MacBook Air :: Makes Small Popping Sounds Here And There When Playing Any Type Of Audio?
Jun 17, 2014
So whenever I try and play something, the macbook air makes popping sounds as the audio plays. As the audio gets louder, the pop gets louder as well. I already tried nearly everything and updated my laptop.
MacBook Air
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Aug 6, 2009
It makes this noise while it's copying. If i press slightly on the body it makes all sorts of crazy noises. WTF?
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Sep 13, 2009
I bought a new 17 inch MBP tonight. When it started up, it made a very odd sound that was similar to a CD/DVD being processed or ejected.I thought maybe it was a one time thing, but since restarting it a few times, it's made the same sound each time.Is this normal? I've never heard it before. It's like there's a CD or DVD in there, but of course there isn't.
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Feb 17, 2012
the hardware of my computer makes pretty loud air sounds... is that normal? i just bought my computer on the 11th of february.
Mac Pro
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Feb 20, 2012
My mid 2010 macbook pro when started makes a series of beeping noises the load software bar appears and that happens a couple of times before I get a nomral boot
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 28, 2010
i have been getting popping sounds when my mac mini starts up and when Safari starts up? Any ideas on how to stop this?
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Dec 14, 2009
I have configured to make a sound (a short MP3 file) when new mail arrives. This used to work a few years ago.
For the past few years it hasn't worked. User interface sounds are switched on and everything is activated in System Preferences and Mail preferences.
When I check the settings for the MP3 file in Mail preferences, it even plays the file there. But when a new mail arrives it does not.
Simiarly, and I don't know if this problem is related or not, Skype has stopped making user interface sounds. Again, this is the same Mac, which is configured for user interface sounds in System Preferences, and Skype is configured to make a ringing sound when I call someone and some weird sound when I receive an instant message in a chat window.
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Dec 12, 2009
How quiet should the new 27" iMac's be running? Mine is fairly quiet but not silent. I recall reading a review prior to buying that had said it runs silent, so I'd like to make sure I don't have a defective system. I can hearing a very slight persistent sound. It's so slight I don't know how to describe it accurately--sounds like it could be a bit like a buzzing or a rotating sound. Or perhaps it's just normal operational sound? The HD will also make some sounds like it's reading something even when I'm not really doing anything.
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Sep 6, 2014
How do I open a small window on my screen that allows me to type in a word, and that word is then highlighted every time it appears in the text on the page I'm in? I've seen it done before. It makes searching an internet wall much easier when your looking for something particular.
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jan 13, 2009
I recently purchased a new (to me) iBook Clamshell off eBay running Os 9.1. This is my first Mac, It has a 6 gig HD and the HD seems like its spinning really loud and it makes chirping sounds whenever I change the screen saver
Does this Mean the HD is failing? Should I get a new HD
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Nov 3, 2010
Trying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....
Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.
If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:
I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.
Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...
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Jun 6, 2009
On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.
This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.
If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.
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Apr 28, 2009
I was messing around with Garageband today with my instrument and then suddenly there was a loud pop, and then audio went out. What's going on?
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Oct 30, 2008
I am quite new to Macintosh and struggle with the very small fonts in Leopard.
I use a mbp 15" with the native resolution and a second monitor.
I adjusted the font size in the preferences to a bigger font.With the finder and some software I am very sadisfied now.But there are still problems here and there.
When I use quick look in the font size is so tiny (small excel files), that even with the lupe function the fonts can not be read properly.
The same happens in other software, as the standard smallest font, used by leopard is just to small.
Is there any proper way, to adjust this globally?
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May 26, 2010
Since a couple of days I'm noticing a popping sound during audio playback through my external speakers. That means when playing back a video or music through iTunes, basically always when there's audio playing. I'm in the process of figuring out if it also happens on my regular integrated speakers.
My MBP is the recently released 15" Core i7 model. Only thing I changed is I added an Intel SSD.
Any thoughts as to what it can be? Or where to start looking for a solution?
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Mar 31, 2009
All of a sudden there is no sound when I IM people..I have not changed anything... wtf is going on here.
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Jun 29, 2014
i have recently bought a speedlink spes clip on microphone i plugged it into the 3.5mm jack on the side of my macbook air then i went into system preferences and clicked on sound. then output... but there wasn't anything showing where as if it was showing i would have been able to select my microphone output and not the actually macbook mic. but my new device plugged in isn't showing and i can't use it. i checked the packaging and it says system requirements mac.
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Mar 31, 2009
Here is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.
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Nov 22, 2009
Is there a way to do that in snow leopard? I'm trying to get sound from a game, lets say, from my built in speakers, and quicktime movie sound from the tv that my mbp is plugged into (from the headphone jack basically) is there a way to do it at the same time?
