Hardware :: IMac Crashed And Boot Sequence Would Seem To Hang

Jan 9, 2009

Booting my iMac after a crash the other (leopard 10.5.6) day I came across the problem that the boot sequence would seem to hang. Visibly I would see the apple logo and the spinning bar and it would sit there. Thinking that it may be hardware related I booted up and ran the hardware diags but these showed there was no issues. I then booted off the boot cd and ran diskutil to check the os disk and that check said that the OS disk was fine. I was unable to boot into safe mode at all. I could get into single user without any problems and fsck'ing the root fs didn't highlight any errors. So with the fs ok I'm thinking that this maybe an os problem but when I boot with verbose on I see that when it hangs it gets ioerrors on the root disk rdisk0s2.

In order to prove that there was a physical problem I booted up into single user and ran a dd from the os disk and that proved it. After that preamble, I guess my question here is what should I do now ? Is there an equivilent of the Solaris format command where it could map out any bad blocks ? Or from a safety point of view should I get the disk replaced ? Or maybe I should just reformat the drive and reload the os? I'm a solaris SA by trade and on a dev box I would get format to read analyze the disk and map out any bad blocks but in production I would definitely get the disk swapped so I'm in a bit of a quandary. Also if I get the disk swapped, should apple swap it as I have had the iMac for less than 12 months?

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OS X Mavericks :: Screen Of IMac Flashes Green During Boot Sequence Then Returns To Normal

Jun 4, 2014

During the boot-sequence the screen of my Imac 27" flashes green (once), then returns to normal. This does not happen when I boot my Windows (Bootcamp) partition, so I assume this is some kind of OSX driver error. This started to happen only after I installed the latest patch (10.9.3). How to get rid of it ?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Boot Camp Screwed Up Start Up Sequence?

Apr 4, 2009

I tried installing Windows XP on to my MacBook running Leopard last November using an XP installment disk that came with a Dell Desktop. So that worked out well, until Boot Camp told me to print out an instruction sheet. Well, I don't have a printer connected to my MacBook, so I continued the installation without it.

The installation apparently 'finished' so I clicked "finish" but the whole installation process went back to the beginning, so I had to force quit the installation (my MacBook was running from just the disk, not 'Macintosh HD'). By the way, I went through the installation process a couple of times before I thought "this is just keep on repeating."

Well, whenever I go to boot up my MacBook now, a message comes up in a black background with white writing saying "No bootable disk, press any key to continue." Pressing any key doesn't work, so I have to hold down the power button (which I hate doing since it's apparently bad for the HDD) to turn it off, and I now have to hold down the alt/option key whenever I start up my Mac. By the way, the only disk that comes up is 'Macintosh HD', not the 'Windows HD' I partitioned earlier, which I have now deleted. My question is, what else can I do to completely erase this message I get at the start up?

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Mac Pro :: Hang On Boot Either From HDD Or Install DVD

Apr 6, 2010

My primary machine went down today. Came home from work, went to wake it from sleep, it was unresponsive, black screen, power light constant. Checked all connections, tried powering off, waiting, reboot, grey pinwheel on boot from HDD. Tried booting from OS install DVD, same issue.

Removed all extra RAM, HDD's. Left standard ram and standard drive blank in computer, tried to boot from SL install dvd, hangs at same point. You can hear the DVD spin up, the pinwheel spins and then hangs after a while. I have tried a SMC reset. Zapping PRAM etc.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed Severely After OS Update - Now Will Not Boot Up

Jun 12, 2012

Just did Software Update from Apple and it crashed severely. Now it will not boot-up. I had the fading down screen with a message saying to hold down the on Button to reboot but it will not, it starts up with the same massage. It also comes up with some and more of the info below, whatever it means?

Panic CPU 0 <Panic>
Unable to find perform text scan:
Debugger called <Panic>
Can't perform text scan:
SD process name corresponding to correct thread
MAC OS Version: Not yet set.

I also updated a Mac Mini and iMac with no problems.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: IMac Hang On 5.10.8 Combo Update?

May 24, 2010

Long story, but basically I got an "invalid sibling error" on my intel IMac and was told the best fix was to zero the HD and reinstall. I did this and got Leopard running. Now it hangs while I try to update to 5.10.8. I downloaded the combo update from Apple after it failing through system update.

I'm not sure what the issue could be. I've verified the disk, checked it's smart status is ok and run the hardware test from the install disk.

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Mac Pro :: Previously Rock Solid Crashed And Now Will Not Boot-up Past A Screen Of Black?

