MacBook Pro :: Clean Keyboard - Finger Grease
Dec 3, 2010What would be the best way to clean the keyboard (finger grease)?
View 2 RepliesWhat would be the best way to clean the keyboard (finger grease)?
View 2 RepliesI used my Macbook pro about 5month and I realized that especially the "space bar" key has grease form hand oil is there anyway to clean it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEating spaghetti in olive oil in front of the mac... splashed the screen with the stuff. Best way to clean the screen?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my new MacBook Pro today. One problem I had with my old black MacBook is that the keys got really dirty. dust fell between the cracks, but, more annoying, from typing, the finish wore off and got shiny/greasy. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this problem, particularly the problem of ruining the nice finish on the keys with skin oil?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI currently have a 15"UMBP, since the keyboard is black. I can some kind of wear on the keyboard, it seems shiner on the letters of it. Not as much of a matte like finish on them almost as if it's grease but I don't think it is.
Does anyone clean there keys? If so what are you using and can you still clean them while they're on the computer?
I would like to know the best way to clean a keyboard on my macbook pro.
I accidentally spilled some vitamin water on my macbook pro. Lucky, besides the keyboard getting a little bit sticky, there's no problem with my machine. Is there any easy way to clean the keyboard?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've really been debating getting the Rev B air 1.6Ghz, or keeping my current 2.0 Al Macbook. This issue is pretty much immaterial to most people, but I am annoyed by it on my macbook.
I have since been playing around with my girlfriend's MBA and it has been wonderful. Its keys seem to be made of a different (non-oily) material than the macbooks, and I just want to know whether the older MBA users have dirty or oily keys.
I own a Black macbook (summer 2008, so about two years old) which is in good condition except that it is dirty - especially the screen, which seems to have picked up keyboard marks which won't seem to come out. I have been reading about the best way to clean it, and there seem to be 4 general suggestions:
1. Clean using a damp microfiber cloth like an eyeglasses cleaner.
2. Clean using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
3. Clean using soap & water.
4. Purchase a specific mac cleaning toolkit like iKlear.
I tried option (1) a while ago and it cleaned the black macbook's body pretty well but not the screen. I have heard that (2) is great for the body but that it will damage the screen because the magic eraser is like "damp sand paper." That doesn't sound very screen-friendly. I have also heard that (3) will damage the screen's protective coating, though theoretically soap should be able to lift off any oily residue on the screen. (4) could work but it is more expensive, and I am not sure if it will work or not. Modern macs are fabulous and should be good enough to last years and years. I am hoping this one will last at least 3 more, making a total of 5 years, but I want to keep it clean.
Just did a clean install of OS X on my Air. The keyboard backlighting does not work--when I try to adjust with the F5/F6 keys I just get the circle with the little line through it, and even in a pitch dark room the keyboard does not light up whatsoever.
In system preferences I have the "Illuminate keyboard in low light conditions" box checked and have the slider to "never
Is the efficiency of the thermal paste/grease decreases with time?
I bought a Macbook pro 2 years ago and seems that it's hotter than when it was new.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the 4 finger gestures built into OSX? I've looked around and found no way to override them. If nobody is knows directly how to accomplish this I'd also be interested in knowing what libraries the handlers may reside in so I can poke around and try and do it myself.
I'm also interested in trying to find a way to make 3 finger tap do a middle click. Or something along those lines.
in the direction of info that will tell me how to clean my keyboard.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just bought a dual 1GHz G4 PowerMac MDD off of ebay. I can imagine after a few years the original thermal paste or whatever it is shot (dried up) by now. So fresh application of Arctic Silver Fox grease should help out ---- are there any links to removal / service of CPU heat sinks for MDDs
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, a couple weeks ago, I was biting my nails with the PB on my lap (yeah, I know...), and one fell underneath the Enter key on the right side. Now, I'm very OCD about all things relating to the PB, which is why that kinda pissed me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went and bought some compressed air.
This was my first time using compressed air, and it didn't really help with the fingernail (if anything, it pushed it farther down and closer to the mini fan vents right by the keys). It did, however, bring a LOT of other crap up to the surface, and now I'm determined to get this sucker cleaned.
The new flat white keys are getting dusty. With the old white keyboards I was able to pull each key, put them into a suck and throw them into the washer machine and that was it But, can I pull this keys? And they are so easy to leak any cleaner to the inside and loose the entire keyboard. Any suggestions for cleaning? Other than covering the keys with some plastic protector.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi got the keyboard [URL] i want to know whats the best why to clean it as the white keys are starting to go like a black color.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I safely clean my iMac keyboard? The white keys look disgusting.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to clean the keys on an Apple keyboard?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny advice/links re how to open up the Apple Wired Keyboard with Numeric Keypad? Spilt some coffee and some of the keys aren't working properly. Link to the Keyboard I'm Talking About
View 13 Replies View RelatedAt the moment I'm looking to upgrade my late 2009 Mac mini's hard drive (with 2,5" WD Blue 640GB).
I was looking photos on ifixit on how to do it and get an idea that if I dissassemble mini I can also replace thermal grease too (I have AC's MX3). Usually default thermal greases are silicon based and are not so efficient than MX3.
My basic question is if anyone replace thermal grease on mini already? Is it difficult to remove heatsinks from CPU and GPU? What was the temperature drop? Does mini have "push-pull" based pins for mounting heat spreaders?
I just received my brand new MBA 2.0 from Apple Store, but there were NO FOUR FINGER SWIPE on it ? The 3 tech support guys I went through, were all clueless to what was wrong, they checked firmware, software etc... nothing wrong but the four finger swipe was not on my MBA 2.0
So I am getting a replacement, unfortunately now I have to wait again.. Anyone else with this problem ?
[URL:...] for all macbook air / macbook pro (early 2008) owners
View 8 Replies View RelatedPossible yet? I use it tremendously on MB.
View 2 Replies View RelatedProblem I have, on my last generation macbook, I would rest one finger on the track pad, and just scroll with the other one, and it would scroll down the whole screen. Now with the new macbook, I actually have to scroll with both fingers for it to actually work. Also can't get used to the two button tap, I keep doing it but mistake, mostly to the huge trackpad and me resting my fingers on it.
Anyone had this similar problems? I know it's nitpicking but I miss my old trackpad.
Is there a way to activate three and four finger clicking for the trackpad? I was trying to tinker with settings on my new 13" MBP and was surprised that there was nothing. I'd love to be able to activate spaces with a trackpad click rather than a keyboard combination or a hot corner.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll jokes aside, I read in Snow leopard (perhaps incorrectly) that two finger and four finger gestures on the trackpad can be used, is there any program on Leopard (10.5.8) that enables these? Specifically it would be great if I could go back in my internet browser by swiping with two fingers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got the new MacBook (love it!), and the new finger gestures are pretty cool. Expose works really well, but I'm not too fond about the four finger left/right gestures. I have spaces set up, and I'd rather use the four finger gestures for left and right swipes to switch between spaces. I can't find a way to do this in the system prefs - is there some type of work-around to getting this to work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have tap-to-click enabled, so there's 1 finger tap to click. There's 2 finger tap to right click. There's also 4 finger tap to select an app in the application switcher.But no 3 finger tap! It would work beautifully for me if bound to be a middle-click event. I cannot find ANY mention of this, anywhere. The only results I can find are mentions of the bootcamp XP issue with two-finger taps.So here's my question: Is there any way to expose a 3-finger tap as another event?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just switched from firefox to Safari 4. In firefox, if I swiped down with three fingers it would go automatically to the bottom of the page, and if I swiped up it would go to the top.
Is there anyway I can do this in Safari 4? I really miss this function.