Mac Mini :: Can't Delete A Temp.mp4 Off My Desktop
Apr 2, 2012
I have a Mac Mini Server with Lion (I am new to Mac) I have a file on the desktop that will not delete move or open. the file name is 108207.temp.mp4 .
What is the best way to completely erase everything on the computer so that it is not in the RAM or temporary memory anymore? I was looking at bikini models and I was redirected to another porn site. It popped up a bunch of other sites too. I would like to get rid of this and start over with this computer.
How do I delete these files. I can't do anything with them...can't put in folder, can't move to another area of the desktop. They're taking up room. Also, since I installed Lion, I've had other issues with Illustrator...crashing on opening, difficulty opening files. Is Illustrator CS3 not compatible with Lion? I also have Illustrator CS5, but haven't gotten used to it yet. I have no problem never using CS3 again, but the big question right now is how to get rid of the Illustrator temp files on my desktop.
Im running a Mac Mini 2.1 on OSX. Using SMFanControl its showing me 1600-1700 rpm and a temp of 151F as i type this but spikes between 140-170F is this normal? I have to run a fan behind the computer for any kind of gaming or else it shuts down ( due to heat im sure )
I've been waiting a long time for the 2010 MPs. My G5 still works for everyday stuff but when I start working on RAW files from my Canon 7D, in LightRoom2 and CS4 it really bogs down. When I look at the activity monitor both CPUs are 100% for extended periods of time.
Has anyone got any experience or opinions on if a new 2010 Mini Server would be a significant upgrade to my PPC dual 2.0 G5? From what I could find the G5's GeekBench is a lowly 1816 , and Engadget tested the 2.4 GHz 2010 Mini at around 3385. That's more than double.
I plan on buying the new MP whenever it might come out but this old G5 is really starting to cramp my work flow and honestly keeps me from doing the photography work that I like to do.
FYI- I don't make any money with my equipment it's purely a hobby thing, and I've picked the Mini Server edition because of the faster HDDs, and I don't need the price and peripherals that an iMac comes with.
I downloaded a program to monitor my late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro's temperatures. Just a few minutes ago while playing music/playing an ONLINE game real briefly it warned me that my CPU temperature was too high. (167˚ F) Is that too high of a temperature? What should the "range" be?
I was just adding some Quicklook plugins when my temps started to soar. I have restarted, repaired permissions, removed said plugins, and tried other accounts. Nothing is lowering the temps. Weird thing is is Activity Monitor is showing NOTHING using the processor nearly enough to jump my temps to 85 C with nothing running.
I'm "controlling" the issue for now by ramping my fans to full speed. Even with this I am hovering around 70 C...a good 10-15 C above what I am normally at (and was at 30 minutes ago). *Note: Normally running fans at 6000rpm would give me temps in the mid to low 40 C range
I have a MacBookPro5,4 2.53GHz with one fan and only the 9400M. After updating to 10.6.3 the operating temperature seems to have risen from about 43 degrees C to about 48. It has been getting warmer here in Japan so the ambient temperature is different but I still think this rise in temp. is due to the update. I have smcfancontrol installed and set to 2500rpm instead of the normal 2000, but it seems to be not enough to keep the temp. under control, as it did before the update. Any relatively hard use of the cpu and the temp goes up to 60 degrees.
Can you run a mac mini server just like a regular desktop model mac mini?
Does the server version of SL prevent you from using the computer like a regular mac mini with a monitor and keyboard and mouse?
Can anyone point me to a good beginner article on the use and setup of a server? I feel like I understand computers pretty well, but servers are a mystery to me.
the desktop, from which all icons and folders have disappeared, when I press command shift n, which should create a BLESSEDLY VIEWABLE folder on the desktop, nothing happens. I am a MAC convert, but have built up my hate muscle on this one.
There's a file on my desktop that was being copied from an external SD card but was interrupted. Now I cannot delete the freaking thing....what's going on? I've tried rebooting and then deleting, but that didn't work.
I get an error message that says "Some of the items you are moving are in use by another application. Moving the items can cause problems with the application using them. Are you sure you want to move these items?"
Clicking "Continue" doesn't actually delete the file....dragging and dropping the file into the trash also does nothing.
i downloaded firefox and skype because i love them so but when i dowloaded them it added icons to my new purrrty desktop....and i want them to go away!!! these are the only things i have downloaded in fear that i wont be able to get the off, but i know theres a way! well i went to yahoo answers and look at some question and ppl were saying put the icons in the APPs and thats it..but when i did that it jus made a i tried to delete the one on my desk top and it just took it away all together.
