MacBook Pro :: Migrating Old G5 To 17inch?

Jun 16, 2012

So I just got the 'last gen' MacBook Pro - 17in and seemingly successfully migrated my old iMac G5 over using the Time Machine and Migration Assistant. Only problem is none of my photos or iTunes transferred over. Also it keeps telling me my registration number is wrong on FCE, even though I've entered it correctly...

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Silver Bezel - Anti Glare Screen - 17inch?

Jan 11, 2009

Does anybody know if Apple is going to bring the new silver bezel with matte screen to the regular Macbooks like they did with the new 17" MBP? I would buy in a second if they would!

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PowerPC :: 17inch G4 1.5ghz - Brightness Stuck

Jan 3, 2008

For as long as I've owned my powerbook G4 1.5ghz 17-inch, the brightness has been stuck at a single setting. Both keyboard and menu changes function, and show that I've changed the brightness, but the brightness doesn't actually change. It even remembers what level I place it on, but obviously it doesn't matter since the brightness of the LCD doesn't actually change. I've done all the software updates and repaired my disk and permissions, and I've even tried resetting the PMU and PRAM(?) in the past, but to no avail. Now I'm wanting to sell the machine and have to replace the battery (since the display being bright has killed the battery over the years) and wanted to get this sorted as well.

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MacBook Pro :: Max Ram For A 2007 Macbook Pro 17inch

Aug 28, 2010

Currently I have 4 gigs in here. I want to know if it is possible/advisable to upgrade to 6 gb. If so what is the performance boost that I'll see. First hand experience is greatly appreciated. It is a 2.4 santa rosa 17inch mbp 800mhz with a 667 ram bus.

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OS X :: Migrating Just One User To A New MacBook?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a MacBook with 10.5 that my wife and I share. I finally got her her own MacBook, and I'd like to move just her account to the new computer. It's a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, so FireWire's not an option, but I have an ethernet cable. I haven't taken the new computer out of the box yet. What's the best way to go about doing this?

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MacBook :: Migrating Information From One To Another

Dec 10, 2009

I've followed the steps to migrate the info from my work mac to my MacBook, but have copied over absolutely everything. It has meant that my original address book is now blank and I am unsure what other programs may have been affected. I am unsure whether to migrate the information back to the work mac and clean up the macbook and start again. Can someone advise me - but in layman's terms as I do not understand technical words!

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Software Via DVD Possible?

Jun 20, 2012

Will the Migration Assistant (found in Utilities) work to use a iMac's DVD drive to install software to the Macbook?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data From HDD To SSD?

Jun 21, 2012

One of these days, I may purchase a Crucial SSD (512GB). 

I need to know how to copy the contents of my current factory HDD (seagate 5400rpm 500GB) to the Crucial SSD. Note that they are of different sizes. 

What I have:

- Carbon Copy Cleaner

- Time Machine (with time capsule)

- Spare 750GB external HDD 

Which is the fastest, safest, and easiest way to accomplish this task? Again, the drives are of different sizes, and only one can be in the machine at a time.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13", 500GB HDD, 16GB RAM, i7 2.7GHz

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PowerPC :: Migrating From PowerBook G4 15/MacBook Pro 17?

Jan 17, 2010

Finally making the transition from PPC to C2Duo

Ordered by MBP 17" 2.8GHz over the weekend, should be here on Tuesday..

A couple of concerns:

1. Keeping in view its a transition from PPC to Intel, what would you guys advise as "the best way for transferring stuff from my PB to the new MBP"?

Time Machine Backup / Drag n Drop / ???

2. Over 90% of my applications are Universal Binaries meaning the installation should work fine on the MBP.. ?? Any case studies.. I am more worried about my CS4 Apps, installed brushes, filters, preferences etc.

3. Any other tips/best practices to help in this transition will be much appreciated..

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Log In After Migrating From PC To A Brand New?

Apr 23, 2012

Bought a brand new MacBook Pro and transferred all my files from my PC to my Mac using Migration Assistant. When complete, log in says that my password has expired and asks me to put in my old password and a new one. I don't remember ever creating one. I tried using the password that is set up for my PC but doesn't work at all. I am completely lost on what I should do next.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data From One Laptop To Another?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a new MacBook Pro and need to move my data from my old MacBook Pro to the new one.  

I will keep using the old one but want to move all the data, except my Aperture/iPhoto library - can I do this? 

Also, what is the best way to move the data - via a Time Machine back up or a cable? 

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data And Files To New Computer

Oct 12, 2009

Here is what I have: Macbook Pro - utilizing around 80GB of HDD. I have a large iTunes library, a small amount of Word and Excel files, very few applications (VLC, Microsoft Office, Transmission, Toast, etc.), and a large iPhoto library. I have everything backed up on a Western Digital external hard drive using Time Machine. Over the past two years, I have accumulated a lot of files and extensions that I don't need or want. I am soon going to trade for either a 15-inch MBP or an iMac. Rather than restore everything on the new machine using my Time Machine back up, I just want to start with a brand new computer. How do I get single applications from my external hard drive to the new computer? For example, I want MS Office on the new one. How do I get it over without reinstalling with the disc?

