ITunes For Mac :: Movies Have Choppy Audio Playback?

Sep 5, 2014

I have a Mac Mini 2011, I started having audio playback problems with about 90 percent of my purchased Itunes movies. The audio is fine as long as you don't maximize the viewing window, as soon as you do the audio become choppy. I keep all my movies on an external hard drive, 1Terrabyte Western Digital Mybook (the one recommended for macs. I even tried copying a movie onto the computer hard drive with the same result. This all seemed to start after I had my mac mini hard drive replaced. 

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ITunes :: Choppy Audio Playback - Mac OS X 10.6?

May 20, 2012

it basically appeared today, and I haven't changed anything, to my knowledge.  Playback is choppy, with some stuttering and static noises...It does this even when playing straight to the computer speakers...I've disconnected my router to make it isn't the culprit (it slows down my internet connection quite a lot). 

Mac Mini

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MacBook Pro :: Playback Becomes Choppy - 720p Movies

Jul 22, 2009

I have a 13MBP 2.26ghz 2GB ram etc and when i try to play 720p movies like harry potter or deja vu, during action scenes the playback becomes choppy and the video turns into a bunch of squares and i usually miss a few second of the scene. it usually happens on graphic intensive screens such as the a girl dropped her teddy bear into the ocean waves and in harry potter 4 when all the glass frames break from the wall and fall down. Im using LED Cinema Display

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Applications :: Choppy ITunes Video Playback On PC

Mar 23, 2009

why are all my iTunes videos so damn choppy?! High Quality Youtube videos are "ok," but HD Youtube videos are just as bad as trying to watch anything on iTunes.

what do i need to upgrade (word choice?) to successfully watch iTunes videos crisply. i'm assuming it's like a graphics card or a processor or something. i could buy a decent computer in the next couple of months but i'm not because my parents are strongly against me upgrading anything because i'm going to college Fall 2010, so they said i'll just get a high-end something or other when the time comes. the point of what i just rambled about was is there something on my current PC that i can upgrade?

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MacBook Air :: ITunes Choppy Video Playback

Apr 1, 2010

I have a Rev A MBA but for the first time I just downloaded a TV show from Itunes and tried watching it back. It was very jumpy, freezing and video and audio were sometimes out of sync. I turned off all other applications, which improved it, but did not solve it. I tried downloading a second one and had the same problem.

Is this common? I would have thought of all applications to work well, Itunes should be one of them.

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Applications :: ITunes Movies Won't Playback - Black Screen?

Feb 1, 2010

It seems a whole section of my 350+ movies in my iTunes have all of a sudden stopped playing back. These are movies that played back perfectly just a few days ago but now only display a black screen with the timeline ticking away as if it was playing. All these movies were ripped from DVD's and converted using Handbrake.

Has this happened to anyone else? I think its some type of file corruption but I can't imagine what caused it. What makes it strange is that it only happened to a section of movies and not one common trait can be found among them.

I've done a bit of googling and mroogling and haven't been able to find a solution let alone another user have the same problem.

Any ideas? I have all the video_ts folders backed up so I just need to encode them again, but I would like to prevent this from happening again.

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Intel Mac :: Choppy Video Playback On It?

May 10, 2012

I have a 20-inch Mid 2007 iMac with 2.4 intel core duo with 4gb memory running  OS lion 10.7.4. I am getting choppy video with play back. I have tried resetting Safari, Uninstalling and reinstalling old and new versions of Adobe Flash. Am I SOL? Is my Processor to old? Can I upgrade it? Or do I need a whole new computer?


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MacBook Pro :: Bad Audio From ITunes Playback

Jun 28, 2012

I seem to be having problems either with hardware or iTunes. First, I notice a delayed response with iTunes when pressing play. It didn't used to take so long to start a track, or even unpause a track. This is with only one other program open, Firefox. Also, with mutiple files from different albums, there are pops, dropouts, and clicks when listening to music. It sounds like I'm moving the 1/8th jack around in the headphone output. This would lead me to believe I'm having a hardware issue. It happens with headphones or speakers.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G3 - Choppy Video Playback

Jan 25, 2007

I'm currently running an old powermac G3 that's fine with everything except video playback.

My question, is it the 300mhz processor, the video card (stock ATI rage), or a combination of both?

Before it's said, I would buy a new computer if I could afford it.

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PowerPC :: Choppy Video Playback On Powerbook

Aug 19, 2008

I have a 12" Powerbook G4 1.5Ghz with 1.25GB of RAM. I can't seem to figure out how to make my video playback smooth. I have tried so far playing videos from Itunes and also avi files. No matter what i try its still unwatchable.

