PowerPC :: Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz - Sound Card Needed For 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers?
Jul 24, 2008
I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.
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Mar 6, 2008
I have this high pitch sound that started intermittent this morning .
Now it's getting more frequent and last longer.
It just stopped when I moved the power saver setting of the video from never to an hour.
I'm not sure where it's coming from yet.
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Oct 15, 2008
I'm new to this forum, just registered and you've helped me before with some of my mac issues.. Recently, I was offered a Powermac G5 2.3 Ghz dual core. I'm interested but I want to know if the machine is worth paying for, he was asking $1700.00 AUD.
Here are the specs.
* 2.3GHz Dual PowerPC G5 processor
* 1.15GHz frontside bus
* 512k L2 cache
* 2.5 Ghz RAM (400MHz DDR2 PC3200U DDR SDRAM Memory)
* 300GB Serial ATA hard drive
* 16x SuperDrive (double-layer) DVD Burner
* 4 Firewire port PCI-X Expansion card
* Two open PCI-X expansion slots
* ATI RADEON 9650 Video Card with 256MB of GDDR SDRAM
* 1x FireWire 800 port
* 2x FireWire 400 ports (one on front)
* 4x USB 2.0 ports (one on front)
* 2x internal SATA hard drive bays
* Optical digital audio input/output
* Analog line-level input/output
* Front headphone minijack and speaker
Upgradable to 8Gb RAM and 2-3 Terabyte of Hard Drive
I was told its a good, non-problematic machine. Are they telling the truth. I am also planning to check it out, what should I check or watch out for.
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Nov 5, 2009
i have a g5 dual core 2.3ghz from late 05 modal with 4GB DDR533 certifed memory, recently i always had random KPs. i'd tried to reinstall a clean OS 10.5.8 right now still the same. Ran memtest everything seems fine. i didnt use any firewaire devices or usb, just the apple original alu keyboard and mighty mouse, 23inch Cinema HD lcd display monitor thats it!
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Apr 7, 2012
I have skygo, and want to watch it on my tv through HDMI cable, can I use logitech surround sound pc speakers too somehow?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a Power Mac G5 2.3Ghz dual-core system (M9591LL/A) with 2.5GBs of RAM and an Nvidia 6600 PCIe graphics card with 256MBs of RAM.
I tried playing a full-screen HD episode of "The Office" on Hulu.com and it was extremely choppy (like 0.5fps). The sound was fine. It's still quite choppy (~2fps) in a normal browser window (not full-screen)
Is this normal? Does this video card not support it? What is the most powerful card that can be installed in this machine? I'm not opposed to buying a PC card and flashing the ROM if need-be.
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Nov 3, 2010
I know that there's a headphone output jack and an audio input jack on the iMac. Is there anyway to hook up my 5.1 Logitech speakers to the iMac? What kind of adapter would I need or is it even possible?
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Aug 14, 2009
I've got some old Altec Lansing surround sound speakers (4 + subwoofer) that I'd like to connect to my MBP, but I can't figure out what sort of adapter I'd need.
At the back of the subwoofer there's an empty port called "Diag," and two 3.5mm (it looks like) audio cords coming out of an "Input" port. I'm only used to dealing with singe 3.5mm cords.
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm trying to connect an XLogic speaker system to an IMac desktop. There are only RCA Plugs on the speakers and the 3.5mm plug on the Mac. Can anyone suggest what cable or junction I will need to achieve my goal of connection.
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Jan 13, 2011
I recently got a 8 core mac pro with the 27" apple led display.
I would like to know what is the best way of connected my 5.1 surround sound to the mac? (pink, green & black wires)
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May 29, 2012
The ivy bridge processors are coming out soon (or may already be out). I have heard that macbook pro 13" models might be able to use the new processers due to their lower energy useage. I presume that I will be able to take my mac to an apple store and have it installed. Is this information true?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 26, 2008
I have an old speaker setup from an old pc...Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 Surround Sound System. I was wondering if it can be used for my laptop. I've heard you cannot plug in 4.1 and hear front and rear..you only recieve 2.1 is this true? theres two audio inputs on the back of this sub..front and rear...and theres another jack..a digital din port...which I dont know much about...does anyone know if both can be used..if which is better..and if I can really have true 4.1?