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PowerPC :: Migrating Files From IBook G4 To MacBook Pro?

Jan 9, 2010

I've just purchased a macbook pro and am trying to migrate my files using migration assistant and a firewire cable. however when I connect the computers, i can't get my ibook to restart when holding down the "t" key. any reason why this might be happening?

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MacBook Pro :: Flawlessly Migrating All Stuff At First Boot?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm moving from my old Intel Macbook Pro to a new Intel Macbook Pro. I've read a lot of the migration threads out there, but couldn't find any definite answer as to whether use Migration Assistant or just reinstall all apps and manually move all documents. My main concern is this: Will Migration Assistant work flawlessly for migrating everything at first boot? Is there an advantage to clean install everything on a Mac like there is on a PC?

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MacBook Pro :: Migrating Data From Win 7 Pro To A 2012 Current OS

Jun 22, 2012

I'm about to buy a MBP and wondered if i need to be aware of anything when migrating data to it from a WIndows 7 Pro amchine?

All my data is held on an external HDD and i was hoping to be able to plug this in to the MBP and drag and drop on to the MBP hard drive.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Email - Migrating Data (Stuck)

Mar 31, 2012

I have just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro from my very Old MacBook, but it was running latest version of Snow leopard. I first tried the set up assistant to transfer all my Information from Time Machine Back up to New MacBook pro. This seemed to work fine except Mail.

Mail launches says that it is transferring my e-mails (11,000+) this runs OK, then it says that I am going to be upgraded and the little box says "Migrating data", this just runs and runs and basically nothing happens and I can't run Mail.

My iCloud is configured and this is all working from the web, also it is working fine on my iPhone 4s. I have also tried creating a Test account deleting the origional transferred account (my old Computer) then instead of using the Wizard I used the Migration assistant. This has basically done the same as the above.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migrating Windows Files Or System To MacBook Pro?

Mar 31, 2012

Just bought a Mac mini and want to migrate all my files from my laptop. When I migrate the files, will they still exist on my laptop?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Login To User Account After Migrating To New MacBook

May 18, 2012

I just migrated my old MacBook running Snow Leopard to my new MacBook running Lion. After successfully migrating, I am presented with a login for "Guest" only. That is the only account available to me for some reason. When I try to enter every password I can think of, I am given the password hint "guest". Entering that does not work. I've tried the usual Apple public passwords too. What is going on here? What happened to my migrated user account? I went through the entire setup configuration of Lion and even entered and submitted my personal data to Apple for registration. I just say, not impressed with Lion so far ...

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Update MacBook Pro After Migrating, Also Cannot Download Printer Drivers

Apr 23, 2012

I recently migrated from MacBook pro to iMac. Now neither will update nor print. They see the printers on network but say I need to download software to print! When I try to download it gives me Network Diagnostics problem although it is connected! The same error appears when trying to update either computer!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Migrating From Hackintosh?

Dec 22, 2010

My trusty Hackintosh was my introduction to the wonderful world of OS X. Now, 2 Macbook Pro's (Mine, Wife's), 4 Macbooks (kids), iPad, iPhone, iPod later...

I am getting a Macpro1,1 2006 for Christmas So now I want to migrate all of my apps and data across to the Mac Pro. I have been using Time Machine on an external drive so I was wondering if the best way to go would be to install fresh Snow Leopard on the Mac Pro and then give it the external drive time machine to grab everything else? Would this also grab my Parallels/Windows 7 installation? Any pitfalls to avoid? Advice in general? Flames? Random thoughts....

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OS X :: Migrating From PPC To Intel Mac?

Jun 29, 2009

I need to use Migration Assistant to Xfer data on a PPC iBook to a new Intel Mac Mini. Is there anything I need to be mindful of before doing the xfer?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migrating From A PC To A New Mac?

Jun 22, 2012

I am migrating from a PC to a new Mac. The PC has two user accounts. I want to migrate those two accounts from the PC to the Mac, keeping everything separate as it is on the PC. How can I do this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Migrating Bootcamp Image / Blackbook Bootcamp Partition Having Windows

Jan 30, 2009

Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.

Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....

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OS X :: Best Option For Migrating Data From PC To Mac?

Nov 11, 2009

I never thought I'd say it, but after decades of PC use I am finally seriously considering switching to the world of Mac, which would entail a pretty massive data migration. Anyone know if there's a way to just link up my ATA hard drive from my PC to a Mac via USB or firewire or something, and just transfer the data (word docs, photos, music - obviously not apps) to the hypothetical new Mac? That would be a heck of a lot easier than burning a jillion CDs in order to transfer the data, which is my current best option.

