MacBook Pro :: Using Chrome 5 - Choppy Scrolling
Jun 7, 2010I'm using chrome 5 and the scrolling seems a bit choppy for the hardware. I mean it's not fluid.
View 23 RepliesI'm using chrome 5 and the scrolling seems a bit choppy for the hardware. I mean it's not fluid.
View 23 RepliesI was wondering if anyone else has or is having this problem. Whenever I scroll through the itunes store, it becomes very choppy. I have the new macbook (don't think that matters at all) and it occurs when I scroll manually or use the two-finger scroll. I noticed this like a week ago but thought it would just go away but it's getting really annoying.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a excel spreadsheet of price lists from one of my suppliers. When I use Excel 2008 on the mac, it's VERY choppy to scroll through the pricelist, to the point where its unusable. I open the same price list in Windows XP using parallels, and its smooth as butter.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure if this has been talked about a bunch but I have noticed that the scrolling is very jerky in Chrome but in Safari its smooth. Btw both are updated to the current version. Could anyone else chime in if they have seen this problem or are currently experiencing this.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a MBP 15 with the 9600 gt and an Intel ssd x-25.
Why do i experience choppy 1080p material (files that are over 8 gb)??.
I just got a macbook. I love it with the exception that when I stream sports, the picture and sound are clear but the picture's streaming speed isn't steady.
For instance, a watching hockey, it looks like the players are speeding up and slowing down the entire time.
Does anyone know of a driver that I can run to stop this? Maybe a different browser. I have tried firefox and safari and the problem is the same on both.
I have a 13MBP 2.26ghz 2GB ram etc and when i try to play 720p movies like harry potter or deja vu, during action scenes the playback becomes choppy and the video turns into a bunch of squares and i usually miss a few second of the scene. it usually happens on graphic intensive screens such as the a girl dropped her teddy bear into the ocean waves and in harry potter 4 when all the glass frames break from the wall and fall down. Im using LED Cinema Display
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a mini display port to Hdmi and this is happening Playing back videos on vlc. Doesn't do this with the laptop monitor.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Rev A MBA but for the first time I just downloaded a TV show from Itunes and tried watching it back. It was very jumpy, freezing and video and audio were sometimes out of sync. I turned off all other applications, which improved it, but did not solve it. I tried downloading a second one and had the same problem.
Is this common? I would have thought of all applications to work well, Itunes should be one of them.
I have a new 15" MBP attached to a 24" ACD. If any sort of audio is playing through the display's speakers while the display (just the display, not the whole computer) is asleep and I wake it up, the audio gets all choppy/static-y until I pause and restart whatever the audio source is (e.g. iTunes).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased a refurbished, original MBA 1.8 GHz and it is great.The only issue is that when I watch videos on hulu, youtube, etc, the computer struggles and gets choppy. This happens most but not all of the time. I think this also occurs more often when I have my external monitor hooked up as well.
I want to make sure that there isn't something wrong with the machine. It was purchased as a secondary computer and understand that it is not supposed to be a workhorse - but I would still like to watch videos uninterrupted.
I have an 15-inch EARLY 2011 MacBook Pro and I'm just after installing the new EFI update 2.7. The animation now jumping in and out of mission control has gotten extremely choppy. This is very annoying as I thought an update was meant to improve workflow and efficency of the OS.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The HD videos (1920 X 1080, 24 fps, H.264, widescreen) that I have uploaded from my new Canon Powershot Elph 100 HS camera into iphoto library don't play smoothly at all when Quicktime plays them!! These are .MOV files, and I have Quicktime version 10.1. I also just upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion, so I don't know if this is a Lion issue or a Quicktime issue, or some other incompatibility altogether. The videos play, but they are choppy and the frame rate seems slow. No other programs are running in the background so I don't think it's a matter of other programs slowing it down. How can I play the videos so that they play smoothly? Do I need to use a different player (other than Quicktime) to play HD video? Do I need to convert these .MOV files to some other format?
Quicktime, Mac OS X (10.7.3), HD video from Canon Powershot Elph
I have a first gen MBA. It is 1.6Ghz with 2GB of Ram. I am trying to watch the NCAA tournament on MMOD and the quality is terrible. It gets so choppy and I often have to quit Safari or Firefox and even restart the computer. It usually starts off ok but after a few minutes it becomes unwatchable.
What is wrong? I am not running anything by the OS and the browser. It isn't my internet as it makes no difference if I use wireless or ethernet and my download speeds are about 10-15Mbps. I don't have any problems watching streaming on my 5 yr old Dell.
Problem I have, on my last generation macbook, I would rest one finger on the track pad, and just scroll with the other one, and it would scroll down the whole screen. Now with the new macbook, I actually have to scroll with both fingers for it to actually work. Also can't get used to the two button tap, I keep doing it but mistake, mostly to the huge trackpad and me resting my fingers on it.
Anyone had this similar problems? I know it's nitpicking but I miss my old trackpad.
