MacBook Pro :: Screen Small 3mm Hair Line Scratch Removal?
May 12, 2010
i got a screen scratch on my Computer about 4 months ago and it is now bothering me. I want to remove it because well... i have some OCD and i would love to see a clear screen. Its just a small 3mm hair line scratch but i would like it gone. Because on white it makes a Kind of Rainbow effect. Now i've seen 2 methods i think that could work. One is using a Combination of Tooth paste a Petroleum Jelly... while another is using Nail Polish Remover to buff it out. Link: [URL]
I'm on week 3 of being a mac newbie and the proud owner of a new MacBook Pro 15" (I'm even excited about Snow Leopard arriving tomorrow .... don't remember that from my Windoze daysAlas, all is not rosy ... I've just noticed a small scratch on my screen, no idea how it got there (heads will roll if I find out!). Although it not going to effect me working on it a great deal, it is starting to anyone tried to polish out a scratch using a very fine grade steel wool ... or something similar. I know this can work on scratches on glass
So today I noticed a small black bar on the corner of my screen. I tried to get a screen shot of it, but i couldn't, like it was off the screen. However, my mouse dissapears under it when i move it there.It is a little hard to distinguish because it is the 2.4 ghz macbook aluminum, glossy screen so it has the black surrounding it, but it is definably there. This all along the right hand edge of the screen.
Although there is a chance it may have always been there, I am not so sure. I think there are lines along the top and left hand sides, but they are much smaller. again it is hard to tell. I am fairly sure that there is none on the bottom of screen. Is this normal, or what? I have applecare, and I didn't do anything to my macbook. Although it is getting me a little OCDish, and is slightly annoying, and I know these things on the screen tend to expand.
Soo...I just picked up a mini to run plex and use as a media center. Hooking it up to my projector via VGA cable. When I set the display settings to the native resolution on the projector there is a small black line or bar down the left hand side of the screen. Not on the right but only on the left. why this would be happening?
so i was carrying my macbook previous to getting a case and happen to brush the lid against a railing, it caused a TINY and i mean TINY mark.. maybe 3cm max but its noticeable to me.
i was wondering if i got one of those calligraphy markers.. if i could somehow blend the mark back into the finish? anyone ever try it?
My finder icon has had a purple line over the top of it since i can remember (got the macbook the christmas just gone) just wondering if anyone knows whats caused this or if its a well known problem ?
My macbook pro just has a black screen with a small coloured circle on the right of the screen. It is frozen and wont respond to turning it off or on. It is plugged into mains power.
Since I got my new MBA, I am afraid of closing the lid without using the factory keyboard layer fearing the keys may scratch the monitor. Am I being paranoid? I am sure the keyboard has been designed as to not touch the screen when its folded right?
I was thinking about possibly selling my MacBook Pro and purchasing the 11.6-inch Air because I'm a college student who doesn't need much more than word processing, web browsing, iTunes, and portability. But I hear that the Airs don't have the glass covering of the Pro... Is the screen itself plastic or glass and does it scratch easily?
i just had the unfortunate incident of someone touching my screen with an object. i dont think it scratched but it led me to researching if the glass is scratch resistant and trying to learn more about the glass itself. ive read that it is gorilla glass which i think is very scratch resistant but that i believe is not confirmed. Â Â
can anyone shed light on the LCD glass they use and if it is able to withstand minor bumps/nicks/taps/ from objects like pen-caps, or a paper clip hitting it etc etc??im looking for specific info like its actual properties, makeup and scratch threshold. Â
When the screen on my MBA is closed down the rubber edge on the bezel around the screen does fit tightly on the left side, but on the entire right side, there is as small gap between the rubber edge and the base of the MBA. At the rear right the distance between the bezel and the base of the MBA is one milimeter and since the rubber edge takes up less than half of that distance, I'd say the gap is at least half a milimeter. Does your screen fit tightly all the way around or is a small gap normal? I'd think the rubber edge not only avoid metal against metal, but it will also prevent dust or dirt from entering the screen / keyboard / touchpad area when transporting the MBA.
I've been planning to get a MBP over Christmas, and today I went to the local Reseller to get a USB-hub, and I played around with the 15" and 17" after since they were out, and I wanted to see if any other local stores had them. I've been planning on a 15" for a while, but when I looked at them right next to each other, it struck me that the resolution on the 15" is tiny compared to the 17". I realize that it's small because the screen is small, but it's so my smaller that the menubar took up so much physical space it became a problem for me. The 13" on the other hand, looked fine. The resolution is small, but the screen is small too so it fits.