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Mar 23, 2008
My brand new 2.8 8-core mac pro arrived a couple of days ago, and needless to say its great..for the most part It's standard spec but with the 8800GT and the airport card.Although I use it with OSX for most things, I need to be running Vista for the odd bit of gaming, and more importantly for software development (still need Visual Studio and .NET)So i've installed Vista x64, installed the bootcamp drivers, and then updated the graphics to the latest Nvidia drivers
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Apr 17, 2012
I had sound on my computer last night but when turning on this morning there was no sound. It is not muted. Also, when I try to run an event in IPhoto as a slide show, it shuts down.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Only had the computer for 2 1/2 wee
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Jun 26, 2014
I download an mp3 file. One of them is for a class I'm taking that has audio files as part of the course. If I double click in Finder on the file, it begins playing in iTunes and when done, iTunes goes on to play something else. While online is a live class, I did this and iTunes picked up a recording of a discussion I had recorded and played it aloud with my live mic to the entire class.
There are a number of things I hate about iTunes, this is but one. In general I use it without trouble. However, if I construct a playlist, when that list is exhausted it in some fashion known only to iitself and the developers chooses somewhere else to continue. It tends to think of itself as a super large iPod and keeps playing until I manually stop it. Since I have many days of audio in the library, this is not particularly sensible. What is the best way to play a single or small set of mp3 or other audio files and then stop? iMac with Mavericks 10.9.3
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Apr 28, 2009
Even though the file extension says .mp3, this song won't play in my iPod Touch. I got a "Get info" on the file and found out that it is a MPEG-1 audio file type, unlike all other of my songs that are mp3's. What I need is an application that will open this file, convert it and let me save it as an mp3. QT will not even open this file.
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Apr 19, 2012
I can not deselect mute all computer sounds on my Imac with Lion I went into preference and for output the only thing I can select is headphones is there away to get the built in speakers back on this drop down list?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 9, 2010
I'm trying to convert wmv to mp4 for my ipod touch, I've tried isquint and handbrake and I cannot seem to get the audio to work, after the conversion only the video works, but no audio..
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Apr 27, 2010
My OS X leopard is a hackintosh, can that be the cause? It only plays audio on divx avi files etc�
Or is it another problem?
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Jul 17, 2010
I was putting together a music video out of boredom, and getting used to using iMovie 09, but a lot of clips near the end will not stop playing snippets of sound here and there. Sometimes a bunch of the play at the same time over one clip. This happens even when I turn the volume of the song to 0% just to see if the random sounds would play without it over them, and they do.
So I deleted the audio from each clip by detaching them and then deleting, but they still played. Then I tried just setting the audio to 0% and even reset ducking on the Song playing over them to 0%. None of this worked. Mind you, this only happens when it is played in fullscreen mode. If I just press space bar and play it as is, it works fine. Can anyone explain what is going on?
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Feb 9, 2012
I tried playing a video through Quicktime but there was no audio and the program said it needed a codec. Quicktime suggested that I download another progran (DivX player). I downloaded DivX but then the video still does not have any audio output. What will I do?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 12, 2012
Setup : Itunes 9.0.2 on a Macbook 5,2 running OSX.5.8. Audio Files on NAS (brought there using "consolidate library" in itunes), libraries still on main drive. I created a NAS account with the same ID as my admin one, and connect to it with a script executed on startup. I can do exactly the same things as when audio files were on my drive. The only problem is lag, when I play next track, edit metadata,...I checked wifi, ethernet, different cables,... didn't change a thing.Moreover, I can browse through all my tracks with VLC without lag. Last evening I ran idefrag for a totally different purpose and found 'itunes music library.xml" was fragmented (≈20 MB in 7 parts), "Itunes Library" too.
Here's the thing :When I defragment these two files at startup, and then launch iTunes, the lag issue disappears.When I quit iTunes, the library files are saved but written in parts again, and the lag comes back.Finally, if I defragment the files between a quit and a start, they must be edited again because they're split up again and the lag is still there.Since I didn't add new songs, itunes must be saving stuff like playing counts, which is useless to me. Make the library read-only?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), NAS itunes9 lag fragmentation
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Nov 25, 2009
I have an iMac - running Snow Leopard:
2.4gh intel core 2 duo
1gb 677 mhz ddr2 sdram
256gb free disk space
Randomly throughout the day, an audio file will start to play and will repeat until I shut the machine down.
The file starts by saying: Mikano (best guess), two seconds later I hear a gong followed by some Asian music.
The file is not in my iTunes.
I may or may not have iTunes open (and if open, the file continues to play when I close iTunes).
I may or may not have Safari open (and if open, the file continues to play when I close Safari).
I will close all applications and the music continues to play.
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