and the global app with the same function for the same gesture really work great together. in firefox cmd-W will close ur current tab and in global it will close ur current window- really intuitive and helpful
zoom in -cmd-shift-T -opens ur most recently closed tab-good for when u accidentally rotate left
swipe right- cmd ] - forward
swipe left -cmd [ -back -saves a lot of time
obviously these firefox ones are not completely ideal because it would be nice to switch tabs when u want to as well, but the other gestures dont really work for switch tab, and the goal is really to make the gestures something simple and obvious.
that said i am tinkering with moving back to swipe up and then just having left right be for switching -so far its not really working because the combo for previous tab is set to the same button combo as the little app switcher thingie.
anyway clearly more work needs to be put in, but i just got my MBP a few days ago, so im constantly trying out new gestures for different actions.
If anyone has any gestures they think are good please share them, or if anyone thinks they know some better ones than the ones i point out.
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Nov 11, 2009
I just got a MBA and was wondering what I could do to increase its performance? (without changing hardware such as getting a Runcore SSD)
It's a secondary computer and only plan on using it for writing, browsing the web, and itunes music.
Are there any programs I should install/delete?
I just want to get rid of all the excess things I don't really need.
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Apr 10, 2008
'm not particularly fond of some of the commercial macbook skins out there, so i'm interested in creating my own.
i'd like to create something similar to this:
clearly, there's some sort of custom/created skin (vinyl, perhaps?) on top of the actual macbook without covering the macintosh light. on top of that is a black incase cover.
any tips on creating something along these lines? methods/tools/supplies?
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Mar 13, 2009
I want to prolong the battery life as long as possible. If I am sitting at my desk with an available ac outlet and my battery is already full. Is it better to run off the ac adapter? Is it harmful?
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Feb 22, 2010
Does anybody have any good tips on cleaning your screen.
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Apr 18, 2012
I tried to migrate information from MacBook Air to ...Pro and it seemed to have taken files from folders on desktop as none exist on Air now. As to where these files are, I don't know. It has also taken my pictures from iPhoto to unknown destination. ??
MacBook Air, Other OS
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Dec 9, 2009
I've got a late 2008 Macbook with glass trackpad. Lately I've been getting weird aches in the tips of my fingers when using it.
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Dec 23, 2010
Which is better for the battery? Do you guys put it in sleep at night when you're not using it or do you switch it off completely?
Any other tips on saving battery other than the obvious like turning the brightness down etc.
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm about to order the 15" i7 soon. I'll leave the country to travel in Asia for 3 months this summer, so I will tend to be outdoors a lot. On daily basis, I'm a college student and freelance graphic designer - I usually use my computer in class or at home (not too much outdoors). I was debating about getting the regular glossy screen, or Hi-Res Anti-glare screen, just because the regular anti-glare doesn't seem to be offered. And sadly, it costs $150 extra ($135 for educational discount). I read somewhere a while ago, matte screen gives more accurate colors on the screen, while glossy gives more popping and vivid colors. Tough choice for me. Based on what I mentioned above, do you guys recommend me to get the Hi-Res Anti-glare screen? Is it really worth the money? What's good and bad about both of them?
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Jun 14, 2012
will there be an anti-glare screen for the new MacBook Pro?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 23, 2010
Has anybody gone from glossy to AG and found anything that irritates them about the AG screen?Does it seem weaker without the glass enforcement?Does dust collect around the edges of the screen since it isnt end to end?What about cleaning it?
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Nov 26, 2010
I was wondering if any of you know of a screen protector made for the 15" AnitGlare Screen fitting the inside of the Silver edge, the only ones that I ve found are for the Glossy screen and makes the screen 'AG'
So all I want is a normal Screen protector that fit the 15" AG screen.
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Sep 20, 2009
I just bought & wasted $20+ on the Photodon anti-glare protector for my 13" MBP. The speckling/rainbow effect on white pages just killed it for me even though the anti-glare was nice and the protector was well made. I've read that due to the extra glass panel between the display and the protector, it's hard to get a decent ant-glare shield.