Now I've been using a whitebook with 1280x800 for a while now, and the resolution is one of the primary reasons I'm not going to upgrade to a 13" MBP, but there is no way in hell I am getting the 15" with a fisher-price resolution! Is there any chance Apple could use a 1680x1050 panel instead of the 1440xwhatever? Does anyone know why the refurbs on the UK store are all 17"? There is not a single 13" or 15" there, and hasn't been for a while. Are there known problems on the 17" that I'm not aware of?
there are two things that the macbook is doing to me. one is that sometimes when i move the screen up or down (the hinge is rather stiff) a white (thin) line flashes across the screen. but recently, while randomly browsing through the internet, the screen almost... i guess faded to a gray screen, but like gradually, and not like a kernel error, like the display just faded away. happened twice in a row, did a battery pull and now wont do it again.
i was on skype and noticed a fingernail sized scratch in my screen. I ran my finger over it and i can stick my fingernail partally in it. This has brought me to wander, what could have done this. I dont remember having anything near my macbook that could have caused this, also what is the macbooks screen coated in. Ita a 2007 santa rosa white
I have a new MBP with a high resolution anti-glare display. It is beautiful, but at full resolution everything looks smaller. Is there any way to set preferences so that windows open with a full-size appearance without setting the display to a lower resolution?
I have a small white square that appears on my screen, it's not just on my background it's on whatever I open. What is causing this and how do I get rid of it? I have a brand new laptop, less than two months old.
I have an old iBook G4 14" (from about 2004 or 2005) that was just replaced by a MacBook. The hinge on the screen is pretty much broken and the screen looks pretty terrible. I'm thinking about installing a distro of Linux on it and using it as a file server or media server and connecting it to an external display, but I would like to have the keyboard and mouse readily available and would not like to have issues with overheating because the lid is closed. Is there a way I can completely remove the screen (including the hinge) and have it still be functional?
I just bought my macbook pro 13 inch about a 40 days ago and I have just noticed two small black dots on the on the bottom of the screen near the left side of my dock. I have done some research and they seem to be "dead pixels" They're really small but for the price I payed i didnt expect any problems. What are some suggestions to get rid of them or if i should contact tech support? Here are two pictures of the dots: They kinda change colour when i move my head around.. Not sure if theyre dead pixels or not.
how much would the repair of this damage will cost? geesh i forgot to remove my iphone wire/connector that was resting in the keyboard of my mac, then suddenly i accidentally closed the screen of the laptop. then afterwards, i heard a cracking sound. plain carelessness. what should i do? will the replacement of this damaged glass costly? i do hope MacCenters in Manila can fix this. i'm heading tomorrow to the nearby MacCenter.
How do I open a small window on my screen that allows me to type in a word, and that word is then highlighted every time it appears in the text on the page I'm in? I've seen it done before. It makes searching an internet wall much easier when your looking for something particular.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've read quite a lot about the glossy screens on iMacs and advice offered has been to use a 3m matt film product or remove the glass from the front. Is anyone actually using either of those 2 methods successfully with their iMac? The 3m matt film sounds like it might be awkward to fit without airbubbles etc and might affect sharpness/colour etc Removing the glass from the front could make the screen vulnerable when using things like calibrator devices that need to sit on the screen to work, I don't care what it looks like BTW
Power and features wise the i7 iMac is all the computer I need but need a matt screen is no good for me. I will splurge on a macpro and monitor but its just more than I need and so would prefer the saving
screen resolution of the MBP 13" is too small to do video/image editing with tools like the iLife suite, Final Cut Express, Photoshop..? And for using developers' tools like XCode? I would use it in my freetime and not for work.. It would be my first MBP and I'm using a 15" laptop with 1680x1050 resolution, so I would loose a lot of pixels, but I don't want to spend so much on a 15"/17" MBP since I do not think they've yet entered the next level Steve Jobs was talking about.. So I would buy a 13" just because I'd really like to jump in the Mac world , and maybe I'll sell it next year when (I hope) there will be much more innovation (maybe new design
A friend used the Kapersky site to check her MacBook running OS 10.5.8. The UID check indicated her computer was infected so she told me she downloaded and ran the first option that she presumes was the Flashback Removal software. After running it and restarting her computer the screen was blank. There wasnt even a menu bar. However the Skype login popped up and that ˜suddenly made a menu bar appear giving her access to the normal Skype menus, Apple Menu, spotlight etc. A bit of rummaging around indicates that all her files are still there it is just that the desktop doesnt launch (Finder problem maybe?) after multiple restarts.
I won't be able to actually get the computer for a week as she is a student and out of town presently.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro, iPad 3G, iPod Touch
I just bought a brand new Nvidia Macbook White from Amazon. Love it so far. One problem,and I will post a pic, there is a small nick on the top left corner of the casing of the screen. Its noticeable but otherwise the computer is great,no keyboard flex that I can see or any other cosmetic issues. Would it be worth it to go through the whole Amazon exchange for just this issue with no guarantee that the replacement would be any better?
I have a new MacBook Pro (A1286) 2.66Ghz which is just over two weeks old. Whilst watching a video on YouTube a horizontal line appeared across the screen. I tried rebooting, however, the line was still present. I have tried switching between the 9400/9600 and the line is still visible.
The line is still there when I boot the laptop into Windows, does it look like I have a faulty GPU/logicboard on my brand new MacBook?