OS X :: Broken Option Keys And Stuck In Boot Camp?
May 22, 2010
Recently I was unfortunate enough to witness the spilling of gin and tonic on my precious macbook pro. Luckily, having had spillage issues before, I reduced the damage and now have merely a few keys not working (including both option keys) and some dodgey letters.
After turning off my mac it restarted automatically in boot camp mode and with both option keys broken I can't get back into OS :/ What's more, my boot camp has no sound and the internet doesn't work so it's pretty much turned into an iphone charger.
I was wondering if anybody knew what I could do to rescue my files and what I should do about the broken key situation?
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Aug 30, 2009
I just installed Snow Leopard and the Modifier Key option no longer works. i.e. I can't switch the CTRL and COMMAND keys. The option dialog still pops up, but the keys don't actually switch. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a work around or a preference file I can change manually?
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Jan 19, 2010
Long time lurker, first time I couldn't find a fix without asking so here it goes... I'll try not to leave anything out... Btw way the screen is broke but i use it with an lcd tv. Was working in final cut this morning when suddenly the app froze. No big deal I'll just force quit and restart... Hit enter on the force quit dialogue and the app disappears. Cool.BUT, its hanging in purgatory in the dock, thinking its still "active" or whatever with the little highlight, but clearly states that is "not responding" when right-clicked. Command-opt-esc doesnt show final cut in the applications list when pressed again... AND, Illustrator and photoshop are also now not responding, and begin acting the same way in the dock. Weird right? Ok whatever so I'll just shut down and fire her back up, I think. Apple menu/shutdown shows the yes/no dialogue to shutdown but when i hit okay it does not shutdown. the top apple menu bar disappears as does all files/folders/images on the desktop, but the desktop background remains. i figured it was just taking a sec longer than usual so i walked out of the room, but when i came back it was the same. after REALLY trying to NOT press the power button to shut it off, I finally broke down and did. Now the tv isnt getting the signal from the mac on restart. After much searching (probably here) I found that if I power up the mac and then immediately close the lid it forces the connected display into primary. Again, cool. BUT, I get the blinking question mark folder. I somehow managed to pull the above trick and hit the option key which brought me to what I thought would be an empty startup disk screen. Alas, Macintosh HD is right there. But, when I choose that drive, which is the only thing showing, it goes back to a blank grey screen and never boots. Any ideas? I can get all my data via target disk on my imac, and it appears the drive is functioning fine when i use disk utility when viewing as a firewire drive on the imac.
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Nov 5, 2007
On my new MBP, I had Tiger and Boot Camp 1.4 Beta.
When I got my Leopard UTD disc, I simply did an upgrade. Last night, I was fed up with some of the weirdness, and decided to start with a clean slate.
I removed my windows/boot camp partition, popped in my Leopard disc, selected erase and Install, and within 30 minutes it was done (seems way too fast...wtf?)
Anyway, I go through the Boot Camp steps to install Windows. When I get to the Windows setup where you select a drive to install, it doesn't give me the option to format the Boot Camp C: drive, but instead just installs.
After rebooting, it gives me a DISK ERROR.
A bit of googling shows others have had this problem, too. Is EVERYONE having this problem? Did Apple break Boot Camp with Leopard?
Is there any viable workout other than formatting to Tiger, installing 1.4, then upgrading again?
Is it possible to uninstall the Boot Camp assistant on Leopard and find/download/install Boot Camp 1.4 on Leopard, and go from there?
I need windows for school - and this is driving me nuts!
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Jun 10, 2010
I find the placement of keys on my MBP very akward. But if only fn = ctrl, control = fn, option = windows, command = alt, then everything would be as close as it could get on a regular Windows keyboard. Is there a way to make that happen? I know there are utilities than let user remap keys but I can't find one that actually modifies the fn key.
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Sep 23, 2010
I recently upgraded my Imac Harddrive from a standard 320 GB to a 1.5 TB Segate Barracuda 7200 Rpm 3GBS. Previously I had a boot camp partition for windows 7 ultimate. When I put in the new harddrive I decided to start fresh and do clean installs. Now when I try and install Windows 7 it goes fine until the last restart (4 total including initial restart). Then it just gets stuck at the screen where it says "Push any Key to Boot from CD or DVD". It will stay like that for a few seconds then the disk will stop spinning. So my question is now what do I do? I have to have windows for work purposes and this is driving me insane.
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Jan 3, 2010
in an effort to load windows vista into my machine I partitioned my harddrive and put the windows installer into my machine. When I didn't have enough space to load (partitioned 5gbs, needed 6.9 or something) I was unable to remove the disk from the drive for 30 minutes! I looked up these types of forums and couldn't find a solution.
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
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Aug 22, 2010
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Mac Mini using Boot Camp Assistant. On the Windows 7 install it reboots three times. On the third time, it boots to black screen with "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...." When I try to hit any key on my Apple Wireless Keyboard, it does nothing. Same thing when I hook up a wired USB HP keyboard to the mini. It is entirely unresponsive. I have tried letting it run for a while to see if it would move on. I have tried changing the startup disk in Mac OS X to the Windows partition but I get nothing but a blank black screen with a flashing underscore.
