Mac Pro :: Unable To Work / Freeze Or Black Screen

Oct 27, 2008

I've reseated memory and my hard drive, but still if I bump it freezes or black screens. I'm going to pickup an external hard drive to backup my data, because this is scaring the crap out of me.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Use / Freeze With Black Screen During Calibration

Sep 13, 2010

Today I left my MBP on without the Power Adapter for calibration. Three hours later, when I arrived home, I found it with a black screen, unresponsive (didn't respond to any key or mouse movement whatsoever). No, the battery wasn't empty of charge, it still had half the charge! This is the second time this happens to me, I can't seem to think of a reason for this to happen.

I believe JDownloader was open, but not doing any downloads, but I'm not sure whether it was open or not, but besides it, nothing else was open.

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MacBook Air :: Won't Stay Asleep - Black Screen And Freeze

Nov 9, 2010

Been having a few huge issues with my new MBA 13".

#1 - Putting the laptop to sleep. I put the laptop to sleep and put it in the bag and at some point it wakes back up. If I don't remove it during the day by that afternoon/evening when I go to remove it the battery is at 0% and it's fully discharged. One day I took it out a couple hours in and the fan was blowing like mad like it had been running for a while, when I opened the lid I had a black screen and it was frozen. Disabled waked for network access but it was no help.

#2 - When the laptop goes in standby and I open it back up I get a beach ball forever - I've tried to let it go for upwards of 30 minutes and it never unfreezes, but I can move the mouse around. I ended up telling the laptop not to standby when it was plugged in to a power source otherwise I ended up always losing work.

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OS X :: Won't Work With 10.4 / Freeze On Log In Screen

May 3, 2009

never had a problem with a freezing mac in 5 years of mac use so wouldn't like it to start now. Whilst using firefox this morning it froze, force quit wouldn't work, entire screen froze. Keyboard shortcut wouldn't allow me to shut down, so I had to shut down via the on/off switch.

When I came to switch it on again it loads up to the log in screen, the mouse moves around the screen but when I click on my username nothing happens. I've taken out all USB cables, switched wireless keyboard and mouse on and off etc, restarted, no joy. Next I tried to startup with the c key and install disc, but again I got to the log in screen and nothing happened. I'm assuming as I can't log in and get to a desktop that is why it's not allowing me to start with the disc?

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IMac :: Unable To Work With Radeon 4850 / Freeze

Apr 28, 2009

do you think the issue with the radeon is the hardware or do you think a simple update in the future will fix it?

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work / Mouse Pointer Screen Freeze

Jun 14, 2008

I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.

The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To View Full Screen Mode / Second Screen Turns Black

Sep 16, 2009

So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.

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PowerPC :: Won't Work With G4 / Screen Goes Black

Jun 28, 2010

I just bought a PowerBook G4 off of craigslist today. 1.67GHz G4 processor, 15" screen, etc etc. The battery shows 99%, and when I unplug it I can count one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four.. oops, it's dead. In the menu bar I can see it recognizing that it's switched to battery a split second before the screen goes black.

An excerpt from System Profiler, leading me to believe the battery is fine:
Battery Installed: Yes
First low level warning: No
Full Charge Capacity (mWh): 3615
Remaining Capacity (mWh): 3587
Amperage (mA): 0
Voltage (mV): 12494
Cycle Count: 274

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Software :: Black Mac Screen Won't Work?

Mar 20, 2009

I got my Macbook in January of last year, and things were working (for the most part) fine until earlier today. Currently, I am writing this on my PC.

My screen won't work. It's completely black, and won't show me anything. It's not the brightness - it LITERALLY looks as though it is off. If I hit the volume buttons, I can hear the little noises it makes, and if I just hit the power button and then "enter", it turns off, so I know the display is there, I just can't see it. Even the little light on the front of the Mac (the one this is supposed to blink when it is in sleep mode) won't blink, and remains on when it is closed.

I am beyond frusterated! Can anyone out there help me? It would be GREATLY appreciated.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Frozen Screen / Turns Black

Oct 28, 2009

my MBP is really screwing up these days. Basically the best way I can describe it is that randomly once in awhile (no matter what I'm doing, usually surfing the net) the screen flickers a few times, then most of it turns black (except usually for a small part on top that stays on whatever it was displaying before). The section between the part that stayed the same and the bottom is sort of "multicolored".

The computer does not respond to anything except holding the power button down for 5 seconds until it shuts off. If I try to adjust brightness or sound level, nothing happens. Anyway, I took it in to apple and they claimed it was the motherboard, so they replaced it. But today I had the problem again! What else could it even be? Any chance its the RAM/screen/hard drive?

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MacBook :: Black Screen - Programs Won't Work After Reinstall?

