I used MobileMe but am being forced to iCloud. I used MobileMe to store documents but in iCloud it doesn't seem that one can create folders in which to put documents; I can only upload documents to "Pages" tab and sort them by name. Also, the support seems to indicate I should be able to upload PDF but when I try it says that PDF is not supported.
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am trying to copy folders over to iCloud Drive that contain documents inside the folders. When I look online (icloud.com), the folders remain but are empty inside. Is there a different procedure I should be doing?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
My Applications and Documents folder on my dock dont seem to have the folders with there symbols on it, they seem to other material. How can I get them to show the folders. Im running on Snow Leopard!
Well, I use Spotlight religiously on a daily, hourly, maybe minute basis. I have a ton of organized folders under my Documents and when I search for any of those folders in spotlight no results are yielded. Not even if the whole folder is typed out, or even just partial. I tried typing in many different folder names I have but nothing.
Then I tried typing in spotlight the names of Pages files, Excel Files, Word, etc...you name it. But nothing.
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Applications folder from the dock, my app icons were small enough that all of them were displayed at once. In Snow Leopard, the icons are much larger, and there's a scroll bar at the side. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Documents folder from the dock, and then opened a subfolder, the subfolder opened in a Finder window. In Snow Leopard, it opens in the dock. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?
Don't know how to delete pages or folders from my Documents list. When I try to right or left click, they just open. If I highlight the title and hit "delete" nothing happens. Accumulation lots of unwanted pages- Sure it's an easy answer, I just don't know it...
My computer has decided all of a sudden to stop letting me drag and drop files and folders. I have attached several mouses and tried the track pad and even tried to fix it with system prefrences but found nothing is working. I can still click and drag programs that are up like safari and other windows but I can't seem to drag and drop folders and files which is upsetting when trying to organize your computer.
Info: MacBook Pro, My comp. is completely up to date.
I'm a new MAC user. Why can't I save files to sub-folders under Documents? Also why do I have to provide my password every time I update or move a file?
Moving identified documents into a newly created folder, "click on icon and move to the folder".
I'm able to move the document upon clicking on its icon however it is not accepted by the folder I lay it over including laying the document in the opened folder's column.
I like to keep my 'documents' area of the finder uncluttered, but lots of pieces of software, such as 'Bookends', Microsoft Office and others put folders there each time they are opened.
To try to move them, I opened the prefs of Bookends and moved the folder location to a better place, but every time I open the software it just puts a new folder in 'documents'.
I want to move my pictures, movies, music and documents folders to another internal drive. I read in this post that it should be a simple manoeuvre to move the pictures folder to another location and replace the pictures folder in the old home folder with an alias pointing to the pictures folder in the new location. I thought perhaps I can follow that procedure also for the other folders.
Did a fresh install of SL on my iMac. So far, so good.
Go to my Documents folder, enter time machine, choose the files in my Documents folder and click restore. Exits out back to my desktop, enter my password and it starts to copy over the files. But then suddenly stops. And only copies over a small number of files and empty folders. When trying to restore just the files in some of the folders I get an error that says I don't have permission to access these files. Don't have permission? Says who and why?
So I go in via finder to the backup, select all the files in my Documents, and manually drag them over to my Documents folder. Same thing happens.
The files are a couple hundred mb. But can't figure out why they don't all copy over. Weird thing is I didn't have this problem with files from other locations like restoring my iPhoto library.
I imported a large store of outlook email messages into iCloud mail - including many folders and subfolders some time ago. I would now like to delete the lot of them. Deleting a single message or folder works fine. However, when I try to delete a folder with subfolders, even though I reply to the 'are you sure' message by clicking "yes," the folder and subfolders initially disappear yet, immediately upon refresh, all folders and subfolders reappear and I find that the instruction has been completely ignored.
Why won't my computer let me make changes to documents saved in pages and save them again? It keeps saying access denied when its my computer and I have Lion OS X
How do you make the documents larger in Excel with the iMac? I have tried to change font size, view larger, etc. I still am unable to get the look I get from myPC.
I am doing a project in which I'm circulating some sensitive material via PDF files. Ideally, I'd love it if the PDF file could expire so that the sensitive material wasn't hanging out on people's computers forever. (the material isn't life or death sensitive-- but it would be great if we could limit the time that it existed "out there")..
I looked into solutions that create PDF files that expire-- but the functionality is expensive ($3000) and requires users download an Acrobat plugin-- which is too cumbersome for the scientists that need to see these PDFs--- any sort of expiration/security/DRM we impose on the files needs to be 100% transparent.
Does anyone know of an inexpensive way to do this with PDF files? (I have a feeling it might not be possible)--or not easily possible for someone without programming expertise like me--- BUT-- on the other hand....
Can anyone suggest another way to distribute documents that would expire?-- someone suggested using Flash or web delivery of some sort? Anyone have ideas on that front? The situation is that we're creating documents that are 40 to 150 pages in length, and have bookmarks for sections in the document-- so if we went to a Flash or Web delivery type of method.. it would have to be quite simple to go from PDF to this format--- and the medium would have to be printable and viewable when not connected to the internet.
I've read many times people want to make folders appear at the top of a list in Finder like they are represented in Windows explorer. I found an article on Macworld that tells you how to do this.
I remember doing this over a year ago on my G4 Powerbook and it working. But on my Intel MacBook Pro, I can't locate the file they are referring to in the article. where this file was moved to or how to access this thing on the Intel machines?
just a question. How to make some application or folders not be accesible to anyone? example, when someone click a email apple program, he cant access it.
How can I sort my photos out into folders so that I can choose which photos I want as my desktop. At the moment it wont let me choose a specific folder to have rotating as my desktop so I'm having to have all my photos on rotation.
My files are there if I look into desktop folder through the finder but In the real scenario of Desktop The files does not display on the Desktop although they are there. how do I make them appear on the desktop?
I just purchased a new iPad and discovered that I needed to upgrade my Pages & Numbers to the '09 version to be compatible with the &pages & Numbers on the iPad. I did this and now when I attempt to save a document it asks if I want to save a Version but it doesn't give me an opportunity to save it to My iCloud Documents. My iMac shows several documents in the My iCloud Documents file butbmy iPad doesn't show these files. My iPad does see a couple of files from Numbers but when I try to open them I get a message sayingb that It can't open files that are not saved in Numbers '09 even though I thought they were converted to Numbers '09. I even created a new document in Numbers '09 but it doesn't show up in iCloud and I can't access it on my MacBook Pro or the iPad, obly on the iMac where it was created. My guess is the problem is somewhere in the coinversion to Pages & Numbers '09 from the '08 version but what is beyond me. Should I completely remove the old Apps for Pages & Numbers? I have all of the settings, as specified, on all three devices and, interestingly, my calendar and contacts have synced on the iPad and both computers.
I must be really slow because I have no idea how to see documents from one computer to another or my devices using icloud. I have Lion and Pages on my home computer and my laptop. I have an iCloud account. So how do I get the pages documents that I create on my imac to sync to the cloud so that I can view and edit them on my laptop and ipad. And visa versa. I have the icloud documents option "on" from my preference menu on all devices. What else do I need to do. And where is the tutoria
How do I get my documents and data off of the iCloud? I lost my entire hard-rive, and I'm trying to get at least some of my papers and presentations back again...