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm thinking of getting some new external speakers to work with my powerbook. I saw this sound card that said 5.1 on the box and then I presumed that you need, like a graphics card you need to have a dedicated sound card to do 5.1. So, do you need a dedicated sound card for 5.1? If so, does a Powerbook g4 have this card?
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Apr 24, 2007
I did a search and found a lot of threads, but didn't find the answer to my question. If I hook up my powerbook to my receiver via the auxilary input, will I be able to get true surround sound? It'd be hooked up in the headphone jack. If this doesn't work, is the Firewave the best thing to get?
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Sep 8, 2010
2 days ago i received my new mac pro 6-core 3,33GHz...now something really weird and super annoying is going on with this computer...From time to time there is this really loud POP trough my speaker. I'm absolutely 100% sure this has nothing to do with my amp. cables or whatever and its definatly a problem with the MacPro, i know because of the following:
Plugged in new cables, removed every installed software, plugged onto different amplifier, when there are absiolutely no audio cables plugged into the computer and when i use the build in speakers of the mac pro i still hear the POP/distortian like sound, and finaly even took it at my friends house and tested the machine there on his audio instalation...problem remained! not knowing what to do next i decided to go and see a very good technician (music instruments and studio recording) and told him about the problem, he imediatly stated that it "could be" because of the harddisk drive giving like electric impulses or whatever that causes the distortion...or that the sound card or audio chip set waking up from sleep and every time it does there is this loud POP?..................
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Nov 10, 2009
Does anyone know what sound card the quad cores come with? Is it integrated into the motherboard?
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Dec 9, 2007
I'm coming from a good 7-8 years with an old G4, so forgive the ignorance. On that one, I added a PCI audio card to connect with some Altec Lansing speakers with Sub-woofer & simulated Surround sound. It sounded great. hat's your suggestion? Get a similar card for the G5?Or get some new speakers that will sound as good?I don't know anything about digital audio out. Does that connect to speakers, or only tuners?
G5 tower
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 1, 2008
I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!
So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.
I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed. Any ideas...?
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Sep 26, 2010
For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.
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Nov 15, 2006
Saw a problem a member (steelfist) had awhile back regarding loss of sound from internal speakers. I needed to know how that was resolved since I have the exact problem on wife's ibook. Apple iBook Notebook 12.1" M9846LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme
Problem: Internal speaker option in sound preferences GONE all of a sudden. Only headphone option exists. Headphones sound good and so does any external speaker plugged in to that jack. But internal speakers are gone.
Tried: everything except reinstalling OS X. I've messed with opening and closing Garage Band, checked Midi defaults, tried to trip jack into not thinking headphones was plugged in - did the PRAM, power reset - no mutes on or sound lever out of balance either. Want to avoid sending unit in for repair if I can do it myself.
Need to know: Would opening the unit and unplugging / plugging the sound jack or speakers (if possible) make the system "see" the internal speakers? Or should I reinstall operating system? Just afraid of losing files.
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Mar 11, 2009
On LEM, in the description of this model, it says that these have a half length combination PCI/AGP 4x slot. Does this mean that I can use a half length AGP video card in this model Xserve? I have the chance to buy one for hundreds less than a comparable Powermac and was wondering if I was going to be stuck with PCI video.
