MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data From One Laptop To Another?
Sep 8, 2014
I have a new MacBook Pro and need to move my data from my old MacBook Pro to the new one.
I will keep using the old one but want to move all the data, except my Aperture/iPhoto library - can I do this?
Also, what is the best way to move the data - via a Time Machine back up or a cable?
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Jun 21, 2012
One of these days, I may purchase a Crucial SSD (512GB).
I need to know how to copy the contents of my current factory HDD (seagate 5400rpm 500GB) to the Crucial SSD. Note that they are of different sizes.
What I have:
- Carbon Copy Cleaner
- Time Machine (with time capsule)
- Spare 750GB external HDD
Which is the fastest, safest, and easiest way to accomplish this task? Again, the drives are of different sizes, and only one can be in the machine at a time.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13", 500GB HDD, 16GB RAM, i7 2.7GHz
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Oct 12, 2009
Here is what I have: Macbook Pro - utilizing around 80GB of HDD. I have a large iTunes library, a small amount of Word and Excel files, very few applications (VLC, Microsoft Office, Transmission, Toast, etc.), and a large iPhoto library. I have everything backed up on a Western Digital external hard drive using Time Machine. Over the past two years, I have accumulated a lot of files and extensions that I don't need or want. I am soon going to trade for either a 15-inch MBP or an iMac. Rather than restore everything on the new machine using my Time Machine back up, I just want to start with a brand new computer. How do I get single applications from my external hard drive to the new computer? For example, I want MS Office on the new one. How do I get it over without reinstalling with the disc?
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Jun 22, 2012
I'm about to buy a MBP and wondered if i need to be aware of anything when migrating data to it from a WIndows 7 Pro amchine?
All my data is held on an external HDD and i was hoping to be able to plug this in to the MBP and drag and drop on to the MBP hard drive.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 31, 2012
I have just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro from my very Old MacBook, but it was running latest version of Snow leopard. I first tried the set up assistant to transfer all my Information from Time Machine Back up to New MacBook pro. This seemed to work fine except Mail.
Mail launches says that it is transferring my e-mails (11,000+) this runs OK, then it says that I am going to be upgraded and the little box says "Migrating data", this just runs and runs and basically nothing happens and I can't run Mail.
My iCloud is configured and this is all working from the web, also it is working fine on my iPhone 4s. I have also tried creating a Test account deleting the origional transferred account (my old Computer) then instead of using the Wizard I used the Migration assistant. This has basically done the same as the above.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 24, 2012
I ran the windows migration assistant from my old lap top and transferred everything to my new imac and it said it has completed successfully. I was hoping to open itunes and find all my files in there but no avail.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Nov 11, 2009
I never thought I'd say it, but after decades of PC use I am finally seriously considering switching to the world of Mac, which would entail a pretty massive data migration. Anyone know if there's a way to just link up my ATA hard drive from my PC to a Mac via USB or firewire or something, and just transfer the data (word docs, photos, music - obviously not apps) to the hypothetical new Mac? That would be a heck of a lot easier than burning a jillion CDs in order to transfer the data, which is my current best option.
Also, and this is more obscure, and might not even be possible, but I figure I'd ask - I've been using Eudora as a mail client for years (really old version, 3.0, still works under XP believe it or not). I would love to be able to migrate my mail. Eudora 3.0 stores the mail as text in these files marked ".mbx", but of course, it's not that simple, because to actually index them, the app has to refer to corresponding "table of contents" files with a ".toc" extension. I could transfer the .mbx files to a new mac easily enough - I mean, they're just text - but it would be lovely, so lovely, to keep the indexing. Anyone know of a converter out there that could carry that all over into a mail client, any mail client, for Mac OS?
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Nov 28, 2006
I will soon purchase a MBP and want to migrate my files from my ibook G4.
The display on my ibook does not work at all--totally blank.
How will this affect the data migration process.
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Aug 31, 2009
How can I export ALL of my data (emails, addresses, tasks/to-dos, etc) from MS Outlook (PC) onto Entourage (MAC)? What are the steps?
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Jun 19, 2014
I have just upgraded to Mavericks on my MacBook Pro. After starting mail it first says that it is "optimizing my database", soon after it starts "migrating data" and it never stops to do so.
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Sep 14, 2010
I originally formated my Drobo to 2TBs which I've now outgrown and need to reformat to avoid having two partitions. That requires that I xfer the data on a Drobo to another HD. Right now I have 1.2TB of data on the Drobo. I'm pretty a 1.5TB drive will be able to handle this, but not 100%. Will it once it's formatted? Next question: is migrating data from a Drobo to an ext. drive as easy as using Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper and cloning the Drobo and then using CCC/SD again to send the data back to the Drobo? Do these apps see the Drobo as one drive and Drobo does the rest, as it normally does?
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Apr 18, 2012
I want to move a single application (Reunion 9) and various files created with that application from my previous MacBook to this MacBook Air. Can I do this with Migration Assistant, or is there some other way of achieving it ?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 21, 2014
Recently my macbook pro was being fussy, and eventually failed to boot (get grey screen with apple and load bar, but doesn't completely load before shutting down). I did a recovery boot and tried to repair the disc, which didn't work.
