Applications :: 5.1 Audio Playback From Digital Files?
Apr 9, 2010
I'm looking to digitize my DVD library and be able to play back the files with surround sound. The actual digitization process isn't the issue here, but I want to know how I can go about playing back the files and not losing the surround sound. I'm planning on buying a new mac mini to do this and connecting a mini-toslink cable up to my receiver. What application should I be using to get the audio playback?
Each time I sync my iPhone and I had foobar or another media player open the sound distorts really bad. Now this used to happen months back then suddenly worked with out any interference. But again, iam now getting this awful distortion when I try to sync-anyone know why?
I've been wanting to create a digital archive of all my music. I want to accomplish two things 1. Put all my CDs in their original quality on my hard drive and regularly back it up. Hopefully, once this is done, I can discard all of my CDs or put them away in a hard to reach box, thereby reducing clutter. 2. Have all of my songs easily accessible via a iPod/iPhone/etc. I have only about 150 CDs. I'm a PC user, but am thinking about getting a Mac Book Pro. As of now, it looks like iTunes and Windows Media Player would let me accomplish #1, but since I want to get #2 as well, I've decided to use iTunes. But I have a ton of questions and am hoping to get get some answers. Right now, I just pop the CD into the drive, and get iTunes to Import the CD with the only changes to the default being that I ask it to import to WAV (which is not the default). However, I use the default WAV settings.
Am I doing the right thing with respect to importing for best quality? Why does iTunes offer additional configuration for importing to WAV files? There are settings for sampling rate and such, although I'm just using the defaults for those. Would there be any difference at all between a rip using Windows Media Player and a rip using iTunes? I have enabled error correction in the "import settings". Is there a way to tell if there were no errors, if an error was encountered and corrected, or if an uncorrectable error was encountered, while importing a CD? For many of the CDs that I've imported so far, Apple does not seem to have the artwork. Is there a recommended place to get artwork for iTunes and what would be the procedure for adding artwork? After I have imported a CD in WAV, how do I convert that to something smaller that I can then download to an iPod? Is it possible for iTunes to keep the song in multiple formats?
I had sound on my computer last night but when turning on this morning there was no sound. It is not muted. Also, when I try to run an event in IPhoto as a slide show, it shuts down.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Only had the computer for 2 1/2 wee
I want to convert some video files (specifically swf in this case) to audio files so I can listen on my iPod. I looked everywhere and can't find some free software that does that. There are tons that have trial periods with lots of limitations (like it won't convert anything larger than a 5k size file) so I don't want those because I won't know if the thing works well unless I pay for it. I'm not opposed to paying for a converter IF I know it works awesome on a Mac.
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
Is anyone else having an issue which the '10 MBPs have problems with audio playback in iTunes? It happens on all songs a couple of times every song (even purchased from the iTunes store) whether it's the only application open or not. I'm not having other problems with iTunes video, it's just stuttering playback.
i have been making backup QT movies of a whole bunch of Beta SP tapes using an AJA Ki Pro to record ProRes 422 files. I have used QT7pro to trim these movies and add metadata. Played back on QT7 (7.6.6) they sound find but playing the same movie on QT player 10.1 there is an echo on the audio as if one track has been knocked back about 6 or 7 frames. Using QT7 to set Ch1 and 2 to mono or stereo makes no difference, just spaces the echo out.
it basically appeared today, and I haven't changed anything, to my knowledge. Playback is choppy, with some stuttering and static noises...It does this even when playing straight to the computer speakers...I've disconnected my router to make it isn't the culprit (it slows down my internet connection quite a lot).
I seem to be having problems either with hardware or iTunes. First, I notice a delayed response with iTunes when pressing play. It didn't used to take so long to start a track, or even unpause a track. This is with only one other program open, Firefox. Also, with mutiple files from different albums, there are pops, dropouts, and clicks when listening to music. It sounds like I'm moving the 1/8th jack around in the headphone output. This would lead me to believe I'm having a hardware issue. It happens with headphones or speakers.