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Feb 15, 2009
I use to be able to select the vista partition to restart into from the configuration pages in leopard on my macbook pro, but now my bootcamp partition is missing. I have to hold the option button to manually select the windows partition and then load into windows. Some setting somewhere must be lost. Does anyone know how to restore it?
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Nov 21, 2010
In retrospect, I should have ignored it when Apple Software Update told me about the Boot Camp 3.2 upgrade for my 2006 Mac Pro running x64 Win 7 ultimate. When I ran it, it overwrote my blue tooth driver and my keyboard stopped working. Thanks for the folks at Mac Rumors forums, I was able to go through the procedure to get it working again, and I also had to update the video driver (again) from ATI for my 3800.
So then I decide to reboot into MacOS and discover that my icon for selecting the boot disk was gone, not to mention any directory or programs in the start menu. This happen to anyone else? Do I have to downgrade to 3.1 or does anyone have a recommendation to get 3.2 working?
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Mar 2, 2009
Someone spilled something on my delete key and it was pretty sticky so I decided to take it out and clean it. After a few minutes of picking the key to get it out, it relinquished itself and I wiped it off. I then put it back on and now it simply doesn't work when I press it. Am I going to have to go to the professionals to fix it? I later did the same to my Volume Up key to see how I may have screwed up the delete key and it inevitably messed up as well. For a short time my trackpad wouldn't tap when I tapped it so I had to go into the system preferences and turn off the function of the trackpad ignoring accidental taps on the keyboard or something for it to work, so my delete key must currently be pushed down but not functioning correctly (I don't know). Then I somehow crewed up my keyboard shortcuts and now some functions work while others do nothing. On word I can use the shortcuts to save and underline, but can't use them to bold and undo. I use the latter more than the former and I don't have a clue as to why this has happened.
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May 11, 2008
I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?
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Feb 23, 2010
I have a mid-2007 Macbook Pro (A1226). I accidentally spilt soup on it, and now the "z, x, c" keys no longer work. The apple store said I need a keyboard replacement. However, do you think that if I take apart the keyboard and clean it with rubbing alcohol, it will fix it? Or if not rubbing alcohol, what kind of solution could I use?
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Jan 7, 2011
On my old windows PC, in word I used to be able to type symbols just as if I was typing letters. Not randomly, I custom assigned each symbol I used a lot to each letter. I type a lot of symbols in my scientific notes. If I clicked control shift: ABD where alpha beta delta, 1-9 was subscript 1-9 (for chemical formulas), and I had a load more. I used the so often I could touch type them just like any other letter.
I want to do the same thing on my mac, so I can type the symbols. I have noticed that the alt key does bring up the symbols, but they are very strange and not very useful. I dont need to type a "grave" symbol very often, but alpha all the time (but there is no alpha). And they aren't assigned to my logical letter (beta to B). How do I reassign the alt keys to my symbol, surely there is an easy way, but I have looked and not found one.
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Aug 8, 2009
On Windows 7, the Option key is "Control" and the Command key is the Windows me. To my habits, this is backwards. Is there a way to reverse this?
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Jul 29, 2010
The tip of my headphones broke while connected to the macbook, my computer has this tip inside the audio plug and plays sounds on the useless lineout. There is no way to remove that thing (I tried everything, including matches with a bit of superglue). The only solution I see to get the sound back to the internal speakers is to disable the lineout.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have OSX installed on a very old Powerbook. Well it was working and then I left it for awhile and now it is giving me the good old folder to question mark screen (maybe someone dropped it?). Well I'm not much of a mac user so I looked up all of the different boot key commands and tried to boot from my OSX CD. Holding down C did nothing, and neither did ANY of the other commands except holding down option and that key command that restarts the computer (apple, option, shift, esc?). Anyway, I got into the screen that shows your hard drive and all other devices and it actually listed the CD drive so I clicked it and clicked the next arrow. I waited for awhile and then the screen reloaded (as if it was rescanning for removable devices) and then stopped and only displayed the local disk. What is going on?! It only sometimes displays the CD in this screen and the next arrow never does anything regardless!!
I really don't know any of the computers stats but if I were to guess they're pretty bad. All I know is it used to run OSX just fine and then other people used it and now it doesn't do anything.
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Apr 27, 2012
Last week I finally upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7, but now my Mac Pro (2008) won't boot properly. It'll start to boot with the gray screen and the Apple logo, but then the entire screen goes gray and it just locks up there. However, if I reboot and hold down the Option key to bring up the list of bootable drives that works fine. I've checked my Startup Drive settings and the proper drive is selected. why it won't boot on it's own anymore? Holding down the Option key is getting old.
