Applications :: Pages-export To Pdf Creates Massive File Size?
Sep 9, 2007
I'm a complete noob when it comes to Pages (iWork'05), and I'm editing my first newsletter which is supposed to go out to 300 people by e-mail. However, when I export it to pdf, the file size is 22.8mb! For 6 pages!
I've chosen the Extreme newsletter template (red one), and I have 6 pages in total. The only reason I can think of why it's so big is that when i drag and drop photos into the photo-boxes, the image isn't scaled down at all, not even when I export it to pdf. Is that right? It's only about 1 or 2 photos per page, and I have two pages with three small photos and a larger photo at the bottom. Anyone got some insights?
In order for FCP to be able to log and transfer my video from my panasonic camcorder, I shoot on a camcorder setting that creates great video, but the files sizes are huge. Almost 1gb a minute. The video comes in 1920 x 1080, apple prores 422, 29.97 fps. I want to edit the footage and then export the timeline using a setting that will drastically reduce the file size.
I have created a "newsletter" using Mac iwork Pages publication. The newsletter includes text and pictures. I would like to email it to over a hundred people so need it to be a small file. At the moment it is approx 3.2 MB. I tried compressing it to zip but it is still way too large. I downloaded Graphic Converter but cannot work out how to use it with Pages. Or is there an easier way?
Guys I'm having one slight problem. I have iWork 09, and when I try to export PDF the pdf looks really bad on 100% zoom. 125% is quite OK, though still not perfect. When I preview the document in PDF,it looks perfect. However when I export it, characters aren't inline and look weird. Who knows why this might be? I have an imac 2.66 ghz bought in October if that's of any use.
The title says it all. Pages 09 is intermittently hanging (spinning beachball) when I try to save or export a document. It doesn't happen EVERY time, so I can't reproduce it, but it's happened several times in the past few days. I'm running Snow Leopard on an original Intel iMac. Everything is updated to the latest versions. What might be causing this or how to stop it?
just a short question: Can anybody tell me a program/way to export my PAGES document to a PDF with all the used fonts and graphics embedded? I want that it looks exactely the same on e.g. a Windows computer on which the used fonts aren't installed. Unfortunately, even the Word exporting fuction of Pages doesn't seem very reliable - or do I do something wrong? I sometimes even lose bold/italic format etc. Very strange ... Anyway, I need a way to send somebody this text either as a Word or PDF file which won't make problems and look the same.
I would like to export the audio from a quicktime movie. i have QT 7 Pro. I want to listen to the audio from the movie in my car, on a CD. I tried it a few different ways, as AIFF, another, and it saves a large file but doesn't sound when I play it. No sound. Is there a way to save it so it's audible? These are AVI files.
i am a new mac user and am slowly starting to get to grips with everything mymcbook can do. I used to have a hotmail account but now i want to use MAC's MAIL. I already managed to get my mails delivered but now i'm struggling with the email addresses. I have managed to export these from my hotmail account to Excel for Mac but would like to get them, nicely ordened in Apple's address book so that i can directly use then in MAIL.
An interesting problem that I haven't been able to reconcile through my hosting company so I thought I would post here. I exported a video clip using QT Pro 7.6.4, export for web and uploaded the entire directory and tested for playback on my iPhone 3G 3.1.2: (iPhone playback doesn't work and it does not even load the poster image - but desktop playback does work perfectly.)
Then I proceeded to upload the same directory to another site to test for playback: (both iPhone and desktop playback methods work perfectly)
So then I proceed to see if the individual files are even playing back on the server that wasn't loading the video on my iPhone: [URL](video plays back fine on the iPhone when hit directly)
This leads me to believe it is an html/scripting error of some kind? But this is the exact same html file generated from QT that has been uploaded to both servers. I have tried using the full URL for the .mov file to no avail. Why would it work on one server and not on another? Is there possibly some issues with the server not being able to interpret the reference file correctly? Or a javascript/server type error? Or is there something else I am missing? I have tried configuring MIME types using a .htaccess file, but I am not sure if this is even the issue as I am able to play back the video fine when hit directly.
I'm looking for an app that's like a text editor that lets me handle text and edit it and add images and then at the end export it to a .png file. Also the text or image editor should let me to change the dimensions of the file (the "physical" size). Or any image editor that lets me re-edit the text entered.
I've noticed that when I buy a song off of the itunes store on my itouch, the song is pretty big. like a 7 minute song would be 16 megs. That resembles something like what you would see with 320 kbp rate or whatever. is there an option to specify what quality it is when I buy a song off itunes?
I'm not able to reduce the file size of my organizations monthly newsletter. I found a good suggestion but I cannot find Color Sync Filter. Anyway, here's the instructions:
1. From within Pages or any other application you're creating a PDF from, click on "Print" in the File pull-down menu. 2. In the Print dialog box, click on the third pull-down menu box ("Copies and Pages"). Select "ColorSync" from the pull-down menu. 3. Click on the "Quartz Filter" button and select "Reduce File Size." 4. Click "Save as PDF."
I cannot find "Copies and Pages" I do have a choice to change which standard ColorSync but nowhere can I find "Quartz Filter". I'm using Pages 09 and have a brand new iMac - one month old.
