MacBook Pro :: Volumes Keys Showing "broken Icon" Symbol On It?
Mar 22, 2012
I am having volume issues on my 2011 MPB running Lion. When I start my computer it makes the start up noise, and I am also running Windows 7 with BootCamp, and the volume works there. On my Mac side however, I am getting a broken icon symbol when I hit the volume buttons, and I also cannot control volume throung the pull dowm bar on the upper portion of the screen. No volume is working. I have done all my updates, and I have reset my PRAM (which was only a temporary fix). Â
My keyboard isn't working properly, when I press the letter 'o' it shows the symbols 'oty' and when I press 'N' it brings up a new page of whatever I'm on. Also when I press 'L' it shows the copyright symbol followed by a dot and what looks the the letter 'L' floating on its side. Can someone please help with this? I'm just so confused and been trying all sorts of things for over two hours now.
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
My computer froze while I was doing homework so I tried to restart it and when I did, It doesn't show the apple logo but rather a File Folder with a ? Symbol! I tried reselecting the hard drive but it didn't show! I CANNOT lose my information on my harddrive cause I have very IMPORTANT work on there! I have mac OS X Lion! So I don't have a start up disk for that and the one i have is stuck in my computer right now!
I have a mid-2007 Macbook Pro (A1226). I accidentally spilt soup on it, and now the "z, x, c" keys no longer work. The apple store said I need a keyboard replacement. However, do you think that if I take apart the keyboard and clean it with rubbing alcohol, it will fix it? Or if not rubbing alcohol, what kind of solution could I use?
i turned my mac on last monday, and whn i tried to log onto my admin account, it took me to a light blue screen, then back to the login page. but i was able to log into a non-admin account. The system preferences is a question mark in my dock and it refuses to open when clicked in the apple dropdown.
I just bought a macbook pro 15" and I noticed something strange. I installed Skype application and the icon is strange and different on my dock application folder. Why does it not show Skype's normal icon? Check pic for more details.
Someone spilled something on my delete key and it was pretty sticky so I decided to take it out and clean it. After a few minutes of picking the key to get it out, it relinquished itself and I wiped it off. I then put it back on and now it simply doesn't work when I press it. Am I going to have to go to the professionals to fix it? I later did the same to my Volume Up key to see how I may have screwed up the delete key and it inevitably messed up as well. For a short time my trackpad wouldn't tap when I tapped it so I had to go into the system preferences and turn off the function of the trackpad ignoring accidental taps on the keyboard or something for it to work, so my delete key must currently be pushed down but not functioning correctly (I don't know). Then I somehow crewed up my keyboard shortcuts and now some functions work while others do nothing. On word I can use the shortcuts to save and underline, but can't use them to bold and undo. I use the latter more than the former and I don't have a clue as to why this has happened.
I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?
Recently I was unfortunate enough to witness the spilling of gin and tonic on my precious macbook pro. Luckily, having had spillage issues before, I reduced the damage and now have merely a few keys not working (including both option keys) and some dodgey letters.
After turning off my mac it restarted automatically in boot camp mode and with both option keys broken I can't get back into OS :/ What's more, my boot camp has no sound and the internet doesn't work so it's pretty much turned into an iphone charger.
I was wondering if anybody knew what I could do to rescue my files and what I should do about the broken key situation?
I just installed Snow Leopard and the Modifier Key option no longer works. i.e. I can't switch the CTRL and COMMAND keys. The option dialog still pops up, but the keys don't actually switch. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a work around or a preference file I can change manually?
I`ve never used the unibody macbooks before and i`m curious about the illuminated keyboard:
1. Do the icon on the F5 and F6 keys represent toggling of the illuminated keyboard? if so, is it simply on and off, or can you turn up the light like you can turn up brightness of the screen?
2. What color is the light for the illuminated keyboard? is it white or is it bluish white? i`ve seen images of both but can`t figure out what it is.
sometimes when the computer stars, the Bluetooth Icon in the Menubar doesn't appear. If I go to the bluetooth preferences panel it says it's on and the show menubar icon is checked. I've got to recheck it to see the icon again in the menubar.The icon shows up until maybe weeks later when it doesn't and I don't know why.
