I am about to clean up some unused programs on my Mac. Should there be an uninstall file for each application? If not, what is the recommended way to remove the application and all of its associated files?Â
i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.
is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.
I tried (and later succeded) installing spotify but I can't purge an earlier damaged installation file from the trash can. It just hangs saying it's deleting.
The first batch of videos was copied to an external drive from a Windows PC with MacDrive installed. When I came back to my Mac, I plugged the external drive into my Mac and moved those files to my hard drive.The second batch was copied using Connect to Server command right from my Mac.The funny thing is Final Cut Pro cannot recognize the first batch of videos.So I took a look at the file permissions using Terminal. All of the videos in the first batch have a file permission of -rwxr-xr-x@ but the others have -rwxr-xr-x. I tried to do a chmod 755 on every video file, but the @ sign still wouldn't go away.
My iMac is fairly old -- 2006 -- and many of the important programs I use, plus my beloved Bose external speakers, are completely inaccessible. I'd like to uninstall it and go back to Snow Leopard. Is it as simple as inserting the disk and reinstalling? How do I get RID of Lion.
How do I uninstall a program off of my iMac? I am very new to the Apple world so there is still a sharp learning curve. This is a program that I recently added, have used as needed, and would like to unload from the computer. In Windows, I would simply go to Control Panel, go to Install/Uninstall, select the program of interest, and uninstall it. Is there a similar process here?
I have been trying to access sky desktop this evening and can't until I upgrade to microsoft silverlight 5 but I can't remove microsoft silverlight 4 from my computer. I have had a look online and all of the instructions that I have found haven't made any sense to me. Please help (but using nice easy instructions!)
When I try to uninstall a program using CCleaner I get this message "You do not have privileges to perform this operation". I am the only user on this computer.
I am trying to use ESET Cyber Security and can't down load it until Norton is gone. I have taken all of Norton off the computer I can and it still says I need to remove it before I can use ESET. I search and can not find any Norton on my Mac 3.06 6Hz inter core e Duo, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Version 10.6.8 How do I find and remove Norton?
Some time ago I installed WebWatch the Safari extension. I hate it. It won't stop popping up. I don't see where you can change the time you want it to come up and definitely don't see how to uninstall it.
I use Typinator for text expansion, but I prefer Textexpander's sound (bubble). Is there a way, manipulating the Library folder or whatever, to take the sound file for Textexpander and throw it in Typinator's and then use it?
I just bought this Imac as my 3rd apple computer. The Safari in my MacAir and MacPro is fine but this ******* safari in Imac is *&^(*&^%*&^$%*^&%*&&^n me off and wasted all my research and setup times ; when one page refreshes, all 15 tabs refresh with it. I mean this is the new milleniuym age where we are supposed to be using super computers but it seems the higher you upgrade, the more frustrating you get. Am done with it for the XXX times. I researched the forums and read that there is a chance that Mac OS will be unstable if forced attempt to remove Safari. Has anyone found any way or experienced this destabalizing of the OS?
I have been sent an important file with the above suffix, and I don't know how to open it. I specified Microsoft Word when asked as that seemed the most logical contender, but I can't open it in any of the formats that offers. At least, I can open the file, but it comes out as a garbled mass of symbols. Please could someone tell me how to change the default for opening it and what to change it to?
I must have hit some funky combination of keys, for now my iMac, every time I open an application, opens the file I want PLUS the file that was last open in that same application. How do I get this to quit happening?
i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.
is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.
I am upgrading to Lion and Microsoft Excel and Office will not run under Lion.I am upgrading to office 2011.Do I need to uninstall office 2004 prior to installing 2011.If so how do I uninstall 2044.Â
I am a newcomer to imac (and Apple Support Communities !) and downloaded Google Earth without realising that I could use Google Maps. How do I uninstall Google Earth and remove the icon from my dock ?I have the latest imac and most up to date operating system.
The title says all. I want to open everything that isn't already associated with an app in textedit, instead of the horridly repetitive and time consuming "open with...". How do I do this?
1. I've heard that installing applications is as simple as dragging and dropping the file into the Apps folder. Is this true? What about the more complex programs like Photoshop etc?2. In iPhoto 09, I know about Events and how they group photos together by date etc. but I'd like to have more general events like "My Nephew" "Nights out" "Sports Photos" that could span years. Is this do-able?3. Is it possible to hide an entire event in iPhoto?4. Does iPhoto use destructive image-editing techniques? Or is it non-destructive, keeping the original safe and un-edited?
this is driving me insane. On Tiger I was always able to select the default application to open a given file type, but I can't do this in SL. I want the XLD app to always open my .flac files. So, I click on a .flack file, select "get info" and select "Open with - XLD", and then I click CHANGE ALL. Fine. Next time, I just click "open" on a .flac and it's back to some other application being the default for opening the file, and not XLD! It keeps doing that, no matter how I keep trying to get XLD to be the default... what am I doing wrong, and what can I do to get it to work?
when i download an application i get the message to choose the location which is the macintosh hard drive ( i cant figure out how to select something else) and after it has completed the download i cannot locate where the new file / application is. I have downloaded twice and do not see it.
Thought that I would ask the collective minds at macrumors. I have been playing around with all of the databasing, collection, sorting apps that I could find.
Main goal is a central repository for All of my documents (PDF's, word files, txt files, notes/receipts etc...), all with a user interface so that I may browse my documents.
The problem I am having is that none of the apps i have found have everything I need. Now if i could put 2 or three apps coding into one, then I'd have a winner
� Tagging system (Devonthink Pro is not functioning)
� Accessible file structure (no sparse bundles etc...), so that I may access my files via drop box if away from my computer, without the actual program.
� Smart Folders As Subfolders WITH Tagging. An example would be to make 3 Nested smart folders ( Personal Folder / School Folder / Math Folder) Now if I dropped a File on the Math Folder Tags would be added to the file to satisfy the entire Folder structure. Please let me know if this needs further explanation.
� Shelf would be nice. Devonthink has one that operates as a separate app than the actual program, Together has one, but only when the program is active.
� Decent search ability, but I would think this is easily done utilizing spotlights abilities. I am already manually OCR'ing my PDF's with Acrobat.
I think i mentioned most things, but am sure i missed out on a few points. The best implementation of what I want is a mix of Journler, Together, and DevonThink Pro. Journler nails the tagging, and nested folders perfectly. But does not have a file structure that is usable without the program. DevonThink fales with both nested folders and lack of tagging. I have settled on Together for now, as it works with the file structure I want, and supports tagging. Just does not have smart tagging.