Apr 9, 2010

My ibook screen has been spontaneously and arbitrarily going black. I reinstalled the operating system and now Safari crashes every time I try to open it. Several other programs will not open including adobe and iTunes now says "You cannot use the application iTunes with this version of Mac OS" I also noticed that about this mac now says I'm running 10.4.2. when I had 10.4.11. I was prompted to install some updates a few hours after the reinstall. The screen is still randomly going black after the reinstall.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Start - Getting Black Screen

Jan 2, 2010

On my Mac Pro i have windows XP on hard drive number 2. I went to boot to it today after installing a program and nothing happens. The monitors are receiving information but there just a black screen.

Not sure what i should do considering that i can still access the drive and files from the MAC Side. I can also get to the boot screen to select safe mode but that also does nothing.

It is a early 09 Mac Pro...i have been using the computer this way since last April. Cant figure out what happened.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Boot System / Screen Flashed To Black Off

Feb 19, 2009

Today I came home from work and turned on my Mac Pro. At first everything appeared normal and I walked away on a call for a few minutes. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the screen was flashing to black off and on. I turned off the tower to try and restart it and now it wont boot!

I have removed all other hard drives aside from the boot drive. Re-seated all RAM. Tried various combination's of RAM. Tried to load the snow leopard install only to get a kernal panic. Tried again with just RAM and received a kenal panic as well.

*Update* It seems that the RAM when I swapped it out was VERY hot for only being in a short period of time (under 10 min). Not sure if this helps.

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OS X :: Noticed When The Computer Is Idle (black Screen), Wired Mouse Does Not Work?

Jan 2, 2011

I recently purchased a refurbished 24 inch imac from the noticed when the computer is idle (black screen), my wired mouse does not work. When I pull the cable out of the usb port on the imac, the computer screen comes on and then I reinsert the cable back into the usb port in the computer to use the wired mouse (wired mouse works fine after I reinsert the cable back into the usb port).Could this problem be associated with the wired mouse or with the usb ports on the imac?

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OS X :: Unable To Setup MBR / Black Screen With A Blinking White Underscore

Aug 12, 2009

I am running OSX 10.5.8. A little while ago I successfully Boot-Camped my hard drive and installed Windows 7, but i recently got a new hard drive. I copied over my OSX partition successfully, but didn't copy over the Windows partition. On my new drive I went through the boot camp assistant and created a partition and inserted the Windows 7 disc. But when it restarts, it just seems to hang there- it's just a black screen with a blinking white underscore(_).

I have been told that because I copied over my OSX partition it didn't set up the MBR on the new disk, is their any way to fix this? (besides doing a clean install of OSX)
Are there any software or guides available to help me fix this?

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start Powerbook / Screen Went Black And Will Not Respond

Aug 31, 2009

I was just using my powerbook G4 12" when it "clicked", the screen went black and it will not respond. the power cable light is on, and I've tried another battery, but it does not turn on! the little light on the latch button that glows usually, is not on. What has happened to my Powerbook????! I don't have applecare but I imagine I will be calling Apple this morning unless someone can help here

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Login As Admin / Screen Goes Black And Gives Bunch Of Options

Jun 18, 2009

Alright, I FINALLY got windows on my mac and am very proud of myself. However, I am encountering what I hope is a final problem.

I want to log into Windows as an admin, so when it starts up I hit F8. The screen goes black and gives me a bunch of options, I choose "Safe Mode". Everything so far works like it should. But then the log screen appears with two options: Admin and my regular user. Obviously I want admin, but my keyboard and mouse are utterly nonresponsive , even the little caps light won't turn on. This means I'm stuck there, staring at what I want to click but unable to do so. The only button that works is the power button.

Anyone else run into this? More importantly, anyone know how to fix it?

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Software :: Unable To Find Hard Drive / Showing Black Screen

Aug 31, 2010

Last week I put an extra hard drive into a powermac G4 - i didnt know if the hardrive was working or not, and I was asked to put both Harddrives in the one machine to find out if it was working. I did this and nothing happened. I changed the jumpers and still nothing happened.

the existing hardrive was being read but not the new one that I had put in, so I went to start up disk and changed the disk that I was starting up from to the other hardrive. It wouldnt boot, i took the hardrive out and tried to put the computer back to its original state and nothing happened. just a blank screen. I have tried pressing OPT and the hardrive appears but after this screen nothing happens. if I were to use the install disc, would this wipe the hard-drive at all?

