MacBook :: Liquid Spill - Screen Replaced And Whole Computer Diagnosed

Apr 17, 2009

Spilled a vanilla latte all over it about 3 weeks ago. Screen immediately screwed up (lighting issues, pixels....the whole works). Apple wanted $800 flat to "begin" to fix it. If the logic board had one drop of liquid on it, it'd jump to $1240. Sent it to, and got the screen replaced and the whole computer diagnosed - with shipping included - for $325. Arrived today. Looks PERFECT. Kudos to that company. I'm really impressed.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Check For Liquid Spill Damage (Keyboard)

Jan 15, 2010

I've notice the bottom arrow on my arrow keys, located on the bottom right corner of the keyboard doesn't have as springy of a bounce as it once did. About 3 days ago I got the impression it kinda felt a bit sticky. Having a baby brother I'm fearing the worst. The performance of my MBP hasn't changed at all, however having only 4 months left allowed to purchase and extend AppleCare I wouldn't want to buy it for no reason. That and I always like to rest assured my Mac is in pristine condition.

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MacBook Pro :: Mini DisplayPort Stopped Working After Liquid Spill - Options?

Apr 28, 2012

So I spilled a small amount of tea on the left hand side of my MacBook Pro a few weeks ago.  I immediately disconnected the power adaptor, forced shut down and placed the laptop level in a warm, dry area for several days to dry out.  On boot up everything performed normally, and has done since, except that when I tried to connect my laptop to my TV last week, nothing happened.  I use a Mini DisplayPort to VGA adaptor and normal VGA cable to connect to my tv, and have done this many times before with no issues.  The laptop normally automatically recognises that an external display is connected and outputs a video signal - an extended display under OSX Snow Lion, or a mirrored display under Windows 7 Ultimate x64 running in Boot Camp - now literally nothing happens, the laptop does not seem to recognise or react to the fact that the display is connected, and no video signal is output. 

My laptop is covered under AppleCare, but I realise that, as this is almost certainly liquid damage, there is probably little that can be done to have this fixed on my AppleCare.  What are my options?  I don't wish to pay out of pocket for what could potentially be a costly repair, but if there is a possibility to get the Mini DisplayPort working again I would like to explore it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Safari And ITunes Not Loading After Liquid Spill

Apr 26, 2009

So don't ask me how but a beer spilt on my laptop keyboard (ibook g4). Afterwards, I quickly tilted it over and then removed the keyboard and dried it with a blow dryer. I later noticed that the computer shut down by itself bc I don't recall turning it off. Anyway, I got a little impatient/curious after an hour and restarted it. Not the smartest I know. It worked and I ran iTunes and played some music for my guests and then also was surfing the net a little. All was fine. Well we all went outside for a little and when I came back 20 minutes later, the computer had gone into sleep mode but wouldn't respond to keyboard presses so I shut it off for the rest of the night.

Fortunately this morning, the computer turned on fine. However, some of my Mac applications are not working, so far I know that Safari, iTunes and iChat aren't opening but iPhoto and Quicktime are. I think all my other non-Mac apps work fine...So then I tried redownloading iTunes but that didn't work either. I also tried opening a song from my Finder and it wouldnt open in iTunes. Basically the icon loads on the bottom of the screen for a split second and then stops. I have the original software so I guess I could reinstall it but I was wondering if someone knew an easier way? I feel pretty fortunate that my cpu works and at least I can use another browser/music player. Not to mention I can always get a new keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 Had Accidental Liquid Spillage But Still Turns On But The Screen Is Black?

May 26, 2012

It was just an accidental liquid spill, but however my macbook pro has been acting up before all this mishap with the graphics. I thought is was just nothing so I didn't care to bring it to an apple store but when I had to bring it and check it out using the Nvidia video test it presumed a failed video card. The genuius said it will take 2 weeks to be fix until several days later I recieved a call saying it can not be fix due to a foreseen amount of liquid damage. I've spilt other liquid items but wiped it off the keyboard quickly and it still worked. I'm using my MBP right now with an external monitor, it still works fine but with the issue of the screen being pitch black.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Replaced HD But Computer Shut Down On Choosing Install Disc

Jun 9, 2012

replaced hard drive in my macbook and have os 10.6 install disc but the computer keeps shutting down after i choose installation disc?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Air :: Screen With Lines Can Be Replaced By Genius Bar?

