Applications :: IWeb Wont Start After Trying To Open HTML Files
Jan 31, 2008
I tried to open a HTML file in iWeb not thinking it wouldnt open it. It said no it couldnt do it then closed. However everytime i open iWeb it now says the same thing."The Document "index.html" could not be opened" (With the iWeb icon and a big yellow "!" triangle.)Then i get a second box just the iWeb logo now "Can't open file "~/desktop/index.html."Then closes its self. Ive done two reboots. Deleted the file and still the same thing happens. Ive opened the package but cant see any preferences or anyhting to delete. Though i have deleted the iLife preferences form a folder. If i run iweb from the package contents i get a terminal window
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Nov 26, 2009
I have a group of students who want to use iWeb to create a website to show off some of their art work for university interviews. They have been creating the site and saving it before logging off a machine. They have been wanting to do more work on their websites, but have found no sign of the pages they created when they log into a machine and load up iWeb. Initially I thought it was because they were logging in on a machine different to the one that they had started creating the site on, so I got them to log onto the original machine, but still nothing. I then got them to export the files to HTML and then to re-open them in iWeb, but it won't let you do that. Any suggestions on how I may solve this problem? The students have network accounts, rather than stand-alone machines that they work on, so I know it's something to do with that.
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Jul 19, 2010
iWeb - How to add a HTML Shout Box? Seems like iWeb is all design only.. I know in dreamweaver. You could click the mouse somewhere on your design, go the HTML page of it, then paste your html code in there, the go back to teh design tab, and see your shout box there. Just wondering how I would edit some stuff into HTML with iWeb.
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May 27, 2008
anyone here know how to make an HTML redirect in iWeb
never mind I found that it works if I manually edit the HTML file on my iDisk
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Sep 26, 2009
To all those of you out there that have a custom tab on your Facebook Fan Page ... I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML exported from iWeb '09 (into a local folder) for a FaceBook Fan Page custom tab (using "static FBML" application)? I don't really want to purchase Dreamweaver if I don't have.
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Jan 13, 2010
I have worked hard at creating my businesses webpage with iWeb and now and have a hard time getting it recognized by Google and other search engines. I have an immediate problem and a secondary. First. I am working with Google Webmaster Central and they are trying to verify that I am the owner of the site. I have two options--insert a meta tag on my homepage or upload an HTML file.
After working through the Help menu, I was able to figure out how to add HTML snippets from the media bar. However, when I update the website, and go to the link they ask me to go for, it is not recognized as having it on the page. I think the problem is this: I am putting it on the page, but the directions from google have a very specific area that they want it in the code. So, is there any way of seeing the code so that I can literally copy and paste it in there? I can't seem to figure it out. Second: I want to add meta tags to increase organic search results but have no clue how to with iWeb. How do I add a meta tag? Here is my website:
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Dec 30, 2010
To all those of you out there that have a custom tab on your Facebook Fan Page. I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML exported from iWeb '09 (into a local folder) for a FaceBook Fan Page custom tab (using "static FBML" application)? I don't really want to purchase Dreamweaver if I don't have.
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Feb 4, 2009
I've just "upgraded" from iWeb '08 and published some changes to my home page, but now none of my html snippets show up? The only page I've uploaded to the server is the "welcome" page, but now none of the html snippets are showing on that page. I can see the html snippet when I "visit the published site" via the hard drive, but not on the web. Does iWeb '09 put the html snippets somewhere new? If so, where? Should I upload my entire site again now that '09 has updated all of my files? (I'm afraid my entire site will be rendered unusable if all the snippets are erased).
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May 8, 2012
I created my website using iWeb, and use iWeb SEO Tool (3rd party software) to upload onto the internet so that my website can be found on the net. But since upgrading to Lion OSX I can't open my iWeb file in iWeb SEO - my Library file has been moved and my iWeb file has disappeared!! I have since found the iWeb file through Finder (by using Go to ~/Library/) but still cannot find it using iWeb SEO so can't upload changes to my website.
iWeb '08, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 14, 2010
We are designing Web website and we know about the snippets wreaking copy and paste but are there templates to your knowledge out there on that that would be like a questionnaire that already made up their work would I web I do not have to pay someone to do a custom build for? For instance I'm going to have a 31 question and answer survey. At the end of the survey there will be a review button. This will pop up in the client will be held to review all information and input. After they hit submit it will pop open to PayPal. Then the form will be e-mailed to the client and want to myself and with a database are you familiar with any websites that offer this template already designed that's compatible with my web?
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May 19, 2006
I just recently bought a new G5, so I started to use iWeb and at first I was impressed with it, but I am used to working on Macromedia Dream Weaver.
Anyways, I could not find a way to view my source code in iWeb to make changes that aren't possible normally. I wanted to put some PHP and counter code.
How do you view the source code of the HTML using iWeb ?
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Apr 10, 2009
I know there's a way, but I can't for the life of me see how to only show html files (or any other file type) when I want to open a file in Coda. (I don't want to wade through the thousands of image files that reside in the same folder) I've searched here and elsewhere, but no luck. Anyone know how to do this?
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Jan 9, 2011
I have created an Airtight Autoviewer gallery using Lightroom 2 and have exported it to my iDisk/Web/sites
When trying to embed the Html: in the Html Snippet on the page i would like the slideshow to appear:
A window comes up saying that the URL is not available - i have not managed to get past this part.
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May 8, 2006
is there anyway to make an iWeb page auto start playing an audio file as soon as the page is loaded? Maybe im just really missing something obvious, but whenever I publish the site, it never auto plays, i have to click play.
