MacBook Pro :: System Wont Boot And Not Proceeding To Main Frame
Mar 6, 2012
When I press the power button the system stays with the image of the apple, and the "thinking" timer in the screen, but it wont proceed to the main frame, it is just stuck there.
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Jan 5, 2011
I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.
Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)
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Sep 19, 2009
is it your main computer? Many people just have them as a media center, but I use mine as my main computer. I wonder who else uses their Mac Mini as their main computer. Also, what monitor or TV do you have it connected too?
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Sep 30, 2009
I want to restore and recover OSX & Logic 8 and the software i use with it (Apogee Maestro,UAD Quad & Waves plug-ins) to a new boot disk. I have both a back up of the main OS drive on a drive with Time Machine and a disk copy of the main drive (on another) as i had it before the boot disk crashed. My question is which is the best option to take when restoring the OS etc? As I have heard that there is a couple of bugs and issues when restoring via Time Machine. Is restoring via the disk copy a simple procedure? Or, should i reinstall everything completely from scratch and copy back the receipts and authorizations perhaps? Can you point me towards the best link/method to get my setup back on track? i'm using an apogee symphony pci card
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Oct 4, 2009
it is possible to run tiger on my 2007 imac as well as 10.6.1 which is the main operating system?We have just got rid of our g4 'bubble' imac after it gave up the ghost and now i am left with a proper retail tiger install cd that we never managed to install on the old imac (it was running 10.3.9 and as a second computer i was going to upgrade it
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Nov 30, 2010
Im trying to get into my Network preferences, but it is not letting me. All that I am getting is the main page for system preferences and it says loading network. There might already be a thread for this, but I couldn't find it.
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May 13, 2010
Just an FYI. Tech Support at Allsoft states The Disk Warrior 4.2 Boot DVD will not Boot the new 2010 MBP's. They are waiting for information (software) from Apple.
Will need to use Target Mode or another Mac connected with Firewire till then. Boot from that then run DW from your MBP.
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Sep 21, 2009
I have done some research on triple boot systems, and it appears that a third OS must be run virtually, but all the information I came across was a few years old. Microsoft is running a deal right now on Windows 7 for students so I would like to pick up a copy and try it out.
Is it possible to run 3 operating systems through Boot Camp 3.0? I am not interested in running a virtual OS.
Current Setup:
13" macbook pro
Snow Leopard and Windows XP through Boot Camp
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Aug 18, 2009
Since the new line of MBP I have fallen more and more in love with the black frame around the display on these MBP. Feels like the display is much easier for the eyes.
Do anyone know if it is possible to buy a skin/coverfoil/etc to cover on the alu frame around my MBA display?I have found a lot of pages/webshops that provide skin for the front/back and trackpad, but nothing for the frame around the display.
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Jun 23, 2012
i have a brand new MBP 2012 and if i push down on the bottom right of the space bar it sticks out over the frame and stops me from completely pushing it down.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 4, 2010
My early-2010 i7 MBP keeps freezing within minutes of boot. I just tried booting in safe mode, and it just froze for the 6th time in 24hrs (like the 4th in a row). I've never performed a time machine backup with this computer (I got it about a month ago), so a full restore would be an absolute last ditch option. Like I said, this keeps happening within a minute of boot. The screen is on, but everything completely locks up. The cursor can't be moved, keyboard doesn't do anything, etc. I have to keep forcing it to shut off w/ the power button.
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Apr 23, 2012
my macbook pro wont boot up past grey blank screen with spinning do i boot using cd ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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Mar 6, 2008
'm using my MBA to watch movies on my fullhd TV.
I use the dvi interface to connect to it at 1920 x 1080.
The problem is about the frame rate that after 10 / 15 minutes of flawless palying, drops consistently. I've tried VLC and QT with Perian but the problem is the same.
The only way I can use it, is activate the mirroring function and keep the resolution to 1280 x 800.
The strange fact is that the cpu is quite free and the temperature never goes more than 62 celsius.
I think that the problem could be an overheting of the video adapter. The fan, while I watch movies, is stick to 6200 rpm.
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Dec 15, 2010
I was doing some cleanup on my macbook pro, deleting old log files and suddenly the system froze. I turned off and then on the laptop and to my surprise, the Mac partition doesn't show up on bootcamp menu, and I'm taken directly to Windows.I tried booting from the install disk and repairing the disk with Disk Utility, and although all my data seems to be all right (I can see all of it from Windows), and Disk Utility did not find any errors, when I reboot (while holding the option key) only Windows shows up.
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Dec 24, 2009
I'm just not having luck with my last 3 MacBook Pros. My new 2.8ghz 15" now takes over 7 minutes to boot to the login screen. Before this happened, I recently copied 139 GB in sound libraries to my system drive. Before I went to work, I quickly closed the laptop and put in my bag. When I took it out of my bag several hours later, the unit was off and battery practically at full charge. When I started it shortly afterwards, it took forever to boot. It would sit there at the grey screen with the spinning circle, then get to the blue background (just before you get to the login screen) and wait there for a while. Most of the time I think you can hear the hard drive churning.
Once you log on, everything seems to be normal. I'm curious if perhaps that 139GB copy did something to the OS to slow it down. FYI it has 274/ 500 GB of free space left. Perhaps the hard drive didn't have a chance to park when I quickly put the laptop in my bag and I damaged it? To complicate matters, I have the MCE optibay installed with a 320 GB hard drive loaded in it. The only thing I can think of is to back up, and reload the OS. This should tell me if it's software or hardware related.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a macbook here that is stuck in a restart loop. It boots until it gets to the blue screen and flickers and goes back to a post screen and keeps retrying. It also displays a message that a crash log was written to file xxxxxxx.I can boot into single user mode and found the folder containing the crash log, how do I view that file in single user mode? If I can't read it in single user mode how can I read it, transfer it onto usb and view on my imac?