I'm running Leopard with latest patches. Web browsing and other things are fine, its only video that is giving me problems

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IMac :: DIVX And Flash Playback Choppy

Nov 3, 2009

I have noticed my imac 27" has started being choppy with playback of both divx and flash. I know there are other threads about this for flash but I haven't heard much about divx. I tried installing divx, vlc, and perian, but in all the playback is choppy.

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Applications :: Choppy Playback During Time Machine Backup

Jan 11, 2010

When time machine backup is running, iTunes playback is sometimes choppy. I have a brand new 27in iMac (i5) and not much else running. I'm new to Mac and not sure what I should expect in terms of performance impact when time machine is running. No other problems with the iMac. I've had it over a month and all good. I'm also pretty sure I've played music while time machine is running before without any issues. Also, time machine backup takes a lot longer than I expect (seems like 10-15 minutes but I didn't clock it). If it's running once per hour, the diff each hour should be small. And I'm not doing much besides playing music, doing some email and surfing the web. Is there a way to see what Time Machine thinks has changed and has decided to back up this hour?

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QuickTime :: Video Clips Playback Choppy After Exported From IPhoto?

May 22, 2012

I have created a iPhoto '11 slideshow with photos and some DSLR video clips. The videos play smoothly when slideshow is played on Macbook Air, but when saved or exported as Quicktime 10 movie, the video clips playback choppy. What do I need to do?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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Applications :: Itunes Sync Distorted Audio Playback Win7

Oct 16, 2010

Each time I sync my iPhone and I had foobar or another media player open the sound distorts really bad. Now this used to happen months back then suddenly worked with out any interference. But again, iam now getting this awful distortion when I try to sync-anyone know why?

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ITunes :: Change Playback Display From Audio Levels To Normal?

Mar 24, 2012

when I'm playing something in iTunes, in the small window centered over the Library, I now get an audio level bar display instead of what I would call the normal, default display (shows the item being played, artist, title and all that, plus a progress bar showing where you are in the piece).  I can't find a thing about this online elsewhere so far, and have no idea what the iTunes nomenclature for this function or the small centered window above the Library.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Using ITunes Converted MP3 To WAV And Burnt Audio CD - No Playback On Stereo

Sep 4, 2014

Using iTunes I converted a mp3 music file to wave and then burnt an audio CD. on a CD-R  Everything worked fine. Now the CD plays fine on the any computer but not on my stereo. I am using a MAC OS X 10.9.4.   The recording speed was 10X. 

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.2.2 - Momentary Audio Drop Outs During Playback Of Songs?

Jun 2, 2014

I am running iTunes 11.2.2, which I assume is the most recent download. 

During playback of songs in iTunes  I get momentary audio drop outs or interruptions of songs. They happen  once every 45 seconds or so but it varies, and they are not consistent from playback  to playback (they happen at different times in the song when the song is  played multiple times). 

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Some Applications May Output No Audio But System Alert Sounds And ITunes Playback Can Be Heard

Apr 17, 2012

I had sound on my computer last night but when turning on this morning there was no sound. It is not muted. Also, when I try to run an event in IPhoto as a slide show, it shuts down.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Only had the computer for 2 1/2 wee

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ITunes :: Why Cannot Stream Audio From Movies Over AirpPlay

May 5, 2012

I use my iMac as my TV, entertainment center, etc at home and I stream audio from there to an Airport Express hooked up to my stereo. Using Airplay in iTunes and third party apps like Rogue Amoeba's Airfoil this works for just about anything: my music library, live TV through EyeTV and non DRM movies...but I like to download rental movies from iTunes and for some reason I can't stream audio from iTunes movies. I understand that this is a documented limitation of iTunes and Airplay, and there can be some issues with audio and video getting out of sync due to the buffering, but if Airfoil can do it, why not iTunes? The Airfoil video player is pretty basic, but it compensates for the buffering delay without any problems, and I can even use VLC to manually add a delay into the video track.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac Mini :: New Mac Mini - Choppy Video Playback In VLC For Mkv Or Avi Files

Sep 30, 2010

Just bought the new mac mini with HDMI out - 2.66Ghz, 8 Gb RAM, 500 Gb HDD

A lot of mkv or avi files I playback appear pretty choppy in VLC - my primary app for watching movies and tv shows.

I have a Drobo with two 2 TB SATA drives where I store all my stuff and which is connected to my mini via firewire 800.

I've tried playing the same video back from both the Drobo and from the internal hard drive, to see if the choppiness was on account of the external drive or not. No difference really. A choppy video remains choppy from either place.

