when i plug in my external thats programmed to my mac, on a windows based computer i cant seem to read the hard drive. is there a program or somthing where i can detect it and transfer files between it?
I am trying to install Mac OS X Lion I just downloaded. At the step where it asks you to select a disk to install, I got this message:"This disk is not formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Use Disk Utility to enable journaling or reformat the disk."What does this mean? Please help me through the steps to complete my installation of this software.
I had a Windows based PC a couple of years ago that had crashed. So recently i tried to put the files from my old hard drive from my Windows computer to my Mac. In order to keep track of what i have copied and what I haven't i thought it would be good to delete the stuff of my windows hard drive once it was copied. However, it doesn't let me delete anything of the Windows drive since it is set to read only. Is there a way around this? i've tried everything i can think of, but haven't found a soluti
I used to be able to drag files over to my storage drive from Windows 7, but I'm unable to do it now, I have Boot Camp 3.1 installed and the latest update for it. If I right click in the storage drive and select New Folder it says Destination Access Denied, and has the buttons Continue / Skip / Cancel. When I click Continue, it shows the same dialog but it says You need permission to perform this action and the buttons Try Again or Cancel, I've repeatedly clicked Try Again and it does nothing.
I have a PC, and a macbook. I also have an external harddrive, formatted for mac. What I would like to do is plug the external hard drive into the PC, and share it over the network so that I can access it wirelessly from my macbook. The problem is that windows does not recognise the drive, so I cannot share it. Any mac-drive-formatted reading programs only read the drive from within the program, so I still can't share it.
I just got a new external hard drive that I have been using for storage. I formatted it for Mac OS X (extended...not journaled). I realized a few days ago that I can run the movies from the HD in windows xp even though the drive is formatted for mac. Would I be able to install windows games onto the drive and run them in windows w/o having to format the drive for windows?
Awhile back I made a Vista partition, shortly after I deleted the partition. I now want to make a new partition, but when I go through bootcamp to allocate space, it gives me an error saying i need to have a "Single Mac OSX Journal Extended drive.
The problem is, my drive shows up as Journal Extended. I would really like to not have to reformat my drive, as I do not have the CD's for all of my programs. Is there any way around this? I do have an external HD if necessary.
What's the difference between Mac OS Extended and Mac OS Extended (Journaled)? Which one is better to format an external hdd that's going to be use mainly as a scratch disk?
I just put in a new hard drive yesterday and when i restored my time machine backup I partitioned the disk with 30 gigs for windows and the rest for my mac stuff. The whole thing restored and I have my legit copy of XP SP2 and went to run boot camp and it tells me that I can't install it because the start up disk must be formatted as a single volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for Windows. The Windows partition is completely blank.
I just bought the 15" Macbook Pro i7 this weekend. I have a copy of Windows, and it loads up just fine. I used Bootcamp Assistant to partition my hard drive, but when I get to the windows install, it says that the hard drive isn't formatted correctly to install windows on
Just need to know if it will recognize all my windows based jpegs etc on windows formatted drive. If not, it has the ability to daisy chain a USB drive onto. If I plugged in a Mac formatted hard drive as a daisy chained hdd would it see this one?
I'm running Lion on a Macbook Pro. It doesn't recognize one of my external drives that was used on my windows based laptop when connected via the USB cable. Is there a way to mount this external drive on a mac?Â
I figured it was the motherboard and that is way too costly to replace. So I just bought a Macbook and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I'm pretty sure that the hard drive on my pavillion is still ok, so what I've purchased a hard drive enclosure and plan to use that as an external hard drive as well as transfer my files to my new macbook. My question is whether I would be able to transfer my files from my PC hard drive to the macbook directly without formatting the hard drive because that will erase all my files.
I just bought my first mac (yay!) and am trying to transfer my files off of my old pc. The problem is that I stored all my personal files on an external hard drive, which is of course formatted for windows. My mac will open it, but it is "read only." I tried plugging it back into my pc and using the Migration Assistant to transfer my files over, but it was not detected (rest of the pc was).
However, the second time I tried plugging it in to my pc, it told me it would need to be formatted first. Obviously my mac has changed something on it, and now all my personal files are on a hard drive that is unusable by either my old pc or my new mac!
