Intel Mac :: Power Cut Caused Name Change?

Jun 16, 2012

Power cut caused iMac name change. How do I resolve this?

Time Capsule

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OS X :: Power Out Caused Itunes Library To Delete?

Feb 16, 2009

The other day the electricity to the house was turned off with Itunes running on my computer. Im running a G5 Mac OSX version 10.4.11 if that helps. When i turned the computer back on it read itunes library corrupt and the only option it gave was to press 'OK'.

Out of 8000 or so songs, 3000 remain in the library. There are some songs on the hard drive under 'Music' which is some of the missing songs but not sure if its all of them

My question is, is there any way possible way to restore my itunes library back to its state prior to the power out? restoring all playlists and everything!

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MacBook Pro :: Power Cord Melted And Almost Caused Fire

Jun 21, 2009

So the power cord coming out of the AC adapter to the Magsafe melted and almost started a fire. There is about an inch selection where all I can see now is the metal wiring underneith, all the insulation is off. Is this covered under AppleCare? Since it was smoking and almost caused a fire, would this have harmed my MacBook Pro? I'm lucky that when I returned home nothing was damaged. How do I document this? What's protocol on issues such as this? This has never happened to me before.

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Intel Mac :: Newest Update May Have Caused Itunes To Start Crashing At Startup

Mar 8, 2012

Ok, my once a week auto Mac auto update just finished and now my itunes 10.6 will start then crash as soon as it opens. Error report as follows 

Process:         iTunes [746]
Path:            /Applications/


If you want the rest of the multi page thread I will paste it.

I have tried restarting the machine and no dice. I thought of reinstalling itunes from apples site but each time I go there its says congrats on downloading it but will not download a single thing. On the problems downloading its only gives me answers to PC problems.  

Do I really have to completely reinstall from my iMac install discs just to get itunes back ? I dont use time machine as I have a 1T hardrive in my imac and use most of it for itunes, even I cant afford a 1T stand alone hard drive just for backups.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Just did the weekly auto update.

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OS X :: Firewire Audio & Intel CPU Power Management Causes CPU Draw More Power?

Jun 19, 2010

I have found that by plugging in my Apogee Duet firewire audio interface and ONLY WHEN AppleFWAudio was loaded there was a 10c CPU raise that was making my MBP (late 2008) hot!I wanted to monitor the power that was required for Duet to run and to see if the temperature rise was due to that, so:With Apogee drivers uninstalled (just to be sure its not their drivers related, which is notMBP on battery power with System Profiler opened (to monitor the mA required by the computer from System Profiler -> Power)

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Power Mac G5 :: Way To Change And Share Permission Settings On HD

Dec 23, 2007

I have an internal drive I've partitioned. I want to give my kids access to only one partition. When I use the 'get info' on a drive, I get 3 names for access. Me, '(unknown)' and 'everyone'. I cannot access the + and - below. even though the '+' is black and not grey. When I click on it, no list of users appears and the box disappears. It appears taht the finder is re-launched.

G5, 1.6GHz SP : G4 PB 1.67Ghz 10.5.1 1GbRAM
Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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PowerPC :: Possible To Change G4 Power Mac Graphics Card?

Mar 28, 2008

I'm looking on cragslist right now for an older powermac to use as a media hub and I think I found one. It appears to be an AGP G4 PowerMac (500Mhz-ish). I have a 256MB graphics card I was using with my PC, I was wondering if I could plop it in and it would work? I know it's probably a pipe dream, but it doesn't hurt to ask

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Mac Pro :: Noise Caused By System Or GPU Fans?

Oct 30, 2010

I've just received new entry level Mac Pro. I used an iMac 27 up to now and, and probably for this reason, My Mac Pro seems noisy. A part of the HDD noise, the main noise source seems to be the fans. What I wan' t to ask you is: If I replace the GPU with a passively cooled card I can reduce the noise substantially? or noise is caused by the system fans and not from the GPU fans?

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Safari :: IMac Hanging Caused By It?

Jul 1, 2012

Have been having problems with my iMac hanging which I think is caused by Safari. Safari (5.1.7 )will be working OK and then hang with the spinning wheel. Am then unable to quit and finder hangs in turn and I end up doing a restart with the power button. Have 1 external hard drive attached which is partitioned for Time Machine backup and iTunes library.In attemt to address problem I have previously erased my iMac and reinstalled all software (from new rather than from Time Machine backup) and then reinstalled user files (but not application library files in case any of these were corrupted. Problem is common to all users. 