I have a 3 month old MacBook Pro 13inch, whenever I 2 finger scroll on webpages in chrome or safari there is a scratching sound which comes from the top left of the mac. The sound is similar to processor noise but can be louder. I have noticed that the sound is less amplified when running without the power cable attached, but is still there.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I converted my DVD collection (and a good portion of my TV-DVD collection) over to my computer for my Apple TVs. When I finally completed this huge chore I went out and got three 1.5TB internal drives to replace the six externals that I had.
I don't THINK the problem started when I got the new drives, since I didn't watch too much on the computer itself too often. But I have been watching a lot of junk on the computer lately, and I noticed that every few seconds the video hiccups. Not the audio, just the video. It's a small hiccup, but it is noticeable and therefore annoying.
I'm realllllly hoping it's not the drives, as that would completely suck. Is there anything else it could be? This happens regardless of what else is running in the background. The specs are in my sig. The drives are 1.5TB 7200 RPM drives.
EDIT - It seems that it hiccups in quicktime/iTunes, and not in VLC.... which I think rules out the computer and the files themselves. Could Perian be causing jumpy playback?
When browsing using Firefox (Haven't tried other browsers) and using the two finger gesture to scroll, it will stop scrolling, won't go down or up, and the only way to get it unstuck is to wiggle the page slider and then it will work again. Is this a Firefox, OSX, or hardware issue and is there a fix to it?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi am a newbie with mac laptops. i have a macbook pro 15, core2 duo, 4 gigs of ram. i received this as a gift 2 months ago.i noticed whenever i scroll up/down a web page or in itunes i notice a static noise coming from the top left corner. (its either coming from the magsafe adapter or ethernet )the noise also lessens when i run photo booth in the backgroundi tried to read up on it and i was left asking more questions than i started this a common issue? can it get worse in the long run? because i am sure this lappy is no longer under apple care.
View 8 Replies View Relatedim from Germany so my english is not the best =) But i try to explain what my problem is. I got a new MBP13 and im happy with it but there is something when i scroll down in this Forum here for exampe ... the text begins to flicker.
I dont know if it is the screen or a problem with drivers or anything like this. I tryed to make a video and uploaded it on youtube.
I want to know if you can see the flicker on this video or is it only me who can see this ?
Is this normal ?
Here is the youtube video: [URL]
So, been playing with it and I don't know if it translates as well to the laptop world. I love when i use it on the iPhone but it feels a bit 'funky' using it on the trackpad. Maybe it's me, but it just doesn't feel quite right. I am going to give it some more time but I personally may be turning this feature off.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if anyone else is experiencing the same problem that I am right now. After today's (28/7) system update, which included the MagicPad app, I can't seem to turn off the annoying smooth scrolling from any software in my late 2009 MacBook Pro.
View 6 Replies View RelatedEvery now and then my trackpad acts up. When I scroll down/up (2 finger swipe down/up), it does a right click instead of scrolling. I bought this brand new at the apple store and its acting up within less than a month. I don't want to have an exchange if they'll give me a refurbished looking one.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
MacBookPro 10.7.5..One week old. I went to System Pref, trackpad, and see no option to turn on/ trackpad 2 finger scrolling.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My scrolling with the trackpad is not working on my Macbook Pro with Retina Display. It is brand new.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1
Running a G4 (dual 1 ghz, 2Gig mem, GeForce4 Ti 4600 video card) and video plays very choppy for some applications, especially for sites like Hulu. Just hooked it up to my 52" LCD and it was REALLY choppy on there, which I guess I can understand, but not sure why it is on everything else. Right now all I have is a 17" acrylic, any ideas why its so choppy? Anything I can do to speed it up or am I just out of luck?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running an eMac G4 with 1.25 Ghz and 1.25 Gig RAM. HD is 40 Gig. I believe the vid card is 32 mb. I have the newest version of Flash that the Power PC will support. 10.3 I believe. Youtube and in fact all videos are kind of choppy. Anything I can do here without spending a fortune.
eMac 1.25 Ghz/1.25 gig ram/40 gig, Mac OS X (10.4)
My wife's cat walked over her Macbook keyboard. Thereafter, when she uses the trackpad to try to move the cursor, the display moves in response, and the cursor sometimes moves, stutters, delays. Usually, both move.
So my guess is the cat hit some odd combination of keys changing some preference.
We could not find anything in System Preferences/trackpad, or searching the forums here (not that i know which words to use).
The trackpad "click" seems to be stuck down. I can "tap to click" but because it's clicked trackpad commands dont work. no scrolling with two fingers etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MB started doing this really strange thing where the screen gets all weird and distorted when scrolling. There are photos to show what's going on.
I have 4GB of OWC memory installed, but this was happening before I installed that so I can kind of rule that out.
Has anyone else had this happen, or know what causes it. I've tried all of the usual fixes like a fresh Leopard install and combo updates.