MacBook :: Best Way To Clean Keyboard Marks On Screen?
Jul 7, 2010
I own a Black macbook (summer 2008, so about two years old) which is in good condition except that it is dirty - especially the screen, which seems to have picked up keyboard marks which won't seem to come out. I have been reading about the best way to clean it, and there seem to be 4 general suggestions:
1. Clean using a damp microfiber cloth like an eyeglasses cleaner.
2. Clean using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
3. Clean using soap & water.
4. Purchase a specific mac cleaning toolkit like iKlear.
I tried option (1) a while ago and it cleaned the black macbook's body pretty well but not the screen. I have heard that (2) is great for the body but that it will damage the screen because the magic eraser is like "damp sand paper." That doesn't sound very screen-friendly. I have also heard that (3) will damage the screen's protective coating, though theoretically soap should be able to lift off any oily residue on the screen. (4) could work but it is more expensive, and I am not sure if it will work or not. Modern macs are fabulous and should be good enough to last years and years. I am hoping this one will last at least 3 more, making a total of 5 years, but I want to keep it clean.
Just what I needed - another thing to obsess about! On my screen, corresponding to where the bottom line of the keyboard recess is, I have a horizontal marks on my screen. Does anyone else have this? I've tried buffing with some iKlear and a soft cloth but it won't go away. I can't see it when the screen's on but it's bugging me now, as these things tend to do. With my old Powerbook I kept the plastic sheet in between the sceen and keyboard but assumed this was not necessary with the recessed keyboards. Now it seems its the edge of the recess, rather than the keys themselves, which is the problem.
I'm new to MBP 13'' (2010), just 3 weeks now, and it's my first laptop, so I don't know if this is just normal or not. I have noticed there are several marks on screen appears to be from keyboard edges, say where the "E" key supposed to meet the screen. Looks like small spot scratches, but fortunately they came off when I clean them with damped cloth. It came back after I use and close/open the lid, same spots I think. New MBP design looks like the keys should not touch the screen, but it appears to be keep touching while lid is closed? What about yours, can you see marks when the screen is turned off? Or I may need to worry about screen protection? (if I do cleaning often the same spots I guess it may scratch eventually?)
I just acquired a 1 GHz 15" Powerbook Ti. It is in good cosmetic condition except for a few dark marks from the keyboard on the screen. I can feel them with a fingernail, so I know they are residue from the keys. Is there any way these can be removed without damaging the screen? I have had very good results using toothpaste and a damp cloth on other surfaces, but I am leery of using even a very mild abrasive on the screen. I have even used newsprint on some sensitive surfaces with good results but if you make an error on the screen, it is either permanent or expensive. I suppose I could try in a corner but I know there are anti-glare coatings on the screens and I could make things worse. This is most noticeable when there is a light-colored area displayed right under the marks.
Had my Macbook Pro 2.66 i7 for about a month now and i've just noticed these 3 marks on my screen. It's like a screen bleed? Also will it be covered under warranty etc?
My Mac Book Pro screen has these two white blobs on it and they wont clean off so they have to be premanate, I think i recall placing my foot on it while it was closed on the ground. Did really step on it hard but has to be the only reason why this is happening.
I have been using Mac's for several years. I just replaced my Macbook with the Air. My brother had an Air from the first go around but recently sold it. I did mention to me to always keep the little microfiber cloth on the trackpad when I close the computer as after time it will start to leave marks on the screen.
My 2008 MacBook Pro (17in) has just started up with a white screen and strange black marks - almost like ink spilled on white paper. I cannot get anything else.
I just got my new MacBook Pro today. One problem I had with my old black MacBook is that the keys got really dirty. dust fell between the cracks, but, more annoying, from typing, the finish wore off and got shiny/greasy. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this problem, particularly the problem of ruining the nice finish on the keys with skin oil?
I currently have a 15"UMBP, since the keyboard is black. I can some kind of wear on the keyboard, it seems shiner on the letters of it. Not as much of a matte like finish on them almost as if it's grease but I don't think it is.
Does anyone clean there keys? If so what are you using and can you still clean them while they're on the computer?
I accidentally spilled some vitamin water on my macbook pro. Lucky, besides the keyboard getting a little bit sticky, there's no problem with my machine. Is there any easy way to clean the keyboard?
I've really been debating getting the Rev B air 1.6Ghz, or keeping my current 2.0 Al Macbook. This issue is pretty much immaterial to most people, but I am annoyed by it on my macbook.
I have since been playing around with my girlfriend's MBA and it has been wonderful. Its keys seem to be made of a different (non-oily) material than the macbooks, and I just want to know whether the older MBA users have dirty or oily keys.
A friend of mine has an ibook clamshell with black marks on the screen. He sent me a picture but I really can't tell if it is a broken screen or pixels or something else.
Just did a clean install of OS X on my Air. The keyboard backlighting does not work--when I try to adjust with the F5/F6 keys I just get the circle with the little line through it, and even in a pitch dark room the keyboard does not light up whatsoever.
In system preferences I have the "Illuminate keyboard in low light conditions" box checked and have the slider to "never
I notice a few finger smears on my macbook pro screen, what would be best to use & clean it with? I found a silky black cloth that came with my mac along with it's booklet, is this what it is for? can i use a little water with it? does it matter if it is tap or bottled water to dampen the cloth with?
My Macbook screen is getting a bit dusty, and when outside I can see there are a few smears on it too, so I'm looking to give it a good clean so that it returns to its former glory.
What's the best way of doing this? I don't particularly want to use water, but a piece of toilet roll run across the screen gently doesn't really give it the clean that it needs!
I made the mistake of using Kensington spray on this glossy screen, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the smudges off now... What do YOU guys do? (assuming you clean your screeens..
So, a couple weeks ago, I was biting my nails with the PB on my lap (yeah, I know...), and one fell underneath the Enter key on the right side. Now, I'm very OCD about all things relating to the PB, which is why that kinda pissed me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went and bought some compressed air.
This was my first time using compressed air, and it didn't really help with the fingernail (if anything, it pushed it farther down and closer to the mini fan vents right by the keys). It did, however, bring a LOT of other crap up to the surface, and now I'm determined to get this sucker cleaned.
I was working on my 15" (2.2GHz) MBP when a tiny little bug started crawling across my computer screen. I tried just blowing and waving it off, but it kept on just crawling around, paying no attention to my protests. So I smushed it, like it deserved. I gently pressed against the screen with my thumb and that should have been that - a little wipe and back to work.
There is a problem. It turns out, the little bug was INSIDE the screen! I didn't have the lights on so it was just backlit and I couldn't tell that it was inside! Somehow it got in between the glass and the reflector (or something like that) and is now a mushy mess (albeit a very small one - 2mmx1mm) right in the center of the screen.
How can I clean this mess? I JUST (as in 3 weeks ago) had the display replaced through AppleCare but I'm pretty sure this kind of things falls squarely between the "acts of nature" and "acts of negligence" clauses in the warranty.
I've removed the display and bezels, but chickened out once it came time to pull the LCD. Plus, I don't even know if it is possible to further dismantle the LCD anyway so...
Anyone know if it is possible to separate the layers of an LCD? I'm not even sure what those layers are. Maybe over time the bug will just dehydrate and burn away, but I doubt it.
The new flat white keys are getting dusty. With the old white keyboards I was able to pull each key, put them into a suck and throw them into the washer machine and that was it But, can I pull this keys? And they are so easy to leak any cleaner to the inside and loose the entire keyboard. Any suggestions for cleaning? Other than covering the keys with some plastic protector.