I use the black macbook and I have several folders and files on my desktop. However, lately after I shutdown my macbook and start it again, all the folders and files on my desktop move and scatter. I want to keep them in the same order that I originally arranged. How do I keep them in the same place? Is it normal for them to move around after shutdown? I don't want to sort them out by name or date modified or anything like that. I just want to keep them in the same order that I put them.
the desktop, from which all icons and folders have disappeared, when I press command shift n, which should create a BLESSEDLY VIEWABLE folder on the desktop, nothing happens. I am a MAC convert, but have built up my hate muscle on this one.
For example: I have a music folder in the music folder are about 200 or so Artist folders looks like this: Music -> The beatles, Pink Floyd, The Killers, etc. Is there a way (without manually typing or copy/paste each one) to get all the names of each folder in text?
Today, all of a sudden, all my files and folders are locked in place wherever they may be - on the desktop, in the documents folder, everywhere. I can't drag them anywhere. They're stuck.
My desktop icons keep moving after reboot to the right hand side and arranged by name. Now: I have tried resetting the the views options, changing the grid size, changing the icon size, repairing permissions in the disk utility. I have tried all these, with reboots in between and in differing orders.
On my desktop I have 1 folder that contain completed projects as well as multiple folders to manage current projects I'm working on. Occassionally I also have files on the desktop that I am working on for the day. Whenever I arrange by name (or any other criteria) the files and folders on my desktop move all around. My completed folder is now mixed in with files I'm working on and my current projects folders are all over the placed depending on what I named them. I would like a way to pin certain folders to their place on the desktop (similar to how the hard drive icon is pinned), so when I arrange the desktop files by a certain criteria these "pinned" folders would not move.
Since reorganizing my file system. when I click the "desktop folder"a message comes up "There is no application set to open the document 'desktop'. Further I am not able to drag any files onto the actual desktop.
The folders on my desktop are frozen to the right hand side of the desktop and will not move. How do I unfreeze them so I can rearrange them how I want?Â
This is my first post, so please be gentle! I have a 2006/7 White Macbook Core2Duo 2.10Ghz, and I love compiling my own movie compilations via iDVD. The problem that I have is two fold; 1. I burnt 4 episodes of a Public Domain TV Show (3 Stooges) using one of the current menus, and it compiled lovely, burn to disc and verified, but then no sound from the episodes, even though on my master PC, the sound is there, and sound is also present when I copied to my Macbook. 2. I have tried another few discs, each time iDVD states that the disc could not be verified and that the disc is unreadable. Both have been burnt at 6x (my combo/super drives max). Do I possibly need a new drive? Is it worth me burning the project to TS_VIDEO folders on my desktop then burning them via Toast? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I'm wanting to delve deeper into iDVD and iMovie as I think they are spot on programs.
When I log off or turn off my laptop and then log back in my folders or files are in different positions then where I had placed them on my desktop previously
How do I sync my iPhoto albums and folders on my desktop with my spouses iPhoto albums and folders on her desktop? I want to be able to view all our photos on one desktop without switching back and forth.
Quite often, when I open up mu HD, external drive, etc. folder on my desktop, they are sized different. I then have to re-arrange them by kind, date, etc. I would like to have my folders the same width and height all the time, is this possible?
I have a feeling this has been covered, but I couldn't find anything using "search," so if it has, forgive me. I'm just curious as to whether or not it's possible to place folders from different drives on my desktop without having to create an "alias" of said folder.
I have a strange problem, which I don't seem to be able to properly troubleshoot, even with searching the 6U with and without our beloved Free Porn.
Btw, I solved the problem in between writing this post, but if anyone wants to share some light onto the situation, I invite you to read the following, as I am still flabbergasted by it and want to know, why I can't do what I want to do as laid out in the section below.
yesterday I wasn't able to click on my desktop icon in finder so I thought its just something silly. I turned off the computer and went to work. When I came back, I turned it back on, to realize that all icons are gone except my HDD, TM HDD and Windows HDD. Everything else is gone.
I entered the time machine and all back ups are gone too except today's and yesterday's. On yesterday's back up I do have the desktop folders and icon untouched but not on todays.