I am trying to get pictures off an SD card that I have in a card reader, plugged into the USB port. I'm not finding an icon for this anywhere! I've tried 2 card readers, as well as plugging my camera right into the USB port, and none of them show up! It was working just find 2 days ago, and now it's not. The USB port shows up in System Profiler, but not in Disk Utility.Â
I am just new here, and not really a tech guy so I was in panic when I encountered the issue with my MacBook Pro. I will be as detailed as possible here so you might be able to help me out with my problem. I encountered network issue of not able to connect so I first did a RESTART but the restart did nut push through. It ended up in black screen only for a long time. Having no response, I hard booted the machine by doing a long press on the power key. The machine totally shut down after. After a couple of minutes, I pressed the power button and my laptop started. I can hear the usual sound during restart. After a couple of minutes, the MAC logo appears with a gray background, the usual start process. However, what alarmed me is that it stayed in that screen forever, it did not continue. The keyboard lights are also off, which is usually lighted when I had successfully powered my laptop. I am sure there are sufficient battery since I also checked on the battery indicator. having waited for more than 30 minutes, nothing happened and the display is the same (the Mac Logo in gray back ground). I did another forced shutdown by doing a long press on the power button. After 6 hours, hoping some time would make it work, I tried turning on the laptop, however I am still getting the same screen.
Yesterday I had to reinstall Leopard on my Mac. Everything was going fine until a little while ago I turned on my Mac, and after the startup sound and a few moments of the grey Apple, a No Access symbol appeared - or a "broken folder" icon as they call it in the support pages. Suffice to say there was a panic after the events of yesterday and I made several attempts to restart, but the "broken folder" icon keeps appearing and noting happens. I have been able to boot to an external drive.
I first tried to reset NVRAM and reselect startup volume, by holding down X on startup. It showed me a message - "efiboot loaded from device.....error loading kernel". I then tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM - [URL] - but this just brought up the "broken folder" icon again - and if left for long enough a grey folder icon with a ? on it begins flashing on the screen. As best I can tell my only remaining option is to reinstall Leopard.
In my launchpad shows two icons of "iPhoto" if you delete one later on, the icon appears again and now I find myself two icons of the same application. why? What should I do. I'm afraid that if I delete both, then I can not re-download the app from the Apple Store.
This morning I woke to a spinning disk icon on my 2007 Mac Pro. I've restarted it several times but can't get past that part. Also of note is that is the graphics displaying the spinning disk icon is broken up as if the video drivers aren't properly installed. I don't have a second Mac to run a diagnostic. I'm down to my iPhone 4 for Internet resources.
Info: Mac Pro dual 2.66Ghz Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2x 1TB, 1x 500Gb, 1x 80Gb, 3Gb ram.
I just finished a clean install of snow leopard on my sigged computer. After booting up and getting to the desktop, my HD icon is not visible anywhere on said desktop, and but my iDisk icon is showing up, where before it was only displayed in my finder sidebar.
My bluetooth icon has all of a sudden stopped showing up in the menu bar, and it isn't visible in system preferences either. I have tried a restart with no luck.
I tried to make my own icon using this tutorial, but when I export these settings (EDIT: Don't mind the nice Kindergarten Cop picture of California's Governor): [URL:...] I get this when I see the files info: [URL:...] but it just shows the "Preview" icon in the upper right corner, which means I can't really use it for any apps or anything. Can anyone help me out with this? I double checked every step of the tutorial, even tried it with just one single picture (even just a PSD file instead of TIFF).
i woke up this morning and my western digital external HDD icon is not showing up on the desktop. I currently use this as a time machine and it has been working for about a year. This has happened before and just a simple re-plug of the usb does the trick, but i have been working on this for hours and for some reason it is not showing up. I have unplugged everything and re plugged them back in and nothing is working. i have checked the disk utility and the disk utility recognizes it. but i still dont know why it doesn't have an icon. i am running a repair disk on the external HDD now and it and it has been "repairing" for about 30 min now. i have tried to backup but it is not working either.
Is there an option/tweak/add-on to show the size of a highlighted file in icon view? I know I can change to a different view or use 'Get Info' on the file but that defeats the purpose. Is there anyway to see this information on the information bar on the bottom of the window (instead of just number of files and space available on disk)?
Nothing major, just something to make life a little easier.