OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Is File System Slow To Respond

Feb 19, 2012

I'm currently running Snow Leopard an early 2011 Macbook Pro.  The laptop also runs Intel's 320 SSD as its primary storage. I've noticed recently that my file system appears to be running slow and by that, I mean if I try to Save a file from the web, save a document from Office, or a photo from Photoshop, the prompt that lets me select where to store the file takes about 10 seconds to pop up.  Everything else with the system runs pretty fast.  The computer still boots up quickly as an SSD does.  Opening programs takes one bounce or so... but the saving a file prompt across the board has been extremely slow.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does System Respond To Ping Requests

Apr 15, 2012

I have the software firewall on and in stealth mode; the online modem Firewall Setting must be at "Minimum Security (Low)" because if I use "Medium" or "High" my e-mail message center in Safari Version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) times out. I ran GRC's Shields Up and my computer failed the "Ping reply" test. Here's the result:

Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) — Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation. 

MacBookPro6,2, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Spotlight On Snow Leopard Causing Slow System

Dec 22, 2010

An odd problem that has recurred on two of the installations of Snow Leopard I've had on my 27" iMac is that for some odd reason, using Spotlight will cause a slow system death.

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IMac :: System Freezes And Running Very Slow With Snow Leopard

Mar 25, 2010

I have a 20" iMac mid 2007 2.4Ghz, 320GB, 2Gb machine running Snow Leopard. Today I turned it on and it was running fine. But around three hours of using it suddenly froze. I had to force the turn off using the power button. When i turned it back on it took about 4 mins to get to the login screen. Once I logged in the spinning wheel came up and the only think that loaded was the Spotlight sign. This kept happening until about the third time of turning it off and on. When it finally completed login. But it is now extremely slow and it just about freezes when I open more than one application.

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall Snow Leopard / Slow System With Waiting Spinning Wheel

Jul 29, 2010

Today, I decided to reinstall Mac OS X Snow Leopard on my iMac, to have a fresh & new copy of Mac OS. I've done this before on my Macbook, and it worked perfectly. The iMac would not read the original Reinstall DVD that came with it. Instead, it would eject it, though it would work it on another Mac. But when I inserted my Snow Leopard disk that I bought separately, it worked.

However, when I entered the reinstall screen, it is extremely slow and I nearly can't use it. I did already use the Disk Utility to erase the hard disk files. So, it is extremely slow, and it wouldn't install either. All I get is the amour of time left, but it doesn't change, just gives me a waiting spinning wheel. It's been stuck on the screen for several hours.

The iMac was bought in January, I believe. What should I do?? This is very weird. Should I take it to the Apple Store, or is there a way to fix it?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Dump All System Specifications To File?

Jun 18, 2012

I am looking for a command which can dump all the system specifications to a file. The system specifications include everything in "About This Mac" -> "More info ...". In additional, it should also include more information, like, whether there are hyperthreading, turbo boost.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard File Sharing & Permission Options In A System

Apr 26, 2010

In iTunes when I right click on a song and click "get info", then change some info, it doesn't stick. It goes right back to what I already had in there before. I then realized that this is because every file inside my iTunes music folder is set for "read only" and not "read & write". So after I change it to "read & write" all changes I make in iTunes will take. However, I have a lot of music and therefore a lot of files inside my iTunes music folder. Going into each and every folder to change its permission to "read & write" would be tedious and time consuming,

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: One Or More Keys On Keyboard Can't Respond

Apr 9, 2012

My bluetooth keyboard have decided not to work recently, but most of the keys work on the keyboard. Only the the keys from "Z" to "F" is not working. I have tried changing the battery, or connecting it to other macs, but with the same result, those keys doesnt work.

Info:Bluetooth Keyboard

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Disk Drive Didn't Respond

Jun 21, 2012

What does it mean, "The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed.  The disc drive didn't respond properly and can't recover or retry"?  I had a new drive put in act two weeks ago.

MacBooPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Server Doesn't Have Time To Respond To Flow?

Feb 2, 2012

Since my upgrade from 10.5 to 10.6, the "Mail 4.5" stop before getting automatically of all my mailboxes. I have to manually request a statement of my different accounts.Is there a way to slow the flow, because I feel that the server does not have time to respond to flow?

mail 4.5, Mac OS X (10.6.8), No pb before with Mac OS X (10.5)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Firewall Message : The Service "(Common Internet File System (CIFS))" Is Starting On Your Mac

Mar 13, 2012

I am getting a Firewall message that reads: The service "(Common Internet File System (CIFS))" is starting on your Mac.