Also, and this is more obscure, and might not even be possible, but I figure I'd ask - I've been using Eudora as a mail client for years (really old version, 3.0, still works under XP believe it or not). I would love to be able to migrate my mail. Eudora 3.0 stores the mail as text in these files marked ".mbx", but of course, it's not that simple, because to actually index them, the app has to refer to corresponding "table of contents" files with a ".toc" extension. I could transfer the .mbx files to a new mac easily enough - I mean, they're just text - but it would be lovely, so lovely, to keep the indexing. Anyone know of a converter out there that could carry that all over into a mail client, any mail client, for Mac OS?

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OS X :: Migrating From G5 To Intel IMac?

May 8, 2010

My partner has just taken delivery of a wonderful new 27" iMac, and is wanting to migrate all of her stuff from a G5. However, the how to do it words seem to suggest that everything on the G5 should be neat. Such things as all documents should be in the Document folder, but does this mean all personal letters as well? She has asked me questions on these things that have made me stop and think. Then I realize that I really don't know the answers.

What actually is the intended structure of the Mac OSX system? What is supposed to be in the Documents, Library, etc. And does every user have there own set of these folders.

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Applications :: Migrating From POP To IMAP?

Nov 16, 2010

With 2 macs and multiple mail accounts, I am trying to kill the need to sync my macs using chronosync (works well but not ideal).

on - I dragged and dropped all folders on my hard disk to online and all my mail is now online and now set to IMAP, I can access all folders/sub folders etc on iPhone, iPad, MBP, MBA and online. (here I access gmail and .mac mail)

on Outlook 2011 - I want to move all my POP mail (down loaded to the hard disk) to something similar like I did on Is it possible and how can I do it ? (here I access yahoo and hotmail). I am even happy to buy a software that does this - if one exists !

That will solve desire/problem 1.

Desire 2 -

I want to do this on both and Outlook 2011 :

Select/use rules such that I get a copy of the e-mail to move to my hard disk and leave a copy online. When I access it from my other computer it happens similarly. After say 90 days the copy online gets deleted but not the ones copies to my hard disk (both macs). How can I achieve this ?

My best bet is to use your experience as you might have been through something like this way before I have reached that stage of multiple macs and data management.

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OS X :: Migrating To New HDD In MBP - Best Way To Move Stuff

Nov 30, 2010

Looking to replace the 5400rpm drive with a new 7200rpm drive, but what is the best way to move all my stuff over? Should I clone the drive or is it better to do a fresh install and go through the hassle of reinstalling all my stuff?

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Mac Pro :: Migrating From PowerPC To Intel?

Dec 22, 2010

some of my apps are universal binary, some not. Am I asking for trouble in using the migration assistant, or will the Mac do it's thing and sort it all out on it's own?

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OS X :: Migrating To Mail From Thunderbird?

Oct 28, 2007

I've recently installed leopard on my macbook and I'd like to migrate from thunderbird to mail so that my contacts and all can be synced from one application to another. That's the beauty of mac osx afterall.

Alright, So I launched mail, clicked import from thunderbird and everything seemed to be running smoothly and when all my mails finished importing, I did a quick check on the mails and. The mails weren't properly sorted into the different folders and I had tons of mail missing! Does anyone here have any experience with migrating from thunderbird to mail and faced these problems during their migration? If I did it manually, would it be better? Kindly advise.

Secondly, I used to run filters on my mail such that my mail will get sorted out into different folders. It's really handy because it keeps my mails organised and stuff. How does mail do this? Is it the smart mailbox that I see?

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OS X :: Migrating Safari Passwords To New HDD

Mar 22, 2009

I'm in the process of installing a new, 500 GB HDD into the Macbook. The OS is installed onto the new HDD but I haven't actually put the drive into the Macbook. I don't want to just use Migration Assistant to migrate all my user settings over, as there's some wonky stuff going on with my account. Plus, I want to use Safari4 rather than Safari3 which I'm using now, with plugins and addons. I've got all my apps/dmgs backed up, and a current Time Machine backup, but again, don't want to just import everything.

So how do I get my passwords etc migrated over? Can I use Keychain from the old HDD and just copy/paste the relevent files? If so, what files? Basically, I want iTunes settings, all iLife apps, all iWork apps, my backed up dmgs and registrations, my VMware installs (Win XPproSP2 and Vista Ultimate), my firefox logins, my foxmarks install, my documents, my perian settings etc without bringing over the plugins, etc. Will I have to redownload the Blackberry Desktop Manager and Tetherberry into a new VMware? Or will the whole VMware environment migrate over? Sorry if this post seems a little scattered, but it's late where I am and I've just got in from some AWESOME wings'n'beers.

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