Hardware :: Time Capsule File Transfer Too Slow
Aug 5, 2009
purchased a Time Capsule today for use with my MBP. it is super super slow.. I can't believe it. How come there were so many good reviews on the Apple site? I hooked it up via ethernet cable, NOT via wireless and it's as slow as this. right now it's showing 3.4mb and 17 000 hours.
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Apr 25, 2009
I did some experimenting this evening to assess data transfer rates to various storage items in my home network which uses a new Time Capsule as the router/hub.
Connected to the Time Capsule are the following:
- Mac Pro (GigE)
- Vista Machine (GigE)
- MBA (Wifi)
- Raptor Drive (USB 2)
- Time Capsule Drive (Internal)
Transferring a 650MB file between devices yielded the following results:
MP > Vista (GigE) = 288 Mbps
MP > MBA (5GHz) = 52 Mbps
MP > MBA (2.4GHz) = 43 Mbps
MP > Raptor (TC USB) = 38 Mbps
MP > TC Drive (Internal) = 38 Mbps
MBA (5GHz) > TC Drive (Internal) = 22 Mbps
It seems that transferring files to a USB drive or the internal drive on the Time Capsule is painfully slow. It took 2:20 to transfer the 650MB file to the Time Capsule over GigE vs. 0:20 seconds to another machine. What's worse, is that the data transfer speeds to the TC are a function of link speed, the slower your connection, the slower your transfer rates. It's not simply limited by some bottle-neck in the TC. It took 3:45 to transfer the same file to the TC from the MacBook Air over the 5GHz WiFi connection. When I complained about this the other day at the Apple store, the "Genius" said that it's due to QOS built into the router to ensure it doesn't kill my web browsing.
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May 23, 2012
I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?
Info:MacBook Air
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Jul 16, 2008
I just got myself a Time capsule and it taking ages to do it first back up i only got to back up 25 gig and it only done 4 gig and been doing it for about 40 mins or so.
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Mar 27, 2009
how do i achieve this? I have a big music library that i want to move back to my computer because time capsule is giving me to much of a problem. I know I can do it over an ethernet wire. Please link any support articles.
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Jun 26, 2010
I've just hooked up my 2 Tb time capsule, which is supposed to be the destination for time machine and also have a share folder to share music on the network. Originally I wanted to partition the drive, but since that appears to be such a headache I'll probably make do with one partition.
if time machine will try to overwrite the share folder when it runs out of disc space?
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Dec 1, 2010
So I've been using a 1TB Time Capsule for a while now with my old HP and recently purchased a MacPro [15 inch base model]. My room mate has a recent model Macbook as well as an older iMac. We have a 50MBPS internet connection through our local ISP. More or less I am looking for advice on how to make sure our network is:
1. Secure.
2. Faster transfer speeds between all of our computers to and from the Time Capsule. [Where to find / adjust / optimize these settings]
3. Utilize our internet connection to it's fullest potential.
I am mostly concerned with my machine [optimizing it that is.] then the rest of the computers in the house. Go slow and use medium sized words as I am still wading into the world of Mac.
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Sep 2, 2009
Can the Time capsule be connected via USB for the initial transfer? Ineed to get stuff of an old PC, does that mean I need to install a "gigabit" network card in order to do the transfer (I assume there is a difference to the "normal" network card". Third, do I get a 1st get time capsule and "force" (if possible") to use only 'N' while my free WiFi modem from my internet provider broadcasts 'g' signals to other 'g' laptop OR spend a lot more to get the new mode with dual band.
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Dec 9, 2010
I have an iMac and MBP. When I transfer files over the network (wireless) from one computer to the other, it is quite slow. I think around 1~1.5mb/sec. Is this normal or expected performance on file transfer via wireless? If so what can I do to increase the performance? Settings on the wireless router?
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Sep 18, 2009
I've noticed that in the past few months, Time Capsule has really slowed my wireless connection down a lot. And I mean a lot. Like down to 1.0 Mbs sometimes, slow enough that I can't even watch videos via Hulu because they can't stream fast enough.
Just for background, I'm running FIOS with the Actiontech wireless modem/router hooked to my TC via bridge mode. I have the wireless on the Actiontech off so as not to interfere with the TC, so there's no possible wifi interference. It was great when I first had this setup (20 Mbs up and down), back in Jan. It has been super up until a couple of months ago. At that time I did update to the latest firmware on the TC. But once I noticed the slow down, I reverted back and it's still slow. When I hook the computer directly to the modem, I get the 20 up/down as before. So clearly there is something wrong with the TC. I've already changed channels, but don't know where to go from here.
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Feb 3, 2008
After some searching, I've seen three tricks: disabling IPV6 on the Mac, doing the same on the PC (my Windows Server 2003 installation didn't have it installed), and adding a line to my /etc/smb.conf file. None seem to really give me full transfer speeds.
