Mac Pro :: What Options Are There For A Good Sound Card In Osx
Feb 24, 2008
what you Mac Pro users are using as a sound card? I would find it hard to believe that many of you are using integrated sound when you are editing sound or creating videos. What options are there for a good sound card in osx?
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Dec 9, 2007
I'm coming from a good 7-8 years with an old G4, so forgive the ignorance. On that one, I added a PCI audio card to connect with some Altec Lansing speakers with Sub-woofer & simulated Surround sound. It sounded great. hat's your suggestion? Get a similar card for the G5?Or get some new speakers that will sound as good?I don't know anything about digital audio out. Does that connect to speakers, or only tuners?
G5 tower
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Oct 20, 2008
Just realized that all the firewire ports on my 8-Core Mac Pro share the same bus. I need to capture video from a HDV camera to a firewire hard drives and I get hickups and slow downs that cause dropped frames. Can anybody share any links to what FW card to get to and where I can buy it from? Anything that does not cost to much? Please only post links of cards you have used or read good reviews using it on a Mac Pro. Also what slot would I put the card in? I want to make sure the slot is not also sharing a bus with something else.
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Dec 13, 2009
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
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Jul 24, 2008
I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.
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May 13, 2008
I need to get an expresscard reader for my MBP that WILL read Sandisk Ultra II cards. I want one that fits flush or close to flush and that I will be able to leave in without freeze ups. I was going to buy this but it just got Deactivated...
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Aug 7, 2010
I just hooked up my logitech speakers to my IMac and they don't sound as good as they did on my pc. On my pc there was some settings that were the Realtek that had a bunch of audio options that made it sound much better. Is there anything like that for a mac? I can't find anything like that in the apple menu settings.
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Dec 6, 2007
Does anyone have for a good usb 2.0 card I can install on a power mac G5? I am looking for an internal card not a usb hub.
Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Oct 23, 2006
I am running Panther and am looking a for a USB WiFi dongle.
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May 4, 2008
Im looking to get an imac and some speakers. Im coming from a pc computer with build in speakers in the monitor and they sound horrible, so im guessing the imac wont be much different. So what are some good speakers I could get for 100 bucks?
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Sep 8, 2014
I have a wav file that I've imported, which sounds completely fine on regular playback but becomes very poor quality when imported into the timeline. I know on FCP7 you had to convert to an AIFF but I've not had this issue before on X.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Jul 10, 2009
Will i have any problems running Final Cut Pro with these cinfigurations on my iMac 2009?3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 8GB Memory 1.0TB Serial ATA Drive ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB Is this "ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB" graphic card good to run FCP?
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Oct 8, 2008
I want to ask about spec-ing a Pro with a decent graphics card for games. While it's not the only thing I will use the computer for, it will be one of it's main uses. Is it better to get one with the default 2600 and then buy a more recent Windows graphics card like an ATI 4870 and use boot camp? If I do this can I buy any PC/Windows card and keep both in so that Vista will use the PC one and OSX will use the 2600? I don't want to have to switch things around internally every time I boot to a different OS. Or should I just BTO the Nvidia 8800GT and keep things simple? As far as I can tell the 8800GT should give decent performance, at least for another few months..
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Dec 16, 2009
I am getting a 2008 Mac Pro and i need a wifi card for it. Should i just get one from OWC or does anyone know of one better or a better option?
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Aug 10, 2010
I have an original, stock Mac Pro (August 2006), which has performed flawlessly until yesterday. It seems to start up fine (I can hear the usual hard drive spinning sounds, but my display (Apple 23" LCD) is now totally blank (black). The power light on the display is lit (and I've verified that the display still works by connecting it to my MacBook Pro), so I can only assume that the graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 7300GT) has died. What are my options as far as replacing this card nowadays? I don't play games on my Mac Pro, but I do use it for Photoshop and iMovie and also to watch QT videos and DVDs (as well as browsing the internet, of course). I should add that I have zero experience with installing graphics cards, but I'm comfortable with getting into the machine and doing simple things like adding memory and additional hard drives.
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm thinking of buying a G5 with a pci-e slot, does anyone know which cards, Apple original and PC flashable, can be used in this machine?
Mac OS X (10.5.8), Gainward Ultra 6800GT
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Mar 14, 2009
I wasn't sure whether to post this on the Windows on Mac forum or this but!I purchased the new 2.93 GHz 24-inch iMac yesterday at the Apple Store and the everything works perfectly in the Mac OS. In Boot Camp, however, the sound quality gets really bad.
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Oct 21, 2009
What are all the options for the 2009 Mac Pro's? Prices? Plug and play only. I'm looking to upgrade from the 120.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a late '08 MBP that I'm connecting to a brand new 27" ACD (which is unbelievable by the way), and everything works great for a while. After sleeping and waking a few times, there's a massive 4-5 second lag all of a sudden only when the volume is adjusted (bluetooth Apple keyboard), and the sound is gone no matter what level the volume is set to. The sound is set to run by default on the ACD's internal speakers. Everything else on the keyboard functions fine. It's just the volume that's affected. There's no way to correct it unless I unplug all three cable connections (USB, MDP, Power) and plug them back in. If I just disconnect one (I've tried all three individually), it doesn't fix anything. Lastly, I got the updated Apple software for the monitor before I even got it home (so unless they've put out an update in the last two weeks, then I have the latest software).
