Have noticed that when in iTunes and selecting full screen cover flow mode that when the screen fades in to the full screen view instead of it being a smooth fade there is a flicker. Screenshot below shows what I mean by the flicker. Anyone have any idea why this is happening. Don't think it has done this before only just started doing it, probably since iTunes 7.6
I've been trying to download and install ScreenFlow on my mac from the App Store. I currently have $100.90 balance and it won't let me download it... It says I need billing info or something... I filled everything in and set the payment to none (im using app store gift cards). After this, it still didn't work...Â
I'm using an iMac (late 2011) with 10.7.3. I'm doing things on the computer or some process is going on when the screen instantly goes black (no dimming first). If a video was playing, I can still hear it playing, but pushing keys on the keyboard or mouse or pad does nothing to wake the screen. Sometimes pushing the power button a number of times will get the screen to come on, sometimes it won't. When the screen goes black, if an external drive was running and then stops, I can sometimes get the screen to come to live. Sometimes this black screen happens when I'm burning a DVD; when the DVD is finished, I can bring the screen to life. I thought one of my two external drives was bad, so I disconnected it. That seemed to help (though verifying the disk revealed no problems). But a few minutes ago, the screen instantly went black again; no dimming first. There have been times I thought this was associated with a new bit of software, but then it returns even after I delete the suspect software. Sometimes I have to use the power button to shut down the iMac then restart it. Once, I had to unplug and replug the iMac before I could get the computer to respond and the screen to return to life. I don't know if this is a hardware problem (internal or external), a software problem, or some combination...or something I haven't thought of, at all.
I'm trying to find a simple movie editor ( not expensive ) and my imovie is from 2008 which lacks the slow motion effect I need. I simply just wanted to purchase the most recent imovie but it said I had to have mac OSX 10.7.4 or higher... This is really frustrating. I have a project at school and all I need is to simply slow down my movie!
i want to start itunes in full screen cover mode, not all of the time, maybe from a shortcut in windows but not sure if its possible. anyone know how to do this?
how do you convert the video file that screen flow produces to a usable format? is there some software or something? and dont say put it in imovie because you cant put that format into imovie.
I shut down the computer, and opened up screenflow and exited it. However the 30 gigs is still missing. I got an error saying out of space while I was recording a webcam and now the 30 gigs is gone. I only have 5 gigs of hd space left on my computer when it should be closer to 35 gigs left. I ran cleanmymac but that didn't find the missing hard-drive space.
This has been going on for me for the past few months on and off, it just randomly switches the screen off but everything else works perfectly, for example if im watching a video on hulu i can still hear the sound, if im doing work on word the documents are still there, iv finally gotten video footage of it. url...To turn it back on i press "ctrl + shift + eject" and then move the mouse. i have contacted Apple support on the phone they did say bring it in, just need to make an appointment. If anyone else has this problem and knows a better solution than having to keep pressing buttons to turn the screen back on please share.
I was out at the Apple store this weekend and got a chance to play around with the new MBA air. My favourite part had to be the new 13.3" high resolution screen. I especially liked the silver bezel and the fact that it didn't have that annoying (imo) glass covering.
I think a resolution bump is a given for the 13" 2011 MBP but what about the other features of the MBA's screen such as Silver bezel and losing the glass. Ditching the glass would also help lighten the machine.
I bought my Macbook Pro 13" in 2011 March when the line was refreshed. About 6 months later there were vertical lines running across the screen, and it hangs. Once I've rebooted by pressing the start button it all goes back to normal. I thought it was some random bug so I didn't check it out. A month later it happened again, and again and again, although it was so random that I couldn't pinpoint when it would happen. I brought it to Applecenter.They changed the logic board. I brought it back and reinstalled new applications – it happened again, this time with vertical lines and 3 beeping noises. (I've got videos and pictures to prove it -- even took videos showing the serial number because some of them were skeptical if it was the same laptop!) I brought it to Applecenter again. They reformatted the hard drive, and I took it back. The problem remanifested itself after a few days.I brought it back to Applecenter AGAIN. They did hardware testing, etc and couldn't find anything wrong with it. The engineers told the people at Apple to do a zero-out (because it might not be done right the first time) I took it back. They said it might be a software issue. So I was careful to have clean installs of everything.And then it happened again. And again. They did not want to replace my laptop and want to further troubleshoot although it's been 3 times at this point that I have returned back and forth to the Applecenter.Tech people told me to do a partition and watch out if it happens on the clean install. I think it's not a software issue at this point, but I am very frustrated. I can't just keep waiting for the clean install to mess up – I need to work and all my applications are on the other partition! Â
I live in Northern VA and lost power yesterday due to the powerful storms that moved through the area. At the time of the power outage I was performing a System Update on my Mac Mini. I stepped out of the room for a few minutes and lost power, so I'm not sure if the update was interrupted or if it completed (not sure if this makes any difference). After getting power back earlier today I booted up the mini and it would not advance to the Desktop. It just kept getting stuck at the light grey Apple screen with the spinning circle loader. I tried to boot in Safe mode using command+shift+v but it kept getting stuck at this point [url]I've read suggestions about reinstalling using the OSX CD but that is not an option as my Mac Mini comes without an Optical Drive or the OSX CD for that matter. I'm simply at a loss.