Since a couple of days I'm noticing a popping sound during audio playback through my external speakers. That means when playing back a video or music through iTunes, basically always when there's audio playing. I'm in the process of figuring out if it also happens on my regular integrated speakers.
My MBP is the recently released 15" Core i7 model. Only thing I changed is I added an Intel SSD.
Any thoughts as to what it can be? Or where to start looking for a solution?
I have a Mac Mini 2011, I started having audio playback problems with about 90 percent of my purchased Itunes movies. The audio is fine as long as you don't maximize the viewing window, as soon as you do the audio become choppy. I keep all my movies on an external hard drive, 1Terrabyte Western Digital Mybook (the one recommended for macs. I even tried copying a movie onto the computer hard drive with the same result. This all seemed to start after I had my mac mini hard drive replaced.
Basically im turning my room into more of a home cinema, and was looking to use my laptop to play movies into a TV, and sound through a surround sound. I was simply going to use a mini toslink to optical adapter which would plug into an av reciever. I was just wondering who else does this, and what is it like? Is the audio quality okay? Can it sustain high volumes? had any troubles? what does it use, DTS or something?
I need to transcribe audio files and need an application that will play audio files at double their rate (and half their rate) so that I can quickly go through audio files and then concentrate on the pertinent portions. Any applications for Mac OS X? Free is always good!
I have a 2G iMac and I have it connected to a Philips HD TV with a mini-dvi to dvi adapter that is connected to a HDMI-to-DVI video cable. I also have a Y audio cable connected iMac to the AV1 on the TV. The problem is I can only select one source on my TV, either AV1 or HDMI 1. If I select AV1 I can hear the audio from the video streaming on my computer (no video shows on the TV), but if I select HDMI 1 I can only see my desktop background no audio or video. How can I get both the video and audio to play at the same time? Why am I only seeing my background and not video?
I have an older Yamaha receiver (RX 596) that has no optical audio in, only traditional RCA inputs. I tried using a 3.5 mm mini audio to RCA adapter that would transfer my headphone output to the CD or AUX input on the receiver. Of course the audio was crap, lots of humming and low volume level.
I also have a Canopus ADVC 110 digitizer. Can I input digital audio from the MP to the ADVC 110 with an optical to RCA converter, and then output the analog audio from the ADVC 110 with RCA cables to the RCA inputs on the Yamaha? Suggestions please for the easiest/cheapest way to get quality audio out of my MP and cleanly into my receiver.
My Digital Audio Power Mac G4 is running at 800 MHz with the 1MB L3 cache but I saw on a website that's it's possible to clock it up more. I have a pretty powerful non-OEM cooling fan on the processor heatsink. I have a resistor in the R5 position so it does run at 800 MHz but I want to get it up to 867 and the site shows that it needs the "jumper set" at R5 and R1 so does that mean I can just leave the existing R5 resistor where it is and just melt a little trace of solder over the R1 to connect the two R1 ends together?
I got an old G4 Digital Audio as home server / seedbox, and recently i got fed up with the horrible noise and as a first step i replaced the 120 mm fan with a new and quiet one, and it is working perfectly. However, when i replaced it i noticed that the CPU fan is now the loudest, and a computer that is on 24/7 can never be too quiet.
Can i replace the CPU fan with any fan of the right size?
Are there any requirements regarding fan speed/air throughput?
Do i have to connect the fan to the non-standard two pin connection where the original fan was connected or can i just use a normal 3 to 4 converter and connect it to the spare 4 pin power outlet?
Just wondering if i can install OS 10.5 on my DA. I love the way it sounds, and thought it would be a good computer to keep around for mp3's. Can I run 10.5 on it, and use monitor sharing and teleport and possibly stream sound to it from my other computers to take advantage of the built in 15 watt and the isub.
when I'm playing something in iTunes, in the small window centered over the Library, I now get an audio level bar display instead of what I would call the normal, default display (shows the item being played, artist, title and all that, plus a progress bar showing where you are in the piece). I can't find a thing about this online elsewhere so far, and have no idea what the iTunes nomenclature for this function or the small centered window above the Library.
