MacBook Pro :: 10.6.5 Update Drop Gaming Performance?
Dec 10, 2010
MBP 2.4ghz (MBP4,1)
4gb ram, geforce 8600m gt
Before the update I was gaming perfectly fine on pretty much Medium - High settings. The only game I have been playing lately is HON - Heroes of Newerth. Everything ran exactly as it should and I never had any problems. However, a couple of days ago I booted up the game and tried to play and noticed my FPS dropped by a lot. I even tried cranking down everything to low, and all it does is make everything pixelated, but my fps does not move at all.
I then realized the day before, I ran Software Update and ended up bumping up to 10.6.5. I honestly cannot think of what other reason in why performance would drop. I ran both a disk permission repair and a verify disk repair. Ran onyx to do a clean up scan. Flash online, video files, music, everything else I have tested is performing as it should. Anyone else having issues with the recent osx patch?
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm looking to improve my gaming performance. I run The Sims 3, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2 and a few other games natively on my MacBook Pro 13". By no I means do I care for getting unrealistically high performance, but I would like to know how an SSD would effect gaming performance. Would it give a notable increase in terms of FPS? or responsive?
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Jun 4, 2012
I have a 13" mid '09 MacBook Pro. How do I improve it's graphic performance for gaming? I have version 10.7.4. On my buddies system he can go to system prefrences > Energy Saver > Optomize for better graphic performance, but I don't have this option...
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Aug 23, 2009
I've had my brand new 13" MBP with 128GB SSD for a month or so and love it. However in the last day, performance has dropped dramatically while watching video. I was on Hulu watching a high-res show, and about 15 minutes in, it started getting very choppy -- audio was OK, but video performance dropped. I quit, restarted, tried again, same problem immediately. System load was around 2.79. I tried in both Safari and Firefox, no dice. YouTube seems to have dropped now as well (I'm playing a video in another tab now, and again the audio is great but the video is choppy). I'm currently hooked up to a 22" LCD through the DVI output (the laptop itself is closed).
Is this normal? I mean I've got 4GB of RAM and 2.53GHz CPU with a solid-state disk! There should be 0 latency and this dual-core beast should tear through video no problem, and here I am closing off iTunes and other apps to try to spare some CPU (this doesn't work though). I've even switched to standard-res for both hulu and youtube but it's not much better. I am shocked that a brand new 2.53GHz CPU with 4GB can't handle this. I also installed and am now running Hulu Desktop to try to get better performance. The really weird thing is a week ago I was a on a flight chewing through YouTube while on Skype and using Entourage and iTunes all at the same time, and it was blazing fast. Now I'm crawling along like an old 1.6GHz with 512MB RAM. WTF, mate?
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May 11, 2012
Since updating, my computer is barely usable. Geekbench score fell from ~5400 to ~ 2300, so it's not just my imagination. I was exporting video and the processor didn't even feel warm, but Activity Monitor reported that it was giving it all the power it had. Anybody else seen this? I'm on a 13" mid 2011 Air with the i7 nad 256GB SSD.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 17, 2009
I am not sure if it only my macbook, but I notice a slight performance drop when I run on the battery v the AC. I notice that my application load slower, folders open slower and expose and spaces response is also slow as well.
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Jul 27, 2010
My macbook was running at basic, normal speed, nothing too serious for a year-old laptop, but suddenly one day, my performance dropped sharply, to the point where it would take up to ten minutes to attempt to get to a page, and songs would freeze for about a minute about 3 times per song in iTunes. It all started when I attempted to import a CD into iTunes (it was downloaded onto my HD, not imported directly from a CD), and I got the message "attempting to copy to the disk macintosh hd failed. The disk could not be read from or written to." About this time, my computer started acting unusually slow, (the problems mentioned above).
I did some looking into this, and did both suggestions listed here (Disk permission repair, then manual iTunes folder permissions change):
After this my problems were eased for a little bit, I was even able to import the folder I had been unable to import earlier. But I tried then to import the very next CD (it was an 8-CD set), and then I got the same error. Thinking it was possibly a problem with a corrupted/infected file, so I ran a scan through my whole computer (using McAfee), which didn't return any problems. Then, on top of this, my mac suddenly stopped burning CDs, saying that the CD failed because of a "medium write error."