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Mar 20, 2008
My dads MacBook Pro started acting weird first the screen would freeze up and the cursor could still move but there would be about an inch wide black line that would follow on top of the cursor wherever you moved it.
We thought it was a software problem so we booted it up off an external drive and it did the same thing after a few seconds of loading the finder, now it won't even boot, it loads the white screen with the apple, then it stops at the blue screen where it usually shows the loading of everything, once in a while it will get past that but it freezes with black lines over the cursor.
I've tried zapping the pram and i've held the power button down till it beeps i've also reset the pmu, so im out of ideas.
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm about to get the new MacBook Pro with an anti-glare screen. As I like the black frame of the glossy screens a lot more, I would like to know If you know about any replacement parts or any other ideas to get the black frame on a anti-glare screen. I thought about a kind of a sticker that you could attach over the silver bezel.
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Jun 24, 2012
how much does the entire mettalic frame of a 13" cost?including the screen frame(only outer)
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 10, 2009
I have a macbook with OSX 10.5.7 and 4gb ram. Having fallen victim to the current scare tactics out on the web, I downloaded and installed PC Tools's iantivirus. All went well with install. About half way through the initial system scan, iantivirus hung up and locked my system. I had to do a hard power off with the power button. Now, my mac will not boot past the Apple logo. I don't even get the spinning wheel. I have booted to my install disk and ran disk utilities and everything checks out ok. I reset the pram and removed the battery and power supply and held the power button down for 10 or so seconds. Nothing. After several minutes, the system restarts and the cycle begins again. I cannot get into safe mode.
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm trying to remove "WDNotifier" from ever loading when I boot. Can someone direct me where to do this?
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Mar 27, 2012
I had a system update a couple of days ago and since then I've noticed a slower boot time and my toolbar/applications hang for a while. It never used to do this before the update.
I'm on a Macbook Pro OS X 10.6.8.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 4, 2009
I've been seeing all these battery posts and I was just wondering how my batt. usage stacks up with other peoples. I guess posting the health doesn't hurt either. My MBP has been used about 5 and half months, i have 90 cycles and 94% health. Apologies if this thread already exists, blame it on this sites horrible search function.
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Feb 11, 2012
I just switched to IMac and use to use Pinnacle for home video editing. If IMovie allows you to take a frame from a clip and export it to iPhoto as a jpg for printing and sharing?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Nov 9, 2010
just using my new MBP today and twice when turning it on it started to boot up and got as far as the blue screen (just before the desktop pic and stayed there.Is this normal sometimes?
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Jan 16, 2009
I have a 2.0ghz unibody macbook, and i installed windows xp on the boot camp partition, installed drivers, up until here everything was working fine.. i decided it would be a good idea to upgrade to bootcamp 2.1 and then suddenly the boot camp icon in my system tray went away,
and so did the nvidia panel and the sound no longer worked.. now im stuck and i have no sound. I tried reinstalling the drivers using the cd and it still doesnt work.. also when i remove my headphones there is a red light coming from the jack.. how do i get my sound back?
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Aug 31, 2008
Sooooo I just got my brand shiny new CTO 4GB 13.3 MBA this morning at about 9:45 am yesterday in Illinois. I was sposed to go to bed because I am working nights at the moment but i stayed up for hours setting it up and playing with it (my first MAC) and so I finally get home after working a 12 hour night shift and open up my new MBA expecting instant on and....nothing. The damn thing will not turn on and I tried all the tricks of the trade (suggested by apple support page) and nothing. It was fully charged when I left it in the morning. Also, my magsafe charge light is green which means it is still fully charged right??? Man what a super disappointment. My first MAC and it freaking dies immediately. My Win 7 desktop at least started...good ole faithful (granted it took about 55 seconds...pff)
I'm so sad!
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Oct 1, 2010
The other day my 1st gen MBP functioned without any probs, until it suddenly powered down. After I removed the question marks from my eyes, I offcourse tried to reboot it.
But it never makes it beyond the grey screen, sometimes untill the apple logo, sometimes not even that far.
Offcours I googled around first to gather some info before I decided to put this problem down on this board. I found this could be a HDD failure, but in those cases, with other people, it could be powered holding apple + s, and doing some checks that way.
Mine doesn't even come that far
I have a second hand 1st gen MBP with upgraded HDD and RAM, snow leopard, and coincidently since last week no more battery... so i may have powered down a completely unprepared mac by tripping over the wire, once or twice...
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Nov 30, 2010
I tried fsck -f fsck -y multiple times, booting in safe mode, zaping the pram and all that stuff, nothing as worked. I don't really care about how to fix it but I care more about, Is there any possible way I can get files off of the macbook even though it wont boot. Like is there a way for another computer (windows or mac) to pick it up so I can transfer files? What accessories will I need?
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Jan 30, 2010
Since a few days ago my Macbook Pro 13" from last June started to freeze randomly for atleast 30 seconds and then it would come back and most of the time freeze again after a while (in OSX only it seems, Windows 7 I did not have such problems, though I didn't use it often). Sometimes it occured frequently, other times it didn't and this morning I had the same thing again, I just held the power button and shut it down, did this two times in a short period of time and when trying to boot it for the second time all I get is a gray screen with no Apple logo or anything.
Searched the forums, tried the install DVD and C button to no avail, same thing with trying to reset the PRAM and NVRAM...Is the logic board broken or anything? I don't understand how this could happen...And if I do take my laptop to Apple, should I remove the Intel SSD drive I got in it right now and put in the stock?
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