I'm trying to figure out what happened, and what is wrong, with my computer screen. I know it's not a dead pixel, since it's still visable. It's like a burned image, like you would get on a TV. I didn't do any physical damage to it, I know that for sure. Here's a photo. It's the ghosty off-white area that's on the left hand side of the black rectangle. (I made it back so you can see it better on camera, it's not the problem).Â
I would LOVE to have an Apple screen , but its simply out of my financial league at the moment. So I am currently looking at 2 Dell screens, one 23" and one 24". What I am wanting to know is, does the display port on my MBP (early 2011, bog standard basic 13") carry sound with it if I am not using Thunderbolt, or will I need to plug something into the headphone jack to get sound. Its not something I need *all* the time, just occasionally, so its not a huge deal if it wont do it, I'll simply use a headset for those times. The input options on the Dells are DVI, VGA and Display Port. No HDMI on the models I'm considering (perhaps I should consider one, for this?)Â
I switched out my HDD for an SSD and switched out my superdrive for the HDD. It was working fine for the past 6 months or so.Â
So, yesterday I plugged in my Macbook and started it up from hibernation. I then proceeded to launch chrome and as it tried to restore my last session (with like 5 or 6 YouTube tabs), it crashed. I tried closing it and re-opening it, but no cigar. I then thought to just open safari, but a no network detected warning came up. When trying to resolve that, an "unapproved caller" error came up.Â
I then tried to restore my computer from a TM backup, but was unable to due to it being unable to unmount the drive, then I tried just erasing the drive, nope.Â
I then decided to take the dang SSD out of the internal SATA connector and plugged it in through an external enclosure, that worked and I was able to restore my TM backup that way.Â
So bottom line, I can boot up from USB fine, but when I plug it into the internal SATA connector my MBP gets stuck at the apple logo. I've tried booting into safe mode, resetting the NVRAM and PVRAM. No luck. From what I've seen, it seems that I may have a bad SATA connector that needs to be replaced?Â
So I got the SSD and transferred with SuperDuper from my HDD to the SSD through a SATA cable. I verified that the SSD was ok before ejecting. Now, I tried putting the SSD in and at first it booted to "No bootable device." Then I did the Command+ option+ p+r and it chimed the second time, got to the apple logo and then sat at a white screen. I also tried command alone, option alone, and command + r. What can I do? It's a Samsung 840 EVO 250 gb.
Doesn't it seem a bit weird that after bigging up how good iPhoto was in full screen and how steve thinks that all Mac apps should have a full screen mode. Was anyone else a bit surprised when they found out there was no full screen for iMovie or garage, two apps that I would honestly think would be amazing in full screen?
Is there any way that I can get office 2011 for my computer or even just word 2011 for the ppc? The main reason that I need it is for the way one can read pages in full screen in word - I need it alot for debate.
The screen keeps shutting down. Sometimes the screen just goes black randomly. It keeps on going black and taking me to the sign in. What is this? My mac isn't overheating or anything.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
In April 2011 I bought an iMac 27 ". In November, begin the problems with gray spots in the corners. I took it to Apple technical support here in Chile and the part was replaced because the warranty was in effect.In April this year, again began to appear stains. Again I took it for service, but this time I should paid around $ 1,000 for the repair (obviously i said NO).How can a piece fails so soon and Apple doesn't takes over the situation, forcing their loyal customers (all my computers are Apple), to pay for the repair of a factory fault?Is there any legal way to force Apple to answer for the repair or replacement of the part (LCD)?
What's the best way to connect my iMac (2011) to my TV? My TV has HDMI inputs and my iMac has Thunderbolt ports, so I know I can connect them with a cable, but they are about 20 feet apart and I think that's too long for a cable run.
i just had the unfortunate incident of someone touching my screen with an object. i dont think it scratched but it led me to researching if the glass is scratch resistant and trying to learn more about the glass itself. ive read that it is gorilla glass which i think is very scratch resistant but that i believe is not confirmed. Â Â
can anyone shed light on the LCD glass they use and if it is able to withstand minor bumps/nicks/taps/ from objects like pen-caps, or a paper clip hitting it etc etc??im looking for specific info like its actual properties, makeup and scratch threshold. Â
As far as I'm aware the hardware is not an issue it's the firware lacking the drivers to be able to install Snow Leopard. I've tried 10.6, 10.6.3 & 10.6.7 to no avail.Â
I've also tried formatting the drive and booting the dmg's like that also to no avail, now backing up to lion via time machine.Â
Years of using windows being easily configurable and moving to mac 4 months ago finding that it quite restrictive but probably why its safer as an OS is frustrating.Â