MacBook Pro :: Popping Sound During Audio Playback?

May 26, 2010

Since a couple of days I'm noticing a popping sound during audio playback through my external speakers. That means when playing back a video or music through iTunes, basically always when there's audio playing. I'm in the process of figuring out if it also happens on my regular integrated speakers.

My MBP is the recently released 15" Core i7 model. Only thing I changed is I added an Intel SSD.

Any thoughts as to what it can be? Or where to start looking for a solution?

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OS X :: MacBook Popping Noise/Audio Out?

Apr 28, 2009

I was messing around with Garageband today with my instrument and then suddenly there was a loud pop, and then audio went out. What's going on?

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MacBook :: Getting Popping Sound On New MB?

Nov 18, 2008

So I have had my new aluminum macbook for 2 weeks now and love it except for one issue. About once or twice a minute it makes a really annoying popping sound from the right speaker. It sounds like a crackle and then a pop. It happens if volume is up or muted, headphones plugged in/no headphones, music/video playing or not. Basically it happens all the time, nothing will stop the sound.

My question is should this be something I worry about, and get replaced/fixed? This is my first macbook and love everything about it except this popping sound. I have yet to contact applecare or take it to the store as I'm a busy college student and the store is an hour or so away. Just wanted to get your guys opinions on this issue first.

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OS X :: How To Stop MacBook Popping Sound

Apr 18, 2009

I rely on a program called SoundOn! to stop the popping sound on my Macbook aluminium while using external speakers. But, I seem to have done something (slash OS X seems to have done something) which means that the application now opens in Script Editor rather than a standalone application. When I go to the Get Info window in Finder to change the default application I cannot simply set it as an application and get a choice between TextEdit, Automator and Script Editor. I don't want any of these. How do I go about resetting this so it will work?

Also, maybe if anyone has a Cocoa application for the same purpose of keep-alive for the sound card I'd be really greatful, as this application was made for 10.0.0-10.2.x and hasn't been updated since 2003.

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MacBook Pro :: Popping Sound From Right Palmrest?

Oct 3, 2009

The other day while using my MBP, I heard a 'pop' sound as I lifted my palm off the palmrest. I could duplicate the sound by pushing on the middle of the right palmrest. Turns out it is coming from the battery compartment door!

After it happened again, I determined it was when I had the slider door open and cool breeze was coming in. The cooler temps make metals contract and the fit wasn't so good apparently. Now I have a piece of thin cardboard sitting between the HD and the battery door to keep my sanity.

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MacBook Pro :: Unibody 2009 Popping Sound?

Jan 14, 2010

My brand new MacBook Pro seems to have a problem.

When I am downloading off the internet, I can hear a popping sound every 20 seconds. The sound seems to come from the hard drive.

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MacBook Pro :: Popping Sound With Bluetooth Speaker

Dec 4, 2014

I just purchased a Bose SoundLink Mini bluetooth speaker. It pairs up and connects fine with both my iPad Mini and Macbook Pro. The sound quality is excellent on playback from iTunes on the iPad Mini, however when I connect with the Macbook Pro....I am getting terrible popping and cracking sounds. I am using Lion 10.7.5 on the Macbook Pro. Wondering if it must be some issue with the operating system since I DON'T have the problem when I play audio from the iPad Mini.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Popping Sound For FaceTime After Update

Dec 7, 2014

I updated my Macbook pro to the new Yosemite last week, now when I FaceTime it makes a popping sound

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Playback Stuttering On I7?

Jun 3, 2010

Is anyone else having an issue which the '10 MBPs have problems with audio playback in iTunes? It happens on all songs a couple of times every song (even purchased from the iTunes store) whether it's the only application open or not. I'm not having other problems with iTunes video, it's just stuttering playback.

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MacBook Pro :: Bad Audio From ITunes Playback

Jun 28, 2012

I seem to be having problems either with hardware or iTunes. First, I notice a delayed response with iTunes when pressing play. It didn't used to take so long to start a track, or even unpause a track. This is with only one other program open, Firefox. Also, with mutiple files from different albums, there are pops, dropouts, and clicks when listening to music. It sounds like I'm moving the 1/8th jack around in the headphone output. This would lead me to believe I'm having a hardware issue. It happens with headphones or speakers.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Aluminum :: Speaker Popping On 2.4 GHz When Sound Mute?

Sep 9, 2009

I have been having this issue forever and want to do something about it now. Whenever the sound is mute on my notebook, and there should be sound playing (Ex.: Startup Chime), instead I get a LOUD pop noise. I understand the whole thing with the sound chip powering down to save battery life, but that requires the speakers to be un-muted. In my case, they are mute, and never get un-muted. What do you guys think. Logic Board/Speaker System Replacement?