Are there any tricks specific to Windows Server 2003 or anything new to make this work like normal? It's simple file transfer over SMB, seems like at the 5th iteration of Mac OS X we'd have better speeds.
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Jul 4, 2009
I first submitted this in another section of the forums thinking it had to do with my external HD, to only find out later it's a problem across my entire iMac, not just the external. It's nearly impossible to transfer files from anything other than my internal HD *to* my internal HD. What I mean is, when I try to move a file from my external HD, a shared computer via ethernet, or a mounted .dmg, it's transferring at something like 1mb per second or less. I got my copy of Leopard (10.5.6) 2 Fridays ago (I know, I'm late), and first did an upgrade. Everything was wonky, so I did an archive & install. Everything was still a little unstable feeling, so I opted for a clean install. I moved all my precious files over to my LaCie FW HD, confirmed them, and started onto the clean install and let that run while I slept. When I woke up, I had a brand new fresh installation of Leopard with the glorious BG, and I couldn't have been happier.
I started to move my files over manually (I wasn't using the migration assistance because I was organizing my files as I went considering time was not an issue), and first on the list was my music. I opened up iTunes, set my prefs, and started to import from my external HD. ..I just assumed it was taking a long time because I had around 7000 files of both music and video. But when I went to work, came home, took a nap, woke up, and it still wasn't done, it made me wonder. I assumed it was Spotlight doing it's thing on top of the iTunes import, and left it alone. But now when I'm trying to move over files only a few mbs, it slows to a halt. I tried to install Adium from a .dmg by first moving it into my Applications folder.. it's something like 50mb and it took about 10m. I had been expecting to drag the icon over and here that "ding" you hear when a file has successfully moved. The funny thing about this is that, when I look at the Activity Monitor, nothing's really doing much of anything. So then why is it taking 5hrs to move over a few gigs? Here's a screen shot:
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Jul 23, 2009
I know there have been many posts on this in the past but I think I am getting even slower speeds than most who have complained. My TC is backing up at a rate of about 1 Gig per 45 min to an hour. I have plugged in an ethernet cable and set ethernet above wireless in my network hierarchy but it appears that this is not working. This is my initial backup so I don't want to risk it by turning off my airport if it is transferring using wireless. Shouldn't the ethernet connection go much faster even though my Time Capsule is not plugged into our modem?
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Dec 1, 2009
I'm facing a very misterious issue with my internet connection, using a Time Capsule; If I use a network cable to connect to the Time Capsule, the connection to the internet is very slow (Maxes at 2mbit, never more). If use a wifi connection to connect to the same Time Capsule, internet is flawlessly fast, reaching well over 80Mbit.
I checked and the ip is always the same, the downloads are the same, at the same time. Even trying with 2 computers (a Macbook and an iMac) (one over wifi, one on ethernet cable) the one using wifi can download stuff way faster. If I switch connections the one using wifi is always faster.
I use DHCP for both ethernet and wifi on the same local network, all the machines can see each other, it's just the internet connection that becomes so slow when using ethernet. The local network as as fast as a gigabit connection allows. The Time Capsule has the latest firmware installed, and has no problems at all besides this internet issue.
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Mar 10, 2010
Anyone notice anything happening to their disk speed/transfer/access rates lately using a Time Capsule for a NAS?I currently use it to do two TM backups, and hold an iTunes store - been working amazingly well for over a year, and then a couple of weeks ago notice massive lags.The two Macs are using wireless, but internet speeds are as fast as ever... it just bogs down when you try to use a disk.So, couple other questions: Was there an airport firmware update lately that I installed incognito - and it's botched? Is there a way to install old firmware etc? Lastly, is there any way to run disk utility (or something like it) on a network drive like the Time Capsule? Maybe it's just clogged up or something?
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Jul 13, 2010
I am wondering why my MBP takes about 7-8 mins to copy 700 mb files from the external (Seagate FreeAgent pro 500 Gb) and of course, it takes about 1 hour to copy 7 Gb files.
However, this problem has occurred only copying file from external to my MBP, the transfer rate is fine when copying files from MBP to external
Note : I've already repair the disk by using disk utilities, but it doesn't help me at all.
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Feb 1, 2010
Im using time capsule and MBP trying to watch hd videos on youtube . Its running to slow and wont keep up with the videos. What can I do to make it faster. Or is it my macbook?