Apr 8, 2012

Yesterday the trusted and loyal MacPro froze and on reboot kept going straight to a screen which looks like a modern art collaboration between Kasparov, a robot and the ghost of Jackson Pollock. You can see the artwork in the pictures below. Lion has recently been installed. Main programmes used are Logic and Final Cut Pro. I have taken the machine apart and dusted everything down, talked sternly to the ciruit boards, offered bribes to the CPU and even played it Salsa - I figured that this works in breaking the spirits of kidnappers, so it may work with the hard disk. There is a suspicion lingering that the computer was aware of a make or break week of editing coming up and decided to stop working in protest (it is getting on a bit), so I let it rest for a bit before trying another reboot. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3),

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IMac :: Hang Up On Blue Screen - Only Boots In Safe Mode

Jun 18, 2009

Tried everything from archive and install (wouldn't read disk2 until the 9th try and ended up with 9 system folders). Then tried an Erase and Install. Still it refuses to boot. Get's hung up at the blue screen. Will only boot in safe mode. Now for the last few days even the startup chime is missing. Tried PRAM and NVRAM resets. no help. Won't boot from DiskWarrior boot disk either. Just hangs

iMac Specs:
Machine Name:iMac G5
Machine Model:PowerMac8,2
CPU Type:PowerPC G5 (3.0)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1.8 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:600 MHz
Boot ROM Version:5.2.5f1
Serial Number:QP52604RSDU

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Excel And Word 2011 Hang On Saving On IMac But Are Fine On Macbook Air

Feb 7, 2012

I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a 2.8GHz CoreDuo iMac from 2007 and on a Macbok Air 2.13 GHz Core duo from 2010.  The iMac has 4GB of RAM the Macbook has 2 GB RAM. 

I run Microsoft Office 2011 on both machines.  For the same file the Macbook operates normally on Word and Excel.  The iMac is slow at best and when I try a Save As it hangs for up to 15 minutes brfor letting me change the FIle Name. This effectively makes it unusable. 

As far as I can tell the set up of Office on both Machines is identical and I have eliminated duplicate Fonts as suggested by some posts but the problem remains.  I have checked Activity Monitor and I am not getting any Page Outs so RAM does not appear to be an issue.

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MacBook Air :: HDD Scan On Mac Air - IMac's HDD Crashed?

Jan 4, 2010

is there a way to run Drive Genius on Mac Air? The MA is getting slower by the day and I saw the same symptoms right before my iMac's HDD crashed. I want to run a HDD scan but Drive Genius requires that I scan a non boot drive. Since Target mode is not an option, I am out of ideas.

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IMac :: Backing Up External HDD - Crashed Three Times

Nov 12, 2010

I had a HDD fail. I backed up as much as I could save onto an older 500 gig drive, 365 gig in total. I then bought a bunch of 2 TB drives to make proper backups so I don't loose stuff in future. Anyway I have tried to copy the 365 gig from the older 500 gig drive over to the new 2TB drive. On my Mac pro it crashed three times after getting through about 50 gig. I have just tried connecting both drives to my imac and instead of copying all 365 gig in one go I tried one folder, it is 50 gig.

I have just come home and it says "copying 35.5 gig of 50 gig, about 30 minutes to go, it has crashed. It seems I can't easily back up my drives? They are both formatted as Mac Extended Journaled. I have googled and can't find any reference to this problem. I have checked to make sure my drives don;t go to sleep after 10 minutes and they don't. The files aren't corrupt btw. I have had issues in the past backing up mac drives for some strange reason.

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OS X :: Netflix Crashed My IMac / Fix Booting Situation?

Mar 11, 2010

Nothing else was running, there have been some issues with running netflix and the image freezing but audio would continue, and the only way to get to undo was to hold the power button until it turned off.

Well I did it this last time and now the computer asks for a bootable disk

What could have happened from this situation, and how to fix the booting situation? Is netflix the culprit?

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IMac (Intel) :: Computer Crashed While Gaming With Some Repeated Sound

Jun 24, 2014

my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.

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OS X :: Shortcut Character - Key Sequence?

Sep 15, 2009

I'm using xcode. There is a shortcut character for "Edit Active Target" under Project. I have seen this character in other places. But it is not on my keyboard. I have a MacBook Pro. The character looks like a with a " next to it followed by the curly character next to the apple symbol. (looks like "%) Does anyone know what the key sequence is to get this shortcut?

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IMac :: 27" Wont's Boot Up / Takes A Very Long Time To Boot?