Mar 3, 2009

After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.

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MacBook :: Screen Chipped And Scratched - Wants To Replaced

Jul 20, 2009

I am selling my MacBook as I upgraded to a MBP. I was cleaning the screen to pretty it up and realized that the screen was chipped or scratched. I am not sure what to do. It is going to be anywhere from $99-$200 to fix it. Do you think it is worth it? Below are the general specs of the MB:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
Model or Type: MacBook w/ APPLECARE!!
Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook
Model Identifier: MacBook4,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version: 1.31f0
Serial Number: W88114Y20P1
Sudden Motion Sensor:
State: Enabled

Now, I am seeing similar MBs go for $800-$850

I have attached two pictures. Please let me know if you feel it is worth the extra time and investment to get the screen fixed.

full screen

super close up

So, I ask, is it worth the extra money to get it fixed?

Thanks in advance!

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MacBook :: Apple Replaced My MB Late 2007 Screen

Jun 12, 2009

I took my Late 2007 Macbook to the Apple Store to have the screen checked out (there were random burn marks on the screen). They sent it out for repair and when I got it back I noticed the screen was awesomely bright!

Is there anyway to see if they used an LED backlight screen as the replacement? System profiler didn't tell me much.

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MacBook Air :: MBA Replaced Weird Boot Screen Question?

Sep 11, 2009

I had a problem recently where my bezel was falling off and I had problems with keyboard itself. My Applecare more than covered everything and I suspect they may have even given me a refurb Rev. A as a replacement. I am updated to 10.6.1 but everytime the computer restarts I get this weird black screen instead of the standard grey,

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PowerPC :: G4 2nd Time Screen Replaced

Sep 27, 2007

The problem I am having is that lines will appear on my screen at random times (vertical and horizontal), or when I tilt the screen. I had it replaced at the Ginza store after my screen died, then I had it replaced a few weeks ago at the 5th Ave store and it's doing it again, but this time more colors of lines show but vertically and horizontally. In the last replacement the gave me a new screen and a logic board. It was good for about 4 days. Am I doing something wrong? I have read on the forum about people having small lines show, but my whole screen changes. My computer sits on my desk in my room, it never leaves. It's also a last gen 17 inch PowerBook.

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Intel Mac :: Fan Sounds Like A Hairdryer After Screen Has Been Replaced?

Mar 30, 2012

Can someone who's 'up' on imacs give me a steer here.At the beginning of the week, with only a 14 days to go on my 3 year Applecare warranty, I noticed a grey streaky 'misting' on the screen when it was turned off. It was really quite bad.  Called Applecare, who got their servicing company to collect it, screen replaced with no problems.  Got it back today, new screen, looks great.   

So far so good.  Except that the fan is now whirling around and making an incredible noise after about 10 minutes of the machine being turned on.  I'd say it's around 5 times as loud (or hyperactive) as it was before I sent it off for a new screen.  One of the things I turned to the imac for was it's quietness, so this is worse for me than a misty screen, to be honest.  Sounds like a hairdryer. 

Put it this way:  I often listen to music late at night, very low, but now the fan would drown out the sound of the music.  Called Applecare, who are going to get it collected again, but from what I've read in these forums this evening (& I'm no expert) it could be a software related problem (temperature controls and all that...)  I'm not sure that the guy I was talking to at Applecare today quite understood what I was trying to explain, and said it was definitely a hardware problem. I want to call Applecare back on Monday before the mac's collected again to just make sure it has to be carted off again, with a bit of back up info from anybody who might help here. 

imac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Clean Keyboard After Spill

Aug 27, 2010

I accidentally spilled some vitamin water on my macbook pro. Lucky, besides the keyboard getting a little bit sticky, there's no problem with my machine. Is there any easy way to clean the keyboard?

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MacBook Pro :: Delete Key Not Working After Spill

Feb 9, 2012

Spilled coffee on Macbook Pro keyboard and after letting it dry in a bag of rice for over 24 hours, everything appears to be fine except I can't use the delete key. 

