OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Print A List Of Files And Folders?
May 28, 2012Dose anyone know an easy way of listing files and folders from a disk? I need an inventory of the names on some ZIP disks.
View 2 RepliesDose anyone know an easy way of listing files and folders from a disk? I need an inventory of the names on some ZIP disks.
View 2 RepliesFor those of you who know Windows, you can view your folders/files in a list but still re-arrange by type/kind (i.e. I will get the folders first, then the different kinds of files).
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to print the list of filenames in Finder folder?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I want to connect a wireless Epson XP 510 printer. Installed drivers from the Epson website but they do not appear to be compatible according to the drop down list in the apple menu for adding a printer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Epson XP 501
In Mail, is there a way to print the list of mail activity in a folder without actually printing each email?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a June 2009 17" 2.8 UMBP which has been driving me mad with near constant beach balls! I run no intensive programmes at all - just emails & surfing the net!
I originally used migration assistant from a Tiger MBP to this one & read that I may have corrupted Tiger P-Lists transferred over to my Leopard One. I would like to ask, how can I get rid of/delete my current preferences list to see if that fixes the problem - it did with another person who also transferred from Tiger to Leopard with Migration Assistant!
Will I lose anything by deleting the Preferences Folder/Files? I think I read somewhere that OS X automatically replaces them with current versions if that is correct? Ae Preference Lists taken care of too when deleting the folder/files?
I am a novice so please treat me like a 4 year old who needs very step by step instructions!
I want to copy files from one folder to another according to a csv or txt document containing a list of file names.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
In windows i had a option to hide files & folder according to my requirment
How/Where can i get this option in snow leopard
I am trying to speed up Re-Labeling all my metadata for every song in my library. Basically I need to create a workflow first, but I am having some troubles on how I should be doing it in Automater.
Example filename: "forrestaveryderty_driftinonby_flapjack.m4a"Â find all filenames that start with the same word before the First underscore (_)Â create a folder with that same wordÂ
copy files with the same word (BEFORE THE FIRST UNDERSCORE) to their corresponding folder name I then can use Media Rage to select the certain folder and and change the artist name all at once. and I would like it to do that with every file at one time.Â
1: Find files with the same name before the first "underscore"
2: Create a a folder for every different name found (before the first underscore)
3: Copy found files (with same name before the first underscore) to the folder with the same name
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just upgraded to SL. Now I got crazy on my Trash. Whenever and Whatever I drag a file, a movie, a pic, everything, it will not move the the trash. Instead system warms me "This item will be detect immediately, you can't undo this action." And the item is detect directly. I always have a empty trash.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI really prefer Windows way of sorting a folder, first folders and then files, is there a way to do it in Snow Leopard? I have done this: [URL:...] But that doest work for me in SL.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI'm pretty new to Mac and I'm currently quite confused about how to set default settings for all my files and folders in Snow Leopard. Specifically, I would like for all the icons in Finder windows (and preferably also in the "Documents" stack in the Dock) to automatically be displayed as large icons and also for all my files and folders to be arranged by Kind - all of this in "List View". In "Icon View", all of these things do work (except for in the "Documents" stack in the Dock).
In "List View", when I select "Use as Defaults" in the "View Options" panel (View>Show View Options), it does not seem to apply my settings automatically to all my folders and files. Likewise, when I right-click in a Finder window and select "Arrange by > Kind", it only seems to arrange by Kind in that particular folder.
I have read several other threads, but none of the solutions seem to work for me. One thread suggested that I hold "alt" after I have right-clicked so that the option "KEEP arranged by" shows up, but this does not seem to happen in "List View".
