MacBook Air :: 10.7.4 Caused Massive Performance Drop
May 11, 2012
Since updating, my computer is barely usable. Geekbench score fell from ~5400 to ~ 2300, so it's not just my imagination. I was exporting video and the processor didn't even feel warm, but Activity Monitor reported that it was giving it all the power it had. Anybody else seen this? I'm on a 13" mid 2011 Air with the i7 nad 256GB SSD.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2010
I've had my macbook 13.3 unibody for about 2 months, and lately I've noticed a huge drop in battery life. I started with being able to have 3 - 5 hours of continuous battery. But now at full charge I get 1 1/2 - 2 hours continuous.
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Dec 11, 2010
I have been struggling with my Mac for weeks and weeks and before I finally decide to reinstall everything I wanted to turn to you experts for maybe the one hint that can resolve my problem: I have a 13 inch MBPro, mid 2010, basic version. Later I installed the WD Scorpio Blue 1 TB hard drive and copied the time machine backup. Shortly after, I recognized massive lags. I have quiet a few photos (3000 or so), 20gb of music and 40gb of films on this drive but only a few programs. Adium, Steam, Starcraft, MS Office, Skype, Growl and that is it I think. I use mobileme for synching, if that helps in any way.
Some examples: Sometimes youtube videos lag for a few seconds, even with HTML5, it takes 5 seconds to open a new tab in sapharie (again, only sometimes without any obvious rule)..................
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Dec 10, 2010
MBP 2.4ghz (MBP4,1)
4gb ram, geforce 8600m gt
Before the update I was gaming perfectly fine on pretty much Medium - High settings. The only game I have been playing lately is HON - Heroes of Newerth. Everything ran exactly as it should and I never had any problems. However, a couple of days ago I booted up the game and tried to play and noticed my FPS dropped by a lot. I even tried cranking down everything to low, and all it does is make everything pixelated, but my fps does not move at all.
I then realized the day before, I ran Software Update and ended up bumping up to 10.6.5. I honestly cannot think of what other reason in why performance would drop. I ran both a disk permission repair and a verify disk repair. Ran onyx to do a clean up scan. Flash online, video files, music, everything else I have tested is performing as it should. Anyone else having issues with the recent osx patch?
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Aug 23, 2009
I've had my brand new 13" MBP with 128GB SSD for a month or so and love it. However in the last day, performance has dropped dramatically while watching video. I was on Hulu watching a high-res show, and about 15 minutes in, it started getting very choppy -- audio was OK, but video performance dropped. I quit, restarted, tried again, same problem immediately. System load was around 2.79. I tried in both Safari and Firefox, no dice. YouTube seems to have dropped now as well (I'm playing a video in another tab now, and again the audio is great but the video is choppy). I'm currently hooked up to a 22" LCD through the DVI output (the laptop itself is closed).
Is this normal? I mean I've got 4GB of RAM and 2.53GHz CPU with a solid-state disk! There should be 0 latency and this dual-core beast should tear through video no problem, and here I am closing off iTunes and other apps to try to spare some CPU (this doesn't work though). I've even switched to standard-res for both hulu and youtube but it's not much better. I am shocked that a brand new 2.53GHz CPU with 4GB can't handle this. I also installed and am now running Hulu Desktop to try to get better performance. The really weird thing is a week ago I was a on a flight chewing through YouTube while on Skype and using Entourage and iTunes all at the same time, and it was blazing fast. Now I'm crawling along like an old 1.6GHz with 512MB RAM. WTF, mate?
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Mar 17, 2009
I am not sure if it only my macbook, but I notice a slight performance drop when I run on the battery v the AC. I notice that my application load slower, folders open slower and expose and spaces response is also slow as well.
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Jul 27, 2010
My macbook was running at basic, normal speed, nothing too serious for a year-old laptop, but suddenly one day, my performance dropped sharply, to the point where it would take up to ten minutes to attempt to get to a page, and songs would freeze for about a minute about 3 times per song in iTunes. It all started when I attempted to import a CD into iTunes (it was downloaded onto my HD, not imported directly from a CD), and I got the message "attempting to copy to the disk macintosh hd failed. The disk could not be read from or written to." About this time, my computer started acting unusually slow, (the problems mentioned above).
I did some looking into this, and did both suggestions listed here (Disk permission repair, then manual iTunes folder permissions change):
After this my problems were eased for a little bit, I was even able to import the folder I had been unable to import earlier. But I tried then to import the very next CD (it was an 8-CD set), and then I got the same error. Thinking it was possibly a problem with a corrupted/infected file, so I ran a scan through my whole computer (using McAfee), which didn't return any problems. Then, on top of this, my mac suddenly stopped burning CDs, saying that the CD failed because of a "medium write error."
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Sep 3, 2009
After upgrading to Snow Leopard on my brand new MBP, I have taken notice of a definitive perf drop in OpenGL, particularly when I make use of switching windows via Spaces. The transition between windows skips and is not a smooth animation.
