MacBook Pro :: Liquid Damage - How To Retrieve Data?
Nov 16, 2009
My MacBook Pro suffered from a overdose of some delicious red wine. Apple Care said it needed a new logic board and graphics card (i think that's what it called). I want to sell it as is on eBay. is there a way for me to retrieve pictures and videos from the machine?
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Apr 22, 2010
I sent in my MBA for repair last week to a repair depot, and they say that there is corrosion on the motherboard from liquid damage. The problem with me is that the computer has never had any contact with liquids, especially in the area where the motherboard is. Can anyone show me where the corrosion is on this?
(attached photo is from repair depot)
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Jul 1, 2009
I work at our university support desk, and the other day we had a girl bring her macbook pro in. The twist is that she did not shut her mbp off and carried it over open in a downpour. Needless to say it was absolutely drenched. Fortunately the computer suffered no side affects. I personally have spilled a drink on mine (I proceeded to turn it off and remove the battery) but I suffered no side affects. So out of curiosity, do MBs/MBPs have sealed keyboards to prevent against liquid damage?
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Jan 15, 2010
I've notice the bottom arrow on my arrow keys, located on the bottom right corner of the keyboard doesn't have as springy of a bounce as it once did. About 3 days ago I got the impression it kinda felt a bit sticky. Having a baby brother I'm fearing the worst. The performance of my MBP hasn't changed at all, however having only 4 months left allowed to purchase and extend AppleCare I wouldn't want to buy it for no reason. That and I always like to rest assured my Mac is in pristine condition.
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May 5, 2012
I spilled about a tablespoon of windex onto the keyboard of my 1.66 i7 MBP. Of course it was on when it happened. I turned it off and flipped it over for a few hours. I was getting ready to go out of town when it happened so I had to close it up and take it on a plain with me. When i got to my destination the next day I tried to start it up and it was dead. I have since read all of the I should have done, but didn't.
I was looking to get an idea of the different cost scenarios to get it fixed. Like if it needs a new logic board, etc... I understand it might be better to get a new computer but I don't have 2800 for another 17'' MBP.
macbook pro 2.66 i7, Mac OS X (10.6.4), memory 4 GB
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Sep 23, 2010
Being the poor college kid that I am, and knowing a bit about hardware repair, I've been buying macbooks on craigslist, etc. and reselling them. I just got a Polycarbonate Macbook that had liquid spilled on (she said it was iced tea). It wouldn't turn on so I checked out the logic board and I cleaned it with alcohol although it seemed clean. I noticed during this that the LED on the power adapter was green, though very dim. When I unhooked the cable connecting the upper case, it turned bright green. Basically what I'm wondering and now that I think about it its probably a stupid question, since I have no way of testing this until I buy a new upper case is do you think it's worth it to try and fix or should I sell it?
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Nov 5, 2008
I shut it down, popped out the keyboard and sopped up what I could find. When I started it up again, it started fine but in safe boot mode.
Keyboard is fried, obviously (which is how I got the machine in the first place, from someone who did the exact same thing and bought a new one rather than replace the keyboard), and I'm getting no airport detected and no sound output device detected.
My question is, does this mean the airport and soundcard are fried, or is there something else going on? I need help figuring out what parts to replace other than the keyboard.
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Mar 22, 2010
My problem stems from spilling milk on the keyboard of my mid 2007 white Macbook, and being forced to turn it back on a few hours later because I had to turn assignments in. So, luckily the hard drive and data seem to be fine, but the keyboard has widespread problems of keys not working or phantom sticking. Typing is possible but just too bad for continued use as. What I was wondering is my best option now that I'm here. it seems like my choices are getting my keyboard replaced, using a usb keyboard, or waiting another 24 hours and hoping they dry out, though I'm assuming they're shorted. None of these ideas seem great, and I couldn't find reliable information on how much a Macbook keyboard replacement costs. I'm downright terrible when it comes to disassembling and reassembling computers, but if nothing else is palatable can give it a try. Just looking for the best possible option terms of convenience and cost.
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Dec 10, 2014
I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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May 2, 2012
Can I take the flooded hard drive and transfer my pics and music to my new macbook?
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro Late 2008 Model and have both my Iphone and iPad synced to it.I intend to save all my data from the macbook to a Time Machine and then sell my macbook as I intend to buy a new one this July.
1) would I be able to retrieve all my settings and data from the Time Machine to my new Macbook.
2) Would my iPhone and iPad Sync with the new macbook or would I need to set up a new sync ? I am hoping once I am able to retrieve all my settings and data from Time Machine to the New Macbook both my iPhone and iPad would be able to sync without requiring the need for a new sync setup .
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2012
Can I retrieve data that has been wiped out because I forgot my password? I tried my password 10 times and forgot it and it wiped everything out when I finally remembered my password and logged in. Is there a way to retrieve the data?
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Apr 25, 2012
how i could retreive the data from my 11" air 64gb flash storage module, the main unit was damaged but the memory module was retured by the insurace company and I need to get the pictures of the childern off it can any one help.
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 3, 2014
My macbook suddenly crashed and I had to do a forced shutdown. When I tried to turn it back in, a folder with a question mark kept flashing and by computer did not start. I looked up what might have been the cause of this, and I found out it was my hard drive or the cable that connects the drive to the mac. But I brought it to my school since they have tech support and they said that my hard drive is pretty much dead, but it can still be possible to retrieve the data from. I need to hand in my Extended essay in about one week and I already had done quite a lot for my essay. how to get all my data back, or past it to a new hard drive.