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Sep 1, 2010
I know there have been threads about this topic already, but I haven't found a single one that suits me. I just purchased a new i7 and want some framerates and a decent idea of what to expect when I get home and start using this bad boy. I don't do any real heavy gaming - mostly just old school titles...quake 3, counterstrike, escape velocity (kidding). I plan on playing some starcraft 2 and was mostly curious if I would be able to run the game on utlra at native res. What sort of framerates are you all seeing with sc2?
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Sep 3, 2009
After upgrading to Snow Leopard on my brand new MBP, I have taken notice of a definitive perf drop in OpenGL, particularly when I make use of switching windows via Spaces. The transition between windows skips and is not a smooth animation.
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May 10, 2010
How much does the resolution bump affect gaming..being that the GPU is the same in each?
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Apr 18, 2012
Drag and Drop not working since last software update - this is occuring on Outlook for the mac and I just tried moving an icon on the doc and the same thing occured. YOu can drag but the items will not drop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 3, 2010
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
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Oct 17, 2009
Has anyone else noticed their MBP running slightly hotter since the recent performance upgrade?
My MBP's CPU was previously idling at about 37C, and is suddenly idling at anything between 44-50C, seemingly for no reason (no extra processes running that I'm aware of, and no changes in general usage), and hasn't dropped below 42C in days. I realise this isn't hot, by a long shot, but it's a pretty noticeable increase from my previous idling temperatures, so I'm naturally a bit curious.
I've cleaned out the vent with compressed air (though the MBP is very new, so I wasn't expecting much effect), and that predictably did nothing to bring the temperature back down to its former average... so I'm wondering now if there's something in the performance upgrade that makes the CPU run a little hotter than it would've done before?
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Mar 30, 2010
I have been reading that several people are seeing much cooler temperatures on their Mac notebooks and they think it's due to better graphics drivers with the update to 10.6.3. I however thought about the huge performance hit in OpenGL going from Leopard to Snow Leopard (probably same thing). So I decided to check my OpenGL results after installing 10.6.3. However, I didn't check my xBench results before upgrading to 10.6.3. I went and found an old result which shows 67 points for "OpenGL Graphics Test." My new result for "OpenGL Graphics Test" is 111 points. When I check the xBench archives, people with rev "C" MBA's with 10.6.2 all show OpenGL Graphics Test scores in the 60s.
If this is correct, we could all have some big improvements that really show huge effects on the MBA. It should help everyone running Snow Leopard. It should lead to graphics performance gains and lower heat due to graphics demands. Could someone else running 10.6.2 on a 2.13 GHz CPU MBA run an xBench test before the 10.6.3 upgrade? Then upgrade to 10.6.3 and run another xBench test. Then please report back here with your results for OpenGL Graphics Test and hope this result is great for all of us. I believe this would be a big improvement for the original MBA too?
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Jan 25, 2009
I am having an infuriating issue with my Airport Extreme, since updating the firmware it will not let me get to the web site for my gaming group, The Valiant Crusaders. The site is perfectly accessible nationwide and if I remove my AeBS and have my machines directly connect to my cable modem, they can get to that site just fine. It's as if my base station has decided to cut off that website and nothing I do will get around that. I even went and did a hard reset on the base station and renamed it etc but it still will not let me get to this site. I can get to every other site I care about with no issues. As far as I know the firewall in the hardware shouldn't be able to be set to do that.
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May 14, 2012
It is odd: pre update (the latest) I could download to my literal desktop, or drag and drop a photo from iPhoto, an mp3 to mail later from iTunes.....Now I can only do that from within the finder in the "desktop" window. In other words: If I download (I prefer to download onto my desktop rather than the download folder-window. I want to have control over ny desktop again (rather than the folder-window entitled "desktop".
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Oct 28, 2009
Every program I run starts freezing after I did the performance software update (along with the iMovie update). (I believe this was first made available some 2 weeks ago) - for computers that had hard disk freeze issues.
