Just wondering if apple will help me clean the dust under my Macbook Aluminum screen. I thought that I had dead pixels but rather its dust that is sitting in between the lcd panel. I have apple care as well.
What's the best way of wiping dust off a glossy screen, and generally keeping it clean? I'm hesitant to use just a soft cotton cloth in case it creates static, thus attracting even more dust.
A few months ago, i noticed what looked like a streak across the screen, but it wasnt on the outside, it was on the under side of the glass. Now, the streak is very visible esp in natural lighting. Its not noticable at night, because the screen light shines through it making it invisible.
It looks like dust? But im not 100% sure, but it has a directional pattern which leads me to believe its being causes by the inner fans of the system, and that there are some gaps where the air flow is constant. Also, the streak is in the upper left hand corner mostly (no where on the bottom poritions). Im assuming that the place holder at the top-backside of the iMac, for the exhaust fans to expell the heat from within, is what is causing this air flow.
I've corrupted the preference panel for .Mac in my 10.4 installation. Does anyone know where I can get the .prefs app to reinstall for it so I can get that page in Preferences up again? I don't want to reinstall the whole thing!
I have been noticing dust accumulating under the screen of my 2010 13" MBP. What should I do? Is there anything that can be done without having to send it in to apple? I just cleaned the glass panel on the outside, so I could take a picture to prove the dust below the surface. It is in the top section of the screen...
Edit: Here is a video proving that it is under the glass overlay (click on it to see it):
So I bought my mbp about a month ago and I've been taking care of it as if it was my newborn. Thats a bit of an exaggeration but I do carry my ipod cleaning cloth with me and I am constantly wiping off smudges on the body and screen. I've started to notice some spots that I can't clean off the screen. It seems like dust is getting under the screen. This is the same thing that happened to my ipod touch and now there is lots of dust under the screen.
I've just got a new macbook and it's awesome, really feels like a well built notebook. I have 3-4 specs under my screen, there not dead pixels so I'm 99% sure there specs of dust. Now I'm curious, are all the new Macbooks gonna have a few specs or not? I don't know whether to take it back for a new one or live with it. If most Macbooks are going to have the odd spec I will just hang on to it and get over it. But if most of the owners on here have 100% perfect screens, I'll get it exchanged.
I just switched to a Mac after filing at $21,000 lawsuit against Dell. Maybe two weeks into my purchase of and Aluminium MacBook, I spot something that looks like dust under my screen. I have tried scratching and nothing is there, as well as glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. But it doesn't appear to be a dead pixel, as it's there when the screen/MacBook is turned off. It even looks like it's under the screen. It's in the middle horizontally, but more towards the left of the screen, yet still enough to be prominent.
Well when I turn my screen off then I get a clearly visible 'thing' on my screen. The reason why I call it a 'thing' is because I have no idea what it is and how it got there. Can't I be something 'pitched' my screen and the back ledscreen cracked? Because I don't think dust can get behind the glass, both the behind screen and the glass have this "thing". It's luckily not big, may be 2 mm2. I got applecare so I guess apple will fix this for me? right? But it is kinda silly that ill have to lose my macbook for 3 weeks just for that little thing, but I'll have to because I can't clean it myself I guess.
I just got a mid 2010 13 inch macbook pro in the mail about a week and three days ago. Couple of days after doing some work with it, I noticed a little fiber (dust) approx. 1 centimeter long that is lying underneath the glass cover for the display. Anyways, I called up AppleCare, and the support adviser told me that she could either replace it, repair it, or just give me my money back. I certainly don't want a replacement, since most of my software cannot be installed on multiple machines without having to deal with the developers directly.
So my only options are to either get it repaired, or deal with it. Since the repairs would be free, it is what I'm leaning towards doing, but I have read some cases where people send their gear in to Apple to get dust removed, only to get it back with more dust, or even worse: they replace the display entirely, and it happens to contain dead pixels! Also, over time, even if your display is perfect when you first get it, do these displays tend to get dust behind them anyway? (if that makes sense.)
