MacBook Pro :: Sound Options With MBP When Connected To 27" ACD?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a late '08 MBP that I'm connecting to a brand new 27" ACD (which is unbelievable by the way), and everything works great for a while. After sleeping and waking a few times, there's a massive 4-5 second lag all of a sudden only when the volume is adjusted (bluetooth Apple keyboard), and the sound is gone no matter what level the volume is set to. The sound is set to run by default on the ACD's internal speakers. Everything else on the keyboard functions fine. It's just the volume that's affected. There's no way to correct it unless I unplug all three cable connections (USB, MDP, Power) and plug them back in. If I just disconnect one (I've tried all three individually), it doesn't fix anything. Lastly, I got the updated Apple software for the monitor before I even got it home (so unless they've put out an update in the last two weeks, then I have the latest software).

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MacBook :: Connected MacBoom To LG TV But Shows No Sound Options?

Oct 1, 2010

I am useless with computers and i am trying to connect my macbook to my LG tv via hdmi.i have connected the headphone jack to the audio on my tv but i don't get any sound also how do i get my macbook to not go into sleep after 10 mins?

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IMac :: No Sound Options Comes When USB Device Is Connected - Disconnected?

Jul 20, 2010

I am new to macs and recently purchased an imac. My problem is when I connect a usb device such as my iphone or camera there is no sound played signifying that it is connected. I am used to using windows where a noticeable tune it played everytime a device is connected or disconnected. I have tried looking in setting and such without much luck. Is there anywhere else that can turn this feature on??

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MacBook Pro :: Sound Output Device Stuck On Headphones - Other Sound Related Options ?

Dec 13, 2009

This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.

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MacBook :: High Pitched Sound When MBA Connected To TV And Hi-Fi?

Mar 2, 2010

When I connect to an HD TV using the Mini DisplayPort (via a Monoprice Mini DP-DVI dongle and a Monoprice DVI-HDMI cable) and to a Hi-Fi system using the headphone out, the Hi-Fi speakers emit a loud and persistent high-pitched whine.The whine disappears when I disconnect the Mini DP dongle, and also when I disconnect the audio cable so that the sound is playing through the internal speakers. There's no whine when I connect earphones to the MBA instead of the Hi-Fi. I don't have another external display with which to test the issue, so I'm not sure if this sound exists when the computer's connected to, say, an ACD.I'm surprised that this problem doesn't seem to have been mentioned on this board, but it's well documented on the Apple boards (1, 2, 3, 4). The consensus over there is that it's a fundamental design flaw in the MBA and that the only solution is to get a ground loop isolator. Has anyone here had the problem and been successful in getting it fixed by Apple?

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MacBook :: Audio Port Broken - Looking For USB Sound Options

Jan 6, 2011

I've got the old Macbook model, circa 2006. My audio port's been broken for awhile now, and I recently got a 5.1 surround sound system. I've been playing music through my iPod, of course not getting the full surround effect, but would love to be able to hook the Macbook up to this system, be it in full surround or not. I've got the runaround from people at Radioshack, Best Buy, and was even led to buy this silly part which has done me no good: [URL]. Is there any way I can hook up my speaker system to the laptop via USB?

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Software :: Sound And Speakers Options In Original Macbook Pro?

Jul 27, 2009

For some reason, the sound is going in and out on my computer. The left speaker is making an odd noise (a clicking/snapping noise) and whenever I try playing a sound it is playing the sound broken up. The output volume under sound when I go to the system preferences keeps saying the output is at a certain level, but then it says "the selected device has no output controls". It switches between the two every few seconds. It can't be strictly a problem with the speakers because when I plug my headphones in it does the same thing. Is something internally wrong with my computer? Do I need to bring it into a store to get fixed? I have the original Macbook Pro. The computer is over three years old

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OS X :: New 13" Macbook Pro - No Output Devices & Sound Options Found?

Jun 10, 2009

I had a first gen aluminum 13" Macbook that I spilled beer on. It was basically a write-off, but fortunately the HD was not damaged.I just got my 13" Macbook Pro today, and replaced the new HD with my old one. Everything is working fine, except that there is no sound.When I go to System->Sound I see "No Output devices found", and when I press the sound buttons on the keyboard, the speaker is grayed out.I know this is not a Hardware issue for a couple reasons. First, it properly 'chimes' on startup. Second, I did try running the computer with the new hard drive, and during the sound was working properly, volume adjustment buttons working, etc.