May 15, 2010

I have a 2 week old iMac 27", i7, 2tb Hard Drive, 16gb RM

In the second week the boot up times became very slow.

I would turn the machine on and get the chime within 5 seconds or so.

Then just a black/blank screen.

Eventually after about 10mins I would get a white screen then it would boot up normally.

Now the machine just doesn't get to the white screen. So I get the chime and then just darkness. It does sound like the machine is on (usual quiet imac whirring).

I've tried various key commands when I turn the machine on including pressing C with the install disk in the dvd drive and the alt, control, P, R pram reset.

I've also tried unplugging all the cables, leaving the machine for a minute and switching back on. I did manage to perform the PRAM reset once. I reset the machine and it booted fine.

But now when I switch it on just darkness.

I've called after sales and will try to get the machine replaced but in the meantime is there anything I could try that might make the machine work? I need to do a remix this weekend (deadline Monday) so really need to get it working.

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Laptops :: G3 Keystroke Sequence For Start Up

Feb 5, 2010

My G3 laptop has been in storage for over six months and won't start up. The power lead and clock battery are new. This happened before and Dianne the moderator at the time gave me a simple keystroke sequence to bring it back to life. Anyone out there know what that was?

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OS X :: Mac Mail 3.5 Deleting Emails Sequence?

Mar 2, 2009

I am using a new 24 inch IMac. I just decided to use mail 3.5 vice thunderbird and have had a number of issues (To me, the program seems incredibly buggy which shocks me)...I have been able to work through most but here is a minor annoyance I cant seem to figure out...

When I delete an email from a list of emails, I want the next email that is highlighted to be the one that is the next one down, not the one that is the next one up. How do you establish this preference?

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OS X :: Key Sequence Which Grabs Video Shot?

Apr 30, 2009

I'm sure I've managed this before, but can't remember how. You're playing a video and you want a snapshot of that babe singing to print and put in your wallet... what's the key sequence? If SHIFT+CMD+3 grabs a screen, what grabs a video shot?

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Windows On Mac :: Managing Shutdown Sequence

Sep 19, 2009

I am running Parallels & Windows XP. Can I shutdown the Mac or do I need to first shutdown Windows XP, then Parallels, & then Mac?

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Intel Mac :: Is There A Recover Key Sequence Like Cntl-Alt-Del

Apr 4, 2012

There are times when my iMac locks up (like just now while I had iTunes playing and I looked at my calendar and clicked to see what invitation was pending).  All the input devices locked up (mouse, trackpad) and so the only thing that would have been left was a hot key sequence (if one exists) to recover from the lockup.  Is there one?

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Final Cut Studio :: HDV Sequence Settings?

Jun 2, 2014

I've been using FCP 7 for a few years and have just now discovered a problem I can't seem to solve. I have some archive material that I originally injested from HDV tape to HDV 1080 50i 1440 x 1080 and the clip info shows this to be correct. I set up a sequence and and clicked all the settings to match this and no matter what I do, I keep getting either a red render line or a green render line. I'm not entirely sure whether it should be set up for HDTV or just HD in settings, but setting HDTV cause the red render line to appear. Upper field is chosen and 48Khz for sound.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: 10.4 Not Mounting - Powers Up - Not Complete Start Up Sequence

Apr 12, 2009

Problem: powers up, will not complete start up sequence What led to the problem: Ignorance, mostly. CD was stuck in vertical bay and I tried someone's suggestion to eject via terminal. If you are laughing (and/or groaning), you know what must have happened. Here are steps taken to rectify disk eject and start up problems, with the results. Note: iMac install disk one remains in the vertical bay, unable to be read or ejected. applejack, fsck -fy ... multiple times. Results: disk & permissions repaired and/or verified but OSX still will not start up. It starts with grey screen, goes to blue with grey window. Progress bar moves slowly from left to right and seems to reach 100%. Operation stalls at that point. Note: Any attempt to use diskutil stalls and commands such as list, mount do not execute. drutil eject gave these results: dyld library not loaded: /system/library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/versions/A/openGL referenced from: /system/library/frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/versions/A/Quartzcore reason: image not foundTrace/BPT trap

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Mac Pro :: The Correct Sequence To Setup RAID Arrays?

Jul 19, 2010

Yesterday I bought a new Mac Pro. I absolutely LOVE it, and don't care if they replace it tomorrow. It is a terrific machine. I do want to set up two sepeate RAID arrays inside it, and could use a little help, as I've never done this before. I want to set up one array, of two large (say 1TB) drives in mirrored (RAID 1?) format for all my data. I want to set up another of two smaller (300GB) WD Velociraptor drives, which I already own, in striped (RAID 0?) format for the operating system, and my applications, as well as a bootcamp partition.