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Jun 14, 2010
so i have 65.7 GB of files im about to put in the trash and delete. will my mbp be just as new as it was before the 65.7 GB got put onto it?? or will there be bits and pieces of the file left behind, hence not being 100% clean like it used to be before i put the 65.7 GB file onto it.
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Jun 21, 2009
So the power cord coming out of the AC adapter to the Magsafe melted and almost started a fire. There is about an inch selection where all I can see now is the metal wiring underneith, all the insulation is off. Is this covered under AppleCare? Since it was smoking and almost caused a fire, would this have harmed my MacBook Pro? I'm lucky that when I returned home nothing was damaged. How do I document this? What's protocol on issues such as this? This has never happened to me before.
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Feb 5, 2012
My Macbook Pro is running slugishly. Sometimes I request a HELP dialog box and it never appears or it appears blank. Sometimes applications don't work. I went to Disk Repair and ran a VERIFY on disk permissions. There were a thousand of permissions that were not correct. Mostly they were from EPSON and from AIR PORT UTILITIES.
There was one warning: Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
I installed Rosetta Stone recently. Most of the AIR PORT UTILITIES are language related (French, Spanish, English). Should I repair my permissions? I wouldn't want my printer or Rosetta Stone or something worse to stop working because I repaired my Hard Disk permissions.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Kingstons 32 Gig Thumb Drive
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Jul 2, 2012
There is a lot going on about the new macbook pro retina and stuttering/scroll lag. I'm also experiencing this problem and i've found out that if you remove adobe flash from your pc the stuttering / scroll lag in safari is almost gone completely.
If you have Adobe Flash installed and scroll down to the comments the browser starts stuttering and everything gets sluggy.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 21, 2010
So I took my MBP into the apple store today and explained that my original hard drive was showing as failing after my two momentus xt drives were apparently failing as well. He said it was really strange and hooked up the drive to their external interface and low and behold there was no errors on the drive. He said it's most likely being caused by IO errors due to a bad SATA cable or possibly logic board. We had my MBP sent in for testing. So basically if you see SMART failing status it may not be the drive after all.
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Apr 28, 2008
I am using the first generation Mac Pro, and I wanted to ask some questions related to SATA HDD and The Raid configuration. I currently have 4 HDDs in the internal bay and 2 external in the enclosure using the USB2 connection. The performance is not that great, and I am sick of adding more HDDs through USB2 which offers really slow performance. I was thinking of building a dedicated NFS File Server using Linux, but before I did that, I wanted to ask if there are solutions out there within Apple Mac Pro without going through this route.
I currently have 6 and probably need to buy 3 more in very short time period. also, all of my HDDs are 750g. Simply put, I am wondering if there are like 16 or 24 port SATA Raid Controller that I can buy for MacPro. Since the MacPro can't house all of them inside, I need to use external enclosures for some of these HDDs, connected through eSATA or whatever means possible without jeopardizing the performance. I am also interested in Raid 5 setup, so, that support in raid card is mandatory.
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Sep 20, 2010
When I have a compilation album, I like to keep it all as one album in iTunes and especially on my iPod. Traditionally I would copy the artist name into the song name, so it was "Artist - Song" and then change the artist name to the name of the compilation. That way, on my Ipod, I would scroll through artists, get to the compilation and play it all from there, meaning I wouldn't have a whole load of new artists, each with one song.
However, I just got a 6 CD compilation album.. 150 or so tracks. I don't want to individually rename every song this time, but I want it all to be under one Artist in iTunes (preferably). Is there any way to maybe select all of them and switch the artist for the album artist? Or is there another way to do all this that would allow me to have it all appear as one artist, but not have to rename each track individually?
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Mar 20, 2012
previously I would use Safari and have google images return search results. I would have hundreds of images and now for some reason without changing preferrences of any kind will only recieve maybe a dozen of images.The scroll bar seems to want to have massive results and as if page just wont load all results.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), safari 5.0.6
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May 1, 2012
I have a issue where I get the spinning beach ball of death and it lasts for about 20-30 secs, but I get this every 4-5 mins..I have used CleanMyMac to remove all the crap and run all the cleaning and maintence tasks on Onyx to clear the computer up; to be fair it is kept very clean most of the time anyway.I have checked the hard drive and corrected all permissions as well as verifying the drive itself.I have run a Memtest 2 pass on the RAM and had no errors.Both of these were done in single user mode from boot using the Terminal.I am running a 2009 Mac Mini with a 2.6 Core2Duo, 6Ghz RAM, 160GB SSD drive. It is plugged in via the mini display port to an HD Tv and connected through the optical port to an amp for audio. I am using the wireless bluetooth Mac keyboard and Magic Mouse.
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Sep 1, 2009
"More from the irresponsible speculation department.. but IMHO more logically reasoned in this instance: Leander Kahney over at Cult of Mac just found a ridiculously huge virtual keyboard in Snow Leopard.
Located in System Preferences, it serves the same function as it did under Leopard, but is much larger. There's no reason I can think of why one would need a huge virtual keyboard just to show them what happens when you press the option key.
I find this fairly persuasive evidence of hooks being set in the OS for a touchscreen Mac, though I am aware of my bias, being on record as an iTablet fanboi. So take this, as every piece of speculation, with a grain of salt."