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Oct 7, 2009
I have put lots of time and effort in my iweb project. Just got a new computer and installed iweb. Following advice in this forums, I copied the Domain.sites2 dir into my new ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb, but iweb still doesn't recognize my project!! It is as if nothing was there
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Apr 15, 2010
I upgraded my iMac to the new i5 and sold my 24" iMac. Before selling it, I backed everything up with Time Machine. I transferred everything to the i5 and I thought everything was working fine until I tried to open iWeb and it didn't work. If I move my domain file from the iWeb folder, iWeb opens fine and starts from scratch. When I check my website online it is still active as well. How can I get my original domain file to open within iWeb so all is not lost?
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Feb 7, 2009
Upgraded to 09 and tried to publish the existing site. No changes were made. Getting this error (repeatedly(
An error occurred while publishing file �filename�. Try publishing again later.
It's been a different filename every time I have tried it.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a huge file I need to send a bunch of people, but its 150MB, so I was wondering about uploading the file to the FTP and giving a direct link for people to download?My webpage is up already so I know how to use iweb and and cyberduck, but I've yet to figure out to just upload it and send a direct link via FTP url?
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Nov 9, 2010
I accidentally double-clicked on a file named "Domain" which was really a backup file of my Site. My problem is that I had backed up my site a long time ago, after which i have made many changes. Now when I open iWeb it takes me back to the original days of the site. I still have the desired folder in "Sites", but can seem to get in onto iWeb. Is there any way to put my latest site back onto iweb?
I haven't setup time machine, I publish using Easy iWeb Publisher, I don't have have a Mobileme account
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Feb 13, 2009
My old MB got attacked by some tea and died. So now i have a new unibody although the main thing that i have lost from my old MB is my iWeb pages.
I have mobile me, and have the site published to that. How can i download the site to my MB in iWeb format? Iv tried downloading them as HTML but iWeb can't open them.
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May 20, 2009
Here's my situation:I created a site using iWeb '08. Many months passed and I wasn't doing anything with that particular site any longer, so I nuked the pages within iWeb and have since worked on new projects.Now I need to do some work on that old site again.I have all of the created content in a folder that had been stored on my server, but I have nary a clue how to get it all back into iWeb again.
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Feb 15, 2009
I've created a site with a theme in iWeb 08 that has been removed from iWeb 09. I've put a lot of work into customizing the theme, and iLife 09 is currently being shipped to me. In iWeb 09, can I still maintain and build on this site even though the theme is not included anymore? And, if not, is there a way that I can find the theme data in Finder and copy and paste that into the theme data files in iWeb 09?
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Aug 31, 2014
I'm working on a school project in my intro to computer programming class on my new MacBook Pro. I'm using TextEdit, and I can't seem to create the right kind of file. When I save the file as an .html file I can open in a browser as text, but I can no longer open in TextEdit as the original code to edit it.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 10, 2010
I have safari set to open up when I boot up my computer using the login items for my user account.
But when I start up my computer, instead of opening up a window, it starts up safari in the dock, but never actually opens a window. When I click on the icon in the dock the page will open up. Its acting as if I hid(CMD+H) the page. I know safari is open and it loaded the homepage, but the window wont actually open.
I've tried it on two different computers, Macbook pro, mac pro with same issue on both.
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May 17, 2009
I have a CSS file that displays a repeated background. Only problem is, when I open the HTML file(linked with the CSS file to display the background) it doesn't show the background. This only happens when I'm opening the HTML file that is on my computer(local). I uploaded the exact same HTML/CSS files, and the needed images to my web server, then go to the link in my web browser and it displays 100% correct. So I know I haven't done anything wrong, coding wise. I have tried to open the local HTML/CSS files in multiple browsers(Opera, FireFox, Safari), and they all do the exact same thing. They display everything else correct, except there is never a background image. I am using a Mac Pro, with Leopard 10.5.7. Any ideas? Tell me if you need something more explained, or more details.
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Oct 4, 2010
I'm new to a Mac and although I love the mac, I'm having a few issues that I simply can't figure out. trying to create a website locally that eventually I'll FTP to a live site. On the Mac I am using Safari and Firefox. When I bring up the .html file all I see is the code in those browsers. That same code on my pc brings up the website in Safari, Firefox or IE so it's not the code. I'm seeing things about a local server but don't know if that applies to me or not. In the address bar of the browser it says file:///Users/myusername/Documents/Website/TestSite.html where myusername is my actual User Name. I've also now checked web sharing and followed the directions on viewing webpages you put in your Sites folder (which is where I have overwritten the index.html file that came with the Mac) and now that doesn't work either. I'm getting a little frustrated. I'm sure this is a low level question, but I've never used a mac before so this is all new to me.
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Jun 6, 2012
I cannot edit content of html files. I open these files I created in Netscape (then Firefox) in safari and cannot figure out how to open these files so that I can edit the content. I have the TextMood application installed in my Safari.
safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 29, 2014
I have a folder full of HTML files I just imported to my MacBook about a week ago. They have been backed up by my Time Capsule. But when I search for keywords in the contents of them, they do not show up. The file names will show up, but none of the contents (which are mainly text). I have tried to force Spotlight to search only the folder that contains the files, but it does not seem to be searching the HTML files.
Are HTML file contents excluded from Spotlight searches? I seem to have a number of webpages that come in Spotlight for keyword searches that appear to be the result of searching the file contents. So is there a trick to this? Is there some way I can force Spotlight to index this folder? Just not sure why it seems to search the contents of some HTML files and not others.
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May 3, 2009
My hard drive failed a month ago, and I didn't back up. My iWeb website was lost, but still online. I downloaded all the websites contents from the internet with some program I was recommended from here. Now how do I open up my website with the contents in iWeb to edit it?
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Sep 14, 2010
I dont want to publish a website, just transfer its folder onto a thumb drive and use it as an interactive presentation
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