Application:  sbin > launchd
Port:   445 (Common Internet File System (CIFS)) 

It also says:  if you don't change firewall settings, the firewall wil block connections from other computers to this ervice on your Mac.  

Mac Pro 2.8 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.6), NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB, 10gigs Ram

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Software :: Slow Open / Save File Dialog System Wide

Nov 5, 2005

When ever I try to open or save a file in any application the spinning wheel is shown and the dialog takes from 5 to 20 seconds to display. Once it is on screen the speed returns to normal. I have a G5 Power Mac 1.6 GHz (Single Processor) 2 GB RAM (crucial) 2 SATA hard-disks (original 80 GB used as a clone for the 160 GB - I use carbon copy cloner) Everything else is as standard with the Mac. This problem started with 10.3 and may have been at the same time as installing the second 160 GB hard-disk, cloning the original to the new one, then changing the SATA cables around to make the new hard-disk on bus A. I then upgraded to Tiger but the problem still persists. I have tried repairing permissions and have used support tools like cocktail etc to check for hard drive issues and clear the cache files.

Also, on installing the second hard-disk, I also tried swap cop to change the swap file to the backup hard-disk. This did not work so I manual modified the files to return them to the original state. I did this while the system was running 10.3. I take it on upgrading to 10.4, the swap file config would have been fixed anyway? Everything else on the system seems fine. If nothing specific is found I may try removing the old hard disk.

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OS X :: Volume Buttons Slow To Respond?

Feb 1, 2010

This has just started happening. If I press the volume buttons they take about 3-4 seconds to respond...if not longer sometimes. Everything else seems to be working even those I'm getting more beach balls than normal. The system is up to date, the issue seems to go away when I restart temporarily.

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Software :: Password Input Very Slow To Respond

Jan 30, 2010

I'm running a 17in Macbook Pro and am finding that when I'm prompted to put in my password, for any reason, it's very slow to respond. This occurs anywhere where I'm prompted for the password. Usually takes between 10 and 30 seconds to respond. I've cleaned up with Onyx. I've not installed any new software.

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PowerPC :: G5 Extremely Slow To Respond After Sleep Mode

Oct 6, 2009

Just picked a second hand g5 up which runs like a dream! One thing I have noticed recently after putting the machine on sleep is that it takes forever to respond after been woken. The display and desktop come on instantly but when I click a program all I get is the beachball, the hdd doesn't appear to spin up. Then about 5 minutes later you hear the hdd spin up and away we go back to normal. It doesn't do this all the time though!

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Keyboard And Mouse Respond Slow After 30 Minutes

Apr 20, 2010

I managed to get my hands on my new baby last Friday, new MBP 17" i7 with anti-glare! My wife also has a 2009 uMBP 13", which I have been using since Xmas while waiting for Arrandale! I use a stand with a apple wireless keyboard and wireless magic mouse. I have been having problems with the new 17" machine - the mouse and kb work fine for about 30 mins then the mouse gets really slow and jerky and the keyboard gets slow as well and starts displaying double / triple keys when typing etc. The only way to resolve the problem is to reboot. If I unpair the mouse and keyboard and repair this doesnt fix it - only a reboot works. I phoned apple care and they instructed to create a new test user, which I did - same problems.

Reinstalled OSX (machine was only 2 days old though!), and this didnt fix it. So, I took the machine back to my Apple Retail store and swapped it for a new machine. Finally finished setting it up again yesterday, and the problem started AGAIN - So it would seem that unless I have had two faulty machines (highly unlikely) it must be software related? I have been trying to work out what might be causing it - but running the machine without Parallels, Little Snitch, 1 Password, things which I thought could have been related to the problem. I basically ran the same system on my wifes 13" before I got the new machine and I had no problems with the mouse and keyboard. I have also changed the batteries on both the mouse and keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: Slow To Respond / Multi-colored Pinwheel Appearing

Sep 7, 2014

My 2 year old Macbook pro has started to run really slowly, with the multi coloured pinwheel appearing whenever I try to do something. I've taken this to the Apple store, and have been told that it's either the hard drive that has given up and will need to be replaced, or that it's the cable connecting the hard drive to the laptop.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

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Software :: Installed Leopard And Now System Gets Very Slow?

May 1, 2008

I have a 1st generation MacBook Pro. I installed Leopard and now it is very very slow. I get the colored circle all the time and a lot of "not responding" apps that I have to force quit.

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MacBook :: System Slow Response After Upgrading To Leopard

Jul 15, 2009

Bought my Macbook almost 3 years ago and it worked brilliantly but recently (after upgrading to Leopard?) I have become painfully familiar with the beach ball. Before it was blazing-fast. Now it always seems about two steps behind my brain. And that's really slow.

