I just got my new MacBook Pro today. One problem I had with my old black MacBook is that the keys got really dirty. dust fell between the cracks, but, more annoying, from typing, the finish wore off and got shiny/greasy. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this problem, particularly the problem of ruining the nice finish on the keys with skin oil?
I currently have a 15"UMBP, since the keyboard is black. I can some kind of wear on the keyboard, it seems shiner on the letters of it. Not as much of a matte like finish on them almost as if it's grease but I don't think it is.
Does anyone clean there keys? If so what are you using and can you still clean them while they're on the computer?
I accidentally spilled some vitamin water on my macbook pro. Lucky, besides the keyboard getting a little bit sticky, there's no problem with my machine. Is there any easy way to clean the keyboard?
I've really been debating getting the Rev B air 1.6Ghz, or keeping my current 2.0 Al Macbook. This issue is pretty much immaterial to most people, but I am annoyed by it on my macbook.
I have since been playing around with my girlfriend's MBA and it has been wonderful. Its keys seem to be made of a different (non-oily) material than the macbooks, and I just want to know whether the older MBA users have dirty or oily keys.
I own a Black macbook (summer 2008, so about two years old) which is in good condition except that it is dirty - especially the screen, which seems to have picked up keyboard marks which won't seem to come out. I have been reading about the best way to clean it, and there seem to be 4 general suggestions: 1. Clean using a damp microfiber cloth like an eyeglasses cleaner. 2. Clean using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser 3. Clean using soap & water. 4. Purchase a specific mac cleaning toolkit like iKlear.
I tried option (1) a while ago and it cleaned the black macbook's body pretty well but not the screen. I have heard that (2) is great for the body but that it will damage the screen because the magic eraser is like "damp sand paper." That doesn't sound very screen-friendly. I have also heard that (3) will damage the screen's protective coating, though theoretically soap should be able to lift off any oily residue on the screen. (4) could work but it is more expensive, and I am not sure if it will work or not. Modern macs are fabulous and should be good enough to last years and years. I am hoping this one will last at least 3 more, making a total of 5 years, but I want to keep it clean.
Just did a clean install of OS X on my Air. The keyboard backlighting does not work--when I try to adjust with the F5/F6 keys I just get the circle with the little line through it, and even in a pitch dark room the keyboard does not light up whatsoever.
In system preferences I have the "Illuminate keyboard in low light conditions" box checked and have the slider to "never
So, a couple weeks ago, I was biting my nails with the PB on my lap (yeah, I know...), and one fell underneath the Enter key on the right side. Now, I'm very OCD about all things relating to the PB, which is why that kinda pissed me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went and bought some compressed air.
This was my first time using compressed air, and it didn't really help with the fingernail (if anything, it pushed it farther down and closer to the mini fan vents right by the keys). It did, however, bring a LOT of other crap up to the surface, and now I'm determined to get this sucker cleaned.
The new flat white keys are getting dusty. With the old white keyboards I was able to pull each key, put them into a suck and throw them into the washer machine and that was it But, can I pull this keys? And they are so easy to leak any cleaner to the inside and loose the entire keyboard. Any suggestions for cleaning? Other than covering the keys with some plastic protector.
Any advice/links re how to open up the Apple Wired Keyboard with Numeric Keypad? Spilt some coffee and some of the keys aren't working properly. Link to the Keyboard I'm Talking About
I used to just closed my Mac instead of pressing the shutdown button; I tried this time but I cannot shut it down anymore, also my keyboard cannot control the volume or turn on the keyboard-light. Also I remember there is like a back-up shortcut (or something like that don't know what is it exactly named) consisting of three keyboard button.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
I'm thinking of buying a MacBook but I have one reservation. I'm moving from a Powerbook 12"...
What's the consensus on the MacBook keyboard in terms of ease & comfort of use? I write for a living so a good keyboard is pretty essential. I've always been mostly satisfied with my powerbook keyboard, it's pretty comfortable although I occasionally mash a neighbouring button with my big clumsy fingers. The MacBook keyboard looks a little... weird. How is it?
Does anyone know where to buy a keyboard skin for ''us international keyboard''?? I only found US keyboard and I found nothing for ''US international''
Does anyone have the 13" Speck hardshell case for their MacBook Pro? If so, how do you keep it clean? My case is pretty dirty, but I don't know the best way to clean it!
I've to clean my mbp (really really have to ), underneath is quite dirty due to dust of the tables and also full of fingerprints, aswell on the top and near to the keyboard and trackpad ( for a long time it was my only machine, so i used it a lot ).
My 17inch macbook pro feels like its getting alittle sluggish and i was wondering what are some good ways to clear up space or just make things run a bit fatser again. Im pretty new to macs so im not sure how to go around and and free some space up like i did on my PC.
I notice a few finger smears on my macbook pro screen, what would be best to use & clean it with? I found a silky black cloth that came with my mac along with it's booklet, is this what it is for? can i use a little water with it? does it matter if it is tap or bottled water to dampen the cloth with?
just got my MBA today and followed the clean install sticky here. However, I did not get the options to remove some of the software listed in the instructions.
I just checked the space and it looks like that the install took around 9GB of space? Is that correct? Bear with me where as this is my first Mac...
I've been advised to clean my MBP fan's out with compressed air, since I've owned it for 6 months now. So my question is, where would I actually spray the compressed air without opening the chassis? I'm scared to use it on the keyboard because I've heard keys popping off that way, and wondering if I spray into the vent below the screen, I would just blow the dust deeper into the computer...
My Macbook screen is getting a bit dusty, and when outside I can see there are a few smears on it too, so I'm looking to give it a good clean so that it returns to its former glory.
What's the best way of doing this? I don't particularly want to use water, but a piece of toilet roll run across the screen gently doesn't really give it the clean that it needs!
I made the mistake of using Kensington spray on this glossy screen, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the smudges off now... What do YOU guys do? (assuming you clean your screeens..
i fitted more ram into my black macbook, and when i lifted the battery out...around the batter, it was VERY filthy and dusty and loads of dirt on it. (only had the macbook for 3 months+)
Any cleaning tips? I can see dirt going to the macbook from all sides, into qwerty keys....down below front of screen..... through the various connection sockets on left side....
(does putting the macbook to sleep, disable all wi fi airport extreme and transmitting/receiving of airwaves? I hear some people are cautios of these air frequencies (health risks)......i have the macbook in my bed when i sleep....ok? or should i power down properly? )