We have a 2009 intel iMac here, running Leopard (10.5.8). We receive files from customers via browser-based FTP or email on this mac, and the boss puts these files in appropriately-named folders, and copies those folders into the appropriate place on our file server – a G5 (1.8Gz single processor 2.5Gb RAM) also running Leopard 10.5.8. All macs here are connected via ethernet using TCP/IP (of course)Â
However, every now and then, there are files missing from these folders. For example one folder (that had 100 images or so) had 4 files missing after copying to the file server, even though the folder was dragged across wholesale, not the contents. All filename conventions are standardised before being sent to us, and do not use any illegal characters that may cause a problem between differing OSs or processor platforms.Â
This issue may not be limited to these two macs, but there may not enough network traffic between other macs to show this issue on other machines – it only seems to occur when copying across large batches of files, and does not happen all the time. There is no one thing that sticks out that links the missing files – i.e. filenames/filetype, etc. It seems completely random.Â
I thought that TCP/IP was supposed to check data packets to ensure that all data was sent properly, but no errors are received on either side.Â
Is there some sort of maintenance (other than repairing permissions, which is done on a weekly basis on the fileserver) that I can run
G5 Power Mac 1.8 Ghz 2.5Gb RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i have Macbook pro running on Mac OS X, Snow Leopard ver. 10.6.8 . I am not able to delete rename and modify my desktop folder and files. even through the admin account and all previleges i cant move them to Thrash. as i try to delete them it asks for password and then no action takes place. i have even used repair permissions from disk utility, used the terminal window method but nothing happened. the "get info " shows read and write permision but still i cannot even rename them there.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an appointment to bring my iMac in tomorrow for service at an Apple store.I think all I need is for the inside of the front glass to be cleaned, and they told me I shouldn't need to leave it, but who knows. I just realized that I haven't ever brought any computer in for service in 20 years of owning them (I've been lucky, I guess).I want to do everything I can to protect my privacy.I've moved sensitive documents and information off both internal hard drives.I've emptied the trash.I've also cleared the history and cache on all three browsers I use.
I'm not going to go to the trouble to move all video files and pictures off my internal hard drives.It's way too much data.There is definitely stuff I consider private that I don't want others to look at, but I just can't see moving all of it.I'd love to password-protect the folders so nobody can get in them, but apparently that isn't possible (I don't want to go through creating encrypted disk images--again, way too much data). Is there anything else I should do to protect my privacy before I bring my computer in for service?Is there any easy way to password-protect folders and files? I went in Finder and locked one folder, but it still opens up with no problem, so that didn't help.I presume this is because I'm the only one who uses my computer and I don't require a password on startup.I also presume that such a password wouldn't prevent techs from looking at something if they were so inclined.
I'm not as worried about all of this as I would be if I were bringing the computer in to some independent servicer (instead of the Apple store where I'm bringing it).But I really don't like the idea that the techs will have access to everything on my hard drives while they are servicing my computer.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
How I can sort my files within folders in a specific order? Not in alphabetical order, size, date, kind etc...but in an order that I want them in (documents from school to be exact, I would like to sort them in the progression of the lessons from week to week). I never knew how to do this at the time and now I am kind of learning how to sort all of my docs within Finder, but this seems to be the first stumbling block that I've come across?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy settings do not allow for sharing of my iMac or its folders and files. Yet, another person's Shared Folder is appearing on my iMac and I cannot remove it. How do I remove it and did it get there by this person hacking in?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When i simply want to move a folder/files they are copied.Plus i have to type in the admin password everytime i want to delete a file.
Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'd like to print the file names that are on an external backup so I know what is there. I've opened Finder and the relevant directory, but can't figure out how to print the pane (or file list).
I have Tiger 10.4.10 on a G4 powerbook.
I'm looking for an easy way to create a list of every file on a hard drive, and create a .pdf of it in OSX. It would be good to be able to omit some folders from this list as well.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI need an actual list (on paper) of all my contacts in my address book and the information for each contact. Is there a way to print such a list?Â
MacBook Pro
I've read many times people want to make folders appear at the top of a list in Finder like they are represented in Windows explorer. I found an article on Macworld that tells you how to do this.
I remember doing this over a year ago on my G4 Powerbook and it working. But on my Intel MacBook Pro, I can't locate the file they are referring to in the article. where this file was moved to or how to access this thing on the Intel machines?
I've come to my wit's end now - I've got about 10K plus of photos in my folder which I have nicely organized and grouped with different labels and comments. I would like to now convert the list of files with all attributes into a document. I've tried the copy and paste tricks with Textedit as well as several folder actions offered in Automator -to no avail as all I've got is just a list with file names which is more or less useless to me. It seems that during the process only the files names are copied but not other infos like label, size etc. Is there something I have missed here? I would be extremely grateful if someone could throw some light here.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I print a list of my Safari bookmarks?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4), Have installed 10.7.4
I don't find keychain passwords always propagate to all my apple devices so I want to print a list of accounts and passwords for safekeeping. The export list item on the menu is greyed out. The files are binary so they're not easily read with a text editor. What are my options besides making back-up copies of the keychain files which, obviously, will become obsolete next time I add a password?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you print the reminder list?
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012)
How I can print out a list of folders or files in a folder without having to type each of them in by hand? Is it part of Lion or do I need another program?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2-2.66MHtz, 13G Ram, 5TB HD
How can I add folders in Mail sidebar list so that I can just go in that folder and look at that topic? I have 10.7.4 and it is an iCloud address.Â
Info:Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Can you print the entire list of contacts from Mail?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD. When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??
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