I was wondering whether trash and dust can damage the ports in the side of a MBP(or any laptop), let's say, if I'm using a Speck case around my macbook pro and put it inside my backpack, can the USB, Eternet, and so forth get damage in any way by the dust and small trashes(little bits of paper, things like that).
i have noticed for a while now and i keep getting dust and dirt under my keys, i can only see this when the backlit keyboard is on and it is the only thing i can notice when using my macbook pro? is there anyting i can use to clean it?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I own a iPhone 4S
It seems one of the defect possibilities of the new manufacturing process is that the new Macbooks or Macbook Pros can get dust trapped behind the glass screen. At least, that's what happened to my Macbook. So they let me return it, and I got a Macbook Pro, and now the new Macbook Pro, though a thing of beauty, has a bright dead pixel in the top middle screen, as well as a dimmer dead pixel 2 inches to the left of that one. I heard that Apple's dead pixel policy was three dead pixels or no deal on an exchange, but I just bought the computer a few hours ago. Do you think I have a shot at them replacing it? I hate to think of staring at this, (bright) dead pixel for three years, (not to mention the other dimmer dead pixel).
I have a mid-2009 MacBook Pro 13' 2.53 GHz, and it's been getting hotter a lot more quickly, and a lot more often then since I got it. I opened it up and saw a lot of dust in there. I didn't have any compressed air in the house at the time, but i'm also concerned about messing something up.
My MBP 5,1 has been a rock solid machine save for a flaky optical drive, but it had been getting extremely hot, especially while gaming. I mean >90 C hot. So today I opened it up to be greeted by a colossal amount of dust and fuzz. Took it outside and thoroughly blew it out; then removed some enormous dust bunnies from each fan housing with a toothpick. Now it's much cooler; I can game all day and never peak above 80 C even on the 9600m GT graphics. So, if you've had your MBP a while and it's running hot, blowing the dust out might do the trick!
So I bought a Macbook Pro 15" i5 at the weekend and it arrived this morning. This is my first ever Mac, but I followed the battery calib etc., before playing. I turned it on, set everything up and found something that stood out like a sore thumb on the screen (and I'm always on white background forums/websites). At first I thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, called Apple and they told me to take it to an authorised dealer to do some tests on it. However, I turned the screen off and looked, and it's definitely a spec of dust under the glass! This is my first Mac and this is not a good experience so far. What were Apple's QC unit doing? Shall I take it to the AD to have a look at it, and what do you think they will do? Or shall I ring Apple again in the morning? It's currently 11:15pm here in UK. I bought it under Higher Education discount, so I guess if i return it for a refund, I won't be able to buy any other Pro?
So I was cleaning off my new Macbook Pro (a month old) the other day and noticed one spot wouldn't clean, I figured it may have been something stuck on there so I tried a little harder with no luck. I must of missed it, but there's a little piece of white dust (about 1px or so in size) behind the glass . I'm going to try to ignore it, but it's a little hard when you're as OCD about your electronics as I am, whenever I turn on my Mac it seems that my eyes drift over there. It isn't even that bad in my opinion, when I sit at a normal distance it's nearly unnoticeable, it's only when I look for it that I can see it.
I have only had my Macbook for about a week now and I noticed that when my screen is black I can clearly see a TON of little specks all over the screen.I found out that these are most likely dead pixels or dust under the glass.
1. Is it normal for my screen to have this many dead pixels after only a week of having it? (I bought it brand new from the store.)
I've had a few bad experiences with Apple in the past- namely, going to their Sydney Apple Store to get my logic board repaired, but came out with a scratched bottom case that the Genius couldn't replace. Anyway, six months have passed and my screen has dust underneath it. My speakers have 'blown', well, not really, but they sound very cheap now. My graphics card has also gone a bit wonky. Do you think they'll replace my Macbook Pro this time?
