MacBook Pro :: Very Slow Scrolling When Reading Pdf File?
Apr 22, 2012
Everytime i try to read a long pdf file in preview the scrolling is very slow and it makes it unreadable. I have already search for a solution in the web but couldn't any. Â
Ever since I downloaded the Control Center my mouse is screwed. When I scroll it goes REALLY REALLY slow, used to go fast. The only thing I changed is what the 2 buttons on the side do.
I'm having an issue scrolling in all programs). Running 10.6.5, Late 2008 MBP (not uni-body). This happens when using two finger scroll or dragging the scroll bar down and up. Click (jump) to scroll is still fine.
It takes about 5-7 seconds to scroll down at all, it's like a little ripple slowly works its way down the screen. I tried shutting down programs, restarting, etc.
EDIT: Ok the click to scroll is now slow also. What gives?
Before I installed the Logitech software, it was perfect. But without the Logitech software, the other buttons didn't work.
After installing the software, I noticed the scrolling to be very very slow in Safari. Even after maxing out scroll speed in system pref. and the logitech soft, it's still slow!
I have Windows XP installed on my iMac via Bootcamp. When I use the DVD Drive to copy data to my hard drive, the whole computer seems to go into slow motion.
I'm in Device Manager and under the Advanced Settings of my Primary IDE Channel, the Transfer Mode is set to PIO, which I hear it shouldn't be? Should changing this setting to "DMA if available" correct the slow transfer speeds?
I was just looking at a long PDF file in preview and got off the computer for a bit. When I come back, the scrolling for some reason got extremely slow! I don't know what the heck happened. I have scrolling on the highest in system preferences and nothing helped. It takes very long just to get through a page. I know I could just use hyper scrolling, but it is still slow and only fast if I spin it all the way, which then goes all the way to the bottom of the page. What could be wrong?
Scrolling pages is jerky. It can't even keep up with my typing speed. When I am done writing a sentence, I wait and watch it type back to me. This list of websites that don't work completely correctly also is growing. These do not happen in Firefox...I hate to abandon Safari and lose all my bookmarks. What can I try to do?
If I encrypt an external drive using File Vault 2 (Lion 10.7.3) as a Time Machine backup from my current laptop, then later purchase a new laptop and attempt to read that encrypted backup, will there be any problems to consider? Â
1) I expect that, since the password will be stored on my current laptop, there would be a problem reading the password on a new laptop Â
2) I was told that opening a File Vault 2Â encrypted external drive would require the same laptop, as the encryption creates a match of serial numbers between the laptop and the encrypted drive.Â
I've just set up my MBA, right out of the box - everything is going well apart from it take ages to copy files from my G5 to the MBA, over my WiFi connection.
A 33.6MB file has just taken 45 mins!
I'm doing nothing differently from when I used my very old (5 years) G4 PowerBook to transfer content. As a quick test, I've just transferred the same file to that lap top in about 15 seconds.
If I look at any file with QuickLook, and then immediately try to select any file after closing the QuickLook preview window, there's a 2 second lag between click and actual file selection (with an outline around the icon or list name).Â
Mac OS X 10.7.4 Macbook Air 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
just got my 17" MBP today and it's beautiful. Playing a lot learning a lot (my first mac). Having one big headache though.What's up with the wireless speeds? I did some file copying from my Vista machine connected via ethernet and speeds were fine. Now I'm trying to copy some stuff from my girlfriends iMac over wireless (using a linksys wrt54g, both connected at G) and it's just balls slow. I'm talking about a meg a second, the hell?Now, what's really making me upset is the fact that it's also crippling my internet speeds when I'm doing this wireless to wireless file copy. It's like it's pegged so bad at the super fast 1mb/sec that I can't even browse the web without it timing out half the time. Internet is fine when the file copy is not happening.
I have an iMac and MBP. When I transfer files over the network (wireless) from one computer to the other, it is quite slow. I think around 1~1.5mb/sec. Is this normal or expected performance on file transfer via wireless? If so what can I do to increase the performance? Settings on the wireless router?
After using my Mac Pro for a while without rebooting, the "open file..." dialogue starts to slow down. For example in Safari when I'm pressing "cmd O" it takes like 5 seconds until the window pops up, sometimes showing me the beachball... this is system wide, it is reproducible in every application and will be fixed on the next reboot - then it takes a couple of hours until it starts hanging again. I have no idea whats causing this but it has been there for months and right now its going on my nerves... There's also a thread on the Apple boards [URL]
After some searching, I've seen three tricks: disabling IPV6 on the Mac, doing the same on the PC (my Windows Server 2003 installation didn't have it installed), and adding a line to my /etc/smb.conf file. None seem to really give me full transfer speeds.
Are there any tricks specific to Windows Server 2003 or anything new to make this work like normal? It's simple file transfer over SMB, seems like at the 5th iteration of Mac OS X we'd have better speeds.
I first submitted this in another section of the forums thinking it had to do with my external HD, to only find out later it's a problem across my entire iMac, not just the external. It's nearly impossible to transfer files from anything other than my internal HD *to* my internal HD. What I mean is, when I try to move a file from my external HD, a shared computer via ethernet, or a mounted .dmg, it's transferring at something like 1mb per second or less. I got my copy of Leopard (10.5.6) 2 Fridays ago (I know, I'm late), and first did an upgrade. Everything was wonky, so I did an archive & install. Everything was still a little unstable feeling, so I opted for a clean install. I moved all my precious files over to my LaCie FW HD, confirmed them, and started onto the clean install and let that run while I slept. When I woke up, I had a brand new fresh installation of Leopard with the glorious BG, and I couldn't have been happier.