MacBook Pro, Hard drive might be broken
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Sep 2, 2009
Last week I upgraded from my 2003 iMac G4 to the Core 2 Duo 24" iMac. I immediately turned on the new device and the migration assistant prompted me to complete a migration which I did successfully. I then turned my iMac G4 off, carried it downstairs to its new home and tried to turn it on without success. I received the gray screen w/ the gray apple and indicator wheel. It would then turn off (black screen) automatically.
I have restarted in Safe Mode, Single-user Mode and tried to reinstall Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) all without success. At the reinstall, it stated there were "errors installing the software". A log of the problem stated that the "target volume is damaged and cannot be repaired by the installer."
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May 16, 2012
I want to do a data recovery of my 15" MBP that has the flashing folder w/ ? mark in it, to an iMac 21.4"; how can i go about that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm dying to retrieve my info from my old HDD in my MBP but I keep getting all sorts of ideas/advice about the info on the HDD won't be retrievable if there's a BIOS/Firmware password there.... My main focus and concern is all my mp3, avi, jpg, Jpeg files; I care zero for the programs cause I can always get them back...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a 60gb hd from an old powerbook that has photos etc on it that i want to get into my new unibody macbook.
Does anyone know of a cheap adapter so i can plug this in as an external drive?
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Sep 9, 2010
i desperately need your help!!! so i was at a meeting and didn't feel like taking notes, so i took hi-rez photos of the notes my boss prepared for an upcoming presentation we'll be giving at work. i go to my office and transfer all the photos to my macbook air then reformat my usb thumbdrive (it was preselected to microsft something something format), then transfer all my stuff to the 16gb usb drive. the next day i fly here (san diego), i go to my hotel room pop out my thinkpad and windows 7 says that before i can use my usb thumb drive, i need to REFORMAT IT!!! meaning erase all my stuff! what can i do? is there anyway to recover data from it??? is my only option to reformat my usb drive and then hang myself?
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Dec 15, 2009
A few years ago I made a password protected disk image - I've long since forgotten the password. Can I reset it?
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Jun 23, 2010
My MacPro crashed, I've got a lot of files on there that I wanted to retrieve. I'm using Data Rescue 3 & its got to 97.44% complete, but it has been stuck on 97.44% for over 10 hours, is this normal?
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Jul 9, 2010
On my G4 I noticed the ? momentarily on start up, so I was going to boot from the disc to make a repair. The icon for the disc wouldn't come up on the desktop. Put a music CD in, didn't work. Was going to try to boot from 9.2 and now all I get is the floppy with the question mark. I've tried to get it to boot from the CD, (no luck) tried all I know to at least get it to boot up somewhere without luck. Broke down and bought a new imac, (it was time) and tried to retrieve my files and such from Mozy, but some critical ones are missing. Is there anyway to retrieve the data from my old hard drive, say take it out and go to the Apple store later today?
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Mar 8, 2008
I'm leaving it even later than most to retrieve some old data. I have some Quark 3.32 (I think) files that were DDd in 98-99 and I'd like to retrieve them. As these are essentially text files I'm not in the slightest bothered about how they appear but if I can get the words back it would be marvellous. I've seen people suggesting DDexpand.sea but that doesn't seem to help. I have OSX and not Classic or OS9 or anything like that - have I left it too late? The material is not sensitive so even if I could send a couple of files to someone to extract that would be wonderful
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Mar 26, 2012
I am trying to download (?) my pictures and data from my verizon droid x to my laptop. Haven't been able to get the media manager to work w/ mac so bought a card reader and same problem - can't find pics now. How to copy pics to mac so I can clear my full memory card?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2012
Some how through interacting through my iMac file system via PlayStation3 Media Server and my Macbook Pro, the permissions on my Movies folder were what I can only describe as totally nuked and I can no longer access my data. There are no longer any permissions associated with my movies folder in my user's home directory. Accordingly, I cannot access the large volume of movies (all law fully copied from hard copies which I own, of course) via local disk acess or over the network through my Playstation 3 or by mounting my user volume onto my Macbook Pro. I did change the owner via the terminal and the chown command but while the directory comes up when I look at the permissions using root access, when navigating through the finder I still cannot access the data in the folder.
I would like to try to get my movies back.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 25, 2012
My MacBook has suffered damage (spilled drink) and although I've allowed it to dry out in a warm place for 5 days, it is unresponsive. Can I rescue the data from the hard drive?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 31, 2005
I lost some very important data last night and was wondering if there's anyway to retrieve it. I had copied it from a textarea box in a webpage at one point to my clipboard. Is there anyway that I can see clipboard history or view a cache file from Safari that will have the data I had copied?
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Jun 30, 2012
how do i retrieve data from my external hard drive?
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Dec 11, 2014
Had to switch to a new machine and lost all application data..I have a backup on external HD but it is Mavericks and I am Yosemite. All I want is the info from the Notes application on my backup.Any way I can connect external HD and just grab the data stored within Notes application on the backup?
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Dec 4, 2008
I have a 10gb hard drive off the original iBook that had to be replaced. I'm wondering if I can buy an enclosure (or some other setup) in order to transfer the data to my new MBP.
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