Aluminum Unibody 2.4GHz MacBook (10.5.8)
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
2nd Gen. iPod touch (8 GB) with 3.0

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MacBook Air :: Makes Small Popping Sounds Here And There When Playing Any Type Of Audio?

Jun 17, 2014

So whenever I try and play something, the macbook air makes popping sounds as the audio plays. As the audio gets louder, the pop gets louder as well. I already tried nearly everything and updated my laptop.

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Recording And Playback

Jun 19, 2014

I wanted to use a lavalier mic for a video conference, but when I plug the mic in to the MacBook Pro (late 17" 10.9.3) I get no playback from Garage band or other recording apps until I unplug the mic.  I have tried a Rode lav and a Sennheiser mic for DSLRs. Am I missing something, or is there a problem with the computer?

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MacBook :: Microphone Recording But No Sound Happens On Playback

Feb 25, 2012

I see the microphone recording, but no sound happens on playback (youtube for example).


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MacBook Pro :: Output Sound Is Off For Video Playback

Aug 22, 2014

The output sound is suddenly really quiet. I have to turn it all the way up to hear anything all all sometimes. My iTunes seems fine and my notification sounds work, but playing videos is seriously sketchy (from YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, wherever).

I've got a 15" Macbook Pro
OS X 10.8.5
2.2 GHz processor Intel Core i7
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 memory 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Mac Pro :: Early 08 Crackling And Popping Audio?

Mar 23, 2008

My brand new 2.8 8-core mac pro arrived a couple of days ago, and needless to say its great..for the most part It's standard spec but with the 8800GT and the airport card.Although I use it with OSX for most things, I need to be running Vista for the odd bit of gaming, and more importantly for software development (still need Visual Studio and .NET)So i've installed Vista x64, installed the bootcamp drivers, and then updated the graphics to the latest Nvidia drivers

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OS X :: Is There A Way To Eliminate That Popping Sound

Apr 19, 2010

I find the 'popping' sound that is made when changing volume on the Mac via the keyboard very annoying. Is there a way to eliminate that popping sound?

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Intel Mac :: Popping Sound At Regular Intervals

Feb 4, 2012

My iMac is making a sound that seems like a "pop" every few minutes. It seems like a notification, but it isn't one. It never did this in a year, but it started two weeks ago. It's really annoying. I called the Apple Support but they didn't manage to help me out.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)

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QuickTime :: Different Echo On Audio Playback QT 10.1?

Mar 13, 2012

i have been making backup QT movies of a whole bunch of Beta SP tapes using an AJA Ki Pro to record ProRes 422 files.  I have used QT7pro to trim these movies and add metadata.  Played back on QT7 (7.6.6) they sound find but playing the same movie on QT player 10.1 there is an echo on the audio as if one track has been knocked back about 6 or 7 frames. Using QT7 to set Ch1 and 2 to mono or stereo makes no difference, just spaces the echo out. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Choppy Audio Playback - Mac OS X 10.6?

May 20, 2012

it basically appeared today, and I haven't changed anything, to my knowledge.  Playback is choppy, with some stuttering and static noises...It does this even when playing straight to the computer speakers...I've disconnected my router to make it isn't the culprit (it slows down my internet connection quite a lot). 

Mac Mini

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OS X :: Popping Sound In Safari 5 When Using Youtube, Hulu And Rhapsody

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Quad Core Mac Pro which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I have 8 gigs of memory. I am using Safari 5 and the latest version of Flash Player.

This issue doesn't happen all the time but once it occurs it will keep happening until I quit Safari and then reopen it. After that it will begin happening again after a certain period of time.

It seems to occur when I have Safari open for extended periods of time and the memory pageouts increase. When I play music through the Rhapsody player, youtube or hulu and visit various sites at the same time, there's a popping or stuttering in the audio for a second or two.

The popping noise will occur when browsing a site while playing audio in Safari either through Youtube, Hulu or Rhapsody. The noise will occur when I click on a link to go to a website.

the Popping will occur when I quit Safari as well, it's sort of like a sound that shouldn't be there. It sounds almost like static electricity when you touch it.

The only thing that stops the popping is by Quitting Safari and reopening it. After that I won't hear the noise while browsing sites for a period of time. It will come back eventually though.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash player, repaired permissions in disk utility, rebuilt my drive with Disk Warrior, reinstalled Safari, and installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains.