I am dual booting XP Pro and OS X on my NC10. I have XP Pro installed on the main partition with a FAT32 partition for files that can be read by both OSes (see attached image for two views of the partitions). I then installed OS X on an extended partition. Unfortunately, I had another 5GB partition also on that extended partition. I now want to delete the spare 5GB partition and non-destructively reallocate the space for the OS X partition - I want to expand it to be one big partition with my bootable OS X install still on it. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to do this in Partition Magic. Is it possible with GParted/BootItNG/iPartition or any similar software? If so, which and how? The NC10 has no CD drive so solutions that work from OS X or XP or a bootable USB stick would be preferred.
My computer was acting slow so I ran Tech Tool. It came up with various Volume errors but they were all fixed. I noticed that this computer was formatted as Mac OS Extended but NOT Journaled like the other two in our office. I was unable to add Journaling with either Disk Utility or Tech Tool. Both cases said that "Journaling failed" or "unable to add journaling". I believe I used to have journaling because I often use Onyx for repairing disk permissions and various other processes and this was the first time that I encountered the error "Not possible to verify the start-up volume because it is not journaled". I ran the Apple Hardware Check and the Hard drive is fine. So, after trying the previous mentioned utilities again to try and "journal", I decided to perform an Archive & Install. I am in the process of updating the OSX software, but I noticed the HD still says Format: Mac OS Extended...Hmmmm. Can anyone shed any light on this problem?
PowerMac 2x2.66Dual-Core Intel Xeon OSX 10.5.8 5Gb memory 232 GB hard drive with External LaCie HD connected
I've got an external HD. The first part is formatted to NTFS. The second part was formatted to FAT32. I plugged it in via Firewire and went to erase it to a journaled filesystem. It did something and left the drive unmounted. I could only format it to FAT32. Any ideas why I can't format it to journaled? I want to backup my user dir.
Edit: Tried another drive. 2 fat32 partitions. I tried to format the first and it didn't work. Formats to FAT32 well enough.
So, I am in the process of attempting to partition my disc so that I can boot windows XP.
Know that I am in no way even a capable mac user, so I might be a bit slow... sorry.
During the partitioning process, using boot camp, I get a message saying that I need to reformat my disc so that it is a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) disc. So, I go to my Disc Utility, and it says it already is a Mac OS extended bla bla bal. So, my question is
Why will it not let me partition, and do I really need to reformat my everthing eventhough it already is in the format it wants to be in?
I just called Apple about an iPod issue. When he told me that my iPod's Apple Care expired, I gave him my Mac Pro SN, and he helped with the iPod issue as a courtesy. So while on the topic, I thought to request an extension of coverage for my Mac Pro system (about $5k worth of hardware).
He told me that Apple Care cannot be extended. "So you just have to buy new stuff, huh?" I asked. He quietly replied, "Yes."
I cannot imagine having to buy $5k plus new hardware just to keep my equipment covered. Wow. Did I misunderstand him? Does anyone need some editing work done.
I would like to project say a movie (Netflix) from my IMac to my TV, and at the same time use my computer to do work. I understand that this is called Extended Display. I know I go to:
System Preference
I see the two blue boxes, put them side by side, open Netflix and cannot figure out how to go from there
Can the iMac be used as an extended monitor? Say, you have a pc laptop. Can the iMac be used as an extended monitor for it through the mini display port?
I just hooked up a Dell monitor to my MacBook. I will be using it in clamshell mode 98% of the time. I have the MB on the right side of the monitor. I want to drag applications back and forth between screens. Currently, I have to drag off the left side of the external. How do I drag off the right side of the external and onto the left of the MB? I don't want the MB on the left of the external on my desk. Make sense? When using both screens, how do I get the dock on my external rather than on the MB?
I have a nice opportunity to purchase low priced student Adobe Suites right now as i am enrolled in Photoshop CS4 and Illustrator CS4 classes.
Here is my concern: I would like to purchase the Masters Collection or the Design Premium. Both of these suites have Photoshop Extended. They do not have just plain old Photoshop.
Will I be confused or unable to use PS Extended if I am learning standard PS in my class?
Will the DVD of lessons for my class (including images that are to be manipulated in standard Photoshop) work with PS Extended?