I have an eMac with a PPC G4 processer. 1GB ram, using Mac OSX 10.4.11. recently I tried to split a Youtube video clip into 2 segments. Unfortunately I input the wrong instructions and ended up with over 3700 4kb files on my desktop. Totally overloaded. Is there any way I can delete these 3700 files without trashing other needed files on my desktop?
I just got a macbook pro. I installed some apps. I opened the applications folder from the dock and I attempted to drag the icon to the dock to create a shortcut there. My finger came off the track pad and the icon snapped over to the far upper left corner of the desktop. It's in the corner under the apple symbol on the menu bar. It's a transparent white square with a question mark in it. If I clicked on it it would open the app it's linked to. But I can't move it or delete it. If I right click a small window comes up showing the path to the app momentarily. I tried uninstalling the app and rebooting no luck. Looking in the desktop folder shows nothing. It looks stupid and it blocks the x-out of any app that is open full size.
I have an mp3 file on the desktop I am unable to move to trash.
Everytime I attempt to move to trash it says "the file is being used by another task right now". This message occurs even if I close every program I am running.
I opened the process viewer, but I don't see anything that could possibly be using an mp3 file.
the only player i have is iTunes and it is off.
I attempted to duplicate the file on the desktop, but was told that "you do not have sufficient priviledges". But I have rwx for everything!
I was working on a file in GarageBand, I saved the .band file on my desktop, but after I quit GarageBand without saving the work, the .band file went a little weird. I tried dragging it to the trash and cmd-delete it but the message came up saying "The item Recording be moved to the Trash because it cant be deleted." Later I launched GarageBand again, and when I tried to drag the weird .band file from desktop to the GarageBand icon on my dock, the dock appears to crash, my wallpaper went gray for a second and then the dock came back up. Also when I select the file and hit space bar to do a quick look it shows up saying No Items Selected. I like to keep my desktop tidy don't want these files here blocking the way.
I have several Alias Icons on my desktop which are unable to be removed. I have tried changing the rw permission and reselecting the original appliaction etc. But still unable to delete these alias icons. can someone point me in the right dircetion to use Terminal command such as rm -f file name to permanetely remove these left over icons. Before OS X Lion 10.7 I was able to chmod etc and delete the icon.
I am having a problem accessing any files on my desktop. I cannot delete, edit or move files there. I have rebooted and repaired permissions using disk utility. When trying to perform any task with files on the desktop, the icon freezes and gets 'stuck' to the mouse and prevents me from performing other tasks. It also prevents shut down (have to hard shut down with the power key).Current permissions for the Desktop folder are drwx
I've just bought a second mac - little cheapie to use as a second machine. The guy had it set up with three drives showing on the desktop: OSX, CLASSIC and FILES. I don't need OS9/Classic, or the FILES folder, so I threw them in the trash & emptied it. However, it's showing that I only have 4gig of space on the hard drive. I went into system prefs/disc utility, and it's still showing the drives I deleted - although greyed out. Its seems to still be allocating them 5.9gb each of space. In the column on the left in disc utility, it shows the following drive icons:
19.1 GB MAXTOR 92049U3 OSX CLASSIC FILES I tried deleting them through utility, but I must have done something wrong, as they just popped up on my desktop again. Looks like I need to remove partitions.
I was cleaning up some of the unused pictures that came pre-installed with Leopard on my iMac, such as the abstracts and solid colours, that are used for changing the desktop backgrounds; but after getting rid of the original pictures and folders I am still left with the folders as being able to be selected when I try to change a desktop background.
I can't use the minus sign to remove the folders from the list.
Is there some other way of removing the folders?
It's not really a big deal, but it is kind of annoying having empty folders showing up on the list.
I was getting rid of some files of my desktop of the computer I use almost daily so it would not be huge in memory like images, and hew other items and I tried putting them in my trash so I can get rid of them, but it said well this:
I'm not the admin on this computer far from it, only a regular member.
I file has appeared on my desktop. I believe it's a temp file created while downloading something in Safari. When I try to delete it, I get "The item x can't be moved to the trash because it can't be deleted". I tried right click > Get Info, and nothing happens (the info dialog does not appear). I tried ls -al on my desktop, and the file doesn't appear in the list.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15-Inch early 2008
MS Excel put two files on my desktop that cannot be opened, moved or trashed. They are not files I created, and are identified by a random series of 8 letters/numbers. When I try to open or move them there's simply no response. When I try to trash them I get the message: "The item 'xxxxxxxx' can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted." I had this same problem a couple years ago and I called Apple Care and they walked me through how to delete the files. Now my Apple Care is expired and I'd rather not pay $50 to resolve a rather simple problem. It's just that I can't recall the procedure for deleting these files. how to get these files off the desktop?