This is where it gets complicated for me. Much of my data is on one of the velociraptor drives in another computer. My question is, can I install the two new 1TB drives, set them up as RAID 1, using the original drive that came in the Mac Pro, move my data over from the old computer, then install the velociraptors, set up that RAID 0 array, and install the operating system. In other words, will the "new" operating system recognize the data raid array that I had created with the "old" operating system?

An easier question. When setting up the operating system on what will be my new RAID 0 array, do I just boot from the CD? and secondly, do I first set up the striped raid, and then install the operating system, and then the bootcamp partition? Or is there a different sequence to use.OK finally, when booting into windows through bootcamp, will windows be able to see the seperate data RAID array?l

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QuickTime :: Open Jpeg Image Sequence

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to make a sequnce of stills into a time-lapse video.Someone on the FCP forum told me to use Quicktime to open the sequence and save it as a Pro Res video.But Quicktime won't let me open the jpegs.

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7), want them to import as single frame

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ITunes :: New IPad Sync Sequence Now No Music

Jun 24, 2012

A good friend of mine had over 1500 songs ripped from CD on my MacBook. In a hurry before a trip she purchased a new iPhone and new iPad and in the syncing to get Address book and calendar and photos synced up a big change happened on the laptop. All the music appears to be gone.Exclamation points in iTunes and practically nothing in the iTunes Music folder. The macbook is running 10.5.8.I have tried search on the laptop... I cannot see the files. I have tried mounting the macbook as target disk and using Data Recue 3 in demo mode to see if I can "see" the files they do not show up. Somehow iTunes knew they were there before so it lists the songs with the exclamation point and given the huge unused space on the macbook disk it sure seems like the files should be there.

Unfortunately, my friend only has her original CDs as backup.How can I recover the files which were on that disk?  The iPad and iPhone are on the road and we think the music got removed from them as well.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Win 7 running on BootCamp and vmFus

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QuickTime :: Osx Lion V10.1 - Open A Sequence Of Images?

Jul 2, 2012

I am running XSI lion 10.7.4 and have a default QT installed. I am not able to open a sequence of images and save out to a mov file.There seems to be no menu selection anymore.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Final Cut Studio :: Why Can't Export Sequence Using Compressor 3.0.5

Aug 23, 2014

why I can't export my FCP 6 sequence using Compressor 3.0.5.   

I have an hour-long 1080p Pro Res 422 sequence that I am trying to export using Compressor 3.  Whether I export using the 'Pro Res 422' preset or the 'H.264' preset, transcoding commences but then stops abruptly 15 to 20 minutes later with an error message saying 'Quicktime Error: -50.'

For what it's worth, I have an early-2008 dual quad-core Mac Pro desktop with 6 GB of RAM and two ATI Radeon 5770 graphics cards.  I am currently running OS X 10.6.8.  The media (including Motion graphics) and project file are on an external drive connected via Firewire 800.

how to properly export this sequence at the highest quality without getting the error message

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Final Cut Pro 6

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OS X :: Network Keeps Dropping Internet Signals / Happens Randomly In No Sequence

Apr 9, 2009

My problem is I keep loosing 'Internet' signal on my network, the network still runs fine and all computers (macbook, imac and macbook pro) are still connected to the network and can still transfer files but there is no internet connection. Im not 100% sure but this seems to happen once more than one computer is on the network at once. It happens randomly and their seems to be no real sequence or pattern as to when it happens.

I was adviced to change the ports on my router from 11 to say 6 or others, this didnt seem to help, and i have since thought as my imac is hard wired with an ethernet cable this wouldn't effect this computer as it is not connected over wireless but this computer IS still affected.

I have tried numerous hard resets and fimrware updates etc but no joy, the router i'm using is a Belkin URL

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MacBook :: How To Play Short Videos In Sequence With QuickTime

Nov 30, 2014

I've got a stack (about 10-12) of short videos that I want to play with Quick Time over HDMI on my wide screen tv.  Is there a way of starting the first of the series and expecting it to play them all in sequence? 

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Sort Out Tracks In Their Proper Playing Sequence

Dec 1, 2014

Tracks show in the wrong sequence in iTunes and are thus played in the wrong sequence. Even though the tracks were properly numbered when downloaded from CD (i.e. 1 track of 18, 2 track of 18 etc...)

Using IOS 10.10.01 on iMac

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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