Last log looks like this: 01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]          User info context values set for ian01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]          Login Window Showing Progress01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]     Login Window done01/07/2012 16:39:31          /System/Library/CoreServices/[15


iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: 10.7.4 Caused Massive Performance Drop

May 11, 2012

Since updating, my computer is barely usable. Geekbench score fell from ~5400 to ~ 2300, so it's not just my imagination. I was exporting video and the processor didn't even feel warm, but Activity Monitor reported that it was giving it all the power it had. Anybody else seen this? I'm on a 13" mid 2011 Air with the i7 nad 256GB SSD.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Yosemite :: FileVault Caused Mac To Stop Working

Dec 12, 2014

As soon as I enabled file vault my Mac became unusable, with the cursor being stuck on the loading icon. I left it like this for many hours thinking it was just the encryption process after coming back to my mac the next day it was still like this so I decided to shut it off. After shutting it off I tried turning it back on again. The apple logo appears with a loading bar at the bottom. It loads slowly before getting half way and stopping to show a black screen with a white circle and a line through it.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.2

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OS X :: 10.6.4 Mail Update Caused Comcast Email Catastrophe

Jun 25, 2010

whereupon hundreds of my stored emails on my COMCAST email VANISHED.

should i ever update Mail again? what the heck happened? was I hacked?

i'm (new) on osx 10.6.4 imac.

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Mac Pro :: Long Boot Time Caused By HD With Windows Install?

Dec 26, 2010

I had a spare drive bay in my Mac Pro, so decided to install an extra HD, partition into two, and put on Windows XP on one partition and Windows 7 on the other.

I've now done this. I didn't install using Bootcamp, since it doesn't support two Windows partitions on the same drive, so I removed all my Mac HDs and then installed both versions of Windows as though installing on any other PC, only using Bootcamp to install the Windows drivers after.

The Windows HD is formatted NTFS with MBR partition scheme. With my three Mac OS drives (1 system, 1 Audio Data, 1 Timemachine) now back in, everything is now working, with holding the option key on startup giving me the choice between Mac OS and Windows. Selecting Windows brings up the Windows 7 boot menu, with the option to boot into XP or 7.

The only problem is that boot up now takes an extremely long time, and the part of the sequence that is taking a long time is worrying me.

When you press the power on button, you get the boing as normal, but it's now about 50 seconds from the boing until you see the grey startup screen (or boot menu if you are holding option). Once into the grey screen, start up time is as it was before.

Is this normal behaviour with three normal HFS+ and one MBR NTFS drive with two Windows partitions in a Mac?

I have tried resetting the PRAM but it made no difference.

If it's normal, I suppose I can put up with it, but it would be great if I could do something about it.

This is a 2009 Mac Pro, Quad 2.66 GHz, 5GB RAM.

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Mac Pro :: Reboot After Wake May Be Caused By VMware Or Parallels Session?

Mar 14, 2008

Courtesy of jjahshik32, in this thread; A possible resolution has hopefully been found for us users affected by the notorious Mac Pro RAW (Reboot after Wake) problem.

For some users (myself included), the RAW problem seems to appear consistently after running a virtual machine session (Parallels or VMware Fusion, thus far) prior to putting the machine to sleep.

I did the following to test my MP. Can you do something similar and give us your results?

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Applications :: Several Crashes In Safari 5.0 Caused By Flash Plugin

Jul 20, 2010

I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?

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IMac :: Hard Drive Noise Caused By Partitioning?

Aug 14, 2010

My drives for all 3 imacs i have gone through so far were dead silent until I Partitioned them, then they made the classic stomach growl noises. I was just wondering if others with the noise problem had a partition or not, ause it seems making a partition should not effect the noise. Say I am crazy cause to me it sounds crazy but I swear the first two imacs were fine till I partitioned them. I am now afraid to partition this new one I have cause its quiet and I do not want to go back to the store again! Anyway others who have had this issue did you have a partition?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Sluggish Computer Be Caused By Incorrect HDD Permissions

Feb 5, 2012

My Macbook Pro is running slugishly.  Sometimes I request a HELP dialog box and it never appears or it appears blank.  Sometimes applications don't work.  I went to Disk Repair and ran a VERIFY on disk permissions.  There were a thousand of permissions that were not correct.  Mostly they were from EPSON and from AIR PORT UTILITIES. 

There was one warning: Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired. 

I installed Rosetta Stone recently.  Most of the AIR PORT UTILITIES are language related (French, Spanish, English).  Should I repair my permissions?  I wouldn't want my printer or Rosetta Stone or something worse to stop working because I repaired my Hard Disk permissions. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Kingstons 32 Gig Thumb Drive

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MacBook Pro :: Stuttering/scroll Lag On UI Caused By Adobe Flash?

Jul 2, 2012

There is a lot going on about the new macbook pro retina and stuttering/scroll lag. I'm also experiencing this problem and i've found out that if you remove adobe flash from your pc the stuttering / scroll lag in safari is almost gone completely. 


If you have Adobe Flash installed and scroll down to the comments the browser starts stuttering and everything gets sluggy.

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Mini :: Kernel Panic Being Caused By Magic Mouse?