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Feb 24, 2009
I purchased a Mac Pro last Thursday after running a G4 350 MHZ machine for far too many years. But it had been such a good machine I focused on it and took my eyes off of technological progress. I thought the PCI buses in the Mac pro were just faster versions of the kind of PCI in the G4. The G4 was outfitted with a Revolution 7.1 sound card from M Audio and that fed into a Creative 6.1 speaker system (with internal amp). The sound was amazing. It was my hope that I'd be able to transfer this card to the Mac Pro and discover even higher quality sound. But before I even tried plugging it in I did some checking and found that PCI Express is an entirely different technology than PCI.
M-Audio has stopped making the Revolution even though they still have drivers for OS X 10.5 (for folks who put this OS onto machines with the original PCI slots, I suppose). So now that this dream has shattered I am wondering what are my options for being able to hear great sound from my new computer. The internal speaker is OK for the beeps and buzzes produced by an OS that wants to get your attention but it sounds horrible when you're trying to watch a surround sound DVD. I'd like to hear from any Mac Pro owners who have found a way to make their computers deliver high quality sound. I know the Mac Pro has optical in and out but have no idea how I could make use of this other than to plug into a rather high priced surround amp.
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Aug 18, 2008
Exactly how much of an upgrade is the choice of a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS w/512MB GDDR3 over the default ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO w/256MB GDDR3 in the 24" iMac? Is it worth the $150 cost bump?
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Mar 3, 2009
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
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Jun 8, 2009
I recently purchased a G3 ibook from USA. I am in the Uk and have managed to connect to wi-fi internet at home, but when I go to the studio I cannot connect. The network does show up, then I enter the password and it keeps saying "password is incorrect". But it isn't - so is there a problem with the compatibility of my Airport card and is there anything I can do?Below is the spec of my laptop.
Any help will be enormously appreciated - I am not very techy so I'm not familiar with a lot of the terms, just to warn you!!!
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Dec 29, 2009
What would show more immediate quality of graphics and faster on-line refresher rates, a graphics card with more ram or double the memory? Im debating whether to get the 512mb ATI Card or an additional 4 gig or Memory with my new iMac.does Apple not offer the really high end ATI Cards with 1 gig of ram?
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Jan 10, 2010
I'm not a huge gamer, but sometimes my 120GT (in a 2.66 Quad Nehalem) just doesn't cut it.
I'm open to flashing a PC card, but I do need that damned mini displayport for the 24in LED monitor.
Do I have a lot of options?
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Oct 1, 2010
I am useless with computers and i am trying to connect my macbook to my LG tv via hdmi.i have connected the headphone jack to the audio on my tv but i don't get any sound also how do i get my macbook to not go into sleep after 10 mins?
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Jan 6, 2011
I've got the old Macbook model, circa 2006. My audio port's been broken for awhile now, and I recently got a 5.1 surround sound system. I've been playing music through my iPod, of course not getting the full surround effect, but would love to be able to hook the Macbook up to this system, be it in full surround or not. I've got the runaround from people at Radioshack, Best Buy, and was even led to buy this silly part which has done me no good: [URL]. Is there any way I can hook up my speaker system to the laptop via USB?
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Jul 20, 2010
I am new to macs and recently purchased an imac. My problem is when I connect a usb device such as my iphone or camera there is no sound played signifying that it is connected. I am used to using windows where a noticeable tune it played everytime a device is connected or disconnected. I have tried looking in setting and such without much luck. Is there anywhere else that can turn this feature on??
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Jul 27, 2009
For some reason, the sound is going in and out on my computer. The left speaker is making an odd noise (a clicking/snapping noise) and whenever I try playing a sound it is playing the sound broken up. The output volume under sound when I go to the system preferences keeps saying the output is at a certain level, but then it says "the selected device has no output controls". It switches between the two every few seconds. It can't be strictly a problem with the speakers because when I plug my headphones in it does the same thing. Is something internally wrong with my computer? Do I need to bring it into a store to get fixed? I have the original Macbook Pro. The computer is over three years old
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Sep 5, 2014
My 2008 Mac Pro recently stopped producing any sound.
The startup chime is silent. No sound comes from the speakers at all and the line out/in options in system sound preferences are missing, although it still lists my Logitech webcam microphone and the volume meter for it responds to sound changes.
Could the sound chip on the logic board have stopped working?
Could it be a virus or a software conflict? I haven't updated the system recently or installed new software, but Skype has been acting erratically and has crashed a few times.
The missing line in/out devices in the sound preferences seems like it might be a hardware problem.
I have tried all of the normal things like checking cables and resetting pram but no change.
I have the same condition whether I boot into my primary drive or into the clone (made before the sound stopped working) on a separate drive or into Windows through Bootcamp.
If the logic board integrated sound is broken, can I add a sound card to take over the audio for everything (startup chime, audio from software and audiovisual sources, Skype, etc.)?
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