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), spill

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MacBook :: Keyboard Damaged After Coffee Spill?

Apr 30, 2012

I spilled coffee on my macbook about a month ago and put it into a bag of rice for a week to try and get the moisture out.. but it had been turned on for a while after it was spilled, so had already done some damage. Basically, the hard drive seems to be completely in tact: all of my files are still there, unharmed, and the screen works perfectly.Only a few of the keys on the keyboard, however, work... basically just the top row, space bar, and enter keys. Also, the mouse pad stll works to move your finger around on, but every time i click with it it acts as if the CONTROL key is being pressed down, and therefore uses a "right-click" function rather than a normal click! this is ok for opening some things?I sm a broke student and am trying to work out how to fix this with the least money possible.. have seen online that you can buy an entire top case for the mac and replace that (my house mates are fairly computer savvy and would be able to d that for me)... but how do i know if this will fix it? could it be something with the logic board instead?  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mac Terminal: Computer Name Replaced With "virus"?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm having an issue where, in my Mac terminal, the space where the computer name is shown is instead replaced with the word "virus". 


Additionally, my internet connection either works terribly or not at all, and this only seems to happen at night. 

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MacBook :: Sticky Spill On Keyboard - Some Buttons Not Working

Jul 25, 2009

I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Backlight Not Working After Small Spill

Aug 6, 2010

I was drinking some tea and bumped into the table the mug was sitting on. A couple of drops splashed out and got on my unibody macbook pro's keyboard. I quickly wiped it off and turned off the computer. I let it sit for a while, but I didn't think anything of it because it was only a few drops. I turned it on and it was fine, however the keyboard's backlight is dim on the right side of the keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: Changed Logic Board After Spill But Will Not Start?

Jun 25, 2012

I have a Mid 2010 MacBook Pro A1286 that I accidentally spilled water in it in my sleep while in Iraq. When I realized what I’ve done the computer had shut down. I picked it up from the ground and it was soaked with water. I didn't try to turn it on, left for about two months to allow it to dry. I was afraid to charge it up but I pushed the power button to see if it will turn on but it didn't. I open the bottom cover and it looks like there was a burned spot on the logic board. My MacBook came with I5 but I replaced it myself with a I7 logic board. To test the hard drive I took it out and put it in and external enclosure and tested it with a window based computer by installing a Macdrive on the windows HP computer and it was working fine. Now I have put my MacBook together and when I powered it up, the apple logo is on the grey screen and a little circle as if is loading up but the nothing happens. I tried that reset trick Command, Option, P and R but it's still doing the same thing.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3), Model - A1286

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MacBook :: Coffee Spill - Still Turns On, But Mouse And Keyboard Are Faulty

Apr 26, 2009

I recently spilled a little bit of coffee on the corner of my MacBook. It didn't get past the F key and only was about three rows of keys. Less than 1/8 cup.

I immediately pulled the power plug and turned it off.

I left it to dry for a day upside down and turned it on. Everything seemed fine, except that after a little while the mouse started to right click on its own and when I typed, it was a combination of letters and numbers.

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MacBook Pro :: Spill Sticky Drink On Trackpad - Not Register Movements

Jan 10, 2010

I've just, rather stupidly, spill a sticky drink on my mid-2009 macbook pro. I've managed to dry some of it off and wipe it down but it is still sticky. Nothing went on the keyboard thankfully, but it all went on the trackpad. Now my trackpad feels all sticky and won't register any movement of my fingers. When it does, it only moves a couple of millimeters on the screen and stops again Also, wherever I click, it only registers the right click. Luckily I managed to attach a bluetooth mouse and use that to switch it off. Also, the mouse seemed to jitter and wander when I am not touching to trackpad. Another thing I noticed is that the performance dropped rapidly when I spill the drink.

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MacBook Pro :: Post-spill, Certain Keys Not Working And/or Typing Non-stop?

Mar 17, 2012

I spilled a bit of milk on my computer this morning and managed to move fast enough to drain most of it. I turned the computer off, and on again, just to make sure that it was running. (I know now I shouldn't have...) I was able to log in, etc. My trackpad was going a bit wonkers, but it's done that before, so I wasn't worried. Turned it off, flipped it over, set it aside. 