Using iTunes I converted a mp3 music file to wave and then burnt an audio CD. on a CD-R Everything worked fine. Now the CD plays fine on the any computer but not on my stereo. I am using a MAC OS X 10.9.4. The recording speed was 10X.
I am running iTunes 11.2.2, which I assume is the most recent download.
During playback of songs in iTunes I get momentary audio drop outs or interruptions of songs. They happen once every 45 seconds or so but it varies, and they are not consistent from playback to playback (they happen at different times in the song when the song is played multiple times).
Step by step instructions for using an ATX 24-pin power supply in a Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio Powermac G4 (one way to do it anyway): First, know that to boot the G4s up, you MUST have at least +12V of power going to the G4's pin #22 spot (white wire) even with the computer turned off. This is called standby power (I didn't know what it meant until a few days ago). ATX power supplies generally only have a +5V SB power source which is not enough. You must use some method of getting the +12V to +28V standby power to the G4's pin #22. I will outline the method I used but there are others (ideally get a ATX power supply with +12V standby, but they are not so easy to find). I am typing this on my G4/533 with an Antec SP-500 power supply. Why do this? With an ATI Radeon 9800 256mb graphics card, three hard drives, a DVD drive, a SCSI card, a USB 2.0 card, a USB 2.0 hub with four devices attached, and a newly aquired G4/1.4 Ghz card (which meant two additional fans for cooling control), I figured the original power supply was overextended. So, here's how it can be done:
1. Make sure the ATX power supply you want to use fits your case and has the power cord hookup in the correct position (lower left corner). 2. Make sure the ATX power supply has a long enough motherboard harness, or else you will need to buy an extension (which you may want to do anyway to avoid mutilating the original power supply's wiring harness). 3. About three inches from the motherboard harness connector (same with all future cuts), cut the ATX wire #8 (gray). Tape the end of the gray wire going to the power supply. You don't use it for anything. 4. Cut wire #12 (orange). 5. Remove 1/2 inch of wire insulation from the stub of gray wire coming from pin 8 in the harness connector and from the long orange wire (that used to go to pin 12) that goes to the power supply and solder them together. Cover with heat shrink tubing (which you must put on before you solder) or electrical tape......
I have a couple of power mac g4s around the place and I recently swapped some of the processors around. I originally had a pair of g4 466 "digital audio" machines and a g4 400 "sawtooth". After moving them around I end up with with a 466 "digital audio" a 533 "sawtooth" and a 350 "digital audio". Does it have to do with the bus speed?
I just took possession of a C2D Mini. I am unable to get digital audio to work so far. I use the same cable and receiver connections that I use on my 2009 Mini so I know they're good, but nothing. When I plug the cable in, it mutes the internal speaker, so it's detecting the audio cable. System Prefs > Audio shows digital audio, and won't let me adjust volume as I'd expect. I've tried a shared iTunes library as well as web based audio, but no luck.
Connections: DVI-HDMI converter out to a 32" 1080p Sony TV. Digital audio with mini-toslink to receiver. Power, LAN, Apple Keyboard. Nothing else hooked up yet. Running 10.5.8.
I am trying to hook up the digital audio output on my cable box to the digital in on my dual 2.0 G5 running 10.4.9, 1 gig RAM. I have HDMI and component video out to monitor, but I use JBL creature speakers and sub for audio.
I have the propper cables and routing, sounds prefs set to digital in, and line out, to go to JBL creatures and first I get no sound at all. If I start AudioHijack and use same input and output settings all I can get is a hissing/clicking sort of sound. Same with using Soundsource and LineIn.
Audio MIDI Setup only shows or giveds me Built-in Audio for selections under system settings and properties for. Ausio Input and output show Master stream grayed out and I selected digital in and Line out for my sources and no change. Both ar set to 441000.0 Hz 2ch-24bit as well.