I tried permission, PRM reset, Onyx maintenance and cleaning but nothing is working. When I put a file name in the finder to find it it doesn't find it.
My files are there if I look into desktop folder through the finder but In the real scenario of Desktop The files does not display on the Desktop although they are there. how do I make them appear on the desktop?
I tend to keep my desktop clean, but current projects stay in a folder on the desktop for the duration of work. Lion won't leave the folders where they are, but instead it is creating dated folders in Documents> Desktop and leaving the files there. If I wanted to nest the files away I would have done so myself. The actual Desktop area is empty. It's kind of infuriating. Any clues as to how to make it stop doing this and leave my files where I put them?
I restarted my macbook pro (10.5.6) last night after really slow internet speeds, and when it booted back up all my desktop folders disappeared. I can't even find a single file name anymore anywhere on the harddrive.
Apple support said they've seen the desktop directory glitch with the finder, but we could not reverse whatever happend and they suggested I spend $100 bucks on Disc Warrior.
How am I going to find about 1700 files????? My time machine drive stopped backing up two months ago, ggggrrrrrrr -right when I needed it eh?!
Does anyone have any ideas what I can try to get back the file names and folders?
I know the data is still on the drive, just with no allocations.
I've repaired all disc permissions 3 times-it keeps having to repair them everytime I reboot.Terry
i have an ISP that i am considering 'breaking up' with. of course i have a ton of emails on their servers that i wish to copy to my computer before i do so.
is there an easy way of doing this, � la drag and drop? all of my searches end up talking about the application Mail which i don't currently use.
I lost everything on my desktop, all my folders and files. When i go to the MAC OS X and click on desktop it says : The folder "Desktop" could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges. I don't know where all my things have gone. I can't save anything onto the desktop.
Starting two days ago, after about 20 minutes of use on my mac, some of the icons on my desktop will suddenly have distorted pixels, as well as all of the open windows will have a black box surrounding it. I am almost positive that this has nothing to do with my video hardware going bad, rather something corrupted in the operating system. This has happened sometime after I had installed the Adobe CS5 photoshop trial. I have recently uninstalled it, but this problem still persists. As soon as I log out, or restart the computer, everything is back to normal. When the 15-20 minute mark comes, all of a sudden everything starts getting distorted. I am also running Mac OS X 10.6.3 currently.
In the image you can see that the bottom dock is corrupted looking as well but the icons stay in tact. This is very odd.
I'm running Mac OS 10.5.5 on a Intel Mac Pro and seeing this strange problem that has me stumped. At regular intervals, the OS is creating locked folders that have strange names that look like hex (E6A8F15A-9BD5-45CC-A54A-EBD6E25C5053-228-00007DE458ADF42D is a folder name on one of them currently) on the desktop. These folders appear to be copies of a DVD burn folder that I had created and then deleted after burning the DVD. In fact, the original files in that burn folder have also been deleted after burning and no longer exist on any disk.
If the computer is running for a few hours, there are tons of these folders created on the desktop. I can drag them into the trash bin if I click ok to the message that says these are locked folders. Then I can empty the trash bin if I click option and they are deleted from the trash bin. Meanwhile more are created on my desktop!Anyone seen anything like this or have some pointers? I've checked permission on the boot disk using Disk Utility and it found nothing wrong. I have also deleted the Finder plists in ~/Library/Preferences. Anything else I can do? I've been trying to figure out what process is creating these folders but no luck. I suspect it could be the Finder since it was a burn folder, but don't know where to look to diagnose and fix this annoyance.
MacBookPro screen real estate limited. Folders and other junk on my desktop can be distracting on top of that.Is it possible to hide them until I need them?
Info:27" iMac quad core, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 24" IMAC, 20" IMAC, MACBOOK, IPHONE 3GS
Suddenly today when I open a folder on my desktop, the appearance has changed. Instead of a list of the documents inside, it has the whole seven column presentation of everything in my computer. Folders in the hard drive haven't changed, still just a list. Â
I didn't change anything in my preferences or any other settings. How can I get my nice, simple folders back? Â