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MacBook Air :: Will Sound Play If Connected To HDMI Screen Without Speakers

Sep 4, 2014

I have just ordered a Macbook Air. I have an external monitor that has speakers seperate. If I use a minidisplay port to hdmi adaptor to connect to the monitor, will the sound be able to be played out of the speakers of the Air? If not, can I connect an audio jack and have it play through the seperate speakers? 

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Picture But No Sound When Connected To Sony TV Via HDMI Cable

Aug 23, 2014

Mac Book Pro retina ( OS X 10.9.4 ) 10 months old; Apple Tv 10 months old connected to Sony TV . Get picture but no sound. I then connected Mac Book to Sony TV via a HDMI cable. Again picture but no sound. Rebooted Mac Book tried again, no success.

Apple TV (3rd generation)

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PowerPC :: Connected IBook To TV - But No Sounnd No Options Shows?

Mar 29, 2009

I found out what the problem is but i'm not sure which cable to get.My TV manual says 'Connect a D-Sub cable between PC IN [PC] connector on the TV and the PC output connector on your computer" (did that part <<) and then "Connect a PC Audio Cable between the PC IN [Audio} jack on the TV and the Audio Out jack of the sound card on your computer. . The port is next to the VGA cable in the pic.

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OS X :: 27" Connected To HDTV Blue Screen Options In A System

Jun 6, 2010

I have a 27" iMac and an LG 47" 1080p HDTV. I just bought the Griffin Video Display Converter, which is certified by Apple to pass both video and audio from the mini display port on the late 2009 iMacs. Whenever somebody turns on the HDTV the iMac's screen flickers the color blue on and off, sometimes staying that way permanently. Permanently the color blue that is. The only way to get out of it is to turn the iMac off and then back on (restarting it).I have the ?Mirror Displays? checkbox checked in the ?Display Preferences?. When I uncheck that box it treats the connected HDTV as an extension to the iMac display, whether the HDTV is on or off, which makes my cursor disappear off one side of the screen. This is why I leave mirroring on.

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MacBook :: High Frequency Ringing Sound When Both External Monitor & Speakers Are Connected?

Jan 8, 2009

I searched the archives and I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet! This is a huge problem on both my Rev A and my new Rev B. When you connect an external monitor and external speakers using the headphone output, there is a high frequency ringing sound coming out of the speakers. I've managed to live with it by turning the treble to minimum and keeping the volume low enough but at the expense of sound quality. The strange part is, if you disconnect the monitor, the ringing sound stops. The problem only occurs if you have speakers and monitor plugged in at the same time. I've tried this on my Samsung monitor, my SONY TV, and my Panasonic audio receiver. The problem occurs with both Rev A and Rev B while my white MacBook and 2007 MacBook Pro all sound fine.

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OS X :: No Sound On TV Connected Via VGA Adapter

May 30, 2010

I have bought a vga adapter for my mac so I can watch movies from my mac on my tv which is fine I can view everything on my tv now but I have no sound. I have also bought a audio cable which connects to my mac and then goes in the back of my tv a red & white connector but still no sound.

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Mac Pro :: What Options Are There For A Good Sound Card In Osx

Feb 24, 2008

what you Mac Pro users are using as a sound card? I would find it hard to believe that many of you are using integrated sound when you are editing sound or creating videos. What options are there for a good sound card in osx?

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Mac :: Sound Options On The 2.93GHz IMac?

Mar 14, 2009

I wasn't sure whether to post this on the Windows on Mac forum or this but!I purchased the new 2.93 GHz 24-inch iMac yesterday at the Apple Store and the everything works perfectly in the Mac OS. In Boot Camp, however, the sound quality gets really bad.

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Mac Pro :: Audio Options To Hear Great Sound

Feb 24, 2009

I purchased a Mac Pro last Thursday after running a G4 350 MHZ machine for far too many years. But it had been such a good machine I focused on it and took my eyes off of technological progress. I thought the PCI buses in the Mac pro were just faster versions of the kind of PCI in the G4. The G4 was outfitted with a Revolution 7.1 sound card from M Audio and that fed into a Creative 6.1 speaker system (with internal amp). The sound was amazing. It was my hope that I'd be able to transfer this card to the Mac Pro and discover even higher quality sound. But before I even tried plugging it in I did some checking and found that PCI Express is an entirely different technology than PCI.

M-Audio has stopped making the Revolution even though they still have drivers for OS X 10.5 (for folks who put this OS onto machines with the original PCI slots, I suppose). So now that this dream has shattered I am wondering what are my options for being able to hear great sound from my new computer. The internal speaker is OK for the beeps and buzzes produced by an OS that wants to get your attention but it sounds horrible when you're trying to watch a surround sound DVD. I'd like to hear from any Mac Pro owners who have found a way to make their computers deliver high quality sound. I know the Mac Pro has optical in and out but have no idea how I could make use of this other than to plug into a rather high priced surround amp.