I started to move my files over manually (I wasn't using the migration assistance because I was organizing my files as I went considering time was not an issue), and first on the list was my music. I opened up iTunes, set my prefs, and started to import from my external HD. ..I just assumed it was taking a long time because I had around 7000 files of both music and video. But when I went to work, came home, took a nap, woke up, and it still wasn't done, it made me wonder. I assumed it was Spotlight doing it's thing on top of the iTunes import, and left it alone. But now when I'm trying to move over files only a few mbs, it slows to a halt. I tried to install Adium from a .dmg by first moving it into my Applications folder.. it's something like 50mb and it took about 10m. I had been expecting to drag the icon over and here that "ding" you hear when a file has successfully moved. The funny thing about this is that, when I look at the Activity Monitor, nothing's really doing much of anything. So then why is it taking 5hrs to move over a few gigs? Here's a screen shot:
purchased a Time Capsule today for use with my MBP. it is super super slow.. I can't believe it. How come there were so many good reviews on the Apple site? I hooked it up via ethernet cable, NOT via wireless and it's as slow as this. right now it's showing 3.4mb and 17 000 hours.
I'm currently running Snow Leopard an early 2011 Macbook Pro. The laptop also runs Intel's 320 SSD as its primary storage. I've noticed recently that my file system appears to be running slow and by that, I mean if I try to Save a file from the web, save a document from Office, or a photo from Photoshop, the prompt that lets me select where to store the file takes about 10 seconds to pop up. Everything else with the system runs pretty fast. The computer still boots up quickly as an SSD does. Opening programs takes one bounce or so... but the saving a file prompt across the board has been extremely slow.
I am wondering why my MBP takes about 7-8 mins to copy 700 mb files from the external (Seagate FreeAgent pro 500 Gb) and of course, it takes about 1 hour to copy 7 Gb files.
However, this problem has occurred only copying file from external to my MBP, the transfer rate is fine when copying files from MBP to external
Note : I've already repair the disk by using disk utilities, but it doesn't help me at all.
When ever I try to open or save a file in any application the spinning wheel is shown and the dialog takes from 5 to 20 seconds to display. Once it is on screen the speed returns to normal. I have a G5 Power Mac 1.6 GHz (Single Processor) 2 GB RAM (crucial) 2 SATA hard-disks (original 80 GB used as a clone for the 160 GB - I use carbon copy cloner) Everything else is as standard with the Mac. This problem started with 10.3 and may have been at the same time as installing the second 160 GB hard-disk, cloning the original to the new one, then changing the SATA cables around to make the new hard-disk on bus A. I then upgraded to Tiger but the problem still persists. I have tried repairing permissions and have used support tools like cocktail etc to check for hard drive issues and clear the cache files.
Also, on installing the second hard-disk, I also tried swap cop to change the swap file to the backup hard-disk. This did not work so I manual modified the files to return them to the original state. I did this while the system was running 10.3. I take it on upgrading to 10.4, the swap file config would have been fixed anyway? Everything else on the system seems fine. If nothing specific is found I may try removing the old hard disk.
Problem I have, on my last generation macbook, I would rest one finger on the track pad, and just scroll with the other one, and it would scroll down the whole screen. Now with the new macbook, I actually have to scroll with both fingers for it to actually work. Also can't get used to the two button tap, I keep doing it but mistake, mostly to the huge trackpad and me resting my fingers on it.
Anyone had this similar problems? I know it's nitpicking but I miss my old trackpad.
I have a 3 month old MacBook Pro 13inch, whenever I 2 finger scroll on webpages in chrome or safari there is a scratching sound which comes from the top left of the mac. The sound is similar to processor noise but can be louder. I have noticed that the sound is less amplified when running without the power cable attached, but is still there.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When browsing using Firefox (Haven't tried other browsers) and using the two finger gesture to scroll, it will stop scrolling, won't go down or up, and the only way to get it unstuck is to wiggle the page slider and then it will work again. Is this a Firefox, OSX, or hardware issue and is there a fix to it?
i am a newbie with mac laptops. i have a macbook pro 15, core2 duo, 4 gigs of ram. i received this as a gift 2 months ago.i noticed whenever i scroll up/down a web page or in itunes i notice a static noise coming from the top left corner. (its either coming from the magsafe adapter or ethernet )the noise also lessens when i run photo booth in the backgroundi tried to read up on it and i was left asking more questions than i started this a common issue? can it get worse in the long run? because i am sure this lappy is no longer under apple care.
im from Germany so my english is not the best =) But i try to explain what my problem is. I got a new MBP13 and im happy with it but there is something when i scroll down in this Forum here for exampe ... the text begins to flicker.
I dont know if it is the screen or a problem with drivers or anything like this. I tryed to make a video and uploaded it on youtube.
I want to know if you can see the flicker on this video or is it only me who can see this ?
So, been playing with it and I don't know if it translates as well to the laptop world. I love when i use it on the iPhone but it feels a bit 'funky' using it on the trackpad. Maybe it's me, but it just doesn't feel quite right. I am going to give it some more time but I personally may be turning this feature off.
I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing the same problem that I am right now. After today's (28/7) system update, which included the MagicPad app, I can't seem to turn off the annoying smooth scrolling from any software in my late 2009 MacBook Pro.