Mac Pro - Octo Core, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jan 8, 2011
I am not sure what happened but it seems my two year old child might have spilled something on my macbook. The keyboard stopped working and when I pressed a key the letter "Z" got stuck. I purchased a used "topcase" from ebay, installed it and I am still experiencing the same phenomonon, although other letters can type normally. My gut instinct is that there is something else wrong ""deeper to the keyboard".
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Jun 13, 2012
When typing, all that is coming out are the symbols that appear when pressing Option, as opposed to the letter pressed. It acts as if the option key is pressed down, but neither option key seems to be stuck.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Aug 25, 2014
I'm currently stuck in recovery with the hard drive wiped. I have tried re-installing mavericks but keep saying i need internet connection but i only have the option of ethernet firewire and bluetooth no wifi?? (I bought this laptop second hand) i have went to terminal and manually added my router information to connect via ethernet it is showing up in the network utility that its connected but if i try to run the os re-install it still says no internet connection but shows there is 100mbit/s i haven't entered my password when manually connecting the ethernet should that matter? Really stuck and don't know what to do?? i can't boot onto anything else apart from recovery!!
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), Cant change language in recovery
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Jun 17, 2012
How do i turn off keyboard feature that holds the - shift, control, option, command keys..
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 18, 2012
On two of my computers (iMac and Mac Mini -- both recent and both running Lion), the login screen often gets stuck. I click the user to login or start typing a password and the computer just stops responding. The only thing that fixes it is raising and/or lowering the volume (in either order, but it's the volume that does it). Once the volume is changed, the system goes back to normal and the letters I typed appear (or rather dots do -- this is the password field after all). Very occasionally it will get stuck twice during the same login.
This is obviously a huge issue logging in remotely because I can't get the volume keys to work via screen sharing (or at least I don't know how to).
This happened almost immediately upon setting up the systems, so I don't think there's a third party app issue at play.
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 19, 2014
What to do to make my internal speakers show up as an audio out put/input option? How do I unmute with no options present?
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Oct 13, 2010
Is it possible to boot from an external Firewire DVD Drive? It certainly isnt from an external USB DVD. Real answers only please, not "I think so" ones based on HDDs or rumours you may have heard!...
I've got an MCE Optibay in my Mid-2010 i7 MBP. When installing Bootcamp it refuses to install from the external USB DVD drive. In the end I pulled the 2nd HDD out and reconnected the internal DVD. It then worked fine without a hitch. Then I reinstalled the 2nd HDD and all was fine for a few days.
Now I want to resize my Win7 partition (bigger, as MS Visual Studio's bigger than I thought, and I might stick some games on). I can shrink the OSX partition fine with Disk Utility, but windows won't grow the Win7 one because the empty space is before the Win7 partition, not after it. Apparently this can be done with GParted. Guess what? I can't boot the Linux based GParted CDROM from the external USB DVD drive! So, will a Firewire one work where USB fails, and solve my alternative OS booting issues? If I buy one I can then either use GParted, or delete the Win7 partition and start again without having to pull the laptop to bits all over again, only to put it back once I'm done, and possibly have the same issues in the future. Obviously I don't want to blow extra money getting a Firewire DVD drive though if it's a waste of money...
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Dec 25, 2008
This is the 1st time i got a Mac , i bought a black Macbook 2.4GHz some days ago .
I installed Windows Vista Ultimate using Boot Camp , and all went smoothly .
Only 1 prob is when restarting , i have to wait too long for the Windows to log on , i think about 1min with the black screen.
And if i want to boot in Mac OS , i have to push down the D button or the Alt, it takes quite a long time too .
So do you guys have any solution to this problem ? I want to get rid of the waiting time, way too much.
And do you know how to make my Macbook jump right in the choosing section when it starts ? ( so that i dont have to push down any button when it starts )
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Sep 17, 2009
Is there a way to make the Boot Camp menu the default boot screen, as opposed to holding Alt? This is the latest SL release, if that matters.
I know this is possible in some manner, our networked iMacs all do it; they start up and give the option to boot OS X or Windows, with a countdown to boot the default OS. I'd just like the same thing to happen on my MBP.
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm asking this question for my brother. He has a 15-inch MacBook Pro (late 2011). He recently reinstalled OS X Lion but now every time he boots his computer he ALWAYS gets the option to chose Macintosh HD or Lion Recovery disk. I'm tech savy but I've tried resetting the PRAM and everything else I culd think of but he still gets that same screen. He is not pressing the option key when booting it just does it automaticlly. Should I do reinstall OS X Lion aain for him or just take it back to Apple and have them look at it?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3GHz Core i5, iPhone 4S,new iPad
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Sep 21, 2009
I have done some research on triple boot systems, and it appears that a third OS must be run virtually, but all the information I came across was a few years old. Microsoft is running a deal right now on Windows 7 for students so I would like to pick up a copy and try it out.
Is it possible to run 3 operating systems through Boot Camp 3.0? I am not interested in running a virtual OS.
Current Setup:
13" macbook pro
Snow Leopard and Windows XP through Boot Camp
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