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IMac :: No Startup Sound When Speakers Connected

Sep 26, 2009

I just got my iMac yesterday, and its been awesome, but I have one question. The classic "bong" sound at startup, I know that is the result of a successful POST, but mine didn't do one after the 1st startup. I had speakers plugged in to it when I started up the 2nd time, and no sound. I unplugged the speakers, and I got the sound. Is that normal or do I need to contact Apple? I jut want to make sure nothings wrong with my iMac. I checked the POST results in System Profiler and it said Passed.

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Intel Mac :: No Sound From Tape Deck When Connected

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to record/trans music from my cassettes to my mac All connections seem to be correct.  But when try to play from the deck - which shows a signal - I don't hear anything when trying a record it thur peak or sound recorder.

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Mac Pro :: Line Out / In Options In System Sound Preferences Are Missing

Sep 5, 2014

My 2008 Mac Pro recently stopped producing any sound.

The startup chime is silent. No sound comes from the speakers at all and the line out/in options in system sound preferences are missing, although it still lists my Logitech webcam microphone and the volume meter for it responds to sound changes.

Could the sound chip on the logic board have stopped working?

Could it be a virus or a software conflict? I haven't updated the system recently or installed new software, but Skype has been acting erratically and has crashed a few times.

The missing line in/out devices in the sound preferences seems like it might be a hardware problem.

I have tried all of the normal things like checking cables and resetting pram but no change.

I have the same condition whether I boot into my primary drive or into the clone (made before the sound stopped working) on a separate drive or into Windows through Bootcamp.

If the logic board integrated sound is broken, can I add a sound card to take over the audio for everything (startup chime, audio from software and audiovisual sources, Skype, etc.)?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 17" Latch Options And Sound Quality

Dec 19, 2006

I bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut

About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?

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IMac :: Unable To Activate Sound Output / Connected To HDTV?

Nov 4, 2010

I have an iMac 27 and I want to connect it to a HDTV samsung 46 full HD. I have conected from displayport to HDMI and i get the screen. But at the same time I have connected a 3,5 minijack from the computer to the RCA audio in of the TV but I dont get sound. I have checked the config of the TV and I dont find any place to activate it. Then, talking about the screen. I have few questions.

How can I stop the screen on the iMac and work only with the HDTV?

How can I config that the windows on the tv have bigger letters while they keep on the same way on the i Mac's screen?

The tv is kind of far away and is difficult to see the letters.

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Software :: Mac Book Pro Sound Options - Internal Speakers Over The Output Jack?

Apr 13, 2009

A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?

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MacBook :: Logic Express 8 Missing Options / Options Missing Under Master Tab

Mar 4, 2010

I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.

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Hardware :: Drive Recognized When Connected Via USB But Not When Connected Via FireWire?

Jan 28, 2009

I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.

I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.

First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.

Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.

Here's where things get strange.

For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.

But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.

What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?

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MacBook :: Hard Drive Makes Clunk Sound / Sound Comes While Surfing Net?

Jun 13, 2009

When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?

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MacBook Pro :: Seagate Hard Drive Makes Sound / Ca-chink Sound While Loading Page

Sep 1, 2009

I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.

Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".

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MacBook Pro :: Unibodeis Making Creaking Sound / Sound While Opening Lid

Aug 12, 2006

For some odd reason, I have been experiencing some creaking when I move the display of my Unibody 15.5" Macbook Pro. At all. It just is very annoying, as it has a distinct plastiky sound to it, and it was not there to begin with. I don't know if this matters, but I have a Speck clear case that I used, but then I took it off because it seemed to be twisting the display a bit. Is this creaking a known issue with the Unibodies, or is it just because of the Speck case? I have never dropped my computer, and it has never been mistreated. It just leads its life on my desk or in my laptop bag. Any ideas?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Use Sound - No Device Found Says In Sound Preferences Pane

Apr 8, 2012

mac book pro Mac OS X 10.6.8 processor 2.2 intel Core i7 Memory 4gb 1333 Vyz DDR3 Can't use sound - No device found says in Sound preferences pane?

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MacBook Pro :: It Suddenly Has No Sound Output, The Menu For Sound Is Greyed Out?

Jun 23, 2012

Macbook Pro suddenly has no sound output. The menu for sound is greyed out. System preferences/sound doesn't alow me to set volume or mute. 

MacBook Pro 2.2, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB

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