I would like to pull all of the User data (music) off of the old hard drive-and move to an external hard drive- before erasing and reformatting (might not be the correct term). I am currently running 10.9.4 mavericks and optical drive pooped out a while ago.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), iOS 6.1.3
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Sep 10, 2014
What's the best way to transfer data from a 2013 iMac to a new Macbook Pro?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 11, 2014
I just bought a new macbook, but have a ton of photos stored on my old mac. What would be the best option for transferring only the photos (no other data) to the new macbook? Migration assistant or just manually with an external hard drive?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 4, 2014
My Mac book pro got damaged and no longer works properly. I believe that the hard drive is fine. Is there a inexpensive method of extracting the data from my intact hard drive?
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Apr 22, 2012
Does anyone know the correct proceedure for migrating data from a corrupt user account to a new account on the same mac?
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Jan 27, 2010
I've got and OLD Toshiba Satellite 2100 CDS running windows 95. It actually still works. I need to get some files off of it, it's got is one usb port, another port I don't recognize, a floppy drive, and a CD drive (can't burn). I've tried just using a usb stick, but the Toshiba wants a driver to use it. I tried connecting to the internet with it through the usb, but it also wants a driver for that. This computer is set up for connection through dial up only. I don't have a modem capable of dial up.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have a MacBook Pro and I'm wondering what I can do to secure the data the best I can in case it's stolen. When I had a Windows Laptop I had a password to log on. I know someone could still get into it without too much trouble with a reinstall of Windows, going through DOS, etc.
My question, what is the best way to do this on a Mac? I set up a logon password so when my screen saver comes up in a minute of no use it requires a password to get back in. Yet all someone has to do is a restart and for some reason it goes straight into OS X without asking for a password. Is there a way to change this?
Is it possible for me to somehow encrypt my data to somehow further protect it? Of course I don't want to do anything that will slow my system down.
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Oct 26, 2010
my few months old 13" macbook pro (4gb ram, 500gb hard drive) was destroyed by liquid damage the other day . i was told the hard drive may be salvageable and that it would be easy enough to install in a new macbook by myself. however, i've been thinking of using the cost of a new macbook to buy a second- hand macbook pro instead. i presume i wouldnt be able to install the old hard drive on a macbook pro would i? if not then how would i transfer the data to it from the old one?
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Jul 3, 2010
just bought a new MacBook Pro, and I have my 3 kids' profiles on Rosetta Stone on my old iMac that I'd hate to lose. Has anyone found a way to move profile data/progress? My Google Fu has let me down.
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Jun 21, 2014
Suggested to move the original files to the EHD and leave the referenced files on the laptop to save space and still allow edits. My question is, if you are using Time Machine, what is it backing up on the LT and how do you apply this to the data on the EHD?
What I am trying to achieve is to move my Aperture library to an external HD. and clone it to a second drive and backup the laptop with Time Machine. After the next session I would again clone the 1st drive and rely on TM to continue to backup the LT.
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Jan 10, 2011
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
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Jan 3, 2009
I have a MacBook with 10.5 that my wife and I share. I finally got her her own MacBook, and I'd like to move just her account to the new computer. It's a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, so FireWire's not an option, but I have an ethernet cable. I haven't taken the new computer out of the box yet. What's the best way to go about doing this?
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Dec 10, 2009
I've followed the steps to migrate the info from my work mac to my MacBook, but have copied over absolutely everything. It has meant that my original address book is now blank and I am unsure what other programs may have been affected. I am unsure whether to migrate the information back to the work mac and clean up the macbook and start again. Can someone advise me - but in layman's terms as I do not understand technical words!
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Jun 16, 2012
So I just got the 'last gen' MacBook Pro - 17in and seemingly successfully migrated my old iMac G5 over using the Time Machine and Migration Assistant. Only problem is none of my photos or iTunes transferred over. Also it keeps telling me my registration number is wrong on FCE, even though I've entered it correctly...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 20, 2012
Will the Migration Assistant (found in Utilities) work to use a iMac's DVD drive to install software to the Macbook?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 5.1.1
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Jan 17, 2010
Finally making the transition from PPC to C2Duo
Ordered by MBP 17" 2.8GHz over the weekend, should be here on Tuesday..
A couple of concerns:
1. Keeping in view its a transition from PPC to Intel, what would you guys advise as "the best way for transferring stuff from my PB to the new MBP"?
Time Machine Backup / Drag n Drop / ???
2. Over 90% of my applications are Universal Binaries meaning the installation should work fine on the MBP.. ?? Any case studies.. I am more worried about my CS4 Apps, installed brushes, filters, preferences etc.
3. Any other tips/best practices to help in this transition will be much appreciated..
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Apr 23, 2012
Bought a brand new MacBook Pro and transferred all my files from my PC to my Mac using Migration Assistant. When complete, log in says that my password has expired and asks me to put in my old password and a new one. I don't remember ever creating one. I tried using the password that is set up for my PC but doesn't work at all. I am completely lost on what I should do next.
MacBook Pro
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Jan 9, 2010
I've just purchased a macbook pro and am trying to migrate my files using migration assistant and a firewire cable. however when I connect the computers, i can't get my ibook to restart when holding down the "t" key. any reason why this might be happening?
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