MacBook Pro :: How Do You Keep It Clean
Sep 8, 2009Does anyone have the 13" Speck hardshell case for their MacBook Pro? If so, how do you keep it clean? My case is pretty dirty, but I don't know the best way to clean it!
View 1 RepliesDoes anyone have the 13" Speck hardshell case for their MacBook Pro? If so, how do you keep it clean? My case is pretty dirty, but I don't know the best way to clean it!
View 1 RepliesI know the fan will eventually collect a lot of dust.
Do I need to take the bottom of the computer off to clean that? Does that void the warranty?
I don't even know if it is necessary though. Here are my temps. I don't know what they are supposed to be:
I've to clean my mbp (really really have to ), underneath is quite dirty due to dust of the tables and also full of fingerprints, aswell on the top and near to the keyboard and trackpad ( for a long time it was my only machine, so i used it a lot ).
View 20 Replies View RelatedMy 17inch macbook pro feels like its getting alittle sluggish and i was wondering what are some good ways to clear up space or just make things run a bit fatser again. Im pretty new to macs so im not sure how to go around and and free some space up like i did on my PC.
I notice a few finger smears on my macbook pro screen, what would be best to use & clean it with? I found a silky black cloth that came with my mac along with it's booklet, is this what it is for? can i use a little water with it? does it matter if it is tap or bottled water to dampen the cloth with?
View 5 Replies View Relatedjust got my MBA today and followed the clean install sticky here. However, I did not get the options to remove some of the software listed in the instructions.
I just checked the space and it looks like that the install took around 9GB of space? Is that correct? Bear with me where as this is my first Mac...
I've been advised to clean my MBP fan's out with compressed air, since I've owned it for 6 months now. So my question is, where would I actually spray the compressed air without opening the chassis? I'm scared to use it on the keyboard because I've heard keys popping off that way, and wondering if I spray into the vent below the screen, I would just blow the dust deeper into the computer...
View 24 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook screen is getting a bit dusty, and when outside I can see there are a few smears on it too, so I'm looking to give it a good clean so that it returns to its former glory.
What's the best way of doing this? I don't particularly want to use water, but a piece of toilet roll run across the screen gently doesn't really give it the clean that it needs!
I made the mistake of using Kensington spray on this glossy screen, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the smudges off now... What do YOU guys do? (assuming you clean your screeens..
View 17 Replies View RelatedI just got my new MacBook Pro today. One problem I had with my old black MacBook is that the keys got really dirty. dust fell between the cracks, but, more annoying, from typing, the finish wore off and got shiny/greasy. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this problem, particularly the problem of ruining the nice finish on the keys with skin oil?
View 20 Replies View Relatedi fitted more ram into my black macbook, and when i lifted the battery out...around the batter, it was VERY filthy and dusty and loads of dirt on it. (only had the macbook for 3 months+)
Any cleaning tips? I can see dirt going to the macbook from all sides, into qwerty keys....down below front of screen..... through the various connection sockets on left side....
(does putting the macbook to sleep, disable all wi fi airport extreme and transmitting/receiving of airwaves? I hear some people are cautios of these air frequencies (health risks)......i have the macbook in my bed when i sleep....ok? or should i power down properly? )
I know that there are a few threads on how to clean the white and black macbooks but can some one share some of ur tips on how u clean an aluminum macbook both screan and the unibody aluminum. I know its a little dumb but ho knows someone might have a better way.
View 24 Replies View RelatedBasically, the guys at the Apple store said the hard drive on my 2008 entry-level Mac book had died so I went out and bought a new one from Western Digital.
But when reinstalling, the screen froze on 'verifying destination volume', then packs up and suggests I start again.
Searching this forum I see that others have had this problem and that one solution is to perform a 'clean install'. My question is, how do I go about doing that?
I have the Unibody 15" MacBook Pro, I've had it pretty much since it was first released and throughout that time it has gotten extremely dirty. The monitor has a few splotches of stuff and a lot of dust on the surface, the keyboard is just looks really dirty and underneath my keyboard is just full of crap. What products do you recommend to clean the MacBook Pro and any types of "skins/guards" i could use to cover the keyboard and the area around it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to wipe everything of the HD and install from scratch. How would i do that?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI currently have a 15"UMBP, since the keyboard is black. I can some kind of wear on the keyboard, it seems shiner on the letters of it. Not as much of a matte like finish on them almost as if it's grease but I don't think it is.
Does anyone clean there keys? If so what are you using and can you still clean them while they're on the computer?
I'm looking into what is good to keep my MBP screen clean from residue such as saliva (from the dreaded coughs) and dirt.
What do you guys use to keep your screen free from residue? Do you guys use any solutions?
Would using a lint-free cloth (such as the ones made for wiping spectacles with) work?
I am going to change out the hard drive in my 13" macbook pro and Ihad a question. I am wanting to do a clean install, so I am wanting to put in the new hard drive, install snow leopard... Then take the old hard drive and put it in an external enclosure to retrieve all my itunes music, files, etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy macbook pro has 500GB and only 360GB free but i only have +/- 105GB with my files and programs etc...
What's filling the memory?
I already use the app "clean my mac".
I have recently switched from PC to MAC (actually waiting for my Mac to arrive any day now!).
I have one question it necessary to reformat a Mac HD like I would on my PC?
I find that I have to do a fresh install of Windows about every 6 months as my PC gets bogged down with stuff.
Is this the same on a Mac or does a Mac stay "cleaner" as you use it (if that makes sense..)?
So after doing some research online I see that Aluminum is very resistant to rusting to the fact that it usually rust after your computer die or something...
But anyway what I wanted to know if that if I use water to clean the lid would it accelerate the rusting or corrosion?
I've had it for about a month and have noticed my trackpad is having some serious discoloration (from finger oils I'm assuming). I know the #1 rule is to search and I didn't find any cleaning tips for the trackpad. Just wanted to get some long time users input.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to know the best way to clean my screen on my MacBook Pro.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to know the best way to clean a keyboard on my macbook pro.
what´s the best app to clean the junk from my mac?
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how do i clean my trash box
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to clean the cache on my MacBook Pro. Can anyone give me detailed instructions?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My MacBook Pro seems to be getting "clunkier" lately.The beach ball spins for a while before changing from one program to another.Is there a way to clean up whatever is slowing it down?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Processor-2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; Memory-2GB 1067 MHz DDR3
I have a retina mac book pro (I think model doesn't matter). My question is how to clean the surface when it gets dirty. Like to use what kind of cloth and maybe some special cleaners and etc.