It's pretty strange because some 1080p videos play just fine, with no choppiness whatsoever, while other 720p videos or even standard definition divx files are still choppy.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Get Choppy When Cinema Display Wakes Up

Jun 25, 2009

I have a new 15" MBP attached to a 24" ACD. If any sort of audio is playing through the display's speakers while the display (just the display, not the whole computer) is asleep and I wake it up, the audio gets all choppy/static-y until I pause and restart whatever the audio source is (e.g. iTunes).

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Intel Mac :: Audio Gets Choppy And Becomes Unusable After A Few Weeks Of Uptime

Jun 21, 2012

I'm running a fully-loaded 2011 iMac (still the latest model as of this writing) and it stays up 24x7 (it's a work machine that is constantly compiling and testing software).  I listen to music, mainly using Spotify, during the day.  Parallels, VPN Tracker, Skype, and Chrome is always on as well. 

After 20-30 days, the audio, across the board, starts to get choppy (music, Skype, even system sounds).  After a day or so, it eventually gets to where the choppiness is so bad that audio is completely unusable.  The only thing that I've found that fixes it is a reboot.  Sigh...  I've tried closing every application, plugging and unplugging the speakers, and chanting, and nothing but rebooting helps.  As far as I can tell, there is no way to "restart" the audio system specifically. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac PPC :: Youtube Video Stream Choppy / Audio Is Smooth

May 3, 2012

Why is the video stream on YouTube choppy, while audio streams smoothly?

iMac (17-inch 1 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Apple extreme base station

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MacBook Pro :: Need QuickTime Update For Movies Playback

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to play movies that I've downloaded from Frostwire and every time they open up in Quick Time it says is update is needed and a blank safari page opens. Probably should mention this is my first Mac and I've had it for a total of 6 hours.

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QuickTime :: Player Seem To Enlarge Smaller Movies To ~480 Pixels Wide On Playback?

Apr 16, 2012

QuickTime Player (we have version 10.1) seems to play movies at a minimum movie size of 480 pixels wide. Smaller movies (say 80, 200, etc. pixels wide) get enlarged to 480 pixels wide when played, making them blurry. Movie Inspector confirms the original size of these movies (of various formats) and that the current player window size is 480 pixels wide. They can't be viewed any smaller (either by the window resize handle or from the View menu).We frequently make moves from slices through small sub-volumes of 3D reconstructions and it doesn't seem that this latest version of QuickTime Player can be used to view these small-sized movies any longer. Am I missing a preference or checkbox somewhere in QuickTime Player?

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Playback Stuttering On I7?

Jun 3, 2010

Is anyone else having an issue which the '10 MBPs have problems with audio playback in iTunes? It happens on all songs a couple of times every song (even purchased from the iTunes store) whether it's the only application open or not. I'm not having other problems with iTunes video, it's just stuttering playback.

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QuickTime :: Different Echo On Audio Playback QT 10.1?

Mar 13, 2012

i have been making backup QT movies of a whole bunch of Beta SP tapes using an AJA Ki Pro to record ProRes 422 files.  I have used QT7pro to trim these movies and add metadata.  Played back on QT7 (7.6.6) they sound find but playing the same movie on QT player 10.1 there is an echo on the audio as if one track has been knocked back about 6 or 7 frames. Using QT7 to set Ch1 and 2 to mono or stereo makes no difference, just spaces the echo out. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: 5.1 Audio Playback From Digital Files?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm looking to digitize my DVD library and be able to play back the files with surround sound. The actual digitization process isn't the issue here, but I want to know how I can go about playing back the files and not losing the surround sound. I'm planning on buying a new mac mini to do this and connecting a mini-toslink cable up to my receiver. What application should I be using to get the audio playback?

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MacBook Pro :: Popping Sound During Audio Playback?

May 26, 2010

Since a couple of days I'm noticing a popping sound during audio playback through my external speakers. That means when playing back a video or music through iTunes, basically always when there's audio playing. I'm in the process of figuring out if it also happens on my regular integrated speakers.

My MBP is the recently released 15" Core i7 model. Only thing I changed is I added an Intel SSD.

Any thoughts as to what it can be? Or where to start looking for a solution?

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Hardware :: Connecting IMac To HD TV - Audio / Video Playback?

Jun 5, 2009

I have a 2G iMac and I have it connected to a Philips HD TV with a mini-dvi to dvi adapter that is connected to a HDMI-to-DVI video cable. I also have a Y audio cable connected iMac to the AV1 on the TV. The problem is I can only select one source on my TV, either AV1 or HDMI 1. If I select AV1 I can hear the audio from the video streaming on my computer (no video shows on the TV), but if I select HDMI 1 I can only see my desktop background no audio or video. How can I get both the video and audio to play at the same time? Why am I only seeing my background and not video?

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