A number of hours later, I turned it on again, and now the keys from A-L (ASDFGHJKL) and T-O (TYUIO) aren't working. I require a password, so now I can't log in. I noticed also that some key types non-stop (in the password box) until I press delete, which stops the typing. I've taken off a number of keys and cleaned them, but even if I press the squishy thing underneath, the keys aforementioned don't type. 

Can someone tell me what I can do, if anything, manually before I get an external keyboard? (I won't be going into Apple -- not interested in spending a few hundred+ for cleaning/fixing; my warranty's run itself out.) 

And, as a side question: I'm not sure if my Bluetooth is on. What do I have to do to be able to connect a wireless keyboard? Or do I need to get one with a USB? Or, because I'm logged out, am I completely screwed?


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MacBook Pro :: Liquid Damage - How To Retrieve Data?

Nov 16, 2009

My MacBook Pro suffered from a overdose of some delicious red wine. Apple Care said it needed a new logic board and graphics card (i think that's what it called). I want to sell it as is on eBay. is there a way for me to retrieve pictures and videos from the machine?

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MacBook Air :: Corrosion On The Motherboard From Liquid Damage?

Apr 22, 2010

I sent in my MBA for repair last week to a repair depot, and they say that there is corrosion on the motherboard from liquid damage. The problem with me is that the computer has never had any contact with liquids, especially in the area where the motherboard is. Can anyone show me where the corrosion is on this?

(attached photo is from repair depot)

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MacBook Pro :: Computer's Screen Will Not Turn On Though The Computer Will?

May 13, 2012

I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Sealed Keyboards To Prevent Against Liquid Damage?

Jul 1, 2009

I work at our university support desk, and the other day we had a girl bring her macbook pro in. The twist is that she did not shut her mbp off and carried it over open in a downpour. Needless to say it was absolutely drenched. Fortunately the computer suffered no side affects. I personally have spilled a drink on mine (I proceeded to turn it off and remove the battery) but I suffered no side affects. So out of curiosity, do MBs/MBPs have sealed keyboards to prevent against liquid damage?

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MacBook Pro :: Liquid Indicators Sensitivity - Would Washing The Keyboard Do It

Apr 27, 2010

I'm considering buying a new MBP, and I'm wondering about the chances that washing the keyboard with a little bit of water on a cloth would trip the LSIs. Is there a "safer" way to get rid of dust and the like?

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MacBook Pro :: Get Liquid Between The Aluminum And Plastic Of Apple Logo On Lid?

May 8, 2010

I installed an invisible shield on my macbook pro, and was concerned about how suceptible it may be to get water, or another liquid in the top of the lid via the apple logo? You spray the solution on the shield and then squeegee it around with some force, is it possible to get liquid inside the case via this boundary? Even something like a spray lcd cleaner or a damp cloth? How well sealed is the transition between the aluminum and the plastic of the logo?

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MacBook Pro :: Spilled Liquid On It And Before The Optical Drive Failed?

Mar 16, 2012

Spilled liquid on my Macbook Pro and before the optical drive failed. In the technical service invalidate the warranty? If the optical drive is not damaged by stroke.THE service changes also Housing, Top Case, with keyboard, backlit, W / O-WesternTrackpad Spanish. This change is for the sensors of spills? 

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MacBook Pro :: Typical Cost To Repair Liquid Damage On It?

May 5, 2012

I spilled about a tablespoon of windex onto the keyboard of my 1.66 i7 MBP.  Of course it was on when it happened. I turned it off and flipped it over for a few hours.  I was getting ready to go out of town when it happened so I had to close it up and take it on a plain with me.  When i got to my destination the next day I tried to start it up and it was dead.  I have since read all of the I should have done, but didn't.   

I was looking to get an idea of the different cost scenarios to get it fixed.  Like if it needs a new logic board, etc...  I understand it might be better to get a new computer but I don't have 2800 for another 17'' MBP. 

macbook pro 2.66 i7, Mac OS X (10.6.4), memory 4 GB

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