Jul 3, 2012

Lately i've been playing around with minecraft and developing a few mods. Every lets say ~ 20 minutes I've been getting a kernel panic with the top kext being The only thing that I know of that is bluetooth and multitouch is my magic mouse... That seems odd because the magic mouse is built for mac osx. i've been hearing around that my mac could have a bad osx install or faulty hardware. I just hope its not faulty hardware, even though my apple care has not expired yet.

Mac Mini mid 2K10 OSX 10.6.8

Mac Mini Mid 2010, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: University Network Disruption Caused By My Airport Extreme Router?

Feb 2, 2010

I've lived in an apartment for the past year that is connected directly to our university network. I have an airport extreme router that I've tried to set up responsibly with no SSID broadcast, WPA2 with extremely difficult password, transmission power set to 25% etc. It has also been set to 'share a public IP address" and everything has so far worked smoothly.

Recently, however, all apartments in the complex received letters saying that there had been disruptions on the network and that it was most likely due to wifi routers -- which are NOT permitted. If we temporarily disregard that ban, is it possible that my router is causing any disruption? And, if so, what could I do differently to ensure that it does not?

I've tried setting it to bridge mode, but that does not work at all. We are allowed to register 10 mac addresses and I have registered all my devices, but in bridge mode none of them can connect . As I understand it, in bridge mode the university servers are distributing IP addresses to devices that are registered on the network -- is that correct? Then what could be the reason for bridge mode not working if my devices were registered properly?

My main question is whether my router could be causing problems with the above setup?

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MacBook Pro :: SMART Failing Caused By Data Cable / Logic Board

Aug 21, 2010

So I took my MBP into the apple store today and explained that my original hard drive was showing as failing after my two momentus xt drives were apparently failing as well. He said it was really strange and hooked up the drive to their external interface and low and behold there was no errors on the drive. He said it's most likely being caused by IO errors due to a bad SATA cable or possibly logic board. We had my MBP sent in for testing. So basically if you see SMART failing status it may not be the drive after all.

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OS X Yosemite :: Safari 8.01 Updates Has Caused Trackpad To Loose Scrolling Functions

Dec 4, 2014

Ive updated safari to 8.01 this morning, and now when using safari, after a few minutes the multi gesture functions on my trackpad stop working.  I can scroll down pages, flick across windows etc.  even the accuracy of the cursor is limited  (in editing this i tried to highlight some text to delete, but i had move about 10characters the left to get the ones i wanted). 

Using a 2014 Mac Book Pro Retina with Yosemite and wireless trackpad

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: Upgrade To 10.10.1 Caused Canon Pixma Ip8500 Printer To Stop Working

Dec 3, 2014

Upgrade to Yosemite 10.10.1 caused my Canon Pixma ip8500 printer to stop working. Canon no longer supporting this printer.

iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Installing Microsoft Office 2011 Caused Arrows Character To Disappear

May 19, 2012

Prior to upgrading to Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac from Office 2008, one of my widgets (url...) displayed a double-arrow character (⟷) in the text. Since installing Office it has been replaced by a question mark in a box. I haven't encountered this problem elsewhere yet.Could installing Office have altered other files or fonts to cause problems?

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: "The Installer Encountered An Error That Caused The Installation To Fail"

May 30, 2012

Any application I install on my MacBook Pro gives the message "The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance" What can I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.4 Update Won't Update Properly, Has Caused Mail To Not Work

May 10, 2012

Started the 10.7.4 install, and it halted.  Turned my Mac off, started it back up, and apparently the 10.7.4 update didn't install, but it has caused the Mail function to not work AT ALL - I get a long error report that is auto sent to Apple. 

I downloaded Lion from the Apple store, but have my Snow Leopard disk.  How do I go about re-installing Mail? 

Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

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Power Mac :: Display Calibrate Cannot Change Display

May 1, 2012

Under system preferences, display calibrator will not change any of my displays colors. 

Info:G5 Dual 1.8, 10.5.7-OSX, 4 GB RAM, Twin 500's, 9600-V-Card, and 1TB Elite Pro FW, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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Intel Mac :: It Will Not Power On At All?

May 17, 2012

I bought my imac 5 months ago. I was browsing netflix today and the phone rang, went to answer, came back about 20 minutes later and I thought my imac had gone to sleep. tried to click my mouse to wake it up but it wouldn't do anything. I tried the power button to reboot, still nothing. Plugged it into a couple different outlets, still nothing.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Get It To Power Up

Jun 10, 2012

Cannot get my MAC to power up. 

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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Intel Mac :: Change From HDD To SSD?

May 6, 2012

I have an iMac mid 2011 with a 2TB HDD, Although I know it is possible to change out the hard drive, If I wanted to change to an SSD is there any paticular brand or method I have to use to avoid the temperture sensor problem I have heard about with these models? (The fans start spinning at full speed with hard drive change out) 

iMac, Windows 7

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