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ITunes :: System Doesn't Respond After Opening It

Jun 14, 2012

My system stops responding after opening iTunes(not always). This has happened twice with me. I had to shut the system down and re-start it again to make it work.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does Mail Or Ical And System Preferences Not Respond

Jun 27, 2012

when i try to open my ical, mail or even system preferences it does not respond??

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: How To Know Snow Leopard Slow Down IMac?

Jun 13, 2009

I run a 24" iMac 500GB 4GB 2.8GHz 2600HD Pro. Its the first Al iMac, and the highest spec at the time.

I read the requirements, my iMac meets them all accept OpenCL, would this, by any chance in anyway slow down my iMac?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - Wireless Is Slow?

Sep 4, 2009

I just upgraded to 10.6 the other day on my new uMBP (15" 2.66ghz, 9600 GT). I haven't had much time to play around with it yet but I realized that the wireless seemed a lot slower in snow leopard running safari.

I would have some issues with web pages loading and youtube buffering clips. Anyone else notice any difference in wireless before?

I'm pretty sure it's slower than it was in Leopard but I can't make any direct comparisons and I haven't been using my Macbook Pro for a few weeks.

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MacBook Pro :: Snow Leopard Slow Down?

Oct 7, 2009

Ever since I've loaded snow leopard, it seems to be a little less responsive compared to leopard. Mainly in the internet browsers. Does any know why or what I can do?

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OS X :: Login Very Slow With Snow Leopard

Dec 5, 2009

I have my computer password protected. Since the switch to Snow Leopard, why does it take around 5-8 seconds for it to authenticate the password?

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OS X :: Why Snow Leopard Unstable And Slow

Feb 12, 2010

This is my second time around re-installing snow leopard - clean. Why is it so slow? The spinning wheel comes up all the time, even for mundane tasks such as minimizing a window where I have to wait 10 or 15 seconds at a time. This time around I installed all the latest updates and iLife '09 - but its still as slow as ever. I also downloaded latest version of firefox.

I uses a late 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz 15 inch, and previous OSX flies on this machine. I'd like to go back to OSX Leopard but I can't cause I need the latest version of iPhone SDK which only runs on snow leopard. What's going on here Apple? Your OS is unstable and slow, and there's no acknowledgement from your site whatsoever!!

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Internet Is Slow Across Any App?

Feb 6, 2012

My internet is brutally slow, regardless of the app, including Safari, App Store, Skype, etc.Another computer in the household has Windows and is running fine. I have tried all of the reasonable attempts to fix this that I've read about, including:Punching in new DNS codes in the Network area of System Preferences.Deleted the cache, the browser history in Safari, and disabling browser plug ins. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Flash player (as this is where the connection suffers the most, in trying to stream videos on BBC, YouTube, etc).Going into my Library then moving and deleting the ".plist" for Safari. In general, on websites or the App Store for example, what happens is -- basic text will pop up after about 3 or 4 seconds of hanging, then even the slightest bit of content, including thumbnails, take several seconds per image. Anything even slightly more intense on bandwidth, like a streaming video or Flash menu, takes forever to load, if not outright gives up on me and never loads.    My machine is on Snow Leopard, a white Macbook, OSX is currently 10.6.8, which I believe I've had for several months, but this problem is only a day or two old. If I recall correctly, I did install the latest Security Update -- whatever the new ones are circa Feb. 3rd, 2012 -- within a day or two BEFORE this problem started happening... I believe this may be the culprit but strange in that there was some time before this problem surfaced, or so it seemed.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Its Very Slow At Startup?

Apr 23, 2012

My MAC PRO has been running very well but recently, it has slowed down hugely at startup. Here is the Console log: 

23/04/2012 09:37:46com.apple.launchd[1]*** launchd[1] has started up. ***23/04/2012 09:37:57com.paceap.pacesupport[64]com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard failed to load - (libkern/kext) link error; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).23/04/2012 09:37:57com.apple.launchd[1](com.paceap.pacesupport[64]) Exited with exit code: 7123/04/2012


Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Snow Leopard Is Very Slow?

May 20, 2012

My iMac / Snow Leopard is very slow. Any cleaner recommendations?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Time Machine In Snow Leopard Slow

Sep 8, 2009

I just tried and everything seems non-responsive or on a 2 minute delay. I use Time Capsule and Time Machine and things are just not acceptable at this speed.

Also, I don't think the archives are right. I used to have a ton of things on my desktop - most of which I cleaned recently by moving or deleting the files.

However, going back a few months in Time Machine, the only files that show up in my desktop folder/view are the ones that are on my desktop today. All the older, moved or deleted files no longer show up in Time Machine.

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