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MacBook Pro :: Blue And Black Vertical Lines On Startup Then Freeze 10.7.3

May 14, 2012

I have a 2007 MacBookPro. shortly after installing Lion 10.7.3  and VectorWorks 2011 I started getting vertical blue and black lines across my screen on startup. They remain with in the apple while the computer boots and the everything freezes. I tried all of the usual fixes, recovery, safe boot, reset PRAM, battery, etc.When I tried to boot of a system disc I get a message sating that I need to restart my computer. Upon restart same problem occurs. 2 months ago I took the whole thing apart and cleaned out the guts.  Reconnecting all cables back together, I came across, what I think is the camera cable.  Since my camera has been erratic, i decided to test the problem with it connected and then disconnected. Connected same problem. Once i unplugged the camera everything went back to normal, until now. The same problem returned. I cleaned out the guts again. This time I unplugged the hard drive to try and boot off the C drive, but still get the same problem.  This morning It decided to boot up. I was able to copy my essential files onto an external drive.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows 7 Premium / Bootcamp Black Screen Appears

Feb 1, 2010

iMac 27" i7 with OS X v 10.6.x when I create the bootcamp partition for windows 7 and I install from my original DVD of Windows 7. I format the partition during the install of windows 7 and on the first reboot after windows 7 first part of the install, the screen shows the Windows 7 logo and says continuing installation and then a black screen and then nothing.

I have to hard power off the iMac and then it starts over says the thing about the system didn't shut down properly and gives me the option to start safe mode etc. and does the same thing each time.

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MacBook Pro :: 2008 Stay Freeze At Start With Black And Green Bars?

Jun 13, 2012

I've an early 2008 macbook Pro with geforce 8600 graphic cards.Since a few days i've problems with it, during a session my screen become a little green and pink and I've sometime the kernel panic message.When i restart, i've  green and black bars on the screen, the apple is not in the middle and the mac freeze.I can't start with the recovery, even on the usb recovery disk, because after the choice of the recovery, the mac begin and freeze.I've ever try to begin in single user mode with fsck -fy command, sometime it resolve the problem but now nothing at all.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work / Freeze I5 And I7 Hd

May 8, 2010

So my MBP i7 with a 500GB 7200 rpm disk. The system has been freezing randomly for up to 20 - 35 seconds at a time, the same as many other people on here. i have used superduper to clone my disk to a usb hd. I have not had 1 single freeze so far running of the usb drive. I boot back to the internal drive and with in minutes i get a freeze. This is just what i have found, would be good if anyone else with the freeze issue could try the same.

My hdd is

Model Number: ST9500420ASG
Revision : 0008APM2
serial : 5VJ5AN23

just wondering if all the people that have this issue have the same hard drive ?

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OS X :: Unable To Work With Screen Capture / Desktop

Jun 7, 2010

How would I redefine where the screen capture utilities (command-shift-3, etc.) place the image? I can cut out a step in my work if, rather than placing the image on the desktop, I can place it in a specific folder (or even a network folder).

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OS X :: Unibody MBP Screen Freeze & Screen Height Cluster?

Mar 19, 2009

Just got my new macbook pro last week, been having some problems ever since i changed my ram to Kingston 1066MHz DDR3, supposedly to be compatible with the MBP.

I have experienced horizontal lines of flickering and freeze of my entire system, which requires me to do a hard reset. I have recorded a video of it here.

I have also experienced similar type of freeze, but the screen pixels just cluster together at the top 20% of the screen, much like this.

I have ALSO experienced my keyboard totally not responding when i try to recover from a password saved screensaver!! The mouse is working fine, but the system just can't detect any keystroke input, forcing me to shutdown forcefully again!

I don't have time to send in my MBP as i need to work on it, and cannot do without a machine, any ideas how to resolve this?

May i also know which rams are compatible with Mac?

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OS X :: Unable To Work With Screen Capture / Can't Find Setting

Mar 12, 2009

i know that there are 2 ways in OSX to take screen pictures.. one of the whole screen and other of just a portion of it. I just don't know how?

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OS X :: Shutdown Cursor Freeze / Make It To Work?

Feb 23, 2009

I just got a new macbook pro unibody a few weeks ago, and when i go to shutdown the mac, my cursor is stuck for a good 20 or so seconds and then i can finally move it to shut it down. This does not seem normal to me and am wondering if this is an isolated event or it happens to others? Is there a fix for it? Such as a new driver, reinstall, etc.

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Software :: Unable To Connect To OSX Server For Screen Sharing / Get This To Work?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a few Macs in my condo, and I'm able to connect between all of them with Screen Sharing/Remote Management with no problem. I recently bought a Mac Mini Server to use as a HTPC/Server with OSX Server installed. I can connect to any of my other computers FROM the server with Screen Sharing, but I can't connect TO the Mac Mini Server from any of my other computers. All of the settings seem to be correct and the same as my other computers. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get this to work?

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Restart Shows Flickering Black/white Screen, Then Black

Feb 3, 2012

Desktop restart shows flickering black/white screen, then black. Could not restart.

iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Intel Mac :: Tends To Freeze Or Lock Up And The Keyboard Shortcuts Do Not Work?

Jun 4, 2012

tends to freeze or lock up and the keyboard shortcuts do not work

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), HP probs

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: IMac Screen Went Black - Starts Up With Black Display

May 24, 2012

I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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