Any way to get rid of it. I know its a far fetched thing to ask, but I figured I would give it a shot. I noticed it a few days ago and now I cant stop seeing it. Also, do any of you guys know of a non matte fingerprint resistant screen protector? I looked into it a little bit more. Turns out it might be a dead pixel. I have applecare. I was wondering what they will do. Will they replace my screen, give me a refurbished 09 model, or give me a brand new computer?
I got my unibody MacBook right after they came out, probably Oct (?) 2008. I was gonna buy the AppleCare but didn't and now, there are huge chunks of dust smack in the middle of my screen. Any tips on what to do? I went to the Apple Store at the Mall of America and the Genius was a total dick, saying since it was past warranty, even though it's a manufacturing defect I have to pay to get it fixed. I live in Chicago so I didn't want it fixed there anyway, I wanted to see what they'd do.
I remember my gf has the white plastic one and when the plastic at the bottom was cracking they replaced it way after warranty since it was a known defect. Won't they do that for me too? I'm fully prepared to go in and raise total hell if necessary.
I have an older MacBook Pro now and it seems to suck air from the top below the screen and out the sides. With the new MBP if I have my computer on a desk etc it will collect from the bottom on both sides. Thus collecting more dust and blowing it out towards the screen. This would cause more dust build up on the compents inside the computer and on the screen.
Just weeks after buying my new unibody MacBook Pro in late December 2008, I noticed a few dust specks. I was in Shanghai (where there were no Apple Stores), so I waited a few weeks until I was supposed to go to Sydney.
When I arrived in Sydney, I booked a Genius Bar appointment. After the Genius inspected the screen and attempted to wipe the screen with some iKlear, he told me that he would check if there were any new screens and that if there were, he would replace it today.
So, I waited for about four hours for the repair, then came at the time he told me to collect it. I waited for another two hours, as the Genius also found out that my AirPort Card was faulty, so they were going to replace that as well.
It was about ten o'clock at night when I got back my MBP with a new screen. I thought everything was all right, until I found out that the person who repaired my screen had misaligned the top and bottom, so the bottom stuck out 2mm, or rather, the screen was sunk back 2mm. I couldn't go back to the store the next day, since I was bound to go back to Shanghai early next morning since I had school on Monday (I'm a student).
After about two weeks with the new screen, I noticed that the hinge had gotten noticeably looser, and when I moved it, it wobbled back and forth for a few seconds. Then, a week from then on, I noticed a dust speck in the lower left corner. I also had one in the center of the screen. The summer holidays were in two months, so I decided to just hold on for a little longer.
Since the summer holidays have rolled around, I'm going back to Sydney in July. Do you think that Apple would replace my screen the second time?
EDIT: I also found out that my MBP has some type of problem. It is extremely dependent on the battery, and I have to plug in the charger, or it shuts down instantly (or in a few minutes). After the crash, the battery lights would blink on and off (all of the lights). I'd have to remove the battery cover, pull out the battery, put back the battery, close the battery cover and plug in the charger so that the lights would revert back to the normal lights.
I went to a dealer in Shanghai about it and they told me that it might be the battery's problem, so I got a new battery for testing out, but then the computer shut down after about one hour of usage. I'm almost definitely sure that it is the logic board's problem, and do you think that Apple would replace my logic board for free? (I have never dropped my MBP, or have any reason for it to suddenly turn faulty.)
I have a Macbook Pro 15.4" (Model: A1211). The LCD screen is broken and Iam trying to replace it. The original panel that came with the laptop was AU Optronics (BP154W01 V.1) with native resolution of 1440x900. Since I could not get the same panel, I ordered the LG Philips, LP154W02 B1 K2, model with a native resolution of 1680x1050.
Now, when I powerup the laptop the screen remains dark and the machine does not boot up. PS: With the damaged LCD connected, I connected the laptop to an external display and everything works perfectly.
Want to use CD sharing on my MacBook Air. In System Panel "sharing" the option CD/DVD is not listed, so can't activate the option. How to get this option in "sharing"?
I usually don't complain about stuff but I noticed last night on my MBP (one below) that I have some light leakage on the left and right side of the panel. When I have a dark wallpaper you can defiantly notice it.