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a 1TB Time capsule, I would like to attach a USB drive to the Time Capsule and transfer my iTunes Library to it so I can run itunes from wifi. I am new to network stuff. My current iTunes library is on a USB drive velcro'd to the back of my Macbook - rather inconvenient, the USB port is loose. The music files are external but the library files with ratings/play counts are in the iTunes folder.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7), 1TB Time Capsule (3rd Gen)
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Aug 1, 2009
just got my 17" MBP today and it's beautiful. Playing a lot learning a lot (my first mac). Having one big headache though.What's up with the wireless speeds? I did some file copying from my Vista machine connected via ethernet and speeds were fine. Now I'm trying to copy some stuff from my girlfriends iMac over wireless (using a linksys wrt54g, both connected at G) and it's just balls slow. I'm talking about a meg a second, the hell?Now, what's really making me upset is the fact that it's also crippling my internet speeds when I'm doing this wireless to wireless file copy. It's like it's pegged so bad at the super fast 1mb/sec that I can't even browse the web without it timing out half the time. Internet is fine when the file copy is not happening.
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Mar 4, 2008
I will be getting a MBP but I will need more storage, hence the external hard drive. I wanted to buy time capsule but I read that it is not possible to partition it. So, would I be better off with an external hard drive(FireWire 800) that I can actually partition or get time capsule which offers the wireless connection. As for the speed I guess the wireless connection with time capsule must be pretty slow?
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Aug 20, 2010
I use my time capsule to transfer files between various computers, including ones that aren't on my same home network. For mac's, setting up filesharing over the internet works great, and I don't have any issues connecting to the time capsule remotely using [URL]
The issue comes if I try to connect a windows XP PC to my time capsule as a file server. I can connect one just fine if its on the local network, but I have been unable to do so for one remotely. Every indication I've seen online says that it should be possible to connect to via SMB, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Are there any specific settings that should be chosen either on the time capsule or on the PC to get it to work? Perhaps I'm not connecting to it via the PC correctly. Is connecting to it as a network drive at [URL] not correct? I've come across a few guides related to similar topics, but they all assume that the time capsule is just connected to your local network, and mine is also acting as my router.
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Jan 17, 2008
does anyone know whether time capsule is able to serve as a file server, so that i can have access to my data when i'm away from home?
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Jun 20, 2009
I have been using time capsule for only a few weeks and I have noticed that the file it has created "Elliot Newman's MacBook Pro_001b63936847.sparsebundle" only reads a file size of 95GB, when the disk I am backing up has 148GB used. Does this mean the backup doesn't contain all my files? I have to say it concerns me a little that the backup shows only a single file, is there anyway to see the files that time capsule has backed up? I am updating my MacBook soon with a bigger internal drive and I want to make sure all my files are backed up before I do this.
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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May 18, 2010
I'm wondering if someone with the latest Time Capsule (announced last week) can post the results of copying a large file (such as your iPhoto library or equivalent - ideally over 500MB) from the HD on your Mac to the HD on the TC over GigE.
Please report the time in seconds for the copy to complete and the size of the file. I'd like to understand if they changed the QoS on transfers to the TC HD.
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Mar 3, 2009
1. Dual networking. You can run N on 5.0 ghz and at the same time run A/B/G whatever on 2.4 ghz for legacy devices such as the iPhone. No speed hit.
2. Easy to use guest mode which will open up one of the frequencies for use as a password less (optionally you can add a password) access to the net but locking off your computers, printer etc. on the other encrypted frequency. Great for having friends over and getting them on your network without having to open it up to attack or having to give out huge passwords for them to enter.
3. If you have MobileMe then the new Time Capsule FILE SHARES EVERYTHING OFF THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE NET!
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Mar 25, 2012
My MacBook Pro has run out of space. Now I want to "Move" all of my iMovie files to my newly purchased Time Capsule. (Guy in store said wouldn't be a problem) I already have proceeded with the standaard Time mashine backedup (Which took ages even through cable) and now I want to move stuff. So I have iMovie 09; Mac OS X 10.6.8; and a new 2T Time Capsule (and why is Time Capsule showing up as "Data" with yellow triangle in iMovie under Hard Disks)
iMovie 09, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Using Time Capsule
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Feb 23, 2010
I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!
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Jun 13, 2009
Question - if I have a 500GB hard drive in my MacBook, but 80GB are partitioned separately for Windows via boot camp, can I use a 500GB Time Capsule?
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Jul 19, 2009
I am planning on purchasing a mac mini solely for the purpose of playing music - it will be hooked up to a hi-fi amplifier and speakers. All of the music that will be on the computer will be in lossless format, which is very large. I will need a lot (320+ GB?) of storage.
I'm wondering if I can cut costs by buying an old 80 GB mini and augmenting its hard drive with a time capsule. I was planning on buying a time capsule anyway, so I could save something like $300. My questions are: would I be able to stream music from the time capsule to the mac mini? Would I be able to import music from itunes directly onto the time capsule? If I hook the mini up to the time capsule via USB, can it serve as a hard-drive, even if my internet is down? Is it going to be much more worth my time to buck up and buy a new 320 GB mini?
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