Preview freezes / not responding
iTunes freezes / not responding
Safari freezes / not responding
Finder freezes / not responding
this is a nightmare !
1. I have time machine backups, can I revert to before the software updates ?
2. and I copied all the "force quit" error reports... would that help to post here to understand what is going on????
3. Any suggestions of what to try? I did shutdown (force shutdown) and rebooted... and the problems persist
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Sep 12, 2009
When 10.6.1 include new ATI Kext.
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Aug 18, 2010
Has anyone ran some tests with the new Snow Leopard Graphics Update Apple just released. I am primarily interested in the performance increases it offers SC2. I am at work and will not be able to install it until late tonight, after which I will post before and after FPS and settings for SC2.
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Jun 17, 2010
I updated safari (and now I did OSX, and its still slow) and performance is slow, unpredictable and randomly dies. The network is perfect though and this issue does not happen in transmission.
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I would like to know what software is better for gaming on a Mac. I have Parallel Desktop 5 but I noticed while playing the Orangebox I was getting some framerate issues.I heard a lot of good things about Crossover games and I was wondering if that would be better? or would bootcamp be just fine? Also my Macbook pro is the 2010 15'' 2.4ghz.
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Oct 4, 2010
I use it for my university study and I play games occasionally (usually World of Warcraft). I'am wondering the difference of WoW performance between 15" i5 2.4GHz and i7.
I play WoW via Parallel Desktop on Windows 7. I know there's Mac version WoW, but I just want to know the performance of running WoW via parallels desktop. A big drop of FPS? or 4GB RAM insufficient?
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May 3, 2010
After reading through the entire gaming benchmark thread I still have yet to conclude whether the new i7 in hi res is better, worse, or equal to the 2.8 for gaming?
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May 16, 2010
Has anybody compared gaming under Win7 32 vs 64. Im not that thrilled with the performance on Battlefield 2, but am currently running win 32. I wonder if 64 and its ability to use more RAM will help with gaming experience. Also, I've seen many threads on trying to update the Nvidia drivers, but not many responses on whether it helped much, considering what had to be done just to get the drivers it worth it.
I wish Apple would address the outdated drivers.
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Aug 3, 2010
i just recently purchased a pair of dr dre beats, the studio version, and as some of you may know, they include a black cable with a mic attached to it. i was wondering if there was any way to use this mic on the macbook pro 15" (2010 model) and use it for gaming. i cant seem to find a way to make the mic work.
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Dec 1, 2014
When I play games (war thunder), my macbook pro heats up to 80*C-90*C and stays like this for as long as I keep playing.Is it safe? Or am I risking to burn something up, like processor or graphic card?
-2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
-4Gb 1067 Mhz DDR3
-Nvidia GeForece 9400M 256 MB
-OS X Maveriks 10.9.4
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm thinking of getting a new MBP, but want to be able to play MMORPGs like Warhammer Online or similar games coming out. Can anyone speak to first hand experience with the various 15" MBPs with i5 or i7? With 256MB GT 330M vs 512 MB? I would love to be able to get the 13", but I'm sure that video card won't make it happen.
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Sep 12, 2010
Hopefully getting my new MBP in a few days now and cant wait.
Just wondering what sort of accessories you guys would recommend, been looking at wireless mouses for gaming etc and choice between an Razor or the Apple Magic Mouse, what mouse are you guys using?
Also any other accessories you would recommend?
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Nov 23, 2010
My wife has a MBP 2.4ghz core i5. She has Sims 3 and all the expansion packs. She uses the architectural features to build towns and houses,etc. Well it makes a steady fan noise after a while(she plays for a few hours straight). I checked the istat widget and its at 5998 rpm and 164 F with a noticeable fan noise. Not as loud as windows laptops that I can remember but loud enough to notice. Is this normal? The machine is only 2 months old. It works great and only does this when she plays Sims3(the only gaming we do on it).
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Jul 11, 2009
I know that the software is supposed to be fore Windows, but I've read that you can use SteerMouse to map the buttons. However, for starters, when I plug the mouse in it doesn't even move the cursor.
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