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OS X :: AVI Files Playback With No Sound

Dec 20, 2010

I am new to this forum and have only just brought a MacBook. I transferred video from my mini dv camcorder to my pc using firewire. The data was recorded as an avi. These avi videos play fine my on pc (in windows media player and real player-with sound). However, on my mac, the video is displayed but no sound. The video is played, but there is no sound (just crackling). I have tried realplayer, quicktime, divx and vlc. I have downloaded perian, but this has made no difference. In quicktime, the video is displayed, but no sound. In VLC, there is video, with crackling sound. I have about eight videos and none of them have sound on the mac.

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Applications :: 5.1 Audio Playback From Digital Files?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm looking to digitize my DVD library and be able to play back the files with surround sound. The actual digitization process isn't the issue here, but I want to know how I can go about playing back the files and not losing the surround sound. I'm planning on buying a new mac mini to do this and connecting a mini-toslink cable up to my receiver. What application should I be using to get the audio playback?

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ITunes For Mac :: Movies Have Choppy Audio Playback?

Sep 5, 2014

I have a Mac Mini 2011, I started having audio playback problems with about 90 percent of my purchased Itunes movies. The audio is fine as long as you don't maximize the viewing window, as soon as you do the audio become choppy. I keep all my movies on an external hard drive, 1Terrabyte Western Digital Mybook (the one recommended for macs. I even tried copying a movie onto the computer hard drive with the same result. This all seemed to start after I had my mac mini hard drive replaced. 

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IMac :: Popping Sound From Speakers Post Firmware Update

Feb 4, 2010

I was reluctant to update my 27inch i5 iMac with the new graphics card firmware update since I wasn't having any flickering issues. I finally caved in and did it thinking that nothing bad will happen, well of course something did. Ever since I updated it yesterday my computer makes a distinct and random popping sound from the speakers, it is soft but audible in my quiet room when I am working and it is driving me crazy.

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Hardware :: Connecting IMac To HD TV - Audio / Video Playback?

Jun 5, 2009

I have a 2G iMac and I have it connected to a Philips HD TV with a mini-dvi to dvi adapter that is connected to a HDMI-to-DVI video cable. I also have a Y audio cable connected iMac to the AV1 on the TV. The problem is I can only select one source on my TV, either AV1 or HDMI 1. If I select AV1 I can hear the audio from the video streaming on my computer (no video shows on the TV), but if I select HDMI 1 I can only see my desktop background no audio or video. How can I get both the video and audio to play at the same time? Why am I only seeing my background and not video?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Sync Audio Playback To External Monitor?

Dec 5, 2014

Is there any way in FCPX to delay the audio playback to be in sync with an external monitor.

In FCP7 it was called "Frame delay".

I have no standalone audio delay available.

I´m cutting music videos and while the external video (BM Intensity Extreme via HDMI) is only delayed 2-3 frames, it is virtually useless...

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Mac Pro :: Weird Loud Popping Sound Trough Speakers Macpro 6 Core

Sep 8, 2010

2 days ago i received my new mac pro 6-core 3, something really weird and super annoying is going on with this computer...From time to time there is this really loud POP trough my speaker. I'm absolutely 100% sure this has nothing to do with my amp. cables or whatever and its definatly a problem with the MacPro, i know because of the following:

Plugged in new cables, removed every installed software, plugged onto different amplifier, when there are absiolutely no audio cables plugged into the computer and when i use the build in speakers of the mac pro i still hear the POP/distortian like sound, and finaly even took it at my friends house and tested the machine there on his audio instalation...problem remained! not knowing what to do next i decided to go and see a very good technician (music instruments and studio recording) and told him about the problem, he imediatly stated that it "could be" because of the harddisk drive giving like electric impulses or whatever that causes the distortion...or that the sound card or audio chip set waking up from sleep and every time it does there is this loud POP?..................

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Applications :: Itunes Sync Distorted Audio Playback Win7

Oct 16, 2010

Each time I sync my iPhone and I had foobar or another media player open the sound distorts really bad. Now this used to happen months back then suddenly worked with out any interference. But again, iam now getting this awful distortion when I try to sync-anyone know why?

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ITunes :: Change Playback Display From Audio Levels To Normal?

Mar 24, 2012

when I'm playing something in iTunes, in the small window centered over the Library, I now get an audio level bar display instead of what I would call the normal, default display (shows the item being played, artist, title and all that, plus a progress bar showing where you are in the piece).  I can't find a thing about this online elsewhere so far, and have no idea what the iTunes nomenclature for this function or the small centered window above the Library.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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