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May 17, 2010
My sister walked by my macbook pro and stepped on the magsafe cord thats supposed to stop the computer from falling to the floor, SOMEHOW it didn't and now I have a big scratch on the back of the screen, Would apple fix it because the MagSafe didnt detach?
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Sep 9, 2007
I'm a complete noob when it comes to Pages (iWork'05), and I'm editing my first newsletter which is supposed to go out to 300 people by e-mail. However, when I export it to pdf, the file size is 22.8mb! For 6 pages!
I've chosen the Extreme newsletter template (red one), and I have 6 pages in total. The only reason I can think of why it's so big is that when i drag and drop photos into the photo-boxes, the image isn't scaled down at all, not even when I export it to pdf. Is that right? It's only about 1 or 2 photos per page, and I have two pages with three small photos and a larger photo at the bottom. Anyone got some insights?
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Dec 2, 2008
I was given a disk full of fonts today, which I installed using fontbook...As I'm visiting various sites, I notice some fonts looking strange...well I soon realize flash text is now showing up in this crazy font as shown in the screen shot from youtube. This happens with all flash content, not just videos.I'm assuming some default font was overwritten? Does anyone know which one? Any ideas on how to restore the old font?
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Mar 14, 2012
This is the second time I've installed the 10.7.3 update, causes about a minute delay connecting to my 10.6.8 server. Happens on another Mac as well. have to resotre from the backup again. Clients are really getting tired of Apple's inconsistency, paradigm shifts and Microsft-esque software glitches.
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Jun 22, 2014
Noticed i was uploading at high speed (8MB/s) constantly. So i check activity monitor, and kernel_task is uploading huge amount of data, so far 20+gb this morning...
I'm not getting a massive CPU usage (10-15%).
Tried restarting, just starts up again after a couple of minutes.
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Aug 30, 2009
I'm not writing this to simply stir-up the fan boys, I'm saying it because SL is the final straw for me - I've had enough!I did a clean erase and install of Leopard, took some notes then installed SL. my boot time went UP from 25.5 secs to 34 secs and im not sure that I gained any disk space (I know it's now calculating it differently).
As a casual user I can't see any improvements in speed or useability, Mail still takes ages to shut down and iphoto has already crashed twice. Add this to the fact that this year I've also bought a MBP with a glossy screen that I didn't want (but had no choice) and after not upgrading to the iPhone 3G so I could wait for the 'next big thing' they bring out the 3GS (yawn) meaning I'll have essentially the same phone for at least 4 yrs. And the iPods due out - what's their big new feature? A camera. Wow. Where is Apple's innovative flair? I'm so, so disappointed in everything Apple over the last year - I don't hold much hope for the tablet.
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Oct 30, 2010
I've just received new entry level Mac Pro. I used an iMac 27 up to now and, and probably for this reason, My Mac Pro seems noisy. A part of the HDD noise, the main noise source seems to be the fans. What I wan' t to ask you is: If I replace the GPU with a passively cooled card I can reduce the noise substantially? or noise is caused by the system fans and not from the GPU fans?
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Jun 16, 2012
Power cut caused iMac name change. How do I resolve this?
Time Capsule
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Jul 1, 2012
Have been having problems with my iMac hanging which I think is caused by Safari. Safari (5.1.7 )will be working OK and then hang with the spinning wheel. Am then unable to quit and finder hangs in turn and I end up doing a restart with the power button. Have 1 external hard drive attached which is partitioned for Time Machine backup and iTunes library.In attemt to address problem I have previously erased my iMac and reinstalled all software (from new rather than from Time Machine backup) and then reinstalled user files (but not application library files in case any of these were corrupted. Problem is common to all users.
Last log looks like this: 01/07/2012 16:39:31 SecurityAgent[1525] User info context values set for ian01/07/2012 16:39:31 SecurityAgent[1525] Login Window Showing Progress01/07/2012 16:39:31 SecurityAgent[1525] Login Window done01/07/2012 16:39:31 /System/Library/CoreServices/[15
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 30, 2012
Any application I install on my MacBook Pro gives the message "The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance" What can I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 16, 2009
The other day the electricity to the house was turned off with Itunes running on my computer. Im running a G5 Mac OSX version 10.4.11 if that helps. When i turned the computer back on it read itunes library corrupt and the only option it gave was to press 'OK'.
Out of 8000 or so songs, 3000 remain in the library. There are some songs on the hard drive under 'Music' which is some of the missing songs but not sure if its all of them
My question is, is there any way possible way to restore my itunes library back to its state prior to the power out? restoring all playlists and everything!
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Dec 12, 2014
As soon as I enabled file vault my Mac became unusable, with the cursor being stuck on the loading icon. I left it like this for many hours thinking it was just the encryption process after coming back to my mac the next day it was still like this so I decided to shut it off. After shutting it off I tried turning it back on again. The apple logo appears with a loading bar at the bottom. It loads slowly before getting half way and stopping to show a black screen with a white circle and a line through it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.2
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