MacBook Pro :: How To Put Desktop Documents And Folders Into A List Rather Than Columns
Jun 28, 2014How do I put desktop documents and folders into a list rather than columns?
View 1 RepliesHow do I put desktop documents and folders into a list rather than columns?
View 1 RepliesThe title pretty much explains it.
Every time I change from list view to column view, it changes it back after I close the window.
Is there any way I can make it stay in column view?
the desktop, from which all icons and folders have disappeared, when I press command shift n, which should create a BLESSEDLY VIEWABLE folder on the desktop, nothing happens. I am a MAC convert, but have built up my hate muscle on this one.
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My Applications and Documents folder on my dock dont seem to have the folders with there symbols on it, they seem to other material. How can I get them to show the folders. Im running on Snow Leopard!
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I want to tidy up pages by creating folders to to put my docs in cannot see
MacBook Pro
how do i move documents I have made (pdfs, jpegs etc) into folders?
How do I move pages (invoices) into folders for specific clients names?
MacBook, 2009 mac
how do you list the items on the desktop as a list instead of icons
View 2 Replies View RelatedDon't know how to delete pages or folders from my Documents list. When I try to right or left click, they just open. If I highlight the title and hit "delete" nothing happens. Accumulation lots of unwanted pages- Sure it's an easy answer, I just don't know it...
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
My computer has decided all of a sudden to stop letting me drag and drop files and folders. I have attached several mouses and tried the track pad and even tried to fix it with system prefrences but found nothing is working. I can still click and drag programs that are up like safari and other windows but I can't seem to drag and drop folders and files which is upsetting when trying to organize your computer.
MacBook Pro, My comp. is completely up to date.
How do I archive or 'export' mailbox folders to DOCUMENTS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I open an image in Preview, the "File/Open Recent" menu lists the name of the file. If I then close the file, but still leave Preview running, the "Open Recent" menu still lists the file. If I quit Preview, the "Show Recent" menu does not show any files. If I reopen Preview, the "Open Recent" menu does not show any files. I have a feeling this is a permissions problem, but repair permissions has not worked.
In Console, Preview is reporting the following error upon opening:
"29/02/2012 14:45:57.183 Failure to de-serialize bookmark data file."
I'm using Preview as an example here, but it holds for every app - whether they are bundled or downloaded - on my system. System Preferences/Appearance/Number of Recent Items is set to 10. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on an iMac 12,1 with a dual SSD and HDD internal drive setup.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Dual SSD & HDD
i am unable to delete two documents from my desktop. whenever i delete it i hear the trash sound but the documents are not deleted.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
when i move documents to desktop my screen glitches and the screen goes really weird. will apple cover it. it is only 6 months old.
MacBook Air
Well, I use Spotlight religiously on a daily, hourly, maybe minute basis. I have a ton of organized folders under my Documents and when I search for any of those folders in spotlight no results are yielded. Not even if the whole folder is typed out, or even just partial. I tried typing in many different folder names I have but nothing.
Then I tried typing in spotlight the names of Pages files, Excel Files, Word, name it. But nothing.
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Applications folder from the dock, my app icons were small enough that all of them were displayed at once. In Snow Leopard, the icons are much larger, and there's a scroll bar at the side. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Documents folder from the dock, and then opened a subfolder, the subfolder opened in a Finder window. In Snow Leopard, it opens in the dock. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?
I used MobileMe but am being forced to iCloud. I used MobileMe to store documents but in iCloud it doesn't seem that one can create folders in which to put documents; I can only upload documents to "Pages" tab and sort them by name. Also, the support seems to indicate I should be able to upload PDF but when I try it says that PDF is not supported.
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've read many times people want to make folders appear at the top of a list in Finder like they are represented in Windows explorer. I found an article on Macworld that tells you how to do this.
I remember doing this over a year ago on my G4 Powerbook and it working. But on my Intel MacBook Pro, I can't locate the file they are referring to in the article. where this file was moved to or how to access this thing on the Intel machines?
I'm a new MAC user. Why can't I save files to sub-folders under Documents? Also why do I have to provide my password every time I update or move a file?Â
View 14 Replies View RelatedMoving identified documents into a newly created folder, "click on icon and move to the folder".Â
I'm able to move the document upon clicking on its icon however it is not accepted by the folder I lay it over including laying the document in the opened folder's column.Â
I am trying to copy folders over to iCloud Drive that contain documents inside the folders. When I look online (, the folders remain but are empty inside. Is there a different procedure I should be doing?
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
How I can print out a list of folders or files in a folder without having to type each of them in by hand? Is it part of Lion or do I need another program?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2-2.66MHtz, 13G Ram, 5TB HD
Dose anyone know an easy way of listing files and folders from a disk? I need an inventory of the names on some ZIP disks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I add folders in Mail sidebar list so that I can just go in that folder and look at that topic? I have 10.7.4 and it is an iCloud address.Â
Info:Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I like to keep my 'documents' area of the finder uncluttered, but lots of pieces of software, such as 'Bookends', Microsoft Office and others put folders there each time they are opened.
To try to move them, I opened the prefs of Bookends and moved the folder location to a better place, but every time I open the software it just puts a new folder in 'documents'.
I want to move my pictures, movies, music and documents folders to another internal drive. I read in this post that it should be a simple manoeuvre to move the pictures folder to another location and replace the pictures folder in the old home folder with an alias pointing to the pictures folder in the new location. I thought perhaps I can follow that procedure also for the other folders.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDid a fresh install of SL on my iMac. So far, so good.
Go to my Documents folder, enter time machine, choose the files in my Documents folder and click restore. Exits out back to my desktop, enter my password and it starts to copy over the files. But then suddenly stops. And only copies over a small number of files and empty folders. When trying to restore just the files in some of the folders I get an error that says I don't have permission to access these files. Don't have permission? Says who and why?
So I go in via finder to the backup, select all the files in my Documents, and manually drag them over to my Documents folder. Same thing happens.
The files are a couple hundred mb. But can't figure out why they don't all copy over. Weird thing is I didn't have this problem with files from other locations like restoring my iPhoto library.
I'm looking for a script or an application which generates a text-file containing the names of the folders in my Music-directory.
Does anybody have a suggestion to a script or application which would make my life easier, since I've got tons of folders in there.
I just fresh-installed 10.6 and updated everything. And now this.
I have not ever seen this before nor have I installed any software I haven't ever used before that did not do this.
This also shows in Columns View and the Lower Pane of Cover Flow.
... so lost ...
Get Info shows a preview of a normal folder, as does icon view.
I use the black macbook and I have several folders and files on my desktop. However, lately after I shutdown my macbook and start it again, all the folders and files on my desktop move and scatter. I want to keep them in the same order that I originally arranged. How do I keep them in the same place? Is it normal for them to move around after shutdown? I don't want to sort them out by name or date modified or anything like that. I just want to keep them in the same order that I put them.
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