The Moshi iVisor AG doesn't actually adhere to the glass and I may give it a shot next. Anyone have one? If so, how does it work? In theory, it should work better than the Photodon but would really like to hear from someone before I drop another $40 and wait with bated breath for the USPS guy again only to be let down.
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Feb 10, 2010
what the safest method for cleaning the anti-glare screens is on the unibodies. On my glossy a simple damp lint-free cloth works perfectly, but I have a feeling that over time that method of cleaning may actually rub/ruin the antiglare surface, so I'm a bit worried.
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Jun 22, 2010
I just got a new MBP 15 i5 2010 with a high-res anti-glare screen.
Manufacturer: 00000610
Model: 00009CBB
Serial Number: 00000000
Manufacture Date: 00000000
Unfortunately the display doesn't show very light colors. (compared to my old MBP15 2007) If you look at the attached image [URL]
- at section 5 I can only see the Grey boxes from 235 to 247, and I CAN'T see any Grey box from 249 to 253.
- at section 3 I can't see the Grey box at 5 all the other from 10 to 50 are fine.
Changing the brightness, playing around with different color profiles and resetting the system didn't solve this problem. I called Apple support and after some resets I was asked to compare my screen with the same make/year. Does anybody has the same 2010 MBP15 high-res anti-glare display and experiencing the same issue? Does your display work fine and is showing all the different Grey boxes?Other MBP owners: Can you see all Grey boxes on your MBP screen? My brothers 2009 MBP15 is showing all light Grey boxes from 235 to 251. 253 can't be seen
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Jul 3, 2012
i saw that an anti glare macbook has less brightness and less colorfull, so does that save battery?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 24, 2010
My buddy just saw one of these and suggested it to me. I have the glossy screen and would like less glare. Anyone use this or something like this on their glossy MBP screen? Any loss in color, or balance of color?
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Jan 6, 2011
I purchased my 17" MacBook Pro last April and noticed a few months ago when cleaning the screen that there were about four small opaque spots in various sizes on the screen. I have always taken great care and never used anything other than a microfiber cloth moistened with a very small amount of water to clean the screen, so I am sure these aren't water spots, although that's what they look like. You only see them when the screen is dark and my MBP is in sleep mode, they aren't visible when it's up and running, so I'm not too majorly concerned, but it does bother me enough to question it. Too, they seem to have increased in number with time.
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Feb 8, 2010
There are some refurbished Macs with attractive prices in the Online Apple Store but the problem is, most of them are glossy. I guess the current MacBook Pros will also be listed as refurbished after the refresh (hopefully) this month. So my question: is there a possibility to replace the glossy display with an anti glare afterwards?
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm about to get the new MacBook Pro with an anti-glare screen. As I like the black frame of the glossy screens a lot more, I would like to know If you know about any replacement parts or any other ideas to get the black frame on a anti-glare screen. I thought about a kind of a sticker that you could attach over the silver bezel.
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Jul 3, 2012
As I was getting ready to place an order for a new MBP Retina, I was disappointed to find out that anti-glare is not available. Regardless of Apples claims of reduce glare, they fail to understand that a shiny glass surface is a shiny glass surface. Anti-glare is about NOT reflecting ambient lighting.
With 2011 MBP high-res anti-glare, waiting to upgrade!
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Jan 11, 2009
Does anybody know if Apple is going to bring the new silver bezel with matte screen to the regular Macbooks like they did with the new 17" MBP? I would buy in a second if they would!
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Jul 14, 2009
Can the owners of anti-glare models check their bezels to see if they are warping?ine is bulging out at the bottom of the screen, right by that area that gets burning hot when you are plugged in or are on the 9600m gt--right where is says "Macbook Pro".I noticed that the hinge started to develop a creaking sound when I opened and closed the lid. So I investigated to see if there were any cracks in the hinge. What I found was that if you look at the space between the bezel and the screen, there is a slight (very slight) bulge right by the wording "Macbook pro". If you press down on it, it moves--unlike the rest of the bezel.
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