I have a two page pages document that, when I print to save as PDF, saves as 2.2mb file. The Pages file is 8.7mb! This is my first foray into Pages. Is there anything I can do to make the PDF smaller? ...or the Pages file smaller?
I have tried all of the combinations of settings I can think of. Currently I have the size column allows show up as well as having "calculate all sizes" enabled. I can always find the value I want with get info, but some of my directories and files display the size while others don't. I can't figure out any real pattern, aside from the following:
1. my non-bootable secondary hard drive doesn't display any sizes in Finder
2. sometimes sizes will be displayed for a particular set of directories and files and sometimes they won't (this is not a case of not being patient enough for the values to be calculated). The only pattern here seems to be that all files in particular directory will show file size or none.
3. sizes can not work in finder, but will show up in path finder or vice-versa.
My MacBook hard drive has about 70GB of data on it but the corresponding TimeMachine-generated Backups.backupdb folder on my firewire-connected hard drive only shows up as 1.15GB. Has my computer backed up properly or am I having serious problems?
It seems that every time I open iPhoto, it creates a new folder named "Library recovered Photos 1, ...2, ...3, etc". This folders are filled with unix files with very long names in alphanumeric characters. I first notice this when my HD was getting filled to capacity and I was barely adding any files to it. I found this folders in the Pictures folder (I imagine it's the root level for iPhoto folders and associated files) and went ahead and deleted all 180 GB of them. Got back my HD space and iPhoto works fine without them...but I have noticed that every time iPhoto is opened it creates a new folder with this files in them. None of my other machines have this files created in them. What can be causing this? I've check Preferences and there's no option to turn this on/off.
I have a pdf file with lots of high-res photos in it. Is there a good way to reduce the file size while keeping the photo quality reasonable? A free utility that allows users to adjust the level of photo quality would be great. Under Preview, I tried "save as" and then "Reduce File Size" with Quartz filter. The file size was reduced by 1/10 but the photos did not look good.
I've used Handbrake to encode several movies. Because I wanted them as "lossless" as possible they were encoded used H.264 (and are m4v files) and are in the 7-8GB range.
I'm not actually importing the movies but just pointing iTunes to the drive they sit on. For some reason it won't add them to the iTunes library. What gives? Is there a file size limit?
Export a Pages document to PDF or Word .doc always hides the extension in Finder. During the export, I have unselected "Hide extension" and it does show in the name dialog box, but listed in Finder, it's hidden. When I attach the doc through Gmail, the extension gets picked up, but some other web uploads it does not. I cannot get it to stop. Sure, I can Cmd+I and unhide the extension in Finder, but I shouldn't have to do that. As far as I can tell, it shouldn't hide. Finder is set not to hide extensions, too.
I know I have seen others offer to convert .pages files to .doc files here; can anyone help a brother out? I used the trial version of Pages to write my resume and now cannot open it.
I've searched extensively on this topic, and I'm pretty sure I am out of luck.However, my perfectly fine pages document from yesterday will not open today. The .xml file seems to be the problem; when I view the package, the index.xml.gz file won't "unzip" to an xml file, and if I just change the file extension, I get a garbled mess. Is there any way I can get the xml.gz file recovered? I am very sad. I will no longer be using pages because I can't trust it. What I have read on the 'net is very discouraging. Yes, yes, backup yes yes all that stuff. However, unless someone has instant simultaneous backup, this kind of thing could still happen - it was just one day, and I don't backup my files every day.
I am creating a digital album booklet for a band I manage, basically I took a high res photo and type the lyrics of each song over it, then added additional pics, the booklet is roughly 33 pics. I am using Photoshop and saving each file as a PDF, I then plan on combining them all at once. I know there has to be a better way to get this done. Right now each photo is roughly 3.3mb, that's way too big! How do I get the size down?
The files that Word 2008 has been saving have all been huge, abnormally so. A two-page document is over 100 KB (.docx) and ~30-40 KB (.doc). I thought maybe it was something in Word 2008, because I just got my MacBook Pro a few months ago, but I asked my friend and she told me she'd had no such problems, nor could I find anything on the Internet.
Just to compare, a ten-page paper I'm working on in class is 123 KB now in '08. I went and saved it in '07 as a test, and it came out to 27 KB (.docx both times).
I've been through all my Save settings, but nothing looks out of the ordinary--nothing that would blow up the size like this. Anyone have ideas? It's not exactly hurting anything, but I'm just collecting masses of enormous files that are taking up memory they shouldn't be, plus the fact that they're bulky and hard to distribute.
When I have a compilation album, I like to keep it all as one album in iTunes and especially on my iPod. Traditionally I would copy the artist name into the song name, so it was "Artist - Song" and then change the artist name to the name of the compilation. That way, on my Ipod, I would scroll through artists, get to the compilation and play it all from there, meaning I wouldn't have a whole load of new artists, each with one song.
However, I just got a 6 CD compilation album.. 150 or so tracks. I don't want to individually rename every song this time, but I want it all to be under one Artist in iTunes (preferably). Is there any way to maybe select all of them and switch the artist for the album artist? Or is there another way to do all this that would allow me to have it all appear as one artist, but not have to rename each track individually?
Trying to print from my Macbook. When I print one copy it is fine however when I print multiple copies, the Print manager creates each copy as a separate print job and it takes forever!!