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Dec 10, 2008
is possible to enable 5.1 surround sound in OS X. I just bought the Logitech Z-5500 5.1 Speaker System and I have a mini-toss link optical audio cable plugged in. The optical connection is working fine but whenever i play ANY audio (iTunes, system sounds, youtube, or games) its always in Stero.. never 5.1. I understand most of that stuff isn't setup for 5.1 but the thing I am really wanting 5.1 for, World of Warcraft and the few other games I play in OS X
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Dec 3, 2009
I have a macbook pro 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo and recently just got the logitech x540 5.1 surround sound speaker system..So far, I have to set it into "matrix mode" and use only the green cord in the headphone jack to get the speakers to work properly.. but I would like to be able to fully use the 5.1 sound system.What is the best way to do this? I've did some googling and found that some people suggested an external sound card, like the Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 sound card which plugs in via USBI also saw that some people suggested using an optical converter.
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Oct 22, 2008
With an influx of Dolby Digital enhanced HD content making its way to the iTunes store, and subsequently Apple TV, Apple is reportedly working on an update to QuickTime that will improve support for 5.1 channel audio. People familiar with the matter say the Cupertino-based electronics maker tapped its vast developer community on Tuesday to begin testing versions of QuickTime 7.6 for Windows, as well as both Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
The pre-releases, which reportedly carried build number A26, ranged in size from about 20MB to over 60MB, but were consistent in that they delivered the same series of enhancements requiring evaluation. In particular, those familiar with the software say Apple has requested that developers test the release extensively with multi-channel encoded audio tracks that feed unique content to each surround sound channel. Developers were also asked to put some weight on MPEG-1 playback and conversions, as well as encoding and playback of audio tracks in the AAC and Apple Lossless formats.
QuickTime 7.6 is one of only a handful of remaining updates planned for Apple's existing QuickTime architecture before the company turns the majority of its focus to QuickTime X -- a complete overhaul to the media software with optimized support for modern audio and video formats that should result in extremely efficient playback.[URL]
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Jul 4, 2008
I have my Mac Pro hooked up to my Amplifier, an Onkyo 805 via DVI>HDMI and an optical cable.Now i thought that this would be giving me 5.1 sound (which i think it does when playing DVDs) but with Quicktime files with 5.1 it seems that only 2 channels of audio are playing. I've tried the bitstream trick (Perian + Change the Plist file) and this seems to work fine for AC3 audio but not AAC,
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Jan 15, 2009
I have looked through the threads here ENDLESSLY!!!! And I, unfortunately, still seem to be at a loss on what to do.
As of right now, I have a headphone output going to the Red and White RCA analog to my surround sound input just like the ones here
The headphone male end is going into the very far left headphone jack of my iMac. I have a 5.1 surround sound system and I know that this isn't being used to it's full potential.
I am not fully sure on what to do with the Audio in / optical audio in port... If I connect a fiber optic cable to that into my digital input on my surround sound, is that all I need? (this?) No RCA plugins or anything....?
Also, I have read endlessly on the FireWave and I am not really sure what the point of that is...? I don't know how it comes into play with hooking up my surround sound system to my iMac.
I have the Sony HT-DDW670
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Jul 27, 2009
I just ordered these:[URL].82E16836121120 What kind of cable do I need to get the full 5.1 surround sound?
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Jun 27, 2010
Recently posted a thread but was thinking could anyone really really simply tell me in numbered steps how to get surround sound for my iMac, and what i'd need to buy. I have a home cinema system with all the speakers which go through RCA connectors (phono) into the system.
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Dec 11, 2014
So I'm running bootcamp on my Mid-2010 Mac Pro and I can't get Dolby Surround Sound to run from the Realtek HD Audio Manager. Is there a way to produce true Dolby 5.1? I understand this may be more bootcamp related than to the actual hardware itself but I figured this is the best place to start troubleshooting this.
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mid-2010 Quad Core
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Aug 25, 2010
Just bought my 1st MAC and it's inspiring. Am slowly getting to know my way around it. The problem that I have is I also have a Sony Blu-ray home cinema system which has a WIFI connection to enable it to connect to the internet. Can I stream music from my macbook